This is a guest post by Mary of Better Than Eden in the Women Speak on NFP series. In this series you will hear from women using various methods of NFP, some to avoid pregnancy, some trying to conceive, and their experiences.
Disclaimer: This series is not meant to be a substitute for any method of training in NFP! If you are interested in one of the methods introduced in this series, please contact a certified instructor for information about training in that method of NFP.
MyFertilityMD has combined the best research of all the other methods into one extremely easy to use program. It is primarily a mucus based method but does take into account other fertility indicators if they are observed. Once I understood the format, I have felt completely confident with my background in Creighton to use this as our method of NFP (or as they call it: organic family planning). From their site: “This app combines 10 years of medical research and iOS simplicity to bring charting to a new level. In less than 20 seconds a woman can record her vital fertility signs and make informed decisions to either enhance or avoid pregnancy. The app includes over 15 videos to guide every user though this safe an organic method of family planning. MyFertilityMD offers 120 different Pathways to determining your fertility. MyFertilityMD always uses Bleeding, Lubrication, and Mucus Bio-Markers, but also allows you to add Temperature, Cervical Observations, Saliva Ferning, urinary Estrogen, and Luteinizing Hormone. This equates to many possible combinations and a lot of flexibility in one app.”
- You have 24/7 access to a real doctor for any questions or concerns that may pop up. (Did you read that? Try calling your normal doctor at 8 p.m. with a question about your mucous pattern. “Dr. Smith? This is Mary. I was just in the bathroom checking my mucous and…” “what? Mary. I saw you a few months ago? The crunchy granola one with the weird ideas about birth control?” “Yeah, that one. Anyway, my mucous stretched but I couldn’t tell whether it was cloudy or clear. and…Dr. Smith? Yes, my mucous…Um, yes…from there….Hello?”)
- When I actually tested out this feature out on a SUNDAY NIGHT, I had an email back within an hour addressing my specific question. Amazing.
- Your charts are stored in your phone. Or in my case, my husband’s phone. Which is actually kind of helpful when he’s wondering during the day where we are fertility-wise. Because…ahem.
- If you do happen to already work with a doctor, nurse, midwife or NFP teacher who understands and respects fertility awareness, you can email them your chart right from your phone. So MyFertilityMD does NOT need to replace a method that you like. It can simply be a much easier way to chart.
- To chart each day, the app asks you questions about your fertility signs that day. For some reason having it laid out like that makes it simpler for me to remember the signs to look for. Answer the questions. It’s that simple.
- For people who use additional signs to confirm ovulation there is an option to add those to your observations, too. Temperature, ferning, Clearblue monitor readings, and cervix positioning can all be charted.
- They call it “organic” family planning. NFP is the only method of family planning that is completely eco-friendly and fosters health, rather than harming it.
- Right now it is selling for $9.99. That’s it. Forever. That’s way less than one month of birth control pills, a box of condoms (I think…), an appointment to insert an IUD, etc. They aren’t making millions off of this.
- Your phone will alert you to remind you to chart at the end of the day. I need that.
- There are photos available if you have a question about the specifics of your observations.
- Charting your cycle with various methods of organic family planning is an incredible diagnostic tool to treat infertility, hormonal imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, and other health issues. The fact that you can email your charts or very easily bring them into an appointment with your doctor, midwife or instructor means that women can be treated – and healed – that much more effectively.
- Let’s be real. The app looks way cooler and more modern than the old paper charts. And since it looks cool and it’s on my husband’s gadget phone, he’s more into it as well.
- Lastly, I feel like it respects women and men to be able to understand their fertility. The app lays things out simply without being condescending. It’s not rocket science but it is effective and empowering. I really feel like being told to take a pill or get “fixed” (i.e. broken) while easier in some ways is condescending.
Some of the things that I felt could use improvement before have now been remedied. There is now a feature for keeping notes on your chart on specific days like if you experience ovulation pain you can write that down. Or if you are sick or under stress (which can alter your cycle) you can note that. You can also now chart online and they have added a bit more help in special circumstances. I do feel like if you are having trouble understanding your cycle or getting confusing charts, it would be helpful to go beyond their resources.
We’ve used the Creighton Model since our engagement, and we’ve been thinking about buying this exact app for our charting needs. Thank you for your very thorough and helpful review!
DonnaMobile is certainly worth to be mentioned. For fertility charting I recommend DonnaMobile — realy perky and robust application. It is handy and to the point. You can get it at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=clayscribe.donnamobile
Great info on that app, Mary! I have been using “Period Tracker Lite” for my charting simply because it was the first app I was aware of for keeping track of periods and it was free. It allows for notes for each day so I can put in the Creighton codes of 10kl or whatever. I would say the drawback is that the app automatically determines your fertile period and day of ovulation and marks it. You can set it to manual and then tell it when to default your ovulation, but you can’t turn it off. My peak usually happens about 12 days prior to the start of my period so I have it set that way, but we all know that there’s variability so the green dots of the fertile period and the flower for the ovulation day are not always correct. I might give your app a try. Thanks!
That app sounds super cool. Can you still use it if you are breastfeeding and cycles haven’t returned yet?
Amelia, that’s when I started using it! There isn’t a lot of info directly available if there are special circumstances (i.e. if your cycles are a bit confusing during that time) BUT the doctors available are very helpful when you email them with a question. The great thing about NFP, though, is that it determines your fertility on a given day using the signs from that day (and the few previous days). It doesn’t need to have a full cycle or need to count days so it’s still effective even if cycles haven’t returned.
Hey super-cool app developers, how about throwing us Android users a bone? 😉
Definitely believe in NFP not only for getting pregnant (or avoiding it :p ) but for just generally getting to know your body better. When we “get out of our body’s way” and just observe, we can learn some totally amazing things.
Fantastic article, as an NFP fan I loved this one.
I just got it for iPad and love it! I’m pretty new to figuring out NFP, but it’s definitely been beyond awesome to be able to quickly record everything with easy “yes” or “no” questions. I truly believe this is the wave of the future.
OvuView is a great app for us android users!
Hi Haley! I don’t know if it has happened to anyone else who reads this blog, but I know at least one other person who has had trouble with the Fertility MD website and app downloading on their iPad. And customer service with the company has been awful; I have been trying personally to get a refund since August for a purchase of the app that wouldn’t download for me (and charged me twice). They STILL have not bothered to send me a promised refund check and it has been four and a half months. They were also quite condescending over the phone, indicating that I apparently had no idea how to work my device instead of assuming that it was buggy.
Be careful with this company!
That’s good to know, Genevieve! Thank you for sharing. I’ve never used the app, but I’d be interested to know if this is a widespread problem.
Yes, we too have had major problems with the app. I found it misleading to start with, in that it did not have features I believed it would. I have twice used the 24/7 dr function and this translates to no response a year or 2 later ! That’s not what I regard as fantastic service.