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So now we have a baby daughter. Look how she slumbers. She doesn’t even know that I stay up at night worrying about her self-image. And, oh horrors! What if someday she wants to read Stephanie Meyer’s literary atrocity, the Twilight series? You know the one, the books featuring a non-descript female protagonist who, in addition to having no interests or talents of any kind (other than smelling delicious to a sparkly 100-year-old vampire), is helpless, boring, and basically suicidal when her 100-year-old sparkly vampire boyfriend breaks up with her? Yeah, those books. So, I’m coming up with a reading list containing female characters that could put a smack down on Bella Swan any day of the week and reveal what a real woman looks like.
1. The Anne Books by Lucy Maud Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables and the 7 sequels that complete the series were a staple of my childhood. Anne is fantastic. She’s clever, charming, resourceful, imaginative (to a fault), and hysterically funny. And she goes to college and gets a BA during the Edwardian era. So that’s impressive. I actually saw the miniseries first and read the books later. IMPORTANT: Anne of Green Gables the film and Anne of Green Gables the sequel (Anne of Avonlea) are wonderful but for Pete’s sake DO NOT watch Anne the Continuing Story. Pretend it doesn’t exist. It’s an absurd and wretched thing that dishonors the very name of Anne. Really. Part of you will die.
2. The Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder: I was probably a little too obsessed with the Little House books in my day. I may or may not have worn lace-up black boots, braids, and read under an old-timey quilt next to an antique hurricane lamp most of the time between the ages of 6 and 8. File this one under the category of “capable women doing cool stuff.” Laura Ingalls is awesome, obvi.
3. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott: I have a distinct memory of finishing the last pages of Louisa May Alcott’s finest mere minutes before heading to the theatre to see the 1994 film on Christmas Day with my mom. What girl doesn’t adore the awkward and gutsy Jo March? I have to confess though that when I read it last year I realized I’m probably more like Amy—not because I have the slightest visual artistic talent but because we’re both selfish. I love that each of the four sisters are so different and yet each one exudes a positive kind of femininity, although, to be fair, Meg’s “I-don’t-worry-my-pretty-little-head-about-it” attitude isn’t quite what I have in mind for my daughter. Warning: after reading this I was rather bitter that I didn’t have sisters. Just a heads up.
4. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling: You’d be hard pressed to find a book series with better female characters. There’s a quote swimming around the internet attributed to Stephen King: “Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.” I concur. I love that Rowling can depict a strong, brave, capable, intelligent, and compassionate woman in such a variety of characters: a middle-aged stay-at-home mom of seven, a pink-haired dark wizard catcher, an elderly spinster teacher, and an overachieving teenaged student, to name a few. If my girl emulates Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Minerva McGonagal, or, of course, my beloved Molly Weasley, I’ll be a happy mama. And it doesn’t hurt that the whole plot pivots around the sacrifice of one amazing mother (Lily Potter) for her son. Anyone who’s down on these books can’t have read them.
5. Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis: This complex book is a retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth and Orual, the main character (Psyche’s older unattractive sister), is an incredibly complex character. It’s not so much that Orual should be a role model, but her spiritual journey is worth reading and the book is sure to lead to some good discussions about what a good woman should be. It’s notable that Lewis had lots of help from his wife, Joy Davidman, when writing this book. Otherwise, it’s hard to imagine how a man could be so amazingly insightful about a woman’s mind.
6. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien: OK, so definitely not a girlie book (not that any book in this list has an exclusively female audience), and there’s very few female characters. However, the ones it depicts are fantastic. Galadriel? Eowyn? Yes, please. The book also exudes so many virtues that it seems hardly possible that having completed it your daughter will care two cents about Stephanie Whats-Her-Name. See? I can’t even remember because I’ve read Lord of the Rings. Also, it’s full of real men which is an important thing for a girl to be able to recognize. I’ll take Faramir, thanks.
7. Anything Jane Austen wrote: Want your daughter to know a thing or two about interesting women? Read all six of these novels to her. After reading them, one should know exactly what kind of woman to be and what kind of woman to avoid. Elizabeth Bennet has more clever things to say in one page of P&P than Bella Swan could mumble in her entire miserable existence. And none of Austen’s heroine’s decide to curl up and die when they’re “crossed in love.” Philosopher Alasdair McIntyre supposedly said, “I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like Jane Austen.” I quite agree.
8. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte: A plain little orphan stands up to terrible relatives, survives a childhood of neglect and abuse, strengthens her mind with education, is the intellectual match of one of the most imposing and fascinating male characters in British literature, and makes the prettiest girl in the county look like a spineless nothing in comparison, among other impressive exploits. Supposedly, Charlotte Bronte bet her sisters (and fellow authoresses) that she could write a successful novel around a female character that was neither pretty nor charming. She won, obvi.
9. A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter: Lesser-known book published in 1909, but a real treat. Stratton-Porter’s main character, Elnora Comstock, is so wonderful and endearing. Also she collects moths, so that’s cool (or at least Phillip Ammon thinks so). The prequel, Freckles, is also charming and delightful.
10. Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset: This three-part saga by Norwegian author Sigrid Undset won the Nobel prize for literature and is one of the finest works you will ever read with a female protagonist rarely paralleled. Kristin is an amazingly human character with as much depth as any female literary character I have encountered. Her spiritual journey is fascinating and the saga is set in 14th century Scandanavia which makes it way more awesome to my medieval-loving heart. However, there are some sexual themes which might make it inappropriate for younger girls. Absolutely worth reading and discussing.
At three months, I don’t think Baby Lucy is ready to dive into these, yet. In the mean time, this mama will be praying lots of rosaries. Anybody else have so many more worries about raising a girl?
Did I leave anything out? What are your recommendations? Any advice on how to raise strong, capable, intelligent, compassionate, confident women? I’m all ears...
Update: You might enjoy this followup post:
Twilight is the last book anyone should read! And you should definitely avoid her from seeing princess movies, they are so full of fake dreams!!!
I love Jane Austen and Harry Potter!
And you don’t think Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are full of things that aren’t real? Yes, they are fun and I really like Lord of the Rings, but it has just as much fantasy as princess movies.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with letting them watch princess movies as long as you let them know that, no, this isn’t reality, just fun. There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun with your children and letting them dream a little. Life shouldn’t be so serious all the time.
My daughter grew up to be a very strong woman and we watched princess movies. I just took the time with her so she didn’t think life would really be that way. (But, they do show that life does have good and bad things that happen.)
They need to be taught that they can be strong women, but they can also have some fun in life.
So having your children watch Disney princess movies is fake dreams??? Are you that cynical that you think your 3 year old will watch Sleeping Beauty and grow up needing to rely on a man? If that is your train of thought never read to or have your children watch ANYTHING that is fiction… Young children should read/see things to open their imagination and let kids be kids not get them ready for the “real world”. I grew up and realised that I was never going to be Snow White but that didn’t “scar” me to going crazy and thinking that I must do everything to find a man. My mother never needed to sit next to me saying REMEMBER THIS ISN’T REAL! Did you not have a child hood? Did you honestly after 12 think your prince charming was coming?? Did anyone need to tell you otherwise?? Come one people…
No one can really know the affect that Disney movies or fairy tales have on any individual. You sound like those people that say “advertising doesn’t work on me.” No one actually thinks a prince charming is going to rescue them. Oftentimes the damage is very subtle(if there is damage at all). Haven’t you ever asked yourself why men always get to be the heroes and women the victims? Fantasy is fantasy, but when there is common narrative that repeatedly victimizes women then you really do have to take a step back and think about the content of some of these archaic stories that came from a time period when women were virtually slaves. You can watch Disney movies all you want and enjoy them too, but I think to just dismiss them as “for the children”(as if no child could be happy without experiencing the magic that is disney) and to judge someone else for being skeptical of the content is kind of ridiculous.
Or these fairy tales depict the very real core desire of women to be cherished and valued enough by the man in their life to be worth rescuing, and the very real core desire of men to be strong and courageous enough to be loved by a woman they can protect and rescue.
And besides all that, this isn’t about you. It’s about encouraging a young girl to dream, to know she’s worth rescuing, to know there are people in this world worth fighting for, and be brave enough to do some fighting of her own.
Agree 100% with Brit. Geesh.
I disagree with “Haven’t you ever asked yourself why men always get to be the heroes and women the victims?” Have you not seen Brave, Tangled, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas? I would say half are like you described, the other half are strong women who don’t put up with any crap and not just after a man to care for her. For that matter add in Tiana from Princess and the Frog.
Uh, not to sound like a snob, but I have a degree in Cinema Studies with a minor in Social Psychology and, yes, everything you just mentioned is proven to have an incredibly negative effect on both girls and boys. You’d have to be blind to everything in our society not to notice how images like these effect children’s (and adults) views on themselves, others, and society. No, children do not know the difference between fiction and reality, yes, they do ended up scarred by being bombarded by impossible female standards on life and beauty (as well as a lack of exposure to reality before being thrust into it) and it is absolutely the job of a parent to sit next to their child and tell them what real beauty looks like and what is more valuable about a woman than the man she marries and her waist size. Don’t agree? Do some research. Look into, you know, that thing, *science*. Why do we treat these topics as if they are a matter of opinion, when there are facts proving the results of these films?
I find it amusing that so many comments say Disney princesses aren’t detrimental. Whether they are or aren’t, many of you had made it a point to not yourself, or your daughters read Twilight because it has a needy, man obsessed, weak female character. That is fiction too! I read Twilight, and do I think it’s a great book for encouraging young girls/women, no. Would I suggest it to younger girls who are influenced more than maybe older girls, no. Do I think reading it will turn your brain into sausage and you’ll be defeated as a strong woman, no. This is the same thing for the Disney movies. While many of the movies did have a protagonist, strong female…the classics did not. They may be subtle, but they do teach girls that true happiness is found in the arms of man, and every princess gave something up to reach her destiny of being with a man either in the form of a voice, consciousness, etc. There are some more recent princesses who were brave, and stronger roles, and the man was just a bonus. But, even Mulan had to dress as a man to receive respect for most of the movie. Did she still receive respect after she was found out? Eventually, after she was left in the freezing cold alone. My point is not to down these movies, but I hope you understand that anything fiction can provide influence on realistic life. Bringing up strong women, should be less affected by such things, no matter what they watch, read, or hear. A parent (I’m not one) should teach these lessons outside of the media. As a side note to the social psychologist, I studied Sociology and you are correct imo:) There’s a difference between entertainment, and study, let the girl decide what she wants to absorb and enjoy. Teach her to be knowledgeable to know the difference. Being a young adult now, reality did hit hard for some things including my first traumatic break up. That is reality too. Twilight, Disney and anything else out there have good and bad, just like life does, imo. Also Lyra in His Dark Materials was mentioned. I love that story and Lyra, but it has also been attacked over and over for being anti-Christian. Many people do not allow their children to read it, and I highly doubt any more movies will be made. Thought that was interesting since this blogger is Catholic.
I think you make some really good points, Dana. As a mom, I think it’s up to the parents more than anything to help your kids understand the subliminal messages they’re bombarded with every day. And I just wanted to say that I’ve read the Lord of the Rings about a hundred times and honestly my favorite characters aren’t the girls, but the hobbits- especially Merry, Pippin, and of course Sam. I love them because they each face such tall obstacles, but dig deep and find they had more courage than they ever thought possible. To me, if my daughter learns the value of not giving up, no matter what the odds are, I’ll be content I did my job.
Well said Dana. As a mom of three girls (ten and under) I agree completely! It’s entertainment. Not life lessons. For those who look to these movies and characters for life lessons are looking at the wrong things. We should look to the REAL people in this life who have made a difference. Not fictional characters.
well they sure shaped my life…
Nancy Drew and better – Trixie Belden books. made me learn to dig deeper and always hunt for the truth and question everything.
I think you have made some astute points. My one comment to add to that is regarding whichever book is supposedly anti-Christian – I haven’t read it. This isn’t an attack on you personally, just sharing my opinion on the matter.
My personal take on life, learning, and especially faith, is that we should teach our children to question, inquire, explore and learn for themselves. That is how lessons truly stick and how they define who they are. Being exposed to different view points opens up opportunities for us as parents to have those important discussions, share our thoughts and values, and ask our children what they think, encouraging them to truly contemplate. If we restrict reading or other venues of learning that push boundaries and raise questions, we are denying them the opportunity to think for themselves, and not just memorize and recite what we think is the “right” way of life. Those same principles are what I feel is also lacking in our nation’s education system: we should be teaching our children to think, not memorize and fall in line. And the faith of the blogger shouldn’t be a box she is then confined to in her reading choices. Right? Wouldn’t that be “falling in line”? Seems that she has an open mind – a sign of a strong woman, and a positive trait to pass on to her children! 
I am less concerned about female roles in princess movies than I am about the way in which they portray child-parent relationships, or the “unrest” of the child for anything resembling a normal life. I think these thoughts probably fueled my ambitions to just get outside of my home and “be somebody” more than anything. The Little Mermaid lies to her father, makes a pact with the devil, runs away from home, and, as far as the plot goes, she made the right decisions and her dreams come true. Jasmine’s father is bumbling and out-of-step with the times, so she was right to disobey him too. In Tangled it was right to rebel against her mother, because she actually turn out to be a wicked, non-mother who stole her anyway. Although I love Beauty and the Beast and think it’s an excellent movie for my children to watch, did they really have to throw in that song about everyone in a village living a normal life as silly or just plain gross? Actually, ever Disney princess movie I can think of starts with the tension between the female lead and her culture/family. Somehow she has to be different and break out of her family and culture, usually through disobedience. What are these films saying about family life? What are they telling our kids? “Your parents don’t know nearly as much as you, so you should just make your own decisions, whatever the cost! They’ll see that you’re smarter and in true control of your life in the end.” I don’t like that. I’m sure there was a time in history where this wouldn’t have deterred kids from their families, but today’s culture is ripe for obedience and distrust of parents and authority, and it’s really going to be a battle we are fighting every day with our children, as we attempt to train them up as capable adults.
I’ve had a really hard time finding any kids shows that respect family life (with the exception of Daniel Tiger, Peppa Pig, and Travel with Kids). Every other show is just a gaggle of kids running around together. No mention of parents, and if parents are mentioned, it’s usually in a negative or really passive way. There’s no family culture portrayed to our children. They really are just being groomed to be thrown in a classroom with 30 other kids their calendar age from the time they are born… Ugh.
I am really looking for good movies that have families in them as well. Like I mentioned, we really like Travel with Kids (PBS) because it’s two young boys traveling around the world with their parents. Daniel Tiger is precious and everything in Peppa Pig (although stereotypical at times) is rather unassuming and always happens in the context of family. If anyone else has any suggestions of family-culture kids’ shows, I’d love to hear them!!
BUT, if you want to talk about an extremely misogynistic Disney movie that portrays its entire cast stereotypically…. my kids are never watching Peter Pan (the Disney movie) again!
Another good kid’s show with a great family relationship is Doc McStuffins. The parents are loving to one another, the kids are respectful to each other and their parents. I love that one…and Daniel Tiger too. Just wanted to add that one to your list!
I grew up watching every Disney princess movie known to man and as far as I’m concerned, I grew to be a strong, independent woman. The only thing I dream of is having a library like the one in Beauty and the Beast. Those movies aren’t full of fake dreams, if you take the time to watch them, they have their own lessons and morals. Whenever I have kids, my daughter is going to watch them. And for the record, I’m in love with Jane Austen’s books. I’ve read P&P maybe ten times.
So one other book I would add, and I apologize if someone else mentioned it is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz – the book! Frank L. Baum’s mother- in – law was s suffragette in the early twenties and had a very influential effect on how he saw women. He was a man very ahead of his time. Dorothy is portrayed as the strong hero who saves Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow as opposed to just throwing water on the witch. Definitely a wonderful book showing the strength of women!
Last time I checked, Harry Potter, LOTR, most Jane Austen books, and just most of these books in general had happy endings. Most of the Disney movies have dark tragic moments, they had to work for things, and even ignoring that, they are likeable good characters, who are great role models with few exceptions.
Now on to the incluence of the movies, my mom didn’t actually like Mulan, Pocahantus, Hunchback of Notre Dame, or most of the movies that came after those, so I grew up with Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White, along with most disney haters favorite punching bag Ariel. I don’t care a whit about how I look, yeah I’m fairly average, Does it matter? Nope. I don’t view any guy I know as stronger than me, except in the literal yeah we arm wrestled and he beat me kind of way. And I’m sorry but you sound really negative which is another thing that I don’t have a problem with.
I don’t know about most kids but if you but I never had a problem discerning fairy tales from reality, neither did my sister, or any of my friends.
I hope that my children will be as kind as Snow, as hardworking as Cinderella (and more appreciated), as passionate as Ariel, as smart and unique as Belle, as brave as Mulan, as creative and happy as Rapunzel, as down to earth as Tiana, will to sacrifice themselves for the people they love like Pocahontas (though that one will be limited due to historical inaccuracy and the fact that the real girl is far more fascinating) and unwilling to tie themselves down to somebody they don’t love like Jasmin.
They believe in true love and they worked hard for it, and they earned their happy ending.
Well said!!!
Well said! Couldn’t agree more!!! Please places off your high horse….we don’t want our girls to watch Disney but we let the schools/ tell our children, everyone wins, everyone can play on the team, no one fails at anything ect I believe these cartoons (remember) do teach our kids things, like hard work and dedication gets you places.
Read anything by TAMORA PIERCE! She wrote (to name a few)
all of her books are fabulous and have strong, smart, and awesome female leads. I must say I was spoiled with books my whole life (grandmother owns her own bookstore), yet of all the authors I’ve read, he is and will always be a favorite.
The lioness quartet and many others that I can’t remember. I read them when I was growing up. AWESOME! The lioness quartet is about a girl that dresses up as boy to go to become a Knight. GREAT STORY
I agree with everything you said about Tamora Pierce, except that he is a she. She has written many wonderful books which I continue to re-read as an adult.
I’d also recommend Diana Wynne Jones and Susan Cooper, both British children’s authors. Mary Grant Bruce is an Australian children’s author – her Billabong series is based around a resourceful and intelligent young woman named Norah. Not sure if they are available in print but I’ve downloaded some of these books from one of the free Kindle book sites.
The Higher Power of Lucky, Dealing with Dragons and The Paperbag Princess are all good reads as well. The last one is a must and all of these are accessable for elementary and middle school readers.
I remember enjoying the Tamora Pierce Lionness books but just to warn everyone the main girl character is a young teenager and has sex with the prince very early in the series. I remember finding it very shocking and wouldn’t want my daughter to read it as a young teenager herself.
Read anything by TAMORA PIERCE! She wrote (to name a few)
all of her books are fabulous and have strong, smart, and awesome female leads. I must say I was spoiled with books my whole life (grandmother owns her own bookstore), yet of all the authors I’ve read, he is and will always be a favorite.
The lioness quartet and many others that I can’t remember. I read them when I was growing up. AWESOME! The lioness quartet is about a girl that dresses up as boy to go to become a Knight. GREAT STORY
You forgot the books “The Secret Garden (1911)” &
“The Little Princess (1905) ” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Sara Crewe, her sweet fourteen year old attic friend, and sour faced Mary and Colin?? I loved her stories. And the Illustrations!! Magnifique!
I have read and adored all but the last two (only because I haven’t read them yet…I will now!) and I can say this is a list I would love my ladies to get ahold of. <3
Thanks, Sheena! I’d love to get together with you and your precious gals soon
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is another fantastic title with an astounding heroine. The sequel, not so much, but the original is the anti-Twilight. (It’s also nice because there’s a realistic element of romance, but the message is far bigger than the burgeoning relationship between the two protagonists.) My very feminist eight grade English teacher gave me a copy. …And now I am a very feminist 12th grade English teacher! )
YES!!! Stargirl is literally one of my most favorite books of all time!!!
Yes, Stargirl is great for the around eleven and up set. It’s brilliant, and it made me totally cry.
I would recommend the Phantom Tollboth, a great book that highlights the importance of learning and adventures.
I haven’t read it, but it’s been recommended to me again and again. I’ll just have to get on that!
I read (and watched) the Phantom Tollbooth when I was young and LOVED it. I need to read it again!
I was going to recommend this as well! Regardless of gender, it’s a fantastic story that teaches that your world is what you make of it.
Great, GREAT reading list. I’ve read about half, and agree so wholeheartedly that I’ll be ordering the remainder from Amazon in very short order. Thank you!
Thanks, Adra!
I have enjoyed the Pellinor series, but I haven’t yet fully analyzed them yet : )
I haven’t read those but I’ll check them out!
The Pellinor books do have a strong female lead who does struggle but eventually realizes her strength and goes on to succeed.
This series does have a ‘strong’ female lead, but I’d be cautious in recommending it to most people, because in the end she succeeds by embracing both the ‘Dark’ and the ‘Light’ .
What a great list! “Till We Have Faces” has been one of my very, very favorites for many years now, all thanks to a wonderful college professor. He and I continue to have discussions about the lessons learned from this book as well as many other C.S. Lewis and other Inklings books. With that said, I think one of the greatest series I will read to both of my children in the future is “The Chronicles of Narnia.”
I also think you should consider letting Lucy read, when she’s much older, “The Hunger Games.” This series has mixed reviews, yes, but I see it sending a message of a girl who prioritizes family and country over love interests. Though she has weak moments (she’s human, we all have weak moments), she is overall a strong and inherently beautiful young woman. I can’t wait for Wimberly to be old enough to read (and understand) this series.
Jenna, I can’t believe I forgot Narnia! Good call. And I’m dying to read The Hunger Games. I’ll have to read the first one before the movie comes out and then we can discuss.
I have a 9 year old daughter and I read the Hunger Games, though she has not yet. I agree completely that the main character is simultaneously strong, flawed, unique and normal. Though the hype around the series is a little much, I’m thrilled that our culture is embracing a story with such a strong female lead.
This is so wonderful.
And I can be quite worried about raising my girl, as well. All of the excess, the gaudiness, and the superficiality of our culture’s definition of femininity, all of the passive princess talk (save me! rescue me!) floating around above our heads….
I am going to jot this list down!
And you have inspired me to read more Jane Austen this year.
Thanks, Amy! And we’re going to be in TX in March. Hope we’ll get to see you and your amazing family!
I LOVE this. I read a pretty convincing article recently that argued Hermione Granger may be one of the most healthy young female role models to come out of pop culture in the past 10 years. I can’t help but agree. I’m also a Phantom Tollbooth fan. But I guess that’s more for any child, and less of a girl empowerment book.
This made me so happy. Miss you!
I think I read the same article! Really good. Miss you, too! Saw your mom at Mass on Sat. night. She’s awesome.
Past ten years? Past EVER. Hermione and Ginny are all of Rowling’s female characters are strong and powerful and confident in themselves… the few who are not are used a pawns for evil, which is a lessen in and of itself. There are lots of strong female characters in her books that make varied choices… some are geeky and some are sporty and some are even wicked and sneaky, but these are good lessons: I like to talk with mine about these books and say “whoa re you going to be? Which one do you want to be like? Why?”
She’s not too young for Pride & Prejudice.. see? http://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-BabyLit-Board-English/dp/1423622022/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1327937052&sr=8-1
My nine-month-old has this, and thinks the pages taste yummy. I think it’s awesome. Really, though, it’s just a counting book… 1 English Village, 2 Handsome Men, 3 Charming Houses, etc.
that. is. amazing.
10,000 Pounds a Year! My one-year-old got this for her birthday from her Godmother, and it is definitely her favorite book! We read it over and over again.
Girl books I enjoyed:
Juvenile Lit:
“Hadder MacColl” by Patricia Calvert, “East of the Sun and West of the Moon” (folk-tale), “Mother Holle” (folk tale), “The Railway Children” by Nesbit, “Nightbirds on Nantucket” by Joan Aiken, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain, “Joan of Arc” by Mark Twain, “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” by Elizabeth George Speare, “A Voice from the Border” by Pamala Smith Hill, “Quest for a Maid” by Frances Mary Hendry, “Gift of the Magi” by O Henry (Christmas), “The Black Arrow” by R.L. Stevenson, “Caddie Woodlawn” by Carol Ryrie Brink, “Jack and Jill,” “Eight Cousins,” and “Little Men” by LM Alcott, “Toinette and the Elves” by Susan Coolidge (Christmas), “Mandy” by Julie Andrews Edwards, “Magic for Marigold” by LM Montgomery
Lit and History:
most shakespeare but especially “A Merchant of Venice” and “Twelfth Night,” “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom, “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, “Anna Karenina” by Tolstoy, “The Pastor’s Wife” Savina Wurmbrand, “The Long Loneliness” by Dorothy Day, any biography of Edith Stein, “A Room of Ones Own” by Virginia Woolf, “Death Comes for the Archbishop” by Cather, “Howards End” by E.M. Forester, “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte, and “Grace Notes” by Bernard MacLaverty.
(PS I never cared for the Anne of Green Gables books, the Girl of the Limberlost, Freckles, or anything by Jane Austin, so don’t be too offended if you can’t convince your baby girl to love them).
I absolutely second the Black Arrow. I got it in a box set of classics (don’t think it would have occurred to anyone to get it for me otherwise) and absolutely loved it.
Caddie Woodlawn was SUCH a favorite growing up, good call! And The Witch of Blackbird Pond is another that’s stuck with me. I also want to recommend Watership Down by Richard Adams, the Dealing with Dragons series (the heroine, Cimorene, is the type of person I’ve always aspired to) by Patricia C. Wrede, The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (definitely when your daughter’s a bit older), The Good Master and The Singing Tree (sequel) by Kate Seredy–both tell the story of Kate, a young girl trying to figure things out with the extended family that’s taken her in, and The Singing Tree is especially memorable for its depictions of how people were affected by World War I.
So many great suggestions!The Kate Seredy books, The Good Master, and The Sining Tree are wonderful! And Caddie Woodlawn. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl should be read too.
Eight Cousins was one of my very favorite books!
PS anything my Madeleine L’Engle
These are fantastic suggestions, Marianna! And there’s a few titles that I haven’t ever read. I think I could handle it if Lucy doesn’t like Girl of the Limberlost or Freckles, but I might cry if she doesn’t like Anne or Austen. I’ll just have to send her for a visit to Aunt Marianna and Uncle Brandon’s while I recover
Haley, such a great list, love it. And I have long adored Till We Have Faces. It’s so powerful.
Soooo on board with you re. Twilight ….
That picture of your Lucy looks almost exactly like my girls as babies.
I don’t think that a mama with a reading list like this needs to worry about her girls.
Thanks, Karen! I received Through the Year with Mary for Christmas and it’s wonderful
Thanks, Haley!
Yes to all these! And all the Betsy-Tacy books, plus the other Deep Valley books by Maud Hart Lovelace (especially Emily of Deep Valley). Bella at Midnight by Diane Stanley. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander.
Thanks for the suggestions, Beth. I keep hearing good things about the Prydain Chronicles!
The Prydain Chronicles are my absolute favorite books ever! Lots of great morals without being preachy. I can’t wait to read them to my daughter. Thank you for the great list of books!
OK, I keep hearing about the Prydain Chronicles. Maybe I should add them to my summer reading
I second the notion for A Wrinkle in Time!
was JUST going to suggest the Betsy-Tacy books. Loved them as a little girl and have been meaning to get my hands on a copy of the set!
I for one loved Anne, the Continuing Story (I’m a sucker for a war romance) but you just have to separate it completely from the original series. In itself, I thought it was a good film but yeah, it basically has nothing to do with the storyline…
I want to 2nd the Betsy-Tacy series. They are set at the beginning of the 20th century, yet the girls all go off to university or get jobs after high school. Some girls even work after marriage. I can’t say enough about this wonderful series that I discovered as an adult. My favorite: Emily of Deep Valley.
I’ve never read the Betsy-Tacy books but I know I’m missing out! They are certainly on my list of “to reads.”
Don’t forget The Secret Garden and A Little Princess. Both about girls who overcame adversity in their own ways.
I second these. My 9 yr old read them recently and we both loved them.
I third it! Wonderful books with strong female leads.
I heart Beverly Cleary. Ramona & Beezus were dear friends of mine as a child.
I’d also add biographies of strong women to the list.
I recently read that Louisa May Alcott detested little girls, she only wrote the book for the money. Interesting, huh?
Don’t tell me such things about Louisa, haha! I’m going to forget you told me. I love Little Women so much.
There are many books on there I haven’t even read. Thanks for posting a new reading list for me
Glad you enjoyed it, Jen! I’m loving the cloth diapers that Claire helped me register for! In fact, I’m using disposables on an out-of-town trip this week and they are leaking everywhere. Can’t wait to get back to my GroVias!
Sorry to jot in at such a random place in the discussion thread. I couldn’t really figure out how else to comment. Apology aside, I love your list and have read all but one which I’ll make tracks to read soon. I’m especially pleased you have Kristin Lavransdatter on your list as I found this to be one of the most beautiful books ever written about not just a woman but also her soul, it moved me no end and I was so sorry when I finished reading it. I too want to pass on a love for all these authors and these works however I’ll be adding ‘Heidi’ by Johanna Spyri to the list. A wonderful account of a young girl’s love of nature, family, friends: young and old, life and God. A girl with courage, joie de vivre, gumption and brains. A real heroine.
Love your blog Hayley! Thanks for being so honest and generous with your thoughts.
Thank you, Eva!
Just came across this on Pinterest today. I would suggest The Blue Sword, The Hero and the Crown, and Belle by Robin McKinley (actually, probably anything by Robin McKinley, but those three are my favorites). Good, strong female leads.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I have to second this! I love Robin McKinley so much, I named my daughter Aerin afterThe Hero and the Crown!
Oh yes yes yes to Belle!!! That’s my all-time favorite book. I actually went and bought it from my high school library when I was a teenager because I had borrowed it six times in a row and my librarian wanted me to find something else.
Think younger…Pippi Longstocking is the epitome of a powerful ,adventurous girl!
Yes! Pippi Longstocking! I remember her being an intelligent, funny, and unique character, and great for younger kids that don’t need the romance from a book like The Hunger Games.
There’s a newish series out called Clementine, by Sara Pennypacker which is very good. It’s basically an updated Ramona and Beezus.
Also, Lyra from the His Dark Materials (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass) series, by Phillip Pullman was a very strong, capable, compassionate and clever girl.
Finally, Coraline, by Neil Gaiman. You can tell this was a book written by a father to his daughters. Bravery and self reliance are difficult qualities to teach.
Great list! I’ve read a lot of them, and I’m adding the others to my list. I have two daughters and am always looking for positive role models for them. It just kills me the people our world seems to be presenting for them to look up to…Thanks for sharing!
I was scrolling through hoping that SOMEONE would mention His Dark Materials! Best young heroine out there. She is funny, and smart, and strong, and passionate, and naive. Lyra is freaking awesome.
I’ll toss my hat in for His Dark Materials, Lyra and I walked through our pivotal years together. It’s a wonderful series of a girl always striving to do the right thing, in an unjust world, and in spite of her human flaws.
Yes, Dark Materials is great, Lyra is awesome and grows so much throughout the series too. There was another somewhat “dark” ya series called “Abhorsen” years ago that I loved the main character too. I think it was by Garth Nix.
Yes yes yes to His Dark Materials! Lyra is a fantastic protagonist. I was thrilled when my younger cousin lent me the books. They get better as they go too.
I’d also recommend (my younger cousin has great taste) the Tiffany Aching series by Terry Pratchett. Side-splittingly funny and Tiffany is a great strong girl learning to be a witch (which turns out to be a lot of tough dirty work and not much magic).
I’ve only read the graphic novel of Coraline, and the demonology aspect made me nauseated. I can’t endorse that one, but I haven’t read the other ones, so I don’t know them…at least Coraline chooses to escape in the end…
Wow, you’re so right. I concur with ALL your comments (especially about “The Continuing Story” killing a part of you). The only thing I haven’t read is your #10, which I think I’ll promptly go get. =)
Yes! Kristin Lavransdatter is so good! I hope you like it.
Oh, great list. I love it! Like you, I worry about the images of young women (and even little girls!) in so many books. All those horrid Barbie and Princess books that just belong in the recycling bin! I have started reading the Little House books with my girls, and I love them just as much now as I did as a kid.
I can’t wait til Lucy’s old enough to enjoy Little House. They are just delightful!
I can truly say that the majority of these I have read and they have formed the platform for my literary backbone! In fact, I have made a practice of re-reading little women every march since I was in college. Anne of green gables? The mere mention of ” puffy sleeved dress” sends me into sobs every time! One that I would include is “woman of independent means”…it’s another one that you learn something new from every time you read it… I have a 3 yr old son and am counting the days til I can pass Dow these literary heirlooms to a little girl of my own!
I have a 3-year-old boy, too! I just started reading Little House in the Big Woods to him and was pleasantly surprised that there is so much in it that would interest a little boy. But we do have to read it while he’s taking a bath, otherwise he gets too distracted. Thanks for the recommendation!
Put Little Britches on your future list for your son then……I bought a copy, haven’t read it yet but it’s supposed to be a male version of the little house books-more action packed. There are a whole series.
Little Britches is a fantastic book! My mom read it to me and my brother when we were young and we loved it. I’ve gone back and re-read as an adult and look forward to reading it to my kids.
100% agree with all the ones I have read (I’m only missing two, and I definitely will read them now)!
Anne is definitely #1 in my book, but I would also add the Emily books by L.M. Montgomery, too. (And you’re totally right about Anne the Continuing Story, it isn’t even worth one watch.)
I would also recommend Up a Road Slowly, by Irene Hunt. I read it as a twelve-year old girl and have loved it ever since.
I like the Emily series even better than the Anne series, though I love them both. And I would also add The Hunger Games, as others have suggested.
I recently acquired Emily of New Moon but haven’t cracked the pages, yet! Now i’m excited!
The Emily of New Moon trilogy is AMAZING. She’s like Anne in the fact that she is an orphan, a writer, and loves to name places. But she is definitely her own character. I re-read all my LMM books constantly…EVERYTHING by LMM is good, though Anne Shirley will always be #1.
I agree with everyone else about Chronicles of Narnia, A Little Princess, Secret Garden, Mandy (Julie Andrews Edwards), etc. Another author I love is Gail Carson Levine. Probably best known for Ella Enchanted, but she also wrote The Princess Tales (classic fairy tales retold where the girl character is never helpless or boring) and The Two Princesses of Bamarre, which is all about finding strength. There are so many more that I can’t think of at the moment. My daughter is due in 4 weeks and I’m quite excited about reading all my books to her!
Also The Giver, The Messenger, and Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry (not sure if these were mentioned, I couldnt get through all 500+ comments). The lead is not always a girl, but just like boys benefit from books about girls, I think it goes the opposite way as well. The Giver especially has some very important messages about society and what we value.
I read Up a Road Slowly as a girl (at first because the main character, Julie, and I share our name) and it affected me quite a bit. I have always wondered if it was the strength of the writing or that name connection, so it is interesting to hear someone else who enjoyed it!
I loved that book as well as her other books, ‘No Promises in the Wind’ and ‘Lottery Rose’! I read a lot as a young girl and loved the books that really moved me. I also read and recommend for younger readers, The Boxcar Children, any books by the author of Misty of Chincoteague, Nancy Drew, Dana Girls, A Little Princess, Daddy-long-legs. There are others but my memory is as good as it used to be. I’m trying to find good books myself. My daughter is 7. I was reading most of these books at her age.
so many great suggestions here! but i think the very best has been left out…….the BIBLE! there are many stories about amazing women who are great role models. and then there is Jesus, who is the best role model there is. the Bible is the true guide to life.
I found this list via Pinterest–love that site. I would add one of my favorites from when I was a girl (cough, a lot of years ago now but I have a 3 year old so am pretending to be young). “The Maude Reed Tale” is a story of a young girl in old England who wanted to be a wool merchant but her parents sent her to court to become a lady. I LOVED that book.
I’ve never read it! Thanks for the suggestion, Ellen!
The Paper Bag Princess is a MUST! The best for girl empowerment!!
Absolutely agree with this and would add a book called Cinder Edna. She is Cinderella’s next door neighbour who, when it is time for the ball, has a dress on layaway from the money she earned cutting grass, and takes the bus to the ball. She is totally charming and self-sufficient.
Absolutely must-read “The Paper Bag Princess” to counter act the princess-materialistic culture forced on our young girls from every direction. I just read it at the store and cracked up laughing at the awesome ending! I bought it for a 2 year old so make sure it’s in your library soon!
Fantastic blog post, I look forward to reading more. I also would recommend “My Name is NOT Isabella” – fantastic for young girls! I can’t recall the author, but I read through it at Barnes & Noble.
I’ve heard so many folks recommend “The Paper Bag Princess” so I will definitely be adding it to our library
It is such a good one! I had memorized it by nine and did it as a reading to get into a talent class.
Yes, that’s one of my all-time faves! It’s great for little girls who aren’t reading chapter books yet (and little boys, too.)
“The Paper Bag Princess” is essential – and a fantastic (young) children’s book. Buy it today – it is GIRL POWER!!!
Because Of Winn Dixie by Kate Dicamillo is fantastic for younger girls. Very strong female who had to go through hard things, but kept her head up and learned to be responsible. I love all things Kate Dicamillo, but that is I think the strongest female role in any of her books.
I’ll second this. My 9 year old reads it every couple of months.
I found your blog through a friend’s post on facebook! As a mom of seven year old twin girls, I couldn’t agree more. I love these books! Anne is by far my very, very favorite character ever. I have read the books so many times, I feel like she grew up with me. I can’t wait to read the Green Gables series (along with Little House on the Prairie and many others you listed) with my own girls!
I read one or two of the Anne books every year! They’re perfect company when I’m in bed with a cold or something. My husband gifted me the audiobook for Anne’s House of Dreams this Christmas and I’m so excited to hear it because I haven’t read that one in forever!
The Little House books were a huge part of my childhood but I read most of the Judy Blume books over and over. I think Judy Blume almost wrote handbooks for adolescent girls….
I never read a Judy Blume book…did I miss out?
One more suggestion to add to your growing list: What about Miss Rumphius? It’s a picture book, so she’ll be able to enjoy it a little sooner. My mother read it to me, and the basic message “You must do something to make the world more beautiful” has stuck with me.
I don’t have that one, but I remember reading it as a kid! We’ll have to find a copy. Thanks!
The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch is an awesome read for young girls. I give it to the older ones when they’re old enough to date.
I keep hearing about this one! I’ve just got to get it from the library.
For babies, read The Paperbag Princess By Robert Munsch. In simpler board book for younger babies. I started reading it to my daughter when around 6 months, one of her favourites.
Well L is 6 months old now so I better get on this!
I love it!!! Thank you so much for wanting your daughter to be a strong independent individual. 6 of my favorite books are on this list, so maybe that is why I turned out to be the way that I am haha. growing up my sister and I looked up to the strong women in books like these, not to idiots in reality television, and it was AMAZING how much more mature and advanced we were to those around us. Get her addicted to reading at an early age, and you will never regret it!! It it THE one thing that can help them have a better future. I was already reading at a second grade level by kindergarten, and I was a lover of reading my entire life from then on!! Make it something you do together, and it will also add some great quality bonding time in as well. That was how my sister and I bonded, through reading books together.
If you need any advice or anything, don’t hesitate to email me. Though I don’t know you, I have plenty of experience with girls. Not only through many baby cousins, but I have MANY teachers in my family so I know a tihng or two about educating children and what can help them succeed!
I used to run the childrens department of our local indie bookstore (yes that included the teen section and… unfortunately… all the delights of peddling Twilight to impressionable young girls). I always recommended Tuck Everlasting. Great story of a girl finding herself and pushing the limits of the world around her and yes she falls in love with a boy who lives forever but ***SPOILER WARNING!!!*** instead of throwing her life into the arms of teenage love she decides to live her OWN life and not run away with the handsome immortal boy.
Good recommendation!
I’m glad someone recommended Tuck Everlasting. The whole time I was reading Twilight I kept screaming in my head that someone needs to give this girl a copy of Tuck Everlasting. One of my all time favorite books and definately stuck with me. On a side note, it’s been awhile since I read it (about 10 years before I read HP) but when I read about Molly Weasley she reminded me of the mom in this book.
Found ya via Pinterest. A hard to find YA fantasy series (but you can order it at Barnes & Noble) is The Shamer’s Daughter by Lene Kaaberbol. The books are exciting, and they also get you really thinking about the consequences of your actions. Fair warning: a few stronger terms (at least damn; I can’t recall if something else) and the girl has a bad relationship with her absent father. However, I recommend these books to everyone I know with a tween daughter.
I haven’t read those! I’ll look them up
A young girl facing and conquering adversity…A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Easily my all-time favorite book. Probably not for a very young teen, but mid to late teens, absolutely.
ABSOLUTELY my FAVORITE book of all time!!! And such a strong female character overcoming a lot of adversity!
Couldn’t believe it took sooo long for someone to add “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”!! I was beginning to question myself!! I think Francie is one of the greatest heroines of all. She is smart, a voracious reader, insightful, ambitious, loving, and courageous……talk about surviving life’s “little vicissitudes”. There is a controversial rape scene in the book and has been on many banned book lists because of it, so it is strictly for an older girl, but a must-read for any self-respecting ‘wanna-be woman’…..
Love this! The Little House books were the books that really made me be a reader. Two years ago I was able to go to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home in Mansfield, Missouri (one of the first things on my list of things to do before I die). Anyway, some of my other favorite books:
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
The Ordinary Princess by M.M. Kaye
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
I haven’t read The Ordinary Princess, although I’ve read some of Kaye’s other books. I’ll have to find a copy!
Oh yes! GREAT book suggestions! The Ordinary Princess is a favorite of mine!
OH! I totally forgot about Island of the Blue Dolphins!! I first read that book for school in about 4th or 5th grade, and I thieved an old copy of it from one of my classrooms. I found it several years back (I’m 23 now) and read it again. It was even better than I remembered!
I adored the Ramona books (Beverly Cleary), Matilda (Roald Dahl), and the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Series. I can’t wait to read these to both my son and daughter. After all it’s important to raise a aware and sensitive man as well as raising an informed and intelligent daughter!
I quite agree! I adored Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. Maybe my 3-year-old son would be ready for it if I could get him to sit still long enough!
“What Katy Did.” Changed my life; gave it perspective. Also, more of a little girl book, but “Once Upon a Marigold” is really good. The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Hobbit, and the Yearling. I remember my Dad reading them to me.
If I could add one more to my list, I think it would be Narnia. I love them so! And my daughter is a Lucy just like Lucy Pevensie.
What a fantastic list (found it on Pinterest). I’ve read and loved all but the last two, which I will now be looking out for, and I first read Till We Have Faces when I was about 12 or 13. Didn’t fully understand it, but it was one of my favourite books for ages. Must read it again now I’m 33!

And I agree with your thoughts about Faramir, and lots of the other suggestions people have made too.
So now I have to follow your blog.
I think you’ll love Til We Have Faces as a re-read! I re-read it late in college and finally “got it” for the first time. Still amazed that a man could write SO WELL from a woman’s perspective.
When my son was born 11 weeks ago, I was taken off guard, sure I was going to have a girl that I could raise to be a self-assured woman who would change the world. But then I realized that little boys have just as much potential to eradicate sexism once and for all. SURELY things will change and both men and women will begin to reject unfair stereotypes like we’ve done for all sorts of other oppressed groups, right?? Anyway, my comment is that I plan to read all of these to my son as well. He should be equally as comfortable with strong female protagonists and learn to recognize women in literature as something more than a pair of boobs. After all, he’s going to be in the same classes and offices as your daughters.
Also, and not that TV should ever take the place of books, Avatar: The Last Airbender is the most amazing animated television show I’ve ever seen with female characters the like of which you’ve never seen before. They truly kick ass with not an ounce of gratuitous sexiness.
I love this list. I haven’t read 5 or 10! I’m especailly intrigued by the CS Lewis one! My favorite book series growing up were the Betsy-Tacy books by Maude Hart Lovelace. They are about girls growing up in Mankato, MN around the turn of the last century and are semi-autobiographical.
The Betsy-Tacy books have been recommended to me so many times. They are on my list to acquire! Thanks, Sherry!
The Lovely Bones.
Dark Blue
Anything by Judy Blume (for younger readers)
Tiger Eyes
that’s just off the top of my head.
Great list!! I think it’s also helpful to include some more modern works. Love that you mentioned Harry Potter! We’re too quick to shove “classics” at our kids… it’s great for them to read classic books, of course, but I think they also need books that they can relate to, that are relevant to their own place in time.
I’m partial to Cold Comfort Farm, but that’s more of a late high school/college book!
I haven’t read that one! I did see the movie with Kate Beckinsale but I have no idea if it’s remotely faithful to the book.
You forgot The Awakening by Kate Chopin!
I don’t see Helen Keller or Anne Frank.Those two young women shaped my life.I have 3 daughters. and 3 granddaughters. Can’t wait to delve into this list!!!!
I remember really enjoying Helen Keller’s The Story of my Life as a girl.
I’m going to second – Up a road slowly by Irene hunt, that was mentioned by a commenter, Also Jacob have I loved by Katherine Paterson, and any book by Cynthia Voigt. These were ones that I also enjoyed as a child/teen. I was also agree with commenter about Hunger Games. I also read more of the Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary books. Also a book that stuck with me when I was a teen – was Go ask Alice.
All good books to consider. Right now my 6 yr is more into the magictree house series. She loves the Harry Potter movies (will do the books soon) and commenter mentioned Avatar the last airbender (tv show not movie – although my daughter has seen both)
There are many good books out there – Takes to this post to pinterest I can work on finding more books.
All great books for young girls and also for boys. I have one boy and two girls and have introduced many of these books to him as well. Books with strong female characters are just as important for him as they are for my girls. Thank you for the list.
Found this via Pinterest, and it’s fantastic! I’ve read almost all of them and will be adding the ones I haven’t read to my list.
Just wanted to add… Dealing with Dragons by Patricia Wrede. Great YA book!
I really like this list and only have read about half of the books. I look forward to reading the others posted. I mostly worry about my daughter being as much of a people-pleaser as I was and not demanding respect from men. I plan on trying to place strong women in her life as much as possible. I also wonder, should I show her all the unpleasant views of women? Just to show her what she may be up against?
Something I want her to read as a teenager is a book called “I kissed dating goodbye” by Joshua (can’t remember the last name). It is a completely wholesome look at what dating should be about and from a man’s perspective. Definitely worth reading as a mom, if not as a duo.
Your list was great to begin with and is amazing now! In addition to all the treasures already listed I have a few more that are well loved at our house. The first two are for little girls: “The Wolves in the Walls” Neil Gaiman and “The 100 Dresses” Eleanor Estes. For early elementary girls: “Addie on the Inside” by James Howe and “Alchemy and Maggie Swan” by Karen Cushman. For upper elementary school girls: the Warrior’s series by Erin Hunter, “Last Survivors Trilogy” by Susan Beth Pfeffer and Gemma Malley’s trilogy that starts with “The Declaration.” Then middle school (and beyond) holds The Young Royals series by Carolyn Meyer and all the classics already listed!
There are some great suggestions in here! Thanks! I definitely want to get the Eleanor Estes book.
This reminded me of all the Dear America books that I used to read as a young girl. Not only did they introduce me to some wonderful female characters that happened to be about my age at the time, but it also got me really interested in history. There are also a bunch of similar fictional diary-style books of prominent royal historical figures such as Elizabeth I of England, Isabella of Spain, and Cleopatra. Of course, in the same vein are the American Girl books.
Kudos to you! I think this is one of the best things a parent can do preparatory to raising a child- making a list of good books their children can read. This is not to restrict their choices, but to help them make a good start specially when there’s fluff like the twilight series flying around. I’ll remember to do this when I grow up too!
I think you should add the Prydain chronicles by Lloyd Alexander to this list. Eilonwy is an amazingly strong, intelligent, female character. And funny to boot. Also, any book by Madeleine L’Engle. My favorite is A Ring of Endless Light. A wonderful book for any teen or preteen girl.
I keep hearing about the Prydain chronicles. And I LOVED L’Engle as a little girl. Thanks for reminding me!
Yes, I was given “A ring of endless light” when I was 12 or so, and it remains one of my most favourite books plus my introduction into the Austin family, and the world of Madeleine L’engle. Vicky Austin is not perfect, but she is interesting, and different, and a writer, and she stays true to herself. I love your suggestions. I need to get the gumption to start reading aloud to my daughter (she is almost 4!), I feel like she’d be a bit bored – but I won’t know unless I try! Thanks for such an inspiring list:) Some on my future reading list now!
Love all of these and love your blog (just found it via Pinterest). Two other great ones that I read when I was young were Island of the Blue Dolphins & Mandy by Julie Edwards.
So excited to see Girl of the Limberlost. I had completely forgotten about that book.
Thanks, Jenn! Have you read the prequel to Limberlost titled Freckles? It’s great, too!
I didn’t even know there was a prequel. I’ll definitely have to pick it up!
My fave of all time is Mandy… So few have heard of it.
Little princess, secret garden… Faves too. Lots on the list i haven’t read but must get to. As an adult don’t forget Francine Rivers. I love her books.
Mandy was one of those ones that really made me LOVE reading. To this day, one of my favorite books of all time.
I really loved Daddy Long Legs (Jean Webster), not only is the main female character witty and strong but it makes you want to write real letters again.
I am actually reading it yet one more time this days… Thank you free kindle e-books!
Your list is wonderful and I’m happy to have read most of them and will enjoy sharing them with my daughter when she gets old enough. And while I am a rabid Jane Austin fan, I have to bring up that Fanny Price, from Mansfield Park, is probably the only Austin character that I dislike – a lot. In fact, she’s a lot like Bella in some ways. She’s so inspidily insistent on just letting things happen to her. The only time she stood up for anything was in rejecting Henry Crawford but that mostly because she was still hoping beyond hope that Edmund would not marry Mary Crawford, rather that the better reason that they were a terrible match. And even in the end, when Edmund does marry her, it feels more like he did it out of the fact that Mary didn’t want to marry him rather than being with the person best for him. Ugh.
Through all my re-reads of Mansfield Park I’ve grown to love Fanny but dislike Edmund. I think due to Fanny’s innate disposition, she actually acts pretty courageously in defying everyone to do what she thinks is right and to refuse to marry a man she doesn’t respect. But Edmund…well, he’s just kind of lame. Mary Crawford, Edmund? Really? She’s obviously terrible. Any man that likes her can’t really be worth getting.
This is a great list.
Not a mother, but found your entry through a friend on Facebook. I’m definitely an avid reader, though. I would reiterate suggestions of Hunger Games, Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, and “The Witch of Blackbird Pond.” All amazing books. Also amazing books, for a younger reader, are the American Girl series. I cannot speak for all of them, as I haven’t read them all, but they are all six book series in different time periods and all about strong, courageous young women fighting for the right thing. They’re amazing. All the heroines are nine/ten, but the books can be easily followed by younger kids and are super short. And…Wow, I could probably list an entire library, but I cannot seem to think right now. I read a lot when I was little…still do…Good luck introducing her to the wide, wide world of literature. 
I LOVED the American Girl books. Especially the Addy, Felicity, and Molly books. I saved all mine and can’t wait til Lucy is big enough to enjoy them.
My daughter, now almost 25, has read and loved both the Twilight books and the Potter series. I made it thru all the Potter books – thought Rowling got a little tedious at times, but had to drag myself thru the first Bella book, holding my nose the entire time. And I love to read! I told my daughter there was no way I could stomach any more of that twaddle, if she wanted sexy vampires to read Ann Rice. (So far, she has ignored this advice and just purchased The Hunger Games books and The Girl Who …books – none of which I’ve had time to read) This same daughter read the Jean Auel books at 12-13, owns 4 horses, a pick-up, a horse trailer, and has a great job as an MRI tech and has no real interest in having a boyfriend right now – “when would I have time for one?” she asks. I read “King of the Wind” and “Misty of Chincoteague” to her, along with the Thoroughbred series books, Lord of the Rings, and Little Women. Hiding all my own fears and worries, I raised her to be proud of her accomplishments. She plays piano, was a dancer in her teens(soloed), has been riding since age 8, earned a black belt at 10, spent a couple summers cowgirling on a WY ranch, and earned summa cum degrees in both radiography and MRI. She is clear-thinking, competent, and kind. Bet you can tell she makes me proud! And April March – I also read the Little Women, Little Men, and Jo’s Boys books to my younger son, at his request. And Sherry Gorse, thanks for the reminder! We read the Betsy-Tacy books too, and loved them.
I LOVE THIS!!!! Oh my word! Wonderful. You included all my favorites (except that I have never read Harry Potter and don’t intend to), including Girl of the Limberlost!
I completely agree with you about that horrible Anne, The Continuing Story. What in the world was that?! I was actually so very disappointed that Megan Follows even agreed to play that role. I bet Lucy Maude Montgomery rolled over in her grave.
Ah! The Continuing Story was just the WORST. I agree, Montgomery would be appalled!
The Continuing Story does kill a part of your soul– I lost my copy on purpose. I love the list and have read all but the last two and agree completely with all of them. Have you ever read The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery. If not– go do it– now. Believe me you will be glad you did.
Haha, lost your copy on purpose! I love it. I haven’t read The Blue Castle but I’m itching for some more Montgomery. Thanks for the suggestion!
The Little Princess! “Every girl is a princess” Teaches a good lesson on how to love people as they are.
The Secret Garden – loved this one when I was a little girl.
I’m so pleased to see you included “A Girl of the Limberlost”. It’s been a favorite of mine for years and I hope my daughter loves it like I do.
If I were to add one book, it would be “To Kill A Mockingbird”!
This list and comments brought back so many memories. I loved the emily books, ramona, matilda, narnia, little house. I would also suggest the wolves of willoby chase. For maybe 10 or 11 yrs old.
Great suggestions! I would also recommend anything by Diana Wynne Jones, whose fantasy books are full of imperfect (therefore more realistic), powerful female characters. I especially suggest the Howl’s Moving Castle trilogy. Also, as long as you can be sure your daughter is reading the Twilight series in full mockery mode, I believe she will be safe from harm. I myself have read them but so far feel no ill effects. My book role models still include many of the female characters above, especially those from Harry Potter. One last suggestion would be To Kill A Mockingbird. Other than that, great list!
What a great discussion! I would like to add Sharon Creech to this list. Her YA novels are wonderful.
Ok, I think we are kindred spirits! La, la, la LOVE your list and I’m excited that there are a few titles I haven’t read- I so enjoy getting my hands on new books that have the potential to become old friends! I’m now going to follow your blog simply by reading your list and your comments about each book (Anne the Continuing Story <>; soul-killing dribble),
Another commenter posted about the Jean Auel books and while the last few books are not nearly as gripping and sometimes even tedious, the first few portray a strong, smart, rock solid yet human girl growing up in a VERY challenging environment. There are some sexual overtones to parts of the book (maybe the author was frustrated in that department?) but I also remember reading some of it and just sort of normalizing those things; it’s part of life.
Thanks for such a wonderful post to encourage, not only great reading, but positive self image to our daughters.
Thanks for the kind words, Melissa! And for following!
I read The Little Engine that Could to my kids when they were babies and continued until they could read it themselves. Pay attention to the gender of the trains. The trains that will not “lower themselves” to help are male. The Liitle Engine that does, is female.
Young readers will enjoy The Kingdom Keepers series. Girls and boys protecting Walt Disney World.
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia Wrede are great. The main character is a princess whose parents won’t let her do magic or fight with swords or learn to cook, so she runs away to live with a dragon. When the princes come to “rescue” her, she chases them away. She’s quite the spunky female character.
These were my favorite books growing up! I recently reread them and fell even more in love with them! They are a must!
The Paper Bag Princess! This is Beyond a staple in my home! It is a childrens book, but packs in a powerful message!!!
I love this book too. Fun story with an important message.
I came across this list on Pinterest, and I love the books on it, both in the original post and in the comments. I have read the majority of them and there are some really amazing books here! It gets me excited to eventually read them with my baby daughter.
I was so disappointed, however, to see that no one has listed Ella Enchanted yet! This was my very favorite book growing up, and the heroine is so inspiring for a young girl. Ella is actually cursed to HAVE to do what people tell her to, and yet does everything in her power to live her own life and break the curse. She even tries to sacrifice her own life, love, and happiness for the safety of the kingdom and the love of her life. She is strong and courageous and brave.
(Please DO NOT confuse the book Ella Enchanted with that wretched movie with the same name. The movie belongs in the garbage, completely destroyed the book. The book is classic and so much fun for a young girl to read.)
Ok, I promise to read Ella Enchanted and ignore the movie entirely
Thanks for the suggestion!
I kept reading to make sure that Ella Enchanted was mentioned. Talk about a girl over coming trials. I have read thos book more times than I can remember and have gotten others to love it took. In mentioning her other books I think The Two Princess of Bamarre needs to be mentions. It is about what sisters will do for each other. It’s fabulous.
I was scrolling through the comments to see if anyone had mentioned this book! I can’t believe it took this long! One of my favorites and I’ve read it so many times that my book is very beat up (loved). But yes, totally ignore the movie.
Maybe someone has mentioned this one, but my absolute favorite when I was younger (and even today, as I like to revisit it every now and then) is Ella Enchanted. I like to put it in the kick-ass Cinderella category. Ella doesn’t need a male figure to save her; she saves her self, and those she loves!
Other favorites include: A View From Saturday, A Wrinkle in Time, and Walk Two Moons (all late-Elementary/early middle school level); also, anything by Margaret Atwood (not children’s books, but she usually has a strong heroine in there somewhere).
Loved reading your post – brought back memories of my mom reading the Anne series and the Little House on the Prairie series!
If you like “Ella Enchanted” you should check out the rest of the author’s books, I loved “Fairest” which is am awesome spin on “Snow White.” Most of her books center on fairy tale stories but one, “Dave at Night.” Completely different from her other books, the main character is an orphan boy, Dave, and takes place in the 20’s, I loved it.
I recommend author Shannon Hale, I love her books, they are well written, enjoyable and mostly about strong women (one book focuses on a male main character). Her books include “Book of a Thousand Days” (my personal favorite), “Princess Academy,” and the Books of Bayern – a 4 book series – “Goose Girl,” “Enna Burning,” “River Secrets,” and “Forest Born.” She also wrote two graphic novels with her husband.
I was about to suggest these books too! Glad someone already did!
Her adult books are more hit and miss, but the YA books are great. I would also recommend the Bayern series. I’ve had so many people say that they were expecting to hate it and loved it instead. Lots of strong women in these books.
I have 5 girls, and will read Shannon Hale to/with all of them. I especially love “Princess Academy” and “Book of a Thousand Days”. Such strong, independant thinking, yet still feminine, gentle and loving female leads.
5 girls sounds wonderful, Marie! I hope I get to have that many!
Love love love all of Shannon Hale’s books!!! Definitely a great fairy tale addition to this list.
There’s also “I Capture the Castle” by Dodie Smith, if you don’t mind a pagan ritual or two. It’s an odd little book. Sort of like Jane Austen meets… I don’t know. Something pecular.
The main character is (of course) an aspiring writer who lives wither her extremely eccentric and impoverished family in a house built onto the ruins of a castle. There was a movie made recently, but I didn’t like it. Dodie Smith also wrote 101 Dalmations and its super weird sequal with telepathic flying dogs. : )
I read 101 Dalmatians a million years ago and I really enjoyed the film version of I Capture the Castle, so I’ll have to read the book! Thanks!
The Penderwick series by Jeanne Birdsall – about 4 sisters who are all so different but bring amazing things to the table. Wonderful role models and easily readable by 4th or 5th grade, much earlier if you read to them.
I keep hearing rave reviews of the Penderwicks from everyone I love! MUST get my hands on them!
LOVE this post!
I’d add Philip Glass’ Golden Compass trilogy. Lira is one of the best girl characters ever written. I almost named my daughter after her. She is a tomboy who gets to run amok in an academic environment. She is contrasted with her finely dressed and coiffed parent who is trying to do horrible things to kids in the name of religion. Independently thinking Lira would kick Hitler’s butt any day.
Yes of course the Narnia books. And the Lucy character is one of the best!!
Absolutely need to read Ella Enchanted by Levine, but, DO NOT see the movie – totally ruins it. Also, The Westing Game by Raskin. Anything by Konigsburg.
The Westing Game! One of my very favorites as a kid. Off to Amazon to order that gem, thanks for the reminder.
ANYTHING by Gail Carson Levine, but Ella Enchanted, The Two Princesses of Bamarre, and Fairest, in particular. I remember discovering Ella Enchanted in the library in 5th grade, and falling in love. All of those books made me feel like I could do absolutely anything!
I found this list from a friend on Pinterest, and it’s incredible. I’m only 23, so not quite to the point of needing it for my daughter, but still find it enjoyable. A great one for a younger girl (as a lot of these are pretty advanced) is my favorite childhood book “Ella Enchanted.” Please not the movie which destroys the beauty and emotion in this story. It is a retelling of Cinderella in a way, but so much more.
I totally agree about the third Anne movie – no one else I know can understand why I make such a fuss!
So I just found your blog via pinterest. I’m a Catholic Mom too. My husband highly recommends the book STRONG FATHERS, STRONG DAUGHTERS for anyone raising a girl. Also, he is ridding our house of all things disney princess. It is more challenging than we would have thought considering we don’t buy any but people are always buying it for her. Love your list
Thanks for the recommendation, Molly! Yay, Catholic mamas!
These are great! I especially like your statements about Jane Austen: “Elizabeth Bennet has more clever things to say in one page of P&P than Bella Swan could mumble in her entire miserable existence.” My daughter will definitely be reading these (and not Twilight!).
A Vindication on the Right of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft (Mary Shelley’s mom!)
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
You’ve got to check out “Cinder Edna” and “A Bad Case of the Stripes.” Great books for the early school years. BTW, Cinder Edna is Cinderella’s neighbor and can’t understand why she’s always crying and waiting for someone else to fix her problems. HA!
While I agree with the list, my favorite, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell is not on the list and needs to be. It is about a girl who survives on an island after trying to go back to take care of her younger brother. I also really recommend all of the Anne books, Secret Garden and A Little Princess. Also lots of biographies on strong women, Nelly Bly, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sacagawea, Mother Teresa, the list goes on and on…So excited for this posting!
Island of the Blue Dolphins is the first book I remember reading as a young girl that truly moved me. Must read!
Thank you for this list, and all the commenters for adding to it!
The Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace is a great series about one girl’s life from age 5 to when she gets married. They deal with all of the things girls grapple with in life, and in the early 1900s!
So many commenters have suggested the Betsy-Tacy books! I simply must get them!
I’m glad that I saw a comment mentioning my beloved Betsy-Tacy series! I read them first when I was about 6 and have been reading them ever since (I’m now 34) and I enjoy them as much as ever! Betsy was such a wonderfully funny, earnest, and real girl and she often became obsessed by boys, beauty, popularity but in the end she always found her way back to the “real Betsy.” Wonderful books! I haven’t trolled through all of the comments as that could take considerable time but let me also mention a few I haven’t specifically seen on here: “The Chronicles of Prydain” by Lloyd Alexander (Princess Eilonwy is a very strong and capable female), also, his series starring the very adventurous and unconventional Vesper Holly (the first book is “The Illyrian Adventure.” Philip Pullman’s Sally Lockhart character is smart, resourceful and brave and the series of books involving her are delightful (though suitable for a much older child–unless your daughter grows up to be as incorrigable a reader as I was! and the first Sally Lockhart book is “The Ruby in the Smoke.” If you love L.M. Montgomery I hope you have also read the Emily series and “Pat of Silverbush” and “Mistress Pat.” Also, the poetry of Emily Dickinson is an excellent place to start as well. I could go on and on as I love to read! Books and reading have always been a passion for me and my memories of being read to by my mother, and when I was a little older, reading books with her, are memories I will always cherish.
I have two daughters, and I am always praying that they understand the complexity of womanhood – strong, yet tender. And you’ve got a great list of books that show women in that light.
Thanks for sharing!
Love all the book suggestions! I was/am an avid reader and grew up on most of these (particularly Luisa May Alcott, Jane Austen and the Laura Ingalls Wilder series) — I would add NANCY DREW there are about 101 for the complete set – easy reads and all girl detective work.
For the other Catholic moms out there – are you aware of the series “All things Girl” ? simple truths from JPII’s theology of the body are used to develop christian virtues amidst every tween’s concern for fashion, beauty, and friends. bezalelbooks.com or atgseries.com or even amazon has them.
I’ve never heard of All Things Girl! I’ll check it out, thanks!
I would add Madeline L’Engle’s wonderful books, too.
I love those! It’s been so many years since I’ve read them.
And if you read the Time Quartet, definitely also read When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead.
My daughter and I enjoyed reading The Little Princess by Frances Hodgsen Burnett. It’s good for young girls and depicts a strong, female character who strives to do what is right.
The Hunger Games series – strong female character with little interest in romance.
The Millennium series (The Girl Who…) – strong female character, albeit with some messed up baggage. Definitely NOT for young audiences, though, due to a couple of graphic rape scenes.
Love! Thank you! And I loved Harriet the Spy, Judy Blume Books, All of a Kind Family (and all the others in that series), and Nancy Drew.
Didn’t make it through all the comments, so this may have already been suggested, but the whole Betsy-Tacy series of books by Maud Hart Lovelace are wonderful. Baby Lucy can grow up with Betsy and her gang, as the books follow them from about age 5 right up through Betsy’s first year of marriage. I grew up with them, and I’m a better woman for it!
As my daughter started reading chapter books, around second grade, she received an “American Girl Doll” named Julie Albright. The doll came with a chapter book about Julie. I came to read a number of American Girl books. The books include a number of Historical fiction series with very strong girls represented. The characters are smart, strong, and resourceful. The lead characters all come up against a big problem, and they overcome these obsticles through perseverance and courage. A great series for young girls.
I agree on the American Girl books. Some of my favorites in early elementary school and great role models for girls!!
I’ve been reading A Little Princess to my 8 y.o. daughter and remembering what a great role model young Sarah is.
LOVED your list and there are several I’ve yet to read…
Saw this on pinterest and I absolutely agree with your version of ‘Twilight’. I haven’t read 5,9+10 but will list them. Have you heard of Sue Grafton’s alphabet series? The lead character is a female detective named Kinsey Millhone (before mobile phones and internet). In junior high I read the Trixie Belden series.
Right now, our almost 8yo son is already having image issues of his own
Goodluck with your baby girl. She’s beautiful.
Thank you
Thank you for mentioning Trixie Belden! I knew my previous reply to a comment a couple of posts above yours was leaving out several of my favorites but I felt I was running on and on (as I tend to do when it comes to books!) and I neglected my beloved Trixie and the Bob-Whites of the Glen!
Have you read the sorta-recent “The Penderwicks”? A family of 4 daughters raised by their widower professor father. The author is intimate with Edith Nesbit, C.S. Lewis … and even Jane Austen. LOVED it and the sequel is just as well done. My children are a couple of years younger than the Penderwick girls. If they turn out half as good, witty, well-read and ridiculously imaginative as them in a few more years, I’ll be seriously thankful.
Don’t think anyone’s mentioned Tamora Pierce, so *definitely* check her stuff out. Starting with her ‘Song of the Lioness’ series, about a girl who disguises herself as a boy to train as a knight, and going on from there.
Oh, yes, and Mercedes Lackey’s stuff. ‘Fairy Godmother’ and the other Five Hundred Kingdom books are truly superb, but she has lots of other stuff (and I really mean lots – one of the most prolific authors out there), most of which is really good, although some of it is a bit too hit-you-over-the-head-with-the-feminist-message obvious to the point where it interferes with the writing style. But absolutely worth checking out her stuff.
I loved the Tamora Pierce books as well. I have them saved for my daughter when she is older. Her latest series is a great strong female character as well.
Oh yes! I love (still to this day) Tamora Pierce. Great strong female characters
I think the most brilliant book about relationships and self love is Shell Silverstein’s “The Big O Meets The Missing Piece”.
Here are a few contemporary titles to add to your list: Out of the Dust, A Northern Light, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (modern, not comtemporary, but I’ve always felt like Francie Nolan would have been a true friend, if she were real, and all), With a Name Like Love, Sparrow Road, The Year We Were Famous, and Ruta Septys’s Between Shades of Gray. My middle-grade novel , May B., also has a strong female lead.
I forgot to add anything by Karen Cushman is a must!
So glad to see Karen Cushman mentioned… Catherine, Called Birdy is a fabulous story of a Middle-Ages girl whose father assumes he can force her into the arranged marriages that were so popular in those days. Her spirit is indomitable! Matilda Bone, another great one… anything by KC. The picture book Rumpelstiltskin’s Daughter, by Diane Stanley, is fabulous. And along the lines of young heroines becoming ambassadors and politically active, another HUGE vote for Shannon Hale’s Princess Academy. If you struggle with the idea of princesses, her take on what should be taught is amazing (diplomacy, strength, etc.)
And a word about the princess thing in general… (from someone who vowed never to allow a Barbie or Little Mermaid in in the house but now has a very strong-willed, vocal 14-yrold who, of course wanted to play with those very things)… that stuff is out there and the trick is not to ban them, but to use them as teachable moments. Watching movies together and asking questions like, “Why did she do that?” “What do you think…?” “How could she have handled that differently?” “What would have happened if…” “What would you have done?” I also don’t hesitate to share my opinions with her (she knows I detest Ariel as a weak, selfish girl who puts herself and family in jeopardy.) Other good ones: Wildwood, Speak (for YA), Chains (Laurie Halse Anderson takes a look at the beginning of the Revolutionary War through the eyes of a young slave girl- EXCELLENT!!!!!) Oh, and the Evolution of Calpurnia Tate- turn-of-the-century girl with an old-fashioned mother and a grandfather who helps her develop her scientific reasoning skills. Another good one!
Love this list — and thanks so much for spreading the word about Undset’s Kristin Lavransdatter. A-MAZ-ING books. Life-changers.
I know, right?! I can’t imagine why they aren’t more popular.
Nancy Drew? The Hunger Games? Harriet the Spy? Ramona? Narnia?
Where were you when I was a kid? I wore very similar boots and learned to sew and bake bread and make enough preserves to make Laura Ingalls and Anne proud! Great list. I have a 1912 edition of the Girl of the Limberlost that is from my grandparent’s time. Very cool!
ah! Kindred spirit!
So jealous of your copy of A Girl of the Limberlost!! Definitely an all-time favorite of mine.
I agree with all but the Jane Austen one. Mariane in Sense an Sensibility becomes ridiculously distraught after she finds out Willoughby is engaged to someone else. She gets seriously ill and almost dies as a direct result of his abandonment.
Tanya, I completely agree that Marianne is a basket case. However, I don’t think that Austen is at all proposing that we should emulate her. Characters that make mistakes can often reveal more about virtue than perfect characters!
I agree on the Jane Austen front. That’s all I could think too is that Marianne almost died because of her overwhelming despair over losing Willoughby.. but I still think overall it has a good message because she recovers and realizes that they would never have truly been happy together and finds love elsewhere. Much better than twilight were Bella doesn’t even try to get over Edward and then when she’s starting to “recover” somewhat ends up running back to continue her obsession with him
Haven’t seen this series recommended yet – “Swallows and Amazons” by Arthur Ransome.
It’s about a group of kids and their adventures in boats in England in the 1930’s. They are a bit quaint, and heavy on good old fashioned imagination and clean adventure.
They were out of print in the US for along while but are back in paperback now. My 10 year old daughter has LOVED reading this series.
Nice list. I would add the Diary of Anne Frank and The Hiding Place (by Corrie Ten Boon).
I’m not sure if this has been posted, but I’d include “Ella Enchanted” in this list for sure! It’s a Cinderella type story with a strong, vibrant, defiant and beautiful female lead character. Easy to read in late elementary school or early middle school, but my copy has been re-read many many times
Hi there
I love the list of books you have recommended, i too grew up reading most of them. My almost 11 year ol daughter asked me why I didn’t allow her to read the series as all her friends at school have read it. I told her that she was way too young and that I thought she would get more out of reading the Ann of Green Gables series which she loves as well as the Enchated woods. I admit that I have read the Twighlight series and when she is much older she can do the same but definitely not now.
I was given a book for Christmas by my cousin in South Africa called “BRINGING UP GIRLS” by Dr. James Dobson. Get a copy if you don’t already have one, it makes really good reading.
I’m am SO not looking forward to the “but all my friends are allowed to…” conversations in a few years!
Also check out the Tiffany Aching series by Terry Pratchett about a brave girl witch. Starts with The Wee Free Men.
Great list! I loved “A Secret Garden” and “The Little Princess” when I was young…
Reblogged this on Kids Communicate and commented:
I can’t wait to share some of these with my daughters…
I love this list, more for myself at the moment, and any future children I have later on. Great suggestions in the comments too! And thank you for calling out the hard truth about the so-called third Anne movie. “Part of you will die.” So true. It was a painful experience for me and I wish I never saw it!!!
Oh, Anne the Continuing Story, If only I could erase you from my memory!
I LOVE your comment about the last “Anne” movie. I felt exactly the same way. I get literally angry every time I think of it. I don’t mind that filmmakers feel the need to add or subtract from a story to make it film ready, but when they fundamentally change a character or a message or virtue of a book, it makes me angry. One of the virtues of Rilla of Ingleside was the “stiff upper lip” with which the women sent their men off to war. When Diana started blubbing all over the place pleading with Fred not to go, I was done (and don’t even get me started on Anne in France…).
I recently re-read Rilla and it is so wonderful, isn’t it!?
I love it! Sadly I actually read the Twilight books because I wanted to know what the hype was all about. I should’ve stopped with the first one. I found the writing poor, and Bella too helpless and weak. The only thing she had going for her was that she liked reading but everything else I found terrible about her!
I agree about that Anne movie too. I don’t think I even finished it I was so disappointed. Love, love, love the books though. The only suggestion I have for raising strong capable girls is getting them interested in sports. My daughter is a gymnast and soon to be a black belt in karate and she is growing up wanting to be smart and capable so far (touch wood!). She is an avid reader and Hermoine Granger is who she wants to emulate. I also have frequent conversations about how it is fine to like fashion and earrings and all that fun stuff but it doesn’t make you who you are (she actually isn’t interested in any of those things yet but you never know, one day she might be and I want my voice to be rattling around her head!). I tell her that your character is the only thing you truly own so you need to protect it. It is such a worry though when there are so many things they are bombarded with!
the Harry Potter books series deals with occultism overload and magic. How is that with Catholicism and Mary’s example?
I laughed out loud with your description of the Anne of Green gables sequel, the continuing story. I grew up with the books, and unusually, loved the mini series just as much, so when I saw there was a new one, with the same actors, no less, I was so excited! Then I saw it, and as you said, I think part of me died that day!
Great choices for your books, and you’ve encouraged me to search out a few.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
I agree with this list. And I love the whole idea behind it. I told my husband about the list and he laughed out loud and said he had to see it. I haven’t read the Harry Potter series (not because I think it’s terrible, but because I struggle to get interested in modern fiction of any kind) and I haven’t read the last two, but I still agree with the list. I have to add that LM Montgomery’s books in general, not just the Anne series are superb! For all my book snobbishness (I’m a librarian) she is my favorite author. I particularly recommend the Emily trilogy. Also, one correction – Anne lived during the Victorian era which makes her BA more amazing!! The movies were moved up several decades and make it seem she got it during the Edwardian era, but the books are actually set much earlier. And that last movie was an absolute travesty – you are so correct!!! I would add to your list The Chronicles of Narnia and Elizabeth Gaskell’s novels, especially North and South and Wives and Daughters (Gaskell was a close friend of Bronte’s).
So glad you liked it! And after several recommendations from commenters, I MUST read the Emily books. Thanks for the correction, you are so right!
And I LOVE Narnia. I’ve read a little bit of TLTWATW to Lucy already. I recently finished Cranford by Mrs. Gaskell and hate to admit it but…I actually liked the recent miniseries better! Eek, don’t hate me. But I’m dying to read North and South!
There is a series of books called “The Unicorn’s Secret” by Kathleen Duey (not to be mistaken with “The Secret Unicorn”) that I loved reading to my daughter. They are recommended for ages 7-10. They follow a young girl called Heart and her “horse” Avamir. The series is set in a medieval-like past and has several strong female characters. I loved this series so much that the night we were just about finished the books and it was time for my daughter to go to sleep, I took the book downstairs and finished it on my own.
Another series that is suitable for slightly older readers (12/13) is The Breadwinner. This series follows a young girl in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. She is forced, when her father is arrested, to pose as a young boy so she can go to the market and earn money for her family. It goes on for 3 books and gives children a great sense of how fortunate we are in non-war-torn countries and how oppressive certain forms of government can be.
Thanks for the recommendations!
I loved Harriet the Spy and The Diary of Anne Frank. I read those books over and over again. I think that Harriet the Spy shows a girl who loved to learn and was curious (to a fault). And come on Anne Frank I just think she was an amazing person. A lot of people think it is a sensitive subject but I started reading this around 4rth grade and it made me want to learn more about her and the bravery of her as well as so many other people:)
My grandmother and I shared a love for The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Aslan is a wonderful and inspirational character whether you read into the Christian undertones or not, and the whole book is about learning to love and growing up responsibly
Amazing! I feel as if I just read the column I would have written if I had had the time. How I agree with you — your list comprises almost all my favorites, especially the lesser-read Lewis and Undset! I also love “The Secret Garden”, “The Little
Princess”, the “Ramona” series, and “An Episode of Sparrows”. Probably the single most important character portrait of a young woman with difficult decisions to make is “Good Morning, Miss Dove”. It’s hard to find, but is glued to my memory forever. It was recommended by the KONOS Character Curriculum — I don’t think I would have ever found it, otherwise. To tell you anything about it would be to unwrap the gift I’m trying to give you…. And always and forever, the Narnia Chronicles.
As far as advice, I’ve only had boys and they are almost grown — but I’m sure the best you can do is pray and model the type of woman you want her to be.
Thank you for giving me a lovely evening of remembering wonderful books!!
Wonderful suggestions, wonderful advice. Thanks, Sylvia!
Anything Thomas Hardy. (esp love tess of d’urbervilles).
I recently acquired a gorgeous copy of Tess! Yay!
I, too, enjoyed L.M.Mongomery’s Anne of Green Gables books BUT the Emily books are, in my opinion, even better! I love this list and plan to visit my local library so I can read the ones I’ve missed!
I recently bought my daughters The Daring Book For Girls, and the Double Daring Book For Girls. they are not stories but teach young girls things that are overlooked these days, from how to change a tire, tips on public speaking, to things like modern women leaders, queens of the ancient world, turning your backyard into a farm and notable women in math and science. There is also The Dangerous Book For Boys
I responded to a few comments, but to condense it all, I love your list, and would add the following (that I did not see recommended by others; I agree with a great deal of the other recommendations already put forth above):
Watership Down by Richard Adams
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
The Good Master and The Singing Tree by Kate Seredy
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Black Stallion series (the fact that it the main character was a boy certainly never deterred me; the books advocate resourcefulness)
Black and Blue Magic and The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (I’m sure there were others by her that I read as well, but I have fond memories of those two)
Was just telling my MIL about The Egypt Game today as we were talking about this list. Loved that one!
My daughter is very much enjoying The Sisters Grimm series.
Thank you for sharing–these are WONDERFUL suggestions and I agree completely.
One of my favorites as a child was “Dealing with Dragons” (and the other three in the set) by Patricia Wrede. A princess runs away to be a dragon’s librarian and chief cook? Another one that lets you have the fun of pretending to be a princess in a good way is “An Ordinary Princess.”
Others: The Boxcar Children (stick to the original ones — the first 19, I think) and Kathryn Lasky’s books about the Starbuck twins. These don’t focus on female figures, they’re pretty evenly divided between the boys and girls, but the children in them are independent, intelligent, and resourceful and I remember reading them a lot as a child.
I simply have to add the Anastasia Krupnik books by Lois Lowry. I enjoyed those so much and I went back and read them a few years ago and really admired the way Anastasia’s parents kind of let their kids find their own paths. Love.
I applaud your list, although I don’t personally dislike Bella Swan quite so ferociously. The only 2 books I think every person should read are “the Alchemist” by Paolo Coehlo, and ” The Little Prince ” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. And the best female protagonist book is “Th Memoirs of Cleopatra ” by Margaret George. She portrays Cleopatra in a very real , flawed, human , lovable, inspiring way. Good luck!
I’m particularly excited to check out that Norwegian book! One of my absolute favourite books of all time is Ronja Rovardottar by Astrid Lindgren (so Swedish, not Norwegian) and you should absolutely add it to your list! Ronja is a fantastic, independent girl who faces her fears head-on, experiences real conflict, is stubborn and tempestuous, learns about friendship and forgiveness, has human parents with flaws, looks deeper than prejudice, and has an ocean’s depth of love and loyalty. I seriously considered naming my daughter after her, but my grandmother’s name got first priority. Maybe I’ll have another girl…
Also, it’s a children’s book, so you can read it while you wait for her to be old enough for Kristin. =)
I’ve never even heard of these! Thanks, Antje!
Whoa such a great list!
And I read and loved The Girl of the Limberlost too-I never knew anyone else ever read it! I read and loved all those books as a girl-ok I read Sigrid Undset when I was 16 and it changed my life! As did Jane Eyre, and Little House, and Jane Austen of course. They’re all life changing books that really form a girl’s mind to what’s important in life. No Twilight!
I love this, but, alas, I don’t have a daughter (yet?). I hope you plan on doing a similiar list for sons!
Wish granted! http://carrotsformichaelmas.wordpress.com/2012/01/31/10-books-you-must-read-to-your-son/
I might also add The Hunger Games to the list, but probably when your daughter is a little older. Katniss Everdeen is an amazingly strong female role who gets things done not really because she wants to, but because she wants to protect her little sister. Definitely not a Bella Swann that’s for sure!
I came across this list via Simple Mom and it is inspiring. Sadly I don’t have a girl but it got me thinking of the importance of having my boys read stories that feature strong women as well. I want to be able to raise boys who appreciate strong, intelligent, assertive girls.
You need to add the Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen is an amazing female character.
Great list! My own favorite is Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss. Thanks!
Found this on Pinterest. Great list! Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but Shannon Hale’s Bayern series is excellent! There are some great, strong girls to look up to in those books.
This list is fantastic, I saw it on Pinterest and just had to check it out. My daughter is 3, but I’ve already started her on the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. (Check out the “My First Little House” illustrated versions by Renee Graef, so good and just plain pretty.) I’d have to add Number the Stars, a favorite from when I was a little girl about sacrifice and love even when everyone else is doing something else. The Upstairs Room, also about WWII, and the first book I ever bought myself at age maybe 11?, and a Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Awesome list though, and all the books in the comments make it that much better. Thank you!
The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch: for when they are young and into picture books. It is about an independent woman.!!
A big thank-you for being another female voice acknowledging and publicizing the atrocities committed in Meyer’s works against an entire gender. Or two.
Princess Academy is one I am looking forward to reading to my daughter. Ignore the princess part and fall in love with a girl who saves her whole community by finding her strengths.
What an incredible list! I was going to add “The Secret Garden”, but I see that others have as well. I had a hard time putting my finger on what it was about Bella that I really didn’t like…thanks for putting it into words for me!
Nancy Drew was and is a good friend to me. The first 56 are the best not a huge fan of any after that. I believe these van inspire girls in so so many ways! Not everyone enjoys them but if you are looking for a strong, smart, resourceful and talented girl Nancy is one to try!
I saw this in a comment, but it’s worth mentioning again. The Good Master, by Kate Seredy. Besides having the amazing, flawed and brave girl, the beauty in family and faith rituals are captivating. Betsy-Tacy also is great. These are some of my 10 year old daughter’s favorites, as well as others on your list. I try to preread as many modern books as I can for her. commonsensemedia.org helps in deciding books, or any other kind of media too.
For the younger crowd (pre-k to about 2nd grade) I really like the Junie B Jones books. It’s not high art or classic literature, but Junie B is a kick–a wonderful, independent girl and it really resonates with that age group. They have te added bonus of being one of the few kids’ series that consistently make me, as an adult reading it, laugh out loud. Interestingly enough my K aged son LOVES these books.
Love, love, LOVE your list! I can’t wait to start reading these to my son, frankly. Another one to check out sometime, if you can find it, is Mrs. Mike. It was made into a film in the 1960s, I believe. It’s the story of a girl from Boston who gets sent far north into the Canadian prairie to live with a distant relative and ends up falling in love with a Mountie and learning how to adapt and persevere in truly challenging physical and social conditions.
Before every girl becomes a teenager they should “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.” by Judy Blume and “She’s Come Undone” by Wally Lamb
Was so glad to see Limberlost and Kristen Lavransdatter on this list- loved all of them. Another series I loved as a kid was Dancing Shoes, Ballet Shoes, etc., by Noel Streatfeild. They were written in the 30’s and are mostly about sisters (some brothers too) who discover and develop their talents (in one case a girl who loves to fix cars!)… Great for younger readers, maybe 10 or 11ish I’d say…
Also, Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, and Narnia!
Great list. I would add “The Paper Bag Princess”, “Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon”, “A Bad Case of Stripes”, and “Grace for President”. I’ve read these dozens of times to my daughter and my son.
I would add The Secret Garden and A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. They both promote strong girls, creative minds, and strength through adversity. Plus, they’re beautifully told, charming stories that have stayed with me my whole life!
Great list! A lot of these books I read growing up but now I have a few more to get to!
I have a son and a baby girl and since having my daughter and watching Miss Representation, I am a lot more conscious of gender stereotypes and raising her to be a strong, confident, caring woman. Its a lot of pressure and I’m glad we can just take it one day at a time
I worry incessantly.
Love this. Many faves on your list. LOTR — Eowyn is the best ever — “I am no man.” My daughter is almost 2, so a bit young for reading many of these, but we’ve listened to Little Women, Anne & Secret Garden on car-rides – she loved it!
Also love the suggestions of Hunger Games & Golden Compass additions.
Meg Murray was & is my kindred spirit. I love reading thanks to Wrinkle in Time. The power of love & the individual are huge values of mine to this day. Ramona was another childhood fave, if not as powerful a lifetime influence.
PS – I lent 2 different neighbor girls Wrinkle & Compass – why stop with my own daughter!??!?
I’ve also read the Phillip Pullman series “His Dark Materials”. A very strong female protagonist in a fantasy setting. Think Narnia without the religious overtones. A wonderful read.
Not ready yet? I disagree…I started reading to our daughter at a very early age, and began with Pride and Prejudice! I will admit that my motive was to sneak in some reading time for Mommy during feedings and such, but in my opinion, it still counts!
When she’s little, read her “The Paper Bag Princess” by Robert Munsch. When a dragon burns down her castle and kidnaps Prince Ronald, Elizabeth puts on the only unburned thing she can find, a paper bag, and sets out to outwit the dragon and save Ronald. When Ronald is less than grateful at being rescued, she dumps him, and lives happily ever after, without him.
My girls love this book.
This is the first time I have come to your blog. It was recommended by a friend and I was intrigued by this title in particular. Though you and I have never met, I have a strong hunch that we are kindred spirits, as Anne would say. Your 10 books are almost exactly what I would have picked. I don’t have daughters yet, but when/if I do, I can’t wait to read them these books.
Excellent list!!
Yes! And I would add the Betsy-Tacy Series by Maud Hart Lovelace. My mom read them to me when I was young. Smart little girls with wild imaginations who speak their mind!
Saw your list on Pinterest, and I have to say – you are so spot on with this!!! I did a post along the same lines (one for teen boys, one for teen girls) because sadly many of these great books are nowhere to be found on YA shelves – next to popular tendy series like Twighlight. Here are my lists – they contain some of your titles and a few others. I wish I’d put Kristen Lavrensdatter on the girls list – an all time FAVORITE series of mine too!
I have read all 3 Kristin Lavransdatter books, and they are not what I would read with my child… unless she were well over age 16 or 18, and then w/ some discussion. It’s a bit like ‘Gone with the wind’ meets Dostoevsky (for some serious soul-searching) in medieval Norway. But really, the main female character, Kristin, wants the bad boy. She bypasses the virtuous male character more than once, and knowing she’s making a mistake, chooses bad boy again. Not a role model I want for my daughters. Granted there is a lot of soul-searching — certainly more than there is in ‘Gone with the Wind’. But Kristin wants what she wants more than wants what is good.
How about the author Patricia St John? Now THERE are some meaty female characters that weigh important decisions and make hard choices. Ones that a mom can gladly discuss with a daughter – young & old.
Lisa, I absolutely agree that Kristin makes some terrible decisions and is NOT a good role model. And I think that’s the whole point of the saga. Her bad choices and lust for Erlend have overwhelming consequences and affect not only her, but her children, as well. Virtue is communicated in a complex and incredible story in which the characters don’t always make the right decision. And I can’t think of a story in which the “fruit of sin” is as well conveyed as in KL. In fact, sometimes I think it’s almost too heavy-handed in the moralizing. But, I think virtue and vice as manifested in a certain character, though imperfect, is what’s so wonderful about good literature and why there’s so much to learn from it! I read them for the first time when I was 12ish and many of the lessons stuck with me.
Never read 5 (although with all the Lewis I’ve read I don’t know how I missed that one), 9 or 10. Have read the others and most of them are in my own top 10 books. Thanks for the endorsement.
Never read 5 (although with all the Lewis I’ve read I don’t know how I missed that one) 9 or 10 but most of the rest would make my top 10-20 books.
“Rebecca” by Daphne Du Maurier was an awesome read for me in my pre-teen years.
The main character in this book learns much about self-confidence as she seeks to find her way out of the pressing feeling that she is living in someone else’s shadow.
I also love that it teaches that the people we sometimes look up to, who seem to have it all, are usually just as messed up as we are – if not more. A good book to teach that you don’t need to “keep up with the Jones’s” to be happy.
If you love Anne books (which I do too, so SO very much– I decided you were “the race that knows Joseph” right off because of this, lol) Librivox (www.librivox.org) has them on audio for FREE. I as a grown woman listen to these as part of my “chill out/get ready for bed” routine on my iPod/headphones.
Karen Savage (gypsygirl) is the one you want. Search for her versions. Do not use the others, they are terrible!
Karen Savage’s versions are EXCELLENT. Her voice is soothing yet dynamic, beautiful — and what I like best is that she does all of the voices of the characters in such a way that they truly leap off the pages and does full justice to the prose. I listen to Anne of the Island, Anne’s House of Dreams, and Rilla of Ingleside on regular rotation. She also has recorded Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. Some of the others (Anne of Windy Poplars, Anne of Ingleside, Rainbow Valley for example) are still under copyright so cannot be used on Librivox yet.
Librivox actually has a LOT of these books available as free audio books, which might be great for little ones at night for storytime.
Oh, Julia! We’re kindred spirits for sure! I’ve listened to Karen Savage read Rilla already and she has a great version of Pride and Prejudice! I listen to audiobooks on my ipod to help me fall asleep. My other fave is Jim Dale who reads the Harry Potter series.
I’ve never played them for my littles, though. I should definitely see if there are some good ones to help my 3-year-old settle down at night!
Rebecca is one of my sister’s favorite books too. Thanks for the reminder – I’ve got to read it!
I second (third, fourth, whatever) the Lloyd Alexander books and Phantom Tollbooth.
For kids (boys or girls) I’d recommend James Thurber’s childrens books…the man plays with words like no one else I’ve ever read. He’s so imaginative, so clever and so enjoyable to read!
For you, since you like Jane Eyre, please please read Jasper Fforde’s series (the Thursday Next books, and the Nursery Crimes). My favorite books ever (except LOTR).
I love and agree with all of this!! The only two I would have too add is, Alice in Wonderland and the Secret Garden! Both give great examples of brave young women! My daughter is 9, and we have already read some on your list as well as some others! She loves to read, and that makes me happy!! It has not been easy to shield her from Twilight, even at her ages so many parents let their children jump on this wagon…WHY I often scream!!
two I read when i was younger ( i’m not ‘old’ enough for kids yet(!) so i guess it wasn’t all that long ago… all the same…)
‘There will be wolves’-Karleen Bradford is set in the time of the crusades where a girl with a bit of education and ;book learning’ is accused of being a witch, and the only way she can ‘save herslef’ is to join a holy crusade, it was a wonderful book of courage and inner strength young Ursula faces.. not really a book for the ‘youngers’ as there are some scenes that will bring up a few questions, she stands for what she believes in, regardless of the cotizens around her who believe differently..
while on ths subject of wolves… you must’nt forget
‘Julie of the Wolves’ an alaskan tale of a girl who runs away from her village bound for San fFansico; but gets lost along the way, and must learn the ways and behaviors of a wolf pack in order to be ‘adopted’ by them and survive the winter. a tale of survival, of strength, julie’s vast knowledge of the alaskan wild could teach anyone a thing or two about the wold outside their door, she embodies resourcefulness, yet is ‘young’ enough to connect with even a 2/3rd grader.
also: ‘The True confessions of Charlotte Doyle’- Avi an amazing book about a young victorian ‘lady’ who is sent on a sailing ship bound for home to her highborn family… however, a mutiny and a ‘cursed ship’ beg her to question the standards of decency and moral codes she has unknowingly accepted her entire life… Charlotte is a dear soul who moves from meek sheap who accepts all she is told, to an independant free spirit who has consiously chosen right from wrong, despite the odds against her.
DONT FORGET! my lovely Jackie Faber in the ‘Bloody jack’ series ( i believe there are… seven?) a young street girl in the aproximate time of the french war/revolution who boards a navy ship to try and get away from the street life… except, she poses as a boy… massive adventures of all sorts, she literally made me laugh alloud quite a few times… possibly not THEE best role model for the younger ones, but at heart, miss jackie is a resourceful, fun loving, rebelious and fiesty herioine im glad to call my ‘friend’
these few are on my shelf at all times, and i think i’ve read them at least 5 times each!
Yes! “True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle” has stuck with me into my adulthood as a great book for young women. I also second all mentions of “Caddie Woodlawn” and the “Wrinkle in Time” series.
My husband and I had the same struggle finding inspiring books for our nieces so we created this resource site on literature for girls — A Mighty Girl (www.amightygirl.com). We just launched it a few days ago and I know we’re missing lots so please send us your ideas on books to add.
And, I’ve seen a lot of people mention Phantom Tollbooth. It’s certainly a fabulous book but also check out “The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making” — many people compare it to a Phantom Tollbooth with a female protagonist – http://www.amightygirl.com/the-girl-who-circumnavigated-fairyland-in-a-ship-of-her-own-making
I have three girls, my oldest is 13 and a voracious reader. Has been for years. She flew through the Harry Potter series and LOVED them (she’s re-read it coutless times). She was so so on the The Lord of the Rings books. Now we got nothing, so your list is very timely. There seems to be a big void of appropriate books for kids her age. I must admit, I let her read the first twilight book, she liked it but I won’t let her read the rest, just too dark. The sad thing is my 11 year old tells me there’s kids in her class that have read the Twilight series. Have their mom’s read these books?? Come on….
Great list!
I would add the Hunger Games for sure!
And probably the Book Thief.
I’ve read most of those and will add the ones I haven’t to my list of “to reads” I would add ” A little Princess” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I have to admit I really lilked the Twilight books could lose the movies though. I like Bella she’s a real girl and while I would hope that my daughter won’t just curl up and die if her boyfriend leaves her, even if he’s the love of her life, I still liked that they were willing to sacrifice for one another and that is almost lost in today’s culture. Love is about the other person not about you. Adore all of these books and charecters though.
Such a great list! I would add “The Hundred Dresses” by Eleanor Estes – and anything by her, for that matter. I especially loved all her books about the Moffat family.
The Little House books are such a big part of my childhood; I love them all dearly. And I hope my little girl reads To Kill a Mockingbird as soon as she’s ready. It’s my favorite book (besides the Bible) and I think Scout is a wonderful character for girls to identify with.
I loved Howl’s Moving Castle by Dianna Wynne Jones. The storyline is amazing and the main character is a strong and smart woman. If you liked Harry Potter then you’ll like this as well!
I haven’t seen this one yet, my daughter and I loved this one, predates Anne of Green GAbles I think, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms. Also, many others by the same author, including Timothy’s Quest!
Lots of good suggestions. I want to recommend a set of films… Although my girls and I also love books like those you’ve listed. I’d recommend the works of Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli. Films like Naausicaa, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away (to name a few) have very strong female protagonists and life lessons. All his movies have heroines as the central character. The stories also teach love, peace and environmental protection.
I think the Hunger Games trilogy is actually quite good: Katniss is a model of strength, resourcefulness, responsibility, and sisterly-love. She’s also very realistic- flawed, a little oblivious to social graces, single-minded in her purposes, a bit vengeful. But she is so real, and so intrinsically good that I see her as a good role model for girls.
I love this list! One of my favorite female characters comes from A Series of Unfortunate Events (Books 1-13!). Violet Baudelaire is valued for her genius in a lot of more traditionally ‘masculine’ things like inventing complicated contraptions. She often works with her siblings in ingenious ways to get her family out of trouble. Her looks are hardly ever mentioned, except for a ribbon she uses to keep her hair out of her face when she’s concentrating.
A book recommendation: The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The protagonist is a shy, timid girl who charges out of her comfort zone, sword in hand, to try to save her sister’s life. She grows so much and kicks a lot of ass. The book itself is very interesting as well! The ending is happy but not what you’d expect.
There are a lot of comments to pour through, but has anyone mentioned “Charlotte’s Web” by E. B. White? Fern is a sweet female character with a unique connection to nature which worries her mother, but she is not phased by it – if she is even aware that it makes her different. Plus there’s Charlotte, and while she’s not human, she too is female and strong and kind and diligent in her work and love for Wilbur.
I love your comment about Anne the Continuing Story! I could not agree more! And I like your list. This will give me some good evening reading while I wait for my little girl to grow up and I can read them.
Thanks, Juli! I just want to pretend AtheCS never happened. Happy reading
I don’t have time to read all the comments but I couldn’t stand it if no one recommended Ella Enchanted to you. It’s a retelling of Cinderella (who is one of the more feminist friendly princesses anyway) but it’s amazing. I love that book and it’s all about how your talents can change your circumstances mixed in with a lot of self-sacrifice but the main character is so wonderful and real.
Thanks, Karli! It’s definitely on my to read list now
The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munch is a must for every little girl!
I keep hearing that, Cathy! Thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely get it for Lucy
I got chills when I saw A Girl of the Limberlost – I didn’t know anyone else had ever read this book! My grandma gave it to me when I was 10 and I read it at least 2 times a year (do I’ve read it about 40 times). I would also add Mists of Avalon to this list.
It is the best! I read it as a girl and then found a used copy three years ago and fell in love with it all over again. Your comment makes me want to reread it right now. What a sweet memory that your grandma gave it to you! I’ve never read Mists of Avalon, so I’ll have to add that one to my ever growing ‘to read’ list
What a great list. I read a great book when I was a preteen called so much to tell you by John Marsden. It was a fantastic book about a young mute girl. It made a big impact on my young life.
Thanks, Beth! And I’ve never heard of So Much To Tell You. I’ll have to check it out! Thank you for the suggestion
I love this list. I have read several books on this list and the ones I have not I will be checking out. I have a 15 month old daughter, who I want to raise to love books and be a strong woman. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by, Brittany! Glad you enjoyed the list and best of luck with your precious daughter
I am sad that, as avid of a reader as I have been since third grade, I have missed out on many of these. Why? Because I was too busy reading the forsaken Babysitter’s Club. Blah. I want better for my three girls!! Thank you for this list, and all the others from the comments. I wanted to add Patricia MacLachlan’s “Unclaimed Treasures”. It is one of my all-time favorite books.
Best of luck with your girls, Kate! And thank you for the recommendation. I’ve read some of Patricia MacLachlan’s books, but not Unclaimed Treasures. I’ll check it out!
I highly recommend “Mists of Avalon” by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It’s the women’s version of the King Arthur tales, and it brings a whole new light to the stories.
I LOVE anything King Arthur so I’ll have to look for this one for sure! Thanks for the suggestion!
Great list! I would also recommend the Nancy Drew series, which my mother enjoyed as a child and then passed on to me.
Thanks for the suggestion, Whitney!
I found this list through a friend on Pinterest, and I love it! I’ve read most of these and I plan to put the rest on my list to read (which is very long at the moment).
I was huge into fantasy when I was a teen (just a few years ago) and I read a bunch of good fantasy books with strong female characters.
A Wrinkle in Time (and the rest of the series) – Madeline L’Engle (one of my favorite books I’ve ever read)
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles – Patricia Wrede (who doesn’t love a story about a princess who loves dragons?)
The Harry Potter Series – JK Rowling (I originally wanted to be like Hermione, but Ginny Weasley is hands down the anti-Bella. She kicks butt when her love interest has to leave)
The Chronicles of Narnia – CS Lewis (my favorite character was Susan, which is sad, but it taught me a lesson about people changing)
The Nancy Drew Series – Carolyn Keene (slightly scary for younger kids – I was afraid the first time I read them in elementary school, but they’re all about the girl power – however unrealistic)
I can’t think of any more at the moment but this would be good for girl power fantasy.
Sarah, there are some great recommendations in your comment! I LOVE Madeline L’Engle and have recently been wanting to reread most of her books which I haven’t picked up in years. And I agree about Hermione and Ginny. I love them both. Such strong, wonderful, and yet feminine characters. And looking back over my list, if I had picked 11, I think I would have chosen the Chronicles of Narnia (although I did include Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis). Thanks for stopping by and adding to the list
I completely agree with Sarah about Patricia Wrede’s “Enchanted Forest Chronicles.” Great stories about strong female characters – and there are a lot of them. Loved the books so much that we now have 2 cats named after characters in the book – Kazul and Morwen!
you for the one got a series…. THE ENCHANTED FOREST CHRONICLES.
As a teen girl who has loved to read and reads every I would suggest:
“There’s a Girl in the Boys Locker Room”-Louis Sachar
“Dark Blue”- Melody Carlson
“Walk Two Moons”- Sharon Creech
“7 Best Things ^Smart Teens Do”- John C. Friel & Linda D. Friel
Any of the American Girl Books
Series of Unfortunate Events
Boxcar Children
“Riding Freedom”- Brian Selznick
And all the Harry Potter you can cram down her throat
I think I read Walk Two Moons but now I can’t remember a thing about it! I’ll have to revisit it. And I loved the American Girl Books! They’re wonderful. Great suggestions!
One book I highly recommend is Raging Quiet. It helps teach the dangers of jumping to assumptions about people and about looking past what society expects.
Can I throw in a late recommendation for the Wizardry series by Diane Duane? They get a little convoluted later on, but the first three (So You Want to be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, and High Wizardry) really engaged me as a young’un. They feature a very strong female protagonist with complex themes, plus a bonus prophetic parrot named Machu Picchu.
I haven’t heard of that series before. I’ll have to check it out! Thanks.
I definitely agree with this!!
“Julie of the Wolves” –a good example of “capable women doing cool stuff” as a girl escapes an unwanted, abusive marriage and uses her wits and fortitude to make her way across the Alaskan tundra herself. (5th grade+)
“Ella Enchanted” –which shows how, even in situations where people try to use and control you (something all women experience at least once), you can remain strong, independent, and funny. Also has excellent examples of bad relationships to avoid presented in a child-appropriate way courtesy of fairy curses. (5th grade+)
“Diary of Anne Frank” (the unedited one)–having grace in horrible situations; getting along with family, even when they drive you crazy; and dealing with the confusing feelings of growing up, changing, and liking boys are a few of the things reading this book will teach your daughter as she also learns about an important, though dark, part of our history. (7th-8th grade+)
Great suggestions, thanks!
Awesome list of books! I will defenietly be reading these books to my precious Jocelyn. We are big fans of the Renessiance Era…my son’s name is Tristan (from King Arthur’s knight) and we fell in love my daughter’s name. After reading the Twilight series and seeing the movies (and having a daughter) I really don’t want her to look up to Bella Swan. Pinning this for my daughter and future granddaughter (many many years from now)
I also have to say that we too are Catholic and my husband and I were married on Immaculate Conception. So we thought it was appropriate to name him Tristan Gabriel and he shares a birthday with my husband. My daughter has my middle name Jocelyn Celeste and the same intials as her daddy. Just wanted to share…
Love those names, Cassandra! Gabriel is a name I’d like to use someday. And I love anything Arthurian!
Since you teach ballet, you have to read Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield! Pauline, Petrova, and Posy are three amazing little girls who are excellent role models.
I read it only a year or two ago and LOVED it! There’s also a movie version that isn’t half bad (but not as good as the book, like usual). I will definitely read it to Lucy!
Thanks for reminding me about that one.
The Mandie series by Lois Gladys Leppard and the Elsie Dinsmore series by Martha Finley
I think that Anna Karenina should make the list!
Love it!
I heartily agree with those that recommended the Dealing With Dragons series.
I was surprised not to see “The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle” by Avi on the list or the comments anywhere. My absolute favorite book ever, about a young “lady” crossing the ocean alone, who becomes captain due to a series of events.
I am so looking forward to sharing it, and so many of these others, with my daughter as she gets older!
I remember reading Charlotte Doyle when I was a little girl and loving it!
The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald.
I love The Princess and the Goblin! That would be a great addition to the list, Christine
I read some of the comments but not all 382 (when I posted). One I did not see was “The Diary of Anne Frank” One of my favorite books as a young girl. Would recommend it to any girl!
I love FableHaven by Brandon Mull such a good aventure adn imigantion book showing the importance of being brave and that you can do alot if you put your mind to it
I love this list. I have read most of them and will read those that I haven’t soon. I can’t wait to share them with my daughter when she is old enough. There were a few things missing from the list that were a huge part of my childhood. The Boxcar Children series showed excellent family dynamics and loving siblings. The Nancy Drew mysteries kept me up for hours with a flashlight beneath the coveres.
Also, Until Our Last Breath by Michael Bart for the slightly older kids is wonderful. True story told by the son of a Holocaust survivor about strength, perseverance, and true love that lasts a lifetime, not a tween spring fling.
I don’t know if it has been mentioned in all of these comments, but “A Thousand Splendid Suns” is a truly inspiring book for all women. I’d wait until she’s in high school or college but it is a must-read. Thanks for such an amazing post!
I don’t think anyone has mentioned that one, Briana. Thank you!
For girls of a younger age, I’d suggest “Jane and the Dragon” by Martin Baynton. It’s the story of a girl who wants to grow up to be a knight, instead of a lady in waiting, and it’s a wonderful tale about bravery and how you should choose your own path. It was my favorite book when I was little (like two), but my friend’s daughter loves it and she just turned four, and I still love it and I’m about to turn 24! It’s one of those books that sticks with you.
Please add Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time” to your list. Fantastic female character in there too!
I love Madeleine L’Engle
Another amazing book to read to younger children would be Peter Pan. Sure it’s full of fantasy but Wendy is such a good roll model who makes wise decisions for herself and her family.
I love Peter Pan
It’s the first book I read out loud to my babies during those long nights of newborn wakefulness.
I learned how to read when I was 4, and it has been one of the greatest parts of my life ever since. Though I don’t have daughters of my own (yet!), I thought I’d pass along some of my favorites, and affirm some of those already listed.
1. Ella Enchanted is still one of my favorites, though The Two Princesses of Bamarre by the same author is one of the most lovely books ever, in my opinion.
2. The Edge on the Sword by Rebecca Tingle – Early English history, with a great heroine.
3. The Starplace by Vicki Grove – My copy is falling apart from so many readings.. deals with racism in an honest and refreshing way.
4. Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech – I liked it better than Walk Two Moons!
5. The Mandie Series by Lois Gladys Leppard – Clever mysteries and smart, lovable characters
6. ANYTHING by Ann Rinaldi.. she may be the best historical fiction writer I’ve ever found. My personal favorite is Time Enough for Drums.
7. Stardust by Neil Gaiman – The movie was ok-ish and enjoyable, but the book is amazing.
8. Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw – This is for a highschool age girl, but still a must. Mara has flaws, but she works through them.
9. Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris – So good
10. I second Tamora Pierce.. I read all of her books throughout middle and highschool, and still check them out from the library every now and again.
11. And Condors Danced by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
I could go on an on, but this list is already quite long for just a comment. Apologies for the length, but I hope your daughter grows to love books as much as I do. And these are books good enough for you to read while you wait for her to be old enough!
Best Wishes!
Great additions, Kymberly! I almost forgot about Mara, Daughter of the Nile. That was one of my favorites growing up.
Every little girl should read “The Wee Free Men” by Terry Pratchett. It’s adorably whimsical but admirably direct in it’s message that courage, strength and wisdom are the truly admirable qualities in life. And it’s an equally fun read for mom and dad. The story is set in a fantasy world that’s still rich in real-world philosophy and scenarios, with an incredibly endearing set of characters (many of which are strong, no-nonsense women), brimming with quintessential girl-power heroinism, and rooted in the resounding message of the power of female will and courage. Overall the story reads as a modern fairy tale where nobility makes a princess rather than a crown, magical swords bare little virtue over a sharp mind and you can slay your own dragons.
So, I’ve been dying to read Prachett for years and haven’t gotten around to it yet. Now, I’m paralyzed by the decision of which one to read first, haha! Sounds great.
I LOVED the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce when I was a girl. Alanna has a twin brother, and both are being sent off; Alanna to learn magic and her brother to become a knight. Alanna longs for the adventurous life of a knight, so she disguises herself as her brother and they trade places. Alanna was courageous and awesome and I remember getting absolutely lost in those books.
I’m not familiar with that one, Seanna. I’ll check it out!
I was hoping to see the Alanna books suggested. LOVED these when I was in jr. high. I recently re-read them and they are still so good!
When she’s old enough that these books become age appropriate, share “The Hunger Games” with her. Katniss is a very strong female lead in a world full of troubles. It’s a heart-wrentching trilogy, if you haven’t read it yet beware. But the females in the book are quite brave and strong.
I just read The Hunger Games a couple of months ago and enjoyed them. I think there’s lots to discuss in them and I plan on sharing them with my kids when they’re ready for the material. Thanks, Kara!
I’m surprised that nobody’s suggested the Baby-Sitters’ Club series for younger readers (second/third grade?). The writing is simplistic, but the girls are strong, capable, and diverse; they run their own baby-sitting agency while they deal with serious issues, like divorcing parents, abandonment, juvenile diabetes, death of pets and family members, and blended families.
I love “The Princess and the Kiss” for younger girls. It’s a short book about purity. Although its a princess story, it’s not all about the handsome prince lacking personality. Cute book with meaning to read to your little girls.
Thanks, Nadine! I’ll check it out.
Pippi Longstocking was the forst one that came to my mind. I loved it as a kid and am lookinmg for3ard to reading to my daughter (currently 2) when she is older. Thanks a great list I will need to explore more.
Never read it! So many great suggestions that I haven’t read and sometimes haven’t heard of in these comments. Thanks, Katrina.
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Talk soon!
all of those books that i have read are amazing, especially the anne and potter books, my favorite. i can also suggest the pern series, specifically the harper trilogies first two
also rebbecca, ella enchanted, and a book called the blue sword by robin mckinley, all women overcoming adverity
Thank you for the suggestions, Tegan!
Another really good one for when girls are in upper elementary school is “Island of the Blue Dolphins” by Scott O’Dell. It’s about a young girl who’s entire village gets killed or stolen from their island. She is forced to learn how to survive on her own.
I also really enjoyed “The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.” It’s about a privileged girl coming over to America on a ship. She eventually learns the value of hard work on the ship. It’s also good because she has to learn to live with people who are lower than her on the social ladder. This is kind of a hard read if I remember correctly.
Another good one is “Running out of Time.” It’s set in 1996 I think. You start out thinking it’s set during the 1800s, but then find out that all these people actually live in an exhibit. The adults all know, but the children do not. There ends up being a cholera (I think) outbreak but the owners of the exhibit won’t provide the required medicine because it’s not historically accurate. One of the mothers sends her daughter out into the real world and she is forced to find help.
I grew up reading and watching princess stories, but I also LOVED reading and watching stories about strong women. I think a healthy balance can be struck when it comes to the whole princess thing.
I’ve read Island of the Blue Dolphins and Charlotte Doyle but not Running out of Time. The plot you described reminds me of “The Village.” Have you seen it?
Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Princess stories. I think Fairy Tales are wonderful for children. I think there are some Disney princesses that could use some help but I agree that it’s all about balance.
While I completely agree with your opinion of Twilight, I had to say that you’ve not even broached the topic of bad female leads! You think Twilight is bad? Try reading the 50 Shades series. That makes the Twilight books look poetic and the main character look like the ultimate roll model! Yeesh… Literature is going downhill fast!
Love your list, great recommendations!
Thanks, Theresa! I’m sure there’s worse out there than Twilight. But I think the issue is that Twilight is widely read by preteen girls while 50 Shades is not (at least I hope not!).
I love this list I am going to remember it for my 3 week old niece. I can’t wait for her to learn to read! Your list is fantastic.
I would also add:
The Betsy-Tacy Series by Maude Hart Lovelace
Betsy is a brave writer (similar to Jo March) her books are about herself and her two (in the second book Betsy and Tacy meet Thelma, called Tib) and it is about their friendship. It takes the reader from the girls adventures at age 6 to Betsy’s work as high school newspaper editor, her solo trip around Europe right before WWI (Betsy and the Great World is my favorite) to her marriage at the end of the series. The stories are based on Maude Hart Lovelace’s life. She started telling them to her daughter as bedtime stories and they eventually became some of my favorite books.
I gotta get those books!
I adore your selection of books for girls and have read many of them to my three daughters (ages 8 to 16). I am guessing that you have only heard about twilight or maybe just saw the movies. I enjoyed the books very much. Bella grows up with a lovable flake of a Mom, cooks dinner for her Dad, makes straight A’s and chooses a guy who worries about her soul and insists that they wait to have sex until they are married. She leaves the protection of her friends to save her Mom. Edward leaves her to protect her and she grieves the loss; she never tries to kill herself or even mentions suicide. Breaking Dawn ,the final book, is one of my favorite books. Bella protects her child at all costs and saves everyone — with her mind. I get that the movies don’t have time to tell a complete story, but I think the books are excellent. Nobody hate me, please, that’s my honest opinion.
Oh yeah, I like Disney princesses, too. I play up their gutsy decisions and fearless determination to my girls. Just to be clear, I don’t tell them that a man is needed to complete their identity. I just want them to know that love exists and ,even though no one is perfect, any man worth having MUST respect her, care about others more than himself, and be good with animals and children, and love God.
I would never disparage the decisions of any Mom who wants to do what is best for her daughter, I just wanted to share my opinion. I do agree about the third Anne movie, though; it made me cry. Anne made adventures out of everyday life, she didn’t need to go to war. Also, we don’t get to see her awesome family. I know the screenwriter backed himself into a corner by setting the original movie in the Victorian era, but I still think he should have found a way to follow the basic storyline of the books.
Oh that last Anne movie. You’re right. So unnecessary! There’s so much great material in the books…I just….sigh. Don’t get me started.
I wrote another post a few weeks ago about my issues with Twilight. http://carrotsformichaelmas.com/2012/06/20/why-you-cant-read-twilight-a-letter-to-my-daughter/
You probably won’t like it if you were a fan of the books, but there it is. I actually did read the books (not all of the last one) and if I remember correctly, Bella jumps off a cliff while mourning Edward’s abandonment…or to get his attention? Can’t remember. Either way seems bad.
I personally don’t have a problem with fairy tales and princess stories, although I know some do. Thanks for your comment!
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t not comment on this. I completely agree with the books on this list (I completely adore Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood and I love Katniss from The Hunger Games) and I believe females should be strong, independent, courageous, and empowered, but I also love the Twilight series. Sure Bella is not the strongest female protagonist ever, but you don’t go into the Twilight books looking for that, you read them for the love story. So when your daughter grows up and she wants to read the books….let her! Just tell her that she might not want Bella as a role model, but to enjoy the books for what they are…entertainment!
And in response to the Disney Princesses comment….I grew up watching princess movies and I turned out just fine! Have you ever seen the princess movies? Mulan risks her life fighting for her country because she doesn’t want her father to have to fight….if that doesn’t say courage than I don’t know what does!!
Hi, Molly. Thanks for your comment. If you enjoyed the Twilight series, you probably won’t enjoy my post about why I don’t want my daughter to read it: http://carrotsformichaelmas.com/2012/06/20/why-you-cant-read-twilight-a-letter-to-my-daughter/
But it does give a more detailed response of my issues with the series. In fact, it’s the “love” aspect that I have the biggest problem with. I think it’s a terrible representation of what love is and should be (that’s all in the post). And of course when my daughter is in her teens she can read them if she desires (I mean, how could I really stop her). Furthermore, I don’t think that just because something is “entertainment” means that it is positive. Something can be entertaining as well as dreadful (as a fellow fan of the Hunger Games I’m sure you’ve considered that.)
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, same person who wrote a secret garden. My little sister and I adored it.
I loved it, too!
Although you make some good points…. I think you could cut Stephanie Meyers a bit of a break…. The books were not meant to be some literally masterpiece. She is a bit of an inspiration herself… She was NOT a writer .. she was just a mom.. like all of us. ( when was the last time any of you wrote a best seller?) She had a dream… and sat down to write a story… that’s all it is.. just a fantasy. Something from her imagination…. That is something I hope my daughter has… vision. She started something and finished it!!!!. As far as poor Bella …. Yes.. she went through some moments of weakness.. ( haven’t we all?) but she also shows strength … as a mother herself … she is protective of her unborn child even when it threatens her own life… She goes on to continue to protect her family. And Edward is an honorable guy and they resist temptation and wait until marriage. Just to add… these books got some young girls to start reading in the first place… These were the fist books that any of them had picked up and the read was easy…. ( unlike The Lord of the rings) The average person could get through all 4 books in about 2 weeks. I get the point of your list…but I think it sounds a bit High and mighty.
Thank you for your insights, J. Indeed, the books are NOT intended to be some literary masterpiece. So I figure, why waste time on them? And her unfortunate lack of writing skill is embarrassingly apparent in her works.
I don’t think that it’s unreasonable to criticize her books on the grounds that I have not written a bestselling book. I am a reader of books and I think I’m entitled to an opinion as anyone else. When a friend asks you what you thought of a bad movie, do you respond, “I’m not qualified to say because I’ve never directed a feature film”? Or do you give your opinion?
If you enjoyed the books and want your daughter to read them, great! You’re the parent!
In my case, I’m simply not impressed with the fact that Miss Meyer “finished something” because the product isn’t impressive. Many people write and finish good books and those are the sort I would like her to read.
I think your point that Bella is protective of her unborn child has merit! It’s a redeeming quality. But with so many great characters in real literature to offer my daughter, why present her with a generally boring and flat character like Bella?
As for getting some kids to start reading, I think that what you attract people with you attract them to. It seems hardly positive that Miss Meyer got girls interested in reading mediocre books. There are many many easy books that are well-written and interesting.
There are so many awesome books on this list. And even more when you take all the replies into consideration. I have to add a few that I’ve read with my own daughters recently that were keepers.
A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass
Savvy by Ingrid Law
Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper
The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron
Rules by Cynthia Lord
Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson
Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie Tolan
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse
Mon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
These are all excellent strong-female books that are acceptable for a precocious 8 up through about 14. I tried to scan all the comments, but my apologies if I’ve repeated some.
I haven’t heard of most of these (I love that!). Thank you so much
yes, yes, yes!!!!
Calpurnia Tate is gorgeous, amazing, funny, and one of the best books to be published for kids in the past ten years. Moon Over Manifest is lovely, too.
agreeing with the posts above calling for Star Girl by Spinelli, Princess Academy by Shannon Hale, and the Penderwicks by Birdsall.
For your tiny little one, I don’t think I saw anyone mention Neil Gaiman’s Blueberry Girl, which is one of my favorite picture books of all time.
A Wrinkle in Time is another must read.
Love that one, Krista!
I’m not sure if anyone else has suggested these, but Princess Academy and the Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale are pretty decent, and The Mysterious Benedict Society Series by Trenton Lee Stewart is fantastic. Kate and Constance are two of the strongest and resourceful literary girls I’ve ever read about, and they are both very young.
I keep hearing great things about the Mysterious Benedict Society! I must must must get my hands on those. Thank you!
I recommend The BFG and Matilda by Roald Dahl (everything by him, actually), all the Pippi Longstocking books are fantastic, and the Anastasia books by Lois Lowry. So, so good.
Great recommendations!
Kind of a random note here. First, I want to say, I definitely recommend reading these books to your daughter, and encouraging her to look up to strong women.
But I did want to make one comment on Twilight. Yes, Bella is not as interesting as some people. She’s not as beautiful as some people. She’s not as smart as some people. She’s not as rich as some people. She screws up, makes mistakes, and doesn’t fit in. But in the end she is still loved, valued, and cared for. And sometimes when you’re a young girl and you feel not as interesting, not as pretty, or not as smart as the people around you, it can feel good to read a story that tells you that you can still find a life where you are loved and valued not just in spite of your oddities, but because of them.
Just a thought on another way to put Bella into some context if she ever does want to read those books.
Kelsey, thanks for your insightful comment. I actually think that your thoughts regarding Twilight are the best I’ve read in these comments. You make a good point. But I think there are books that also present characters who are misfits that young girls will connect with for their awkwardness and “oddities,” as you said, that are really well-written and timeless. Haven’t come across a better argument in favor of Twilight! Bravo!
I definitely agree.
Your list and those added by others are all amazing suggestions. I have a 4 year old daughter & will definitely start reading some of these books to her!
I have one suggestion for when your daughter is older. I read this book (and all of th other books by her) when I was a junior in high school for a project for school. One of my favorite books that I re-read about once a year is “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand. Although her objectivist philosophy is controversial (even to a fan like me there are parts i do not agree with) I believe that parts of it are necessary for a young woman (or man). She instilled in me the sense that I can do or be anything that I want. My father has called me “Dagny” since I was 17 (the name of her female protagonist) as we both enjoy Rand’s work.
Despite some of the controversies, Rand enforces hard work, confidence, intelligence, feminism, and many many other important aspects of becoming a strong woman. This is one on the list that I will suggest my daughter reads as well. If you have the chance, preview it first. It is quite lengthy (over 1000 pages) and can be a bit slow at times, but for me at least it is a book that definitely deserves a shot. (I will warn you Rand is an agnostic, however, I grew up Lutheran & in a house hold of strong faith. Any reading of Rand I did at that age did not cause me to question my personal faith–that’s part of the reason I suggested it be for later in life).
Two other books I read regularly and have since I was in high school, are “The Thornbirds” & “Gone With the Wind”. There is also a sequel to “Gone With the Wind” (written by a different author) that I think is quite good at finishing the transformation that Scarlett begins at the end of ” Gone With the Wind”. All of these books have strong female leads that go through transformations that I think show a young woman that changes happen & no one is perfect.
Thanks, Amy! Haven’t read Atlas Shrugged, although I’ve read some of Rand’s other works (can’t say I’m a huge fan!). I read Gone with the Wind when I was in third grade actually (seems weird now, haha) and I’ve always loved it. Way better than the movie!
I haven’t read many of the above comments so if I repeat opinions that have already been stated I apologize.
I read (and own) the Twilight series. And I have read them at least three times. They are good for a quick read, something of a guilty pleasure of mine. The movies are just grotesquely mooshy. Ick. But as far as letting a future daughter of mine read them, I would if she wanted to. If I told her no she probably would anyway if she inherits any of my …um, issues with authority. I don’t think they’ll damage her and I would be interested to see what her opinion of them is. Now…the last one I might hold off on depending on what age she was when the interest surfaces due to some questionable loves scenes. But even then, those are very tame.
My very favorite Disney movie was Mulan. I believe that is the first Disney princess movie where the female character wasn’t a damsel in distress. It came out when I was in the 5th grade and it still has a special place in my heart. And I have heard some good things about the new Disney/Pixar movie Brave.
I read a lot of the Babysitter’s club. The Boxcar Kids were a favorite of mine as well. All of the CS Lewis Chronicles of Narnia books (I believe there are 7). I read a lot of Nancy Drew when I was in middle school. I agree that the Harry Potter series is fantastic. As an adult I am still in love with the series. Gone with the Wind is a good book, I just finished it a month ago. Scarlett is a very strong character but I go between wanting to slap her and being proud of her for what she is doing in spite of disapproval. Although Melanie is another example of a strong woman who sticks by her moral code and her friends throughout all in a more soft spoken way, but very strong in her own right.
Great list! Thanks for sharing.
I almost forgot about the Boxcar Children ! Thank you!
I love Anne of Green Gables ! However, may I ask why you are so adamant about not watching the continuing story film ? Why did you not like that one ?
Have you not seen it yet?! (Please say yes!)
They made a complete departure from the books and created an entirely new “dramatic” story line in war times (Anne goes to war?). Furthermore, the actors are all too old and Anne has a gravelly smoker voice. Not sure if the actress smokes, but it’s dreadful. I’ve tried to block out the whole experience!
Haha, I’ve seen it. Of course it’s not like the original books – but then again, most movies that were once books never turn out the same. Yes it did veer off from the Anne stories, and I didn’t really like it that much either. It was just funny, because I happened to come across your blog & saw this post a day after I watched the third movie. The first one is undoubtedly my favorite. Anne of Green Gables totally inspired me as a little girl and broadened my imagination ever so greatly. Love that Anne !
Not sure where you stand on religious beliefs, but if you are concerned for your daughter to grow up with great influences, the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers is a fantastic place to start. It’s a trilogy that starts following a Messianic Jewish girl who was thrust into a world of slavery. Her effects on the family she works for are unparalleled. I’m a big reader, and I love good, classic books, but have yet to find one that challenged me to be a better person than the characters in those stories. It’s virtually impossible to read those books and not be changed. Check them out, you might be surprised how good they are. And did I mention that they’re easy to read? Winning. All around.
Sounds great, Laura! I’ll check it out
I think you should add anything by Tamora Pierce, she has scads of fabulous books featuring incredibly strong female characters. They are fantasy and an incredible formative part of my adolescence and adulthood. I think any of her heroines are fabulous role-models and appeal to a wide audience.
Except that Pierce’s main heroine, Alanna the Lioness, falls into bed at the first flirtatious smile of any cute guy!! Three, that I can recall. I read this series just this last month based on comments like this on this post, and though the books were entertaining and fun, I can’t believe this kind of thing is in a children’s book, and I most definitely will not want Alanna as a role model for my girls!!
I found this list via Pinterest and think it is a great list. I am a huge fan of Jane Austen and have read P&P literally 20 times. I got Little House on the Prairie on cd to listen to in the car and there many times we had to sit waiting in the car while she listened to the book. I am not sure if these books were mentioned but they are favorites of my 6yr old daughter Luci. Judy Moody, The Magic Tree House(I love this series bc it gets them interesed in reading and history), The Magic Ballerina( the series is written by a real ballerina) Judy Blume, also the American Girl books are great for strong girls and learning about history. We are now listening on cd The Golden Compass and my daughter is loving it. We first saw the movie and now listening to the book which I try to reframe from doing but I didn’t realize it was a book till after we watched it. The others I would name seemed to have already been listed.
For the on going talk about Barbie and Princess I will say to each their own and would never want to criticize someone else’s opinion and would not want those to do it to me. I grew up with all the princesses and with Barbie and I am a very strong willed woman. My daughter is all about princesses. She also is interested in other things like Little house on the prairie and history books. She loves to wear a tutu, tiara, and bejewled up to her neck in necklaces but is also out there climbing trees and playing in the mud with her guy friends. We live on a farm and she is out there helping to feed and take care of the animals. Children should not be censored into what books they cannot and can read. They should be allowed to explore all sorts of worlds and characters and be allowed to judge fore themselves what type of person they want to be. We need to be there to guide them but never push them along their path.
Little House audiobook is such a good idea! My 3-year-old son can’t quit sit still for chapter books yet (except for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, an inexplicable exception) but if he were in his car seat I think he would really dig it.
Anything written by John Green, Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein or Sarah Dessen. Maybe Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. Deferentially Charlotte’s Web, Paddle-to-the-Sea, Seven Silly Eaters, Winnie the Pooh, Magic Tree House, and there was one from when I was younger that was some book that I forgot it’s name but it was about animal rescue which was a great series and amazing for starting chapter books.
Reading Paddle-to-the-Sea to my son right now! Loving it
YES!! I have read and love many of those books!! You are a great mother!!
Thanks, Laura
What about the books of Ruth and Esther in the Bible?? Both women are ideal for little girls. Both face great trials but because of their faith in the Lord they make it through. These and other Bible stories are what we SHOULD be reading to and teaching our children. God uses the weak to lead the strong and I plan on sharing these women’s stories with my son (so that he knows what a Godly woman looks and acts like) and with any future daughters that the Lord may bless me with (if any at all).
Great suggestion, Ashley!
Here are a few books I’v really loved growing up and have saved for my future children:
-Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards
-Nobody’s Family Is Going to Change- Fitzhugh
-The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basel E. Frankweiler
-The Bear Nobody Wanted
-Harriet the Spy (I think there are several books)
-Mr. Popper’s Penguins (more about the animals but so much fun! also different from the movie!)
-The Bridge to Terebitha is a great story about a tomboy (ruined by the movie)
-Actually I love lots of Katherine Patterson books growing up. She’s written a lot of wonderful, and different stories; they are defiantly worth checking out.
-Cheaper by the Dozen and Belles on Their Toes! It’s a wonderful true story about a family of twelve children! Lots of strong females in this. (Again different from the movie.)
-The Hundred Dresses
-The Twenty One Balloons.
-When she’s ready Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird is a very strong female who learns an invaluable lesson about right and wrong.
-Number the Stars, when she’s older.
-The Ramona books are good for younger girls.
-The Whipping Boy is about a boy, but it is a good tale about understanding other people’s circumstances and overcoming a spoiled past.
-Catherine Called Birdy has a medieval setting and a strong female lead.
I’d like to second other readers’ suggestions of:
-Betsy and Tacy Series!
– I read A Wrinkle in Time several times growing up and loved it! It’s one of the only books I’ve read multiple times.
-I read almost every Boxcar Kids and and Nancy Drew I could growing up. I also read the Babysitter Clubs like it was going out of style. I had trouble reading and my mother said that once I found them I read like wildfire.
So many good ones in here! And a couple I’ve never read. I loved Catherine Called Birdy! Thanks, Leigh!
Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards is my all time favorite! Just seconding that…I bought the anniversary edition a few years ago and cannot wait until my little girl is old enough!
– pretty much anything by Rumer Godden (for younger children An Episode of Sparrows, and The Diddakoi top the list) I just love her as an author and she was such an interesting person, great writer, and a Catholic convert.
I love this post and pinned it to my Pinterest to keep for any future daughters of mine. I also teach high school Language Arts and am constantly looking for more books to recommend.
I would add Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman. It’s delightful, smart, sincere, and funny. As a fellow Austen fan (I reread each book every summer), you should trust my rec. I’ve convinced a few angsty teens to read it and they love it too!
Thanks for the recommendation, Lauren! I’ll check it out
Start her off with “The Paperbag Princess” by Robert Munsch and “Princess Smartypants” by Babette Cole.
Have her watch “The Labyrinth” and “Brave”
Above all, teacher her the treasures she holds within.
So many recommendations for The Paperbag Princess! I simply must get a copy of that one
Anything and everything John Marsden has written. Beautiful strong, thinking female characters (mostly teenagers) who spend a lot of time thinking about and negotiating the complex world of teenagers . deciding what is right, what is wrong and how to become the person they want to be (and who exactly that is)
Thanks for the suggestion, Lisa!
Why would you read these books TO your child? Have THEM read it.
My Symphony is an inspirational writing by William Henry Channing and the book form illustrated by Mary Englebreit is absolutely priceless.
As a bibliophile, a college senior, and a babysitter (but not yet a mum!) I couldn’t agree more about the books on this list! I would also definitely recommend The Hunger Games trilogy (by Suzanne Collins), The Divergent Trilogy (by Veronica Roth; only books 1 and 2 are out right now) and the Airhead trilogy by Meg Cabot. I know other posters have given you an overview of The Hunger Games, so I won’t waste the space :). Tris (Beatrice) Prior, the main character of the Divergent trilogy, is strong, independent, intelligent, curious, and fierce. The Divergent trilogy, like The Hunger Games, takes place in a postapocalpytic (sp?) North America, but that’s about where the similarities end. Tris Prior lives in what was once Chicago, and is now a city divided into five factions, formed to ‘battle’ (for lack of a better term) the flaws in the human condition that caused the destruction of the North America of their past. According to Tris- ‘Those who blamed selfishness formed Abnegation, those who blamed aggression formed Amity, those who blamed dishonesty formed Candor, those who blamed cowardice formed Dauntless, and those who blamed ignorance formed Erudite’. At sixteen, each child in this society must choose which faction in which they want to continue into adulthood, and their choice comes to define them. You live within your factions rules, customs, and society. Tris faces this choice and it’s repercussions. In her journey into adulthood, she faces things she never could’ve imagined and she handles them with grace, integrity, and strength. While she does have a romantic interest, she handles problems in her relationship and problems she has with her own identity and insecurities with the same strength and integrity that she uses to handle every other challenge that is thrown her way. As a young adult woman myself, I think Tris is a wonderful literary role model, right up there with the heroines in Harry Potter and in Jane Austen’s novels (high praise, I know). The Airhead novels might be off-putting if you judge them by their covers alone (I urge you not to!) because of the rail-thin model on the covers. However, I beg you to give them a chance. The Airhead novels follow Emerson, a teenage girl and self-described dork, as she wakes up from and adjusts to her new life post-brain transplant, following a tragic accident. Emerson’s brain is put into the body of a model, and all of a sudden, everything and everyone she knows thinks she’s dead (except for her immediate family, who know the truth but have to pretend that she’s died anyway), she has this new life she never wanted, and she’s beholden to a very large, very corrupt corporation. If I write too much more I’ll spoil the books, but don’t be put-off by the ‘model/fashion’ element. Emerson is a great role model because she’s a real, strong, intelligent teenage girl. She’s witty, cunning, and she has a fierce sense of what is right and wrong. The premise of the Airhead novels is a little far-fetched for realistic fiction, but the characters built within the premise are great role models. Additionally, I suggest any of John Green’s novels. Though The Fault in Our Stars is the only one with a female narrator and protagonist, his other novels, An Abundance of Katherines; Paper Towns; Looking for Alaska; and Will Greyson, Will Greyson (co-written with David Leviathan) all have strong male and female characters alike. They all deal with different issues that we eventually face at some point or another in our lives, like dealing with death, disease, self-image, how we see other people, learning to be empathetic, and being able to say ‘I love you’ to non-romantic friends and family members, among others, so I would recommend them for your son too (actually I would recommend all those books for both your children, I will certainly be reading/sharing them with mine when the time comes)! Finally, I recommend that you give Stephenie Meyer another chance. Not with Twilight; yes they’re entertaining reads, but you’re absolutely right about Bella Swan’s lack of role model ability. Stephenie wrote another novel, not a Twilight Saga novel called The Host. The protagonist of The Host, Wanderer, is an alien living in a human body that won’t give up (it’s a hard premise to explain). She is a much better role model than Bella Swan; she is smart, empathetic, selfless, and strong. Romance does feature in The Host, but not nearly to the same degree as Twilight, and in a much more positive way. Twilight might be about how important it is to have a boyfriend, but The Host is about how important it is to have your family and your freedom. Happy Reading!
Sorry for the lack of break-up within that post. I didn’t realise how long it was until it was posted!
There was a series by Tamora Peirce that I read as a young girl, “The Lioness Rampant” series or something like that I think the main characters name was Alana or Alayna. It was about a girl who wanted to be a knight instead of a lady so she and her (twin? maybe not sure) brother switched places. For older girls as there is some sexual-ish content and violence but I loved them
You’re 100% right. Tamora Pierce wrote an entire series called the Tortall series. Each of the sub-series dealt with a strong female character (each slightly different in their strengths and weaknesses). Yes, some of the subject matter is for teen readers rather than very young girls. But they were all quite enjoyable and an easy read for avid readers.
I remember getting my hands on a book called, ‘Reviving Ophelia’ when I was thirteen. It is probably outdated at this point, but it was written by a psychologist, looking at the struggles of teen girls.
Also, keeping in mind when they were written, the old Nancy Drew series and the Bobsey Twins series. (There are a number of “new” series for both characters, but I have always preferred the hokey, scooby-doo-esque tone of the original series).
I am also a Faramir fan! I’ve loved him my whole life, since my father was wonderful enough to introduce me to Tolkien in kindergarten. Awesome post, thank you!
Thanks, Annie! Glad to know there are other Faramir fans out there. Don’t even get me started on how the Peter Jackson movies ruined him
” Ella Enchanted” was and is my all time fave. The move was like watching Ella get tortured and killed. It had nothing to do with the book at all! She is such an awesome female character!
I’m glad you warned me! I haven’t seen it yet, but I was thinking about it. I’ll skip the movie and just read the book
Not sure if anyone else mentioned them but Shannon Hale’s books are also great options. Strong, intelligent female characters similar to Ella Enchanted. Hale also put together two graphic novels that my middle school guys thoroughly enjoyed. Hale’s books include “Goose Girl” and “Princess Academy.”
What cracks me up about this post is that you’re saying by reading these books your daughter won’t end up like Bella Swan from Twilight and yet if you actually read Twilight you would know that these are the exact kind of books Bella reads.
Her favorites are Jane Austen’s books but she also loves other classics like Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre. So what you’re really saying is that by reading these books, your daughter will end up just like Bella Swan since those are the books she reads!
I actually made it through all but the last book. I think I gave up at the word “Renesmee.” Apart from your argument hinging on the habits of a badly written fictional figure, what your comment points out is the absurdity of Meyer’s character, Bella. If a girl had read those texts (as Meyers tells us she did), she would not be as dull as Bella is (which Meyers shows us through the plot). It’s like the author describing a character as brave, and then having that character act cowardly throughout the entire work. It’s inconsistent.
I stumbled across your site from Pinterest. I find this list fascinating. I recently picked up the Twilight series just because I wanted to see what the buzz was about. It’s mindless dribble, and when I was done with the first book, I gave it back to the friend who let me borrow it. She asked me what I thought, and I said, quite squarely, “I’m so angry that I wasted so much time on this.” That’s the truth. The lack of development, the humdrum characters, the bleakness of it all, the way Bella just, literally, falls everywhere. Oh it annoyed me to pieces.
My mother isn’t much of a reader unless it’s gossip mags or tabloids. This list gives me somewhere to head for my own benefit, even if I am almost thirty. {almost…as in…years to go… :)}
“the way Bella just, literally, falls everywhere.” hahaha!
It’s never to late to enjoy some classics! I get so excited when I find something like Kristin Lavransdatter later in life that is just as wonderful as some of the books I read as a little girl. And these are all books that I re-read often. Enjoy
I’ve really loved Shannon Hale’s Books of Bayern series. 4 books in all I think. I liked Goose Girl especially. Enna Burning is intense, but I really liked it. Also loved her Newberry award book Princess Academy. Princess Academy 2 out now and can’t wait to read it. Our medium size town library has NONE of these books and it’s a shame!!!! So readable for 6th and up including Moms. I think they fall into fantasy. I’m not a fantasy fan and these books have a good balance or history, realistic people, and fantasy.
My sister taught Jr. High when Twilight came out and couldn’t stand seeing so many girls waste their time with it. So she told them to read Goose Girl and all who read it loved it
Then I read it and loved it.
Shannon Hale has other books out , but they aren’t as fabulous as the ones I mentioned. These are timeless classics to me.
Thanks, Lisa! I’ll check them out! I’ve seen Shannon Hale’s name a lot in the comments so I really need to give her a try.
You should check out any of the books by Tamora Pierce. All of her books feature strong young women
I keep hearing that name! She’s on my list of to-reads now
I was disappointed by Tamora Poerce’s books after reading them based on suggestions here in these comments. Alanna is definitely a strong female, and they’re good stories… but the girl sleeps with three different men in the course of the series, at the drop of a hat. Great fiction for an adult, but not a role model I would want for any girl. And call me sheltered if you will, but I would have been horrified to read this as a child.
My mom is a reading teacher, so my childhood was filled with good literature and LOTS of evenings curled up in her lap with my latest pick from the library (I read my way through the whole kids and young adult section by the time I was in Junior High). I have actually read everything on your list. I would also add….The Ramona Quimby books, I remember really identifying with her when I was a kid, LOTS of science books (science is good for girls), Number the Stars, Bridge to Terabithia, Road to Topaz (ALL AWESOME girl role models).
L.M. Montgomery wrote some other lovely books besides the Anne of Green Gables series, a couple of my favorites being Jane of Lantern Hill, and Magic for Marigold.
The Secret of Platform 13 is a marvelous and fanciful book, one of the main characters being a young girl born to a family of haglike creatures who pride themselves on their weirdness, and she turns out very normal, much to their disappointment, but she’s a very strong and smart girl, and a wonderful role model.
Linnets and Valerians, and The Little White Horse, both by Elizabeth Goudge are also lovely books with brave girls who figure things out and stay strong.
The Wind Boy & The House Above The Trees by Ethel Cook Elliot are marvelous as well.
As a seventeen-year-old, I have grown up with these books, and I really have never stopped loving them.
I just love it when readers recommend books I haven’t read that sound so wonderful! Thank you, Christina! I have one L.M. Montgomery book that I haven’t read, yet: Emily of New Moon. It’s coming up on my ‘to read’ list. But I don’t have the ones you suggested! Yay
Oh that’s a lovely book, as are the two subsequent ones about Emily.
I hope you enjoy them!
Her “Emily” series was great!
If you want a fantasy book with a strong female protagonist try: Elantris, the Mistborn books, and Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson! He excels at writing awesome girls!
First off I love all of the books you recommeded. One of the first novels I read by myself was girl of the limberlost it was one of my mothers favorites she passed on. A few other great ones for when your girl is older is Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradly and my personal favorite Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I aspire to be Dagney Taggart she is brilliant and full of hope and skill and logical. For a younger age I would recommend True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Edward Irving Wortis this little lady fights odds and becomes a sailor when women were not allowed on board. Also Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell my mother read this one over and over to me. The main character survives once her family has been lost to her with her companion dog. Hope you find these suitable
Someone pinned this list on pinterest, and it’s fabulous!! The only one I don’t have on my own (and my daughters’) shelves is the last; I’m heading to the library site now to try and put them on hold. Since I agree so strongly with everything on this list, I can’t wait to brows your list of picture books for ideas for my grandkids
Good luck with your little blessing.
Definitely anything by Tamora Pierce!! Her female characters are all strong, wonderful women.
I’d like to add a few books i’ve recently read to your list as well.
My nephew, 11 years old, introduced my to Fablehaven. A girl and her younger brother stay with their reclusive grandparents for a few weeks while their patents are on a cruise. Turns out the grandfather is a gamekeeper/gatemaster for a land filled with fairies, ogres, trolls, etc. I’ve only read the first one in the series, but it was very good.
Another would be Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry and Ridley Pierson. It’s a retelling/prequel of Peter Pan. Molly is a brave little girl who is part of the Starcatchers like her father. It tells a different version of how they all came to be who we know them as: Smee, Hook, the Lost Boys, Tinkerbell.
And also, the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. Actually, all of his series. Yes, Percy Jackson is the main hero, but the girls are smart and dynamic and can hold their own in battle.
I love all of your suggestions for books a young girl could read! I personally have not read the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, but have heard some good reports of both series. I love the Anne books!!!! Girl of the Limberlost and Freckles are two of my favorite books! Also Jane Austen, Little Women, Jane Eyre and the Little House series are great! I have a couple suggestions that I have read and have grown so much from:
The Shepherd of the Hills by Harold Bell Wright. All of his books are the best you can find anywhere but this is probably the easiest one to find.
The Elsie Dinsmore books. Set in the early days before the Civil War, a young girl struggles with a great, but unreturned love of her earthly father, and she relies on the even greater love of her Heavenly Father. Eventually, her earthly father comes to love her passionately and the rest of the series describe her childhood, womanhood, and motherhood.
And last but certainly not least, Before You Meet Prince Charming: A Guide to Radiant Purity but Sarah Mally. You can find this book and http://www.brightlights.info and I have found it to be the best book for a young lady as she is growing to womanhood!
Thank you for the great suggestions!
I’d recommend the Famous Five stories from Enid Blyton. Sure they’re a bit old fashioned but George(ina) the tomboy was my favourite as they were the only series of books with a real tomboy like me.
Just as proper nutrition when young is important for proper nutrition when older, so Astrid Lindgren is a great prep for Tolkien or Harry Potter. I have read many of her books, not just Pippi Longstocking and they all feature interesting, adventurous children (not just girls). Definitely a must read (for adults too).
If you’re worried about Princess stories/movies try:
The Ordinary Princess by M.M. Kaye
Has all the elements of a Disney Princess movie, but with good values and a your princess who never questions her ability as her own woman. And to make it even better she’s just an ordinary girl, who happens to be a princess but that princess bit doesn’t really matter. Really a great book for any little girl.
And when she gets to middle school/high school EVERY girl should read SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson — about rape, peer pressure, and sex. I think it should be required reading for boys and girls in seventh grade.
I haven’t read The Ordinary Princess but it sounds intriguing. I’ve read one of Kaye’s books and really enjoyed it. Thanks for the suggestions
I was so delighted to come upon this list (my friend pinned it on pinterest), and even more delighted to see that you listed ‘Limberlost!’ Such an excellent book! I remembered loving it when I was a girl and my older sisters passed it down to me. So, on a recent vacation with my husband’s family, I read it aloud to my two little sisters-in-law (ages 14 and 10) and their friends (ages 12 and 8) and they were all entranced! The only pity was that we weren’t able to finish it (I bequeathed it to the 14-year-old), so we had to part ways wondering how it ends!
On top of having a great story and strong moral tones, the vocabulary is excellent for young minds. If you hadn’t mentioned it in your list, I was going to suggest it.
Also, ‘Kristen’ is my all-time favorite work of literature (even moreso than Austen!)! I’m currently re-reading it, aloud, with my husband, and learning all its lessons all over again…
We sound like kindred spirits, Deirdre
I just finished re-reading Kristin Lavransdatter when I was pregnant with my youngest and I already want to read it again. I was actually thinking about doing a Catholic novels online book club and including it at some point. Would you be in?
I took a minute to check out your blog! It’s lovely! Thanks for stopping by
Thanks for including Kristen…in your list. I read it the first time when I was 17, and many more times since . Now in my 50’s she is still one of my favories… My daughter a journalism student threw out the first Twilight book. Made me smile.
It’s so encouraging to hear from others who love Kristin Lavransdatter! You must be proud of your wise daughter. I know I would be
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry….that book made such an impact on me as a 5th grader….I actually still have my battered copy from the year our librarian read it to our class….about a young girl in Denmark at the height of the German occupation WWII….she helps her best friend escape being herded to a concentration camp. Hands down one of the best books ever…..
I love that one, too!
I have read all these books and then some. Classics, fiction, nonfiction, articles, politics, fantasy… within these I have also read (and loved) Twilight. To be fair I never want to be like Bella Swan and mostly liked it for the Vampires and Werewolves but I still found it entertaining. To each their own but I just wanted to say that just because a girl enjoys Twilight or Disney princess movies does not mean that they are shallow, dumb, and submissive. As a women I’d like to believe myself to be independent and I am working hard to make something of myself and be able to own my own home and car and stuff without the need of a man or a relationship and as a Women Studies Political Science major I can analyze Twilight and Disney Princess Movies and see many things that make me cringe but sometimes I find it’s nice and entertaining to not have to assert my strength and independence as a women and have to defend myself in a Man’s World and be in the comfort of my home and read or watch a cheesy romance where prince charming comes and saves the damsel in distress. Not that I have any intentions of being a damsel in distress but the whole point of books and movies is to escape reality for an hour or two and fall into another world. Just because I read or watch these movies or books does not mean that they are my role models or heroes it just means that I found them entertaining.
I feel as a daughter myself I was exposed to many different kinds of women through real life, books, movies, music, etc. and part of being an independent women was me making up my mind early on as to what kind of women I wanted to be. And I am the kind of women that will put a person in their place for say sexist things like “You hit like a girl” and at the same time wear a tshirt that says Team Edward.
What do you think of the Percy Jackson series? I personally love them and think they’re fun. I haven’t really “analyzed” them, but I think Annabeth, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Thalia, Percy’s mom, Artemis, and many more show how to be a strong, smart and clever girl.
I haven’t read them! Are they wonderful?
These seem to be overwhelmingly about white women. I know “race” doesn’t have to factor into everything, but some of them (“Lord of the Rings,” the Narnia books–two series that are among my favorites) are overwhelmingly “white-Western = good, dark = bad” which is not a message I’d want my children to internalize, especially since I am mixed myself. Although perhaps that is why I didn’t read most of those growing up. I’m not saying they are bad books, and certainly I love some of the other suggestions on this list! Perhaps it could be expanded to include something by Toni Morrison or Alice Walker, or some other author with non-white characters. White and non-white children benefit from learning about the experiences of non-white women.
I’m the jerk who didn’t remotely try to read all of the other comments, but I’d also suggest “The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In a Ship of Her Own Making,” “Matilda,” “The Secret Garden,” “A Little Princess,” and “Harriet the Spy.” All solid. Strong girls, brave girls, compassionate girls.
I agree with the above Matilda comment! I loved that book when I was young. For young girls, try The Paperbag Princess by Robert Munsch about a princess who saves the prince from a dragon. Too cute.
I agree with lots of the previous posters – I’d have to also recommend Matilda by Roald Dahl. I think this was the defining book for me as a child!
At 28, I’ve just started reading Tamora Pierce’s books, but I would now put them on the required reading list for all girls. They are about strong, smart girls (fantasy novels – women becoming knights and that sort of thing) and they have a little of everything including feminist men and women working with other women (instead of one girl being good, the other necessarily bad – they don’t play into the “Disney” model of blond vs brunette). They’ve got action, adventure, and good romances that are not the focus of the girl’s stories, but are honoured and legitimate (i.e. it’s ok to fall in love and to care about love, as long as it’s not your whole existence). I definitely recommend them! So far I’ve read most of the Tortall series (there are multiple quartet series that have different protagonists, but are set in the same world and you get to see the same characters throughout all of the series).
I loved Matilda, as well as the rest of Roald Dahl’s works.
Oh my! Sorry for such a late comment but had to toss in my two cents worth.
Some one mentioned 100 Dresses by Eleanor Estes. I cannot say enough good about this book.
Susan Coolidge’s Katie books (there are five of them) are wonderful.
Ice Crown by Andre Norton is wonderful for the more advanced reader-very strong protagonist.
I want to put in a word for two of my favorites that I didn’t see mentioned. The Ark and Rowen Farm by Margot Benary-Isbert are fabulous stories of immediate post war Germany from the point of view of a fourteen year old girl. They are out of print but can be found used. Any of E B Nesbit’s works are fabulous. Gone Away and Return to Gone Away by Elizabeth Enright are grand. I must put in a word for Edward Eager who wrote Half Magic and Knight’s Castle.
Oh my! I LOVE E. Nesbit! I have three or four of her books just waiting for my kiddos to be old enough to enjoy them
Anything that Tamora Pierce wrote
The Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale are also superb! There are many strong female characters and the stories are wonderful. Also, the Secret Language of Girls by Francis O’roark Dowell is a great story about a friendship and growing up! They are must reads!
my mom read books like this to me and tried her damnedest to bring me up a strong independent woman. Which yes I am. Buut I also love twilight and am a completely hopeless romantic. So don’t be surprised when your daughter(s) rebel and go for the exotic allure of a guy who wants to treat her the princess that she was never told that she was growing up because you wanted it to be ok to play with trucks and dress like the boys and didn’t learn how to wear proper makeup until turning 22. yeah ok i’m done.
Harry Potter is amazing. As someone who grew up reading the books, I was 11 when I started and almost 17, when the last one came out, I can honestly say that I learned so much about what type of friends I wanted and what type of person I wanted to be from Harry and his friends. Herminoe and Ginny are my favorite characters. Anything by Tamora Pierce is great. Her books are full of girl power. I would also suggest the Shadow Children series by Margret Petterson Haddix. Its like an elementary school version of the Hunger Games.
Kristin Lavransdattar should be required reading for newly married women. I think it is a powerful testimony to what happens when pride and resentment creep into a marriage. Over and over again KL seems to have a breakthrough and you think she’s going to amend her prideful ways, but then, d’oh! She does it again. And yet still it’s incredibly redemptive. A testimony to the power of God to move us towards holiness. I often buy it for young girls I meet at university who are just getting married.
Master of Hestviken, by the way, is just as good, if not better! Sort of the male version of KL. Man, does Undset get human nature! Beautiful!
I’m so glad to hear your good review of Master of Hestviken, Alexandra! I will have to order it because I’ve been desperate for more Undset and I feel like I JUST re-read Kristin. Great thoughts. Thank you!
Found you through Pinterest today! I have to say, like many others already have, the Betsy-Tacy books. I wore them down and now they might not even be in good enough of shape to keep! They are fairly realistic for their time period, but also show how independent women were really becoming. I would also recommend the Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras for when your daughter is older. They are about a society that changes you to be “pretty” on your 16th birthday (mostly by creating a symmetrical body) and there are a few people who run away to an abandoned area. Fabulous books! I’ve also loved the Warrior series…they’re about cats but they teach the importance of friendship and loyalty. Oh and Nancy Drew never fails to assert herself as a young women who loves being in charge.
I would strongly reccommend the Pendragon series by D.J. Mchale its told from the viewpoint of a teenage boy but the strength of the female characters in these novels is sooo motivating!
i think i would add the wrinkle in time series by Madeleine L’Engle. fantastic series and pretty much always a strong female lead although some of them revolve around the brothers or a mix of siblings
Did anyone remember Judy Blume? So many great books for young girls and boys. Definitely should be added to the list of must reads!
Found this on Pinterest, and just wanted to say that this list is AMAZING. I couldn’t muddle through all 400+ comments, so please forgive me if I repeat any suggestions, but I only have a few.
– The Babysitters Club. I loved these from the time I was in elementary school until high school. As the series progressed, they touched on some very tough topics, but I think it’s a great series.
– The Book Thief. This one might be good for when she’s a little more mature (middle school, maybe high school.) But with a smart mama like you, I know she’ll have no problem picking it up. It’s about a young girl growing up in Nazi Germany, who steals books, but also touches on other things too, as the story starts when her younger brother dies, and she’s adopted into another family. They also hide a Jewish man on the run later on in the story. It’s such a good book, and it’s actually told from the view point of Death himself. (I also love anything WWII though, so I am a little biased.)
– The Dear America Series. I am not sure if these are still around, but if they are, they are a nice light read of historical fiction. Written by children growing up in different periods in history, and are published like a handwritten journal. Some are by male characters, but some of my favorites were girls, one was growing up in the south during the Civil War, one girl was coming to America on the Titanic, and one about a Jewish girl growing up in 1930’s New York. They also have ones dating back to the 1600’s and some from the 1970’s as well. Just great!
– The Weetzie Bat Books. So this is more for if your daughter is into fantasy/almost sci-fi type of books. I can’t really describe them well, but it has two strong central female characters that are great. Another easy read (read the complete series when I was in high school)
– The Princess Diaries. These are really good too, and the movies aren’t bad, bu there are more than just two books (there are only two movies). Great story about a girl who learns to be who she really is, and assumes a leadership role. All while being a teenager!
– Anything by Joyce Carol Oates. This will be something for her to pick up in high school, as her writing is a little dry, but it’s still pretty good nonetheless.
I’d also like to echo some of the recommendations suggested by others.
– Number The Stars. Yes, yes. yes!
– The Chronicles of Narina. I love CS Lewis!
– The American Girl series. Molly was one of my favorites too!
– To Kill A Mocking Bird. After I got through the first dull chapter, I couldn’t put it down!
– The Hunger Games. As always, the books are better than the movies, but the movie isn’t bad.
– The Boxcar Children.
– Stardust. I love Neil Gaiman, and this book will not disappoint.
I’m trying to think of more, since I literally would burn through a book or two in a week when I was younger. I mostly liked fiction, but a lot of the main characters were male, I believe. I’ve also read a wide variety of things, including some classics like The Bell Jar, 1984, and The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter. This was an amazing list, and has inspired me to look some of these books up on Amazon!
The Borrowers is a great book for younger kids, too. The girl in the book is capable, clever, and I loved the whole premise when I was little.
I whole-heartedly recommend the Old Kingdom Trilogy (containing Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen) by Garth Nix. They have such strong heroines and the world that he creates is wonderful. I have read them 4 or 5 times through since I was in 8th grade.
I love these! A little scary for my five year old, but I am waiting!
I tried to read through most of the comments, to make sure I didn’t suggest something that had already been listed! I know one, To Kill a Mocingbird, was listed, but also “My Antonia”, by Willa Cather. Short read, but very good!
I was wondering how Scout didn’t make the list until now!
I would absolutely recommend “The Practical Princess and Other Liberating Fairytales” by Jay Williams. All the short stories introduce a strong female character who is not only capable of saving herself, but sometimes, she has to save the prince, too.
This is not a novel, but for younger girls, The Paper Bag Princess. A princess gets dirty, saves the prince from a dragon, realizes that she doesn’t need said prince, and handles her business. I read to my girl at least once a month. Also, Brave Margaret, similar story line, but the happily ever after at the end.
Also East, I don’t know the author, but WONDERFUL! And, Spindle’s End, again, unsure of author, but these were lovely.
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but, to play the devil’s advocate, the Twilight books actually show Bella reading many of these books throughout the series. The character is a huge Jane Austin fan, using quotes from the books to justify her actions. This is an incredible list, added to by amazing suggestions in the comments, but it’s worth remembering that any book can be interpreted however the reader wants. It’s just as important to talk to daughters about the messages and what they’re getting out of a story as it is to choose an excellent book from the start.
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli for sure. Anything by Judy Blume. The Babysitters Club series. The Boxcar Children. <3
For the younger girls (2nd-4th grades) Sarah Noble should be included! Mysterious Benedict’s Society series was also top notch, but for an older set.
I almost bought the first Mysterious Benedict Society book last week! I need to order it. Thanks for the recommendations
The Old Kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix.
Anything that Tamora Pierce has written. Almost every major POV character is female, and while they have similar traits (work hard to achieve goals) they are very different – I would say it is almost impossible for girls reading her books not to find a character who they closely identify with.
The Hunger Games trilogy.
Anything by John Marsden. This man is a genius of young adult fiction, and Ellie from the Tomorrow series is one of the resonant young women in print.
Matilda! By Ronald Dahl … doesn’t even need an explaination!
Look Through My Window by Kit Pearson… story about growing up, finding a place to belong (both in and out of family) and friendship
The Guests of War Trilogy by Kit Pearson… a fictional tale about 2 British children who go to Canada as War guests during WW2 … the leading female character is fantastic.
I first read ” A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” by Betty Smith in the fifth grade primarily because the book had a girl with a book in her lap on the cover. It has been many years since that fateful day in my neighborhood library but I still consider it to be one of my favorite books. It has almost all female characters in it, some strong, some weak, but it definitely had a hand in shaping how I grew up. Should be a great addition to any girls list
( maybe wait until she is in her teens though, some sexual scenes )
I think Fire Arrow, by Edith Pattou should also be on the list. This sequel to Hero’s Song is about a young woman who leaves behind the love of her life to fulfill her destiny and defeat an evil queen, all while defying the societal pressure of conforming to a narrow view of womanhood. One of the most influential books I read while growing up. It showed me that I could be the hero, and that only my heart and conscience can dictate my path in life.
Thank you for the list! I wish I had the time to read all the comments, it sounds like there’s some interesting discussion.
With regards to Disney princesses, I battled against them and that twit Barbie for years with my now five year old daughter. I have learned this: your child’s exposure to these archetypes is only half the story. The other half is what they see and hear from you. My kids have Cinderella and Little Mermaid and all the rest of it but we carefully examine their characters, picking apart the aspects, actions, and attitudes we love and they ones we don’t like. We appreciate Cinderella’s work ethic and willingness to help her family and think about how she could have helped her own situation. We love Ariel’s adventurous spirit and question her excedingly poor judgement. These conversations develops critical thinking, discussion/debate, and encourage desirable character traits. After all, our sons and daughters will be exposed to so much through their lives. They need to learn discernment.
That’s a great point, Kerry. Discussing stories with parents is such a great way to learn discernment!
I would recommend To Kill A Mockingbird. Mone of my favorites since high school. It’s more about courage in a general sense, than specifically for girls, but it is a fabulous story of standing for what is right when it’s not the popular thing. Also, it’s written by a woman. And I also loved the Anne books. When I was a kid we had a book called, I think, Jane and the Dragon. It was a kids picture book about a girl who wanted to be a night, not a lady-in-waiting. I loved that one and the story really stuck with me!
Oh, To Kill a Mockingbird is a great suggestion. Thank you, Annie.
I just want to say that this list and all of the other suggestions in the comments made me so happy! I love love love so many of these books… Anne of Green Gables series, Caddie Woodlawn, Madeleine L’Engle… I could go on and on but I will be brief. I do want to add that any of Robin McKinley’s books are superb stories for girls (and boys). Thanks for the great post and conversation!
I haven’t read Caddie Woodlawn in so many years! I need to revisit it.
The Hunger Games Triology, ‘nough said. Who’s a stronger female protagonist than Katniss?? She practically raises her sister, provides food for her family, and well..she kicks a lot of butt. Not only that, but when faced with a love triangle that Bella-whats-her-face went suicidal over, Katniss not only had little interest, but was resolute in the fact that she didn’t want to get married in the first place. Awesome story, great characters. I got through them in a weekend.
I loved the “Great and terrible Beauty” trilogy by Libba Bray. and the Uglies series by Scott Westerfield. Also, Madeline L’Engle and E. L. Konigsburg stories are fabulous. I personally love The Mixed-Up Files and my all time favorite from her is The View from Saturday. A wonderful story when any kid hits about 4-6 grade. Just some personal favs.
L’Engle’s books were some of my favorite’s growing up. I’ve been itching to re-read them recently. Thanks for the recommendations, Kylie
To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout is an awesome role model. She is how I picture my girl. I tried to name our daughter Scout but my husband wasn’t having it.
Here are my suggestions–
The Prodigal Girl by Grace Livingston Hill is about a family living in the city. The father one day realizes that his children are spoiled and in an effort to save his family he picks them up and moves them to an old farm in New England. The daughter’s story is beautiful, you can see her rebellion slowly changing to love and respect of her family. Great for all girls to read.
In His Steps by Charles Sheldon is the book that started the WWJD thing, it is about a church community that is challenged to approach every aspect of their lives asking what Jesus would do in their situation. There are at least two beautiful women with very much talent and resources that struggle with the question of what God wants them to do with themselves. This book changed my life!
Jackaroo by Cynthia Voigt is a novel about a young girl living in a time of famine and hardship who finds the cloak of a legendary hero and steps into his place so that she can help her community find hope. Very beautiful strong characters.
Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot is not a novel, but it is a story about Jim and Elisabeth Elliot’s relationship and how she held close to God and was morally strong throughout years of waiting for this one man. This book will always be one of my favorites and I would say is a must read for girls entering young adulthood.
Anything by Francine Rivers will feature strong female characters who go through moral, physical and spiritual difficulty and come through victorious. Maybe they should be held for an older girl as well because they deal with issues like marriage, sex and pregnancy, but they are definitely worth reading.
There are a few of my favorites. I hope that some of these suggestions are new because I didn’t take the time to scour all the comments.
I love this list. I would add any of the Nancy Drew books. Frankly between Ms. Drew and those Hardy Boys I learned to look deeper and see if maybe there is a mystery afoot that needs to be solved. I also learned to help other’s without gain. Both series are must reads for any adolescents.
I love this list. I would add any of the Nancy Drew books. Frankly between Ms. Drew and those Hardy Boys I learned to look deeper and see if maybe there is a mystery afoot that needs to be solved. I also learned to help other’s without gain. Both series are must reads for any adolescents.
My daughter read every book Jacqueline Wilson wrote. She’s now 18 and has only just passed them onto a friends daughter. They are a great read for any growing girl.
Good Luck with your baby Lucy x x x x
Anything by Tamara Pierce. Particularly her “Song of the Lioness” Series. Alana switches places with her male twin and becomes a night. Not only is she a very human character, she has some very human choices to make. I adored her as a girl and wanted to be a knight just so I could kick the boys’ butts (which happens a lot). A few sorta sexual themes in parts but nothing super graphic.
As much as I love most of the books on this list (I haven’t read all of them), the fact that they are great books does not necessarily mean that they provide great role models for women. Lord of the Rings, for example, is fantastic, but in the actual books, the women exist purely on the periphery, as safe havens for their men. Eowyn does try to defend her uncle and her country, but we don’t see much more of her than the famous “I am no man” moment. Arwen’s decision is actually somewhat like Bella’s: she can leave her kind to be with the man she loves, or leave him forever. Little more is said of her, other than stock descriptions of her virtue. The movies flesh out the female characters and make them into strong women, but this isn’t really the case in the books. Jo is amazing, but she does ultimately give up her dreams of writing to be with her husband. Jane Eyre eventually marries a man who kept his crazy wife (to whom he was still married while courting Jane!) locked in the attic. I adore Jane Austen, but one of Fanny’s “best” qualities is her obedience, and Emma ultimately learns to bow to her husband’s superior judgment. While I don’t advocate the Twilight novels, I’d also like to point out that they reference at least one of the books on this list (Sense and Sensibility), and have sparked an interest in classic literature that’s clear even just from recent re-designs of cover art.
I guess what I’m saying is that books and movies don’t necessarily determine or limit our role models. Any character can be an inspiration if you take the time to thoughtfully discuss her flaws and strengths with your daughter. Definitely provide her with strong female role models (I’m personally a fan of Sarah Rees Brennan, Garth Nix, and Robin McKinley), but let her read what she likes.
A mut read is the Mysterious Benedict Society, (tl Stewart) it has stron female leads, and solid friendships, amazing. And I like Ella Enchanted, a twist on the fairy tale where the girl is placed under a curse but is super spunky and fights against it all the time.
amazing list, good luck!
how is Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss not mentioned!
My daughter recommends:
A Life of Faith series by M. Finley
Fablehaven by B. Mul
Johnny Tremain by Forbes ( not just for boys!)
Witch of Blackbird Pond by Speare
I highly recommend the classics…not sure Twight & Hunger Games will stand the test of time.
I just had a fan-girl freak out moment when someone mentioned Jackaroo:
“Jackaroo by Cynthia Voigt is a novel about a young girl living in a time of famine and hardship who finds the cloak of a legendary hero and steps into his place so that she can help her community find hope. Very beautiful strong characters.”
It’s been years since I read that book, but I’ve always loved it. The characters are just so beautifully written. I love them all…. well, some of them. And I love Jackaroo…. every one of him…. read it and you’ll understand.
I am a mother to two boys (6 & 9) which has suprised me as I was all ready to have daughters and to bring them up as confident women who were sure of themselves and their place in the world. Now I have two boys I’ve set myself the task of bringing them up to be men who love women as their equals, to respect them and empower them to be all God meant them to be. They love me to read to them and at the moment we are reading Roald Dahl’s Matilda together.
You’ve made some great suggestions and I’ve downloaded the ones I didn’t know on to my Kindle for consumption later.
May I suggest the Tiffany Aching books by Terry Pratchett. The first one is called The Wee Free Men. Tiffany has to grow up as different after she becomes a young witch. She has to be wise beyond her years as she navigates the demands of being a carer to her community and interacting with a magical world. In the series of books we see her growing up and negotiating the trials this entails while having life threatening adventures until eventually acepting her womanhood. The women in these book are beautifully written and complex, especially the older witches who cross over from the adult Diskworld series. Enjoy…
If you want a strong female character then read Phillip Pulmans Northern Lights Triology, not only are they fantastic books but Lana shows that girls too are strong tough survivors, she literally goes to the ends of the earth and beyond to save her best friend, she inspired me so much when I was young and read those stories, also very English I know but any Enid blyton story shows the girls are just as tough as the boys
Not sure if anyone’s mentioned it yet, but The Chronicles of Narnia are full of strong characters of both genders, both good and evil. The different talents, personalities, and weaknesses that each character possesses are nice for illustrating that even a hero(ine) makes mistakes or bad judgement calls, but it’s when working together (and getting along with your sibings) that we are strongest. :o)
One picture book that defined my life was “The Paper Bag Princess,” by Robert Munsch. It’s about a princess who has a beautiful prince fiance when her castle is attacked by a dragon who takes her prince and flies away. All of her clothes were burned by the dragon so she put on a paper bag and goes to rescue her prince. She tricks the dragon and rescues the prince and his response upon seeing her is something like, “You’re dirty and smelly and are wearing a paper bag! Come back when you look like a real Princess.” Her reply is “‘You’re very clean, you smell quite nice, and your clothes are beautiful. You look like a real Prince, But you are a bum.’ They didn’t get married and she lived happily ever after.” It’s a great fun little book that I think every little girl needs to start her early on the right track to not end up like Bella.
LOVE Munsch!!
Six out of these ten are on my list of favorite books! This is fantastic, and I agree wholeheartedly!
I think anything that boosts her self-confidence and estimulates critical thinking. Reading the Twilight series is not that bad if you do it under a critical eye and end up criticizing the relationship instead of turning it into your standard of how a romantic relationship should be.
I suggest “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin for her late teens
I was a big fan of Beverly Clearly and Judy Blume books growing up. These books aren’t all based around a female character, but I think it’s important for children to find something funny and endearing to keep them interested in reading. And as far as the princess movies argument, I’ve seen the Disney ones growing up. I liked Belle and Ariel the most, because they did they own thing. Looking back, Ariel did it for a man, but that’s not what I got out of it growing up. I liked her adventurous personality.
Starring Sally J. Freidman as Herself by Judy Blume
A Wrinkle in Time series by Madelein L’Engle
Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild
Thanks for including “Till We Have Faces” It was, and still is, one of my favorite books. I have read almost all of these now, but TWHF was the only one I tackled as a child and it grows with me in meaning and complexity.
ALSO I forgot to mention that you are my new best friend for mentioning TWHF AND Faramir. He’s my favorite LOTR character and doesn’t nearly get enough credit for being the only character to flatly refuse the ring. And be awesome.
Tamora Pierce books are great
How about The Bible? Lots of great mother/daughter stories & morals too.
Great list! My favorite book is “The Girl of the Limberlost.” I also love the “Anne of Green Gables” books.
As a teenager I really enjoyed Dragonsong and Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey. My 7 year-old daughter is really getting into The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis.
I was waiting for someone to mention Anne McCaffrey and the Pern novels! Dragonsong and Dragonsinget are my two favorites by her! Menolly is 14 and manages to take on life in such an honest and open-hearted way.
I’d prefer my daughter to read Twilight than to sit in front of a TV all day. Lord people need to get over their hatred of CERTAIN literature and just want their children to have a lust for reading.
Agreed with only ONE of the books on this list. It’s terrible.
Read your list and there are two YA series I’d like to suggest. (I’ve gotten both for my nine-year-old niece.) Both series have VERY strong female protagonists and the romantic interest was a happy consequence of their strengths.
Patricia C Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles (Dealing with Dragons, Searching for Dragons, Calling on Dragons, and Talking to Dragons, and Book of Enchantments) – Princess Cimorene determines “princess stuff” is boring so she goes to work for a dragon. Later King Mendanbar falls in love with her becuase of her differences and strengths. First two books are the best.
Robin McKinley’s “The Hero and the Crown” (1985 Newbery Award) and “The Blue Sword” (1983 Newbery Honor Book) – Set in a desert landscape, the two heroines are generations apart but both WORK to become heroes for their people.
Don’t forget to read the Paper Bag Princess for when she’s still pretty young! She saves the prince from the dragon instead of the other way around and then kicks him to the curb when he’s more concerned about looks!
Hey, found your list via pinterest and want to say, ROCK ON. I read the Girl of the Limberlost as a high schooler, and it was fantastic! Also all the others, but I loved that one!
Has anyone read the series by bruce Lansky that is called “Girls to the Rescue?”
I know there are at least four books, and they are collected stories, sometimes fairy stories with a modern twist, sometimes older stories, all collected by the author because he wanted his daughter to have STRONG and intelligent female role models in her reading. None are men haters, but none are simpering princessy things either. All are strong, and every one of the nook books i’ve read of his are lovely.
along that line, how about Gail Carson Devine’s retelling of fairytales. her heroines are almost always magnificent, not wimpy, and take control of their own destiny… even Cinderella!
I’m fifteen, and a Catholic highschooler. I found this list on Pinterest and have since read basically your whole website. I often have arguments about how horrible Twilight is, especially compared to Harry Potter (which I’ve read a grand total of eight times). Unfortunately.. I have read the majority of the Twilight series, just so I could know what everyone was talking about. Hey you can have better points if you know what you’re talking about right? As a bibliophile, it’s rare that once I start reading something, I don’t finish it, but I just couldn’t do it with Twilight.
I love this website, and I think you and your family are the perfect model for Catholic girls my age. Thanks!
Love this list, spent way to long reading all these comments, FUN! Thank you all for my new, lengthy reading list. I’m a former homeschoooling mom of 6 – who all love to read – & a children’s librarian among other things. I would add The Help (for older readers) and Listening for Lions by Gloria Whelan. Being an MK who lived in Africa growing up, this book particularily resonated with me… but Rachel’s struggles to stay true to herself & what’s right after basically being taken over by nefarious people and forced to leave her beloved Africa for faraway, cold England are a great story waiting to be discovered! Has anyone mentioned the Five Little Peppers books? Also, not just Ballet Shoes, but all the Shoes books by Noel Streatfield. Cheaper by the Dozen (chuck the movie!), Robin McKinley, Gail Carson Levine, Betsy-Tacy, the Pern books (and others) by Anne McCaffery, Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander, Caddie Woodlawn, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Secret Garden/Little Princess, Julie of the Wolves, L. M Montgomery, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Princess and the Goblin…. such dear, old friends!
I’m about to be delivering a baby girl into this world… Ruby Arya…. I picked her middle name due to the little girl in the game of thrones series… Read the novels… The books are always better… She’s strong and independent and I am hoping my little girl grows up to have her spirit
I would add the icemark Chronicles by Sarah Radclyffe
Though I may be far from having children of my own, I do teach them, and have my own memories from growing up. It is not just what you read but how often and when you read, make reading a joy and a treat, something that is just part of life, not a chore. My mom read to my siblings and myself each night as we grew up, it was a way to peacefully and happily end the day, sometimes we would even be reading four stories at once (for four siblings of course!). It was just standard that we were always reading, trips to the library were just part of our routine, and we were never stopped from trying to read more complex books (except for content of course).
Anyways, the only books that come to mind for me are the Chronicles of Narnia, and the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce.
Thank you for posting this list, and starting such a great discussion! I first have to echo the Atlas Shrugged recommendation; Dagny’s courage, competence, intelligence, morality, and self-respect have been an inspiration to me since I first read Ayn Rand’s novel as a teen, and I’ve reread it every few years since. Island of the Blue Dolphins, The Egypt Game, and Witch of Blackbird Pond were grade-school favorites of mine; also Sasha, My Friend by Barbara Corcoran (a.k.a. My Wolf, My Friend), and The Missing Persons League by Frank Bonham. I also loved Tales of Mr. Pengachoosa by Caroline Rush when quite young.
The Confessions of Charlotte Doyle is a great book about a strong girl who basically joins the crew of the ship she is sailing on. She conquers her fears and shows incredible strength. Also, for a little later on, the His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman. The three books are The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. The main character is a girl named Lyra who is ferocious, brave, loyal, headstrong, smart and so many other incredible things. She does fall in love at the end of the series but must give up her love basically for the good of the universe.
I am not a mother, far from it. I am 15 years old but already I see the love for one’s daughter and the delima you are in. I agree with all your choices of books you would read or have your daughter read. Might I suggest Gone with the Wind? I am currently reading it now and my mother read it to me as an infant and urges me to read it.
One of my favorite books is The Help…the only book that I ever sat reading while sobbing through parts of. Who could have imagined a book written in 2009 about civil rights in the 60’s could have such an impact on so many people who never witnessed it. I want my 7 year old daughter to understand how badly minorities were treated… not that long ago, and to see how one person can change things by doing what is right rather than what is popular.
I have to agree about Twilight, maybe due to my age, I found the melodrama annoying (aargh), BUT, one of my favorite books (not for children) is The Host, also by Stephenie Meyer, which is written for a different audience.
I love the Anne series and didn’t even read it until my 30’s. The Little House series still fascinates me (a penny and a piece of candy for Christmas), and Little Women is still on my top 10 book list, but I’ve found that my daughter is more interested in contemporary reading. Hopefully, she’ll eventually see the beauty of historical books.
Great list with many I haven’t read, but will now!
Thank you!
Love this list! Hermione Granger is such a beautiful girl- inside and out! I would add The Nancy Drew Series by Carolyn Keene. I learned to read by reading these with my mom. Also the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. Beautifully written and great examples of caring, adventurous siblings, as well as strong, capable women.
I think that ‘The Hunger Games’ as well as ‘Graceling’ are great young adult science fiction/fantasy novels. They’re great replacements for the same age group that might be reading twilight. Frankly, the YA sci fi/fantasy genre is filled with strong and inspiring female protagonists right now. I would recommend reading books with your daughter – if anything comes up that you don’t agree with, you can discuss it immediately.
Don’t know if someone already mentioned it but The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. Starts with Dealing with Dragons. Princess Cimorene is an an amazing role model.
One of my favorite fairy takes growing up was “The Paper Bag Princess” by Robert Munsch. It shows girls of all ages that even the prettiest, most spoiled princesses of all can save her prince without any help. Best book to read to your daughter when she’s still young. I love this book.
Princesses are not required for every little girl’s childhood, but if she wants to wear a crown a princess gown so be it. Film and literature should be the same as well. My daughter takes ballet and plays softball. She can strike you out in pointe shoes while reciting the preamble to the Constitution that she has known for the last six years. By the way she attend public school…don’t label children! Let them choose which genre they want to read; brain candy should be allowed as well as the classics. It may not be what you enjoy reading, but please allow your children to make their own selections about their reading for fun.
I absolutely agree, I was just saying I enjoyed the book because it shows that not every little girl needs a man to save her. I can only hope when I have a daughter, that she is as strong minded and brave as she is sweet smart and sophisticated.
I would like to recommend the Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray. They are fantasy books with a very strong female main character. They are YA books, but I read them in my late 20’s and loved them! I first heard about them on a Pinterest comment for a Twilight pin, the lady remarked at how terrible of a character Bella was and how our girls should be reading more about strong independent female characters. I immediately headed to the library and devoured them!
I completely agree with you on the Gemma Doyle trilogy. They came out around the same time, and when I read the end of the Gemma Doyle books. All I could think was THAT was how women behaved. I don’t want to give away the end though. Also, I’d like to recommend the Magic Under Glass books by Jaclyn Dolamore because Nimira is amazing. And the books are completely suitable for a tween.
Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath. Robin McKinley’s Outlaws of Sherwood, and Spindle’s End. She has others that I love like Sunshine (vampire novel but with a kickass heroine), but it’s a little grown up so you might want to read it first before your kids do. Terry Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching books (The Wee Free Men, Hat Full of Sky, Wintersmith and I Shall Wear Midnight). There are lots more, and I’m not sure what all has been mentioned. Oh, Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy. The main character is male, but there are some strong and capable women in there.
Love this list…might I suggest Esperanza’s Rising? Pam Munoz Ryan bases the title character loosely on her grandmother, who was forced from riches in Mexico to rags in the United States. I read it in the fourth grade and have read it at least once every summer since then. Her strength and determination are inspiring!
Hi all,
I found this list through Pinterest and thoroughly enjoyed it. I don’t have children at all, but I’m still all for books with strong heroines, and for giving girls great role models! I wanted to toss in a book I loved as a tween and still enjoy. It’s called “Cat in the Mirror” and is a lovely YA time travel fantasy with a strong, smart young heroine who has a loyal boy friend who’s not a boyfriend. I’d love to go on and tell the whole plot, but I don’t want to spoil it! Like many good YA novels, it can be enjoyed by all ages. The author is Mary Stolz. Cheers!
What about A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith?
Two books I would add are Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston and A Girl Called Disaster (I don’t remember the author of that one, but had it as a child). The first is about an African American woman in the early 1900’s, independent and completely unaffected by the opinions of her held by her townspeople. She is a strong heroine and emphasizes the importance of self-assurance and independent thinking. A Girl Called Disaster is about a young girl in an African village who goes through abuse and abandonment but fights to survive and come out on top. Good morals in general and also to open a child’s mind to people outside of her own culture. Good list!
You should try The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. Especially the first one, Dealing with Dragons. It’s about a princess who’s tired of being told what to do and how to act, so she runs off to find her own way in life and becomes a dragon’s princess. She encounters multiple obstacles along the way and has to use her smarts to get through them in order to save her new friends.
I second this one. Don’t often come across those who’ve read it. Also, “Song in the Silence” by Elizabeth Kerner (13 and up) and “The Magic Attic Club” series by S. Gayle (ages 9-12), though I think the latter series is out of print.
Lovely list, but one small thing. Minerva McGonagall is a widow, not a spinster.
You just blew my mind! Who was she married to?!
She got married very late in life to a retired Ministry of Magic employee named Elphinstone Urquart, who was her boss when she worked for the Ministry briefly after finishing her schooling. He died only a few years later, though. You should join Pottermore, Rowling’s released all kinds of extra backstory there!
I didn’t go through all the comments; the page is super-long and I’m supposed to be doing my homework, but I love the list of books. I definitely must read the ones on there that I haven’t! I’m a sophomore in high school and am writing several books, and I also love to read. I do think that an absolute must for any and every child to have read to him/her and later read for him/her self is the Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis. My grandpa read them to my mom, aunt, and uncle when they were little, and my mom read them to me and all of my siblings when we were little(er). They are fantastic stories with a very nice easy-to-see messages and a much deeper messages when one really looks into them– and how can anyone go wrong with Lucy and Jill?! Actually, just about anything by Lewis is a great read, though if you are going to read the Chronicles of Narnia you MUST begin with The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, NOT the Magician’s Nephew. I would also recommend Donita K. Paul’s DragonKeeper Chronicles–they have a very good message, and Kale, Leetu Bends, and Lyll Allerion are outstanding female models while Bardon, Kemry, and Dar are excellent examples of gentlemen. Finally, I reinstate Jean’s suggestion of Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart trilogy (I love Meggie– she is so much like me). Her book Igraine the Brave is also entertaining, with spunky, heroic Igraine as the main character. I’m sorry for rambling on and on, but I have a lot to say
I completely agree about Narnia! And I’m a diehard fan of reading TLTWATW before the Magician’s Nephew no matter what order the new editions are in
Thanks for the other recommendations!
I am so happy you mentioned the DragonKeeper series! Absolutely love that series (bought them for my sister and we both reread them periodically). And, to Haley, I know this comment is about 4 years after the fact, but that simply means your daughter is that much older now and closer to being able to appreciate all these wonderful stories
How many of these books have you read since this blog post?
We’ve read a lot of the Little House Books, listened to some Anne of Green Gables audiobooks, and read aloud all of Lord of the Rings, so we’re making progress
I know I should read all the comments before I contribute my own, but I don’t have the patience :]
The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne
To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee (cliché, maybe, but still good)
The Birth House – Ami McKay
The Secret Life of Bees – Sue Monk Kidd (IMO, a story much less trite than The Help, which I think is nice but fluffy)
A Thousand Splendid Suns – Khaled Hosseini
The Cellist of Sarajevo – Steven Galloway (if only because of Arrow’s development as a character)
The Millennium Series – Stieg Larsson (I know Lisbeth Salander has her own issues that aren’t role model-worthy, but she’s badass and fights for what’s important)
I wonder if the Hunger Games series has been left out purposely.. I have some empathy problems with Katniss Everdeen, I admit, but she’s definitely a strong female character.
Coraline – Neil Gaiman (Might be a little on the scary side until your daughter is in her teens.)
I think that harping on the fact that you don’t your daughter to read Twilight is a sort of counter to your point. You only know that she is a lame female character because you’ve seen such better examples of female characters to compare it to… it’s sort of knowing happy because you’ve felt sad. I think it is extremely important she read it/see Disney movies etc. to affirm that she herself can identify the difference and who she wants to be, rather than just internalizing you, and all your opinions. Let her be her own person, she is not a “mini” carbon copy of you!
Manda, I was about to say “To Kill A Mockingbird”!! My mother read that, LOTR, Huck Finn…SO many classics when we were very young. With my children we have started the Harry Potter series reading aloud to one another. So many wonderful ideas on your lists, thank you for adding to the list I had in my head!!
I happened upon this list and the l-o-n-g list of comments while on Pinterest. I love your list and will need to get the couple of books I haven’t read asap. I see The Paper Bag Princess and Matilda mentioned, and I would like to add The Fourth Little Pig (sister to the other three), and The BFG by Roald Dahl, about a small orphan and a giant who delivers dreams to children while they are sleeping. Please read them!
I was just going to say the same thing that for a younger audience boys and girls alike Paper Bag Princes is excellent!
I love so many of the book suggestions! Here are a few for pre-teen girls:
The Abhorsen series (strong female main character)
The golden compass, amber spyglass, etc (anything by philip pullman is wonderful)
ALL the “Dear America” series, these are so wonderful, it’s historical fiction but from a young person’s point of view. Boys and girls from all classes of society throughout American history. They even have a series on “royals” where you read diaries (fictitious) of REAL princesses from all over the world.
Here a couple that haven’t been listed
Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter
The Thyme Garden by Edward Eager
I also recommend Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm and The War Between the Vowels and Consonants.
Love this list and all of the suggestions…definitely agree with the Hunger Games addition, though I still can’t decide how I feel about the ending. My one comment would be that I’ve always had a bit of a problem with Tolkien because of his female characters. Don’t get me wrong, I am a big LOTR fan and re-read the books every couple of years, but regardless of the strength and potential of his female characters, by the end even Eowyn is marginalized and married off (no problem with marriage here, just an observation about the dominant hegemony of Tolkien’s time that sought to relegate women ONLY to the role of wife and mother). I will still read the books to all of my children, regardless of their gender, but I think I would use the potential of his female characters to start a discussion with my daughter about how the characters could have been handled differently and the history behind shifting views of femininity and marriage (as she gets older, of course).
A great list, some ideas there I will use for sure. My 10yo daughter, who has read all of Harry Potter at least 5 times, would probably add “The Mysterious Benedict Society” series (3 books), a bunch of kids overcoming various nasty schemes by using their own unique skills and talents, some of them unusual. A great series that I enjoyed too.
I have spent the last 3 days going through this list (and all of the wonderful comments) and adding wonderful ideas to my daughter’s “to-read” shelf on goodreads. All she wants to read lately are the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series, and while I’m okay with a little “fluff”, I don’t want it to be the backbone of her childhood literary memories! I loved “Little Women” as a child, and “Pride and Prejudice” in high school, along with many of the classics. Unfortunately, my own mother was not a reader, and my childhood was filled with the Babysitter’s Club (the books that hooked me on reading…not terrible, but I’d put them in the “fluff” category) and Sweet Valley High (ugh). Thank-you for the great list of books. Many of these were wonderful reminders, and there were a lot of new ideas as well.
I think the books you mentioned are all great for a girl to read. I’d also recommend Beauty Queens by Libba Bray, and the A Great and Terrible Beauty series, also by Libba Bray. She deals a lot with femininity and girlhood. Her characters are a good examples of reconciling personal desires with societal expectations and coming to terms with personal power in all its forms.
As far as the argument about Disney and books, my mom didn’t stick commercialized movies in my face all the time but she didn’t cut me off from them either. She let me explore what I was interested in in a variety of genres and through that exploration I was able to discern for myself what I admired. Exposing your children to a wide variety of genres and medias gives them an appreciation for good literature and an ability to recognize quality versus pure entertainment.
Oh! And the Maximum Ride series for sure! The first couple are the best, but they were definitely a favorite.
“Wee Free Men” by Terry Pratchett – any of his books, but particularly those featuring Tiffany Aching or the witches. Mr. Pratchett has a great sense of humor and the women are always strong. Stories featuring the Watch (police) demonstrate an inclusiveness/diversity seldom seen in fiction.
Also, Dragon’s Milk by Susan Fletcher was one of my daughter’s favorites.
Some of my favorite books with great female characters are Catherine Called Birdy, Make Lemonade, The Scarlet Letter, Davita’s Harp, The Midnighters, and The Night Circus.
I just wanted to point out real quick that Kristen Lavransdatter is set in the 15th century, not the 11th. I tried to read the other comments to see if anyone else pointed this out yet, but simply could not read them all. You may be thinking of Gunnar’s Daughter, another book by Sigrid Undset, which is set in the 11th century. Not to be nit-picky, but the 11th century isn’t the middle ages. Sorry! I don’t mean to be rude, I just wanted to point it out in case this info might change someone’s mind on reading the book. (a picture pops into my mind of a mother saying to her daughter “let’s read this book set in the 11th century” and the daughter saying “ew, gross Mom! I don’t like reading about the Dark Ages.” It could happen!)
Might be 14th century. Not positive which (if not both) since it spans so many years.
Thanks for finding that typo, Shannon! It’s not the 15th century, it’s the 14th. And actually the 11th century is indeed the Middle Ages. In fact, the 5th century through the 15th are all considered the Middle Ages and the 11th century is even categorized as the High Middle Ages, coming right before the amazing 12th century renaissance. The “Dark Ages” is merely a derogatory term for the medieval era, not a separate era or a term for the early Middle Ages. Hope that clears it up
I don’t have a daughter. I may never have children. But even as a woman in her late twenties, I would say the few of these stories I have had the pleasure to read, inspire me to be a better person and a stronger woman. I think its important for women of all ages to show strength, bravery, compassion, a sense of self worth. I have a friend in her late teens. Being the oldest of 3 sisters, it’s her job to mold them into better people, but had no one herself to look up to in her childhood. She looks up to me now as her role model, which is a lot of responsibility. Whether or not we have kids of our own, its our job as women to empower the next generation of young women to break the mold that we’ve all been placed into. I think the best way to lead is by setting a strong example. So I will gladly read the rest of these books, be personally inspired by these characters to make a better me, and that will make a better her.
Thank you so much for sharing this list!
Well said, Kristen!
This is a great list, and as a 13 year old girl who has read most, I think that all of these are great reads.
What, no L’Engle?
I would add The Secret Garden, love that one, and so did my daughter when she was 9. Number the Stars is incredible, another that my daughter read at 9. I loved Sara(h?) Plain and Tall as a girl, and Missing Mae. Not necessarily a “girl read,” but The Whipping Boy is a good tale with an awesome moral.
I didn’t see this book as I rapidly scanned, so it might already be mentioned. Inkheart and it’s sequels.
I love your list and I have read most of them. The books I haven’t read are on my soon to be read list. I would also Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney. A beautiful story about a woman who wants to make the world a more beautiful place. Your young daughter will be ready for this a little sooner than some of the others on your list.
Nancy Drew and Cherry Ames…Cherry was the original happily single career woman
Just to reiterate a few must reads:
-The ordinary princess
-The enchanted forest chronicles
-Cheaper by the dozen and much later, Belles on their toes (Mrs Gilbreth is awesome)
-Any YA book by Tamora Pierce
-Once upon a Marigold
-Artemis Fowl (Holly is an amazing lady)
-Frog princess (loved the first two)
– The Uglies, Pretties, Specials series would also be good when she’s older to start discussions about true beauty etc
I think that many of you are missing the point, here… This post infuriated me, because you should be worrying that your child will even pick UP a book, not what she is reading. And saying that Harry Potter is so much safer for your child and more beneficial than the Twilight series is ludicrous, as both books involve things like wizards, witchcraft, darkness, and vampires, all of which are equally controversial (AND ALL PHENOMENALLY WRITTEN!) Your child will read what she is interested in, and she will develop a love for literature as she grows as a young woman. I sincerely hope you do not put her down if she tries to read a book that isn’t on your famed “list of acceptable titles.” …..sad….
I think you’ll find my answers to your criticisms in these posts: http://carrotsformichaelmas.com/2012/09/17/should-you-limit-your-childs-reading-choices/
Obviously, I vehemently disagree with your claim that Twilight is “PHENOMENALLY WRITTEN.”
For teens, winter of fire is a great book. The heroine is a girl who grows up as a slave, but by believing in herself, is able to raise herself to one of the highest positions in the land, which, consequently, had never been held by a woman before. It’s awesome for young girls to believe in themselves
there are so many comments and such great bks listed. I would agree I loved readig Judy Blume as a kid. I also enjoyed reading Babysitters Club, Pippin Longstocking, Nancy Drew…all strong females in their own way. yes I totally believe twilight is crap, but as long as my daughter enjoys reading I am not going tocensor what she reads bc there i!s not a strong! female character. /(?
I think you should add A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to your list. This book was given to every girl in my family by my grandmother when we turned 14 and has been cherished by me ever since. The story of Francie Nolan in 1910’s Brooklyn neighborhood Williamsburgh is a great one of fighting to keep dreams alive and family together. The women is this novel are strong, independent thinkers, seeking ways to better their families at any given cost. In one scene, Katie Nolan gets so excited about Francie was wanting to go to summer courses at the local college, she’s ready to run to the bank at 10 o’clock at night! That made me smile to see that of a woman from that time. Yes, this book touches on sex, centered around poverty, but it shows the strength and spirit of the Nolan family and one brave girl. A must read for every girl!
I read it years ago, but I think I was a little too young. I need to give it another go. Thanks for the suggestion, Bridget.
I don’t know if someone has recommended it already, but I would suggest the Mandie books. I loved them as a child. I’d hide out in my attic and pretend I was going on some of her adventures.
I don’t know if either of these were already recommended, but The Magic Treehouse and Junie B. Jones series were two of my childhood staples. I read them two myself (as beginning chapter books) and absolutely loved them. Also, they are all fairly (seeing as I’m 17).
Anything be Beverly Cleary or Judy Blume
Goodreads.com Link: http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/4345.Our_favorite_diary_books
These books are Diary Books, written by different authors, they follow different girls throughout history. I read them when I was younger, one after the other. They put you in the footsteps of someone else and teach you how to overcome many different things. There’s one from the perspective of a girl from the Titanic, Oregon Trail, the Mayflower, and so many more. Truly amazing gifts in the form of books.
I’ve not read all of these books– not by a long shot though some I have are fabulous. And I’ve seen many a book suggested by other commentators that I’ve read and loved, or that I’ve read and hated.
But I would just like to say, as I exit my own childhood, now 18, there are more important things than the gender of the author or even the protagonist. Loving princesses and fairy tales aren’t a sign or feminine weakness– my favorite princess when I was little was the much reviled Ariel and now I’m a staunch supporter of women’s rights– but rather, it’s important to acknowledge than if a young girl decides everything pretty and pink is what she enjoys, to let her enjoy it. Literature shouldn’t have to be divided to girl book and boy books and a strong moral character shouldn’t depend on gender– focusing on such perpetates the divide and identity issues so many girls face.
Rather, focus on morals and ideas. Draw from history but don’t romanticise it– history has generally been poor to women and that shouldn’t be rewritten. Acknowledging helps a young girl and woman appreciate how good she has it.
If a girl reads Harry Potter and rather be Harry or Ron than Hermione, that’s fine. Identifying with boys and men should not be cause for scorn but can be questioned– Why do you like them? What about their character is enjoyable? When the answer is loyalty or honestly, well, those adjectives are genderless. Most of the English language is.
Let her play Cinderella and let her play Hermione. Let her have her own pirate ship and let her have her own home. Let her think about boys but don’t let that become her focus. She should be well-rounded, able to argue both sides of an arguement beautifully, be able to see the joys and wonders of the world. Literature is a portal– don’t close half of it. Twain or Austen, Fitzgerald or Bronte.
And yes, Meyers has deplorable writting, but don’t ever ban it. Use it, acknowledge it, teach from it.
Because, if a little girl wants to be a princess, give her the tools to be the strongest, most admirable one she can.
Thanks for you comment. The books on this list are not all written by female authors. I also don’t have anything against princesses
I recommend Grace Lin’s Where the Mountain Meets the Moon!
My 24 year old daughter posted your link on my face book page with this comment “I saw this and immediately thought of you
You done good, mom!”
She is a strong, independent young writer herself living in South Korea teaching English. She has read all the books you mentioned as well as many many more. She also wore braids, lace up boots and prairie hats as she played Little House on the Prairie in her Shepard’s Wagon ( a real shepherd’s wagon.) Thank you for confirming my belief that thoseTwighlight books are lesson’s for our daughters on how not to be. From one Catholic Wife and Mother to another.
I just started reading Little House in the Big Woods to my almost 4 year old son and I’m enjoying it just as much as I did as a little girl
I believe Girl In The Arena is a perfect book for girls. It shows that we can do anything we set out minds to dispite what our culture tells us
For your daughter when she is young: The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. (Mighta been mentioned but I dont wanna read 600+ comments…) The princess has to rescue the prince from the dragon.
I would add Nancy Drew and the Hunger Games. Both have strong female characters.
But, for the love, if you liked Little Women, please, please, please see the olderversion of the movie. June Allyson, Elizabeth Taylor, Janet Leigh. Remarkable cast for a remarkable story.
I love this list and wanted to add Roald Dahl’s Matilda to it. I read this book what seems like a hundred times as a kid. I remember the library card in the pocket of the book being filled up with only my name. I loved Matilda and she inspired me to read a lot which is never a bad thing…
I learned from her that books would open my mind to beautiful imaginary worlds and the more I read the more I started to form my own opinions about story and character. The way I see it, if ever I have a daughter who wants to read Twilight, the only thing I would do is make sure she’s not too young for it but at an appropriate age I won’t stop her from doing so…However, I will discuss it with her, just like I will discuss other books and stories and characters with her so that she learns that she should have her own opinions about the characters. Chances are we’ll learn from eachother because the beauty about books is that we all experience them in a very unique way as the stories unfold in our heads and that’s so much fun to talk about.
I have to recommend someone.. Anything Tamora Pirce wrote.. She is definitely someone you want your daughters to read.. Her books are written about strong young girls who end up saving the world.. My favorite is the Protector of the Small.. She deals with problems that affect girls physical problems, social problems, love problems ect ect.. She is amazing
Yes, yes, yes! Tamora Pierce is one of the reigning queens of YA fiction. Love her. In middle school, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to be Alanna or Daine when I grew up.
I would recommend the Harper Hall Trilogy by Anne McCaffrey. The first 2 – Dragonsong and Dragonsinger – are about a girl named Menolly who was born into a family and a way of life that doesn’t understand her. And when the pressure to stop being herself is too much, she finds a way to change it. It takes place on the planet of Pern and it’s got a lot of SciFi tied into it, but I have loved these books since I was 11. The third book is good too but it follows a different character (a guy). It’s still a great tale of overcoming adversity and finding yourself being stronger than you originally thought you were.
Great list!! I would add My Antonia by Willa Cather. It’s a little “hard-timey” for a young girl, but is an excellent example of a woman who struggles through adversity, makes mistakes, and perseveres to become an extremely strong, admirable woman.
Also, Twilight will most likely be gone by the one your girl is old enough to read it (it’s nowhere near good enough to last even another 10 years) but there will be some other piece of trashy popular literature that all of her friends are reading. Don’t forbid her to read it! She’ll just because become curious and start to think that everybody else is right. Instead, allow her to read it (after you do, and after she’s experienced all this wonderful literature) and talk with her about the character’s shortcomings, what makes it not a good book. She’ll see an example of what not to idealize and realize how little store she should put in popular culture.
Not to burst any bubbles, but my mother read (or I read) ALL of the book on this list, and I STILL read the Twilight Saga. And I turned out just fine! I have a 3.8 GPA and have just been admitted into CSU, I have a Strong relationship with God as well as a positive body image. Just because your daughter chooses to read a novel that you didn’t like, doesn’t mean she is going to end up helpless. And on another note, I don’t entirely believe that Bella should be considered helpless. Yes, she fell completely and totally in love REALLY quickly. So what, she struggled with depression after the love of her life left her, who wouldn’t? But she also had started getting better towards the end of that novel (even before Edward came back). Just because you become depressed/upset after something major happens in your life doesn’t make you horrible and weak! So, I think its quite harsh to say that if you read this to your daughter/let your daughter read this book she will end up weak.
Charne, I do not say anywhere in this post that reading Twilight will make a girl end up weak, merely that there are amazing and wonderful books out there that leave it in the dust. I do think that Bella is a terrible character and role model and I explain more about that here: http://carrotsformichaelmas.com/2012/06/20/why-you-cant-read-twilight-a-letter-to-my-daughter/
I love this list! Two MUST-reads with strong female leads are Robin McKinley’s “The Blue Sword” and Sherryl Jordan’s “The Raging Quiet”. These two are life-long favorites and will stand the test of time. I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I have.
I love this list! Two MUST-reads with strong female leads are Robin McKinley’s “The Blue Sword” and Sherryl Jordan’s “The Raging Quiet”. These two are life-long favorites and will stand the test of time. I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I have.
Hey! Thank you so much for the reading list- I don’t have kids yet, but my husband & I have discussed things & he’s terrified of having daughters- which I kind of love, because it means he’s going to be a great dad- and I will definitely be using this list and all of the suggestions underneath to keep my daughters (should I have any) grounded and empowered. Just thought I’d add Ella Enchanted, & The Two Princesses of Bamarre. Basically, I love Gail Carson Levine & she almost always has good female characters that have complex personalities in her books.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis are fantastic! I remember my father reading them to me growing up, and the character of Lucy is profound.
You don’t trust anyone who dislikes Janer Austen? Funny you should mention that. My husband and I were showing a visitor around Richmond, Virginia, and we happened upon a book store that we had not yet explored. In a discussion, the woman at the counter (the owner, possibly) and one of the other customers declared that they did not like Jane Austen. Them’s fighting words, but I did not pick a fight, but neither did I purchase a book. Their statement made me wary of any recommendation I would get on finding a satisfying novel in that shop: I do not like the politically correct notion of a book that is “good for me.”
I am a (Catholic convert) mother who read to her children, and to a lesser extent, her grandchildren. If you are open to it, having children helps you develop a deeper perspective. It is in later years of going back to Jane Austen that I appreciated “Mansfield Park,” which did not appeal to me when I was younger. It is about character training in children, and the film that came out some years ago was dreadful. People who lack a foundation in traditional religion often miss the point, the newer film version of “Brideshead Revisited” being an example.
A woman after my own heart! Wendy, don’t even get me STARTED on the new Brideshead. Never have I been so upset about a film adaption. And I often like Andrew Davies’s screenplays, so I was SO disappointed. It completely missed everything important in the book (my favorite novel.) And I agree on the Mansfield Park adaption. It was so weird. Have you seen the newish BBC Mansfield Park? I need to rewatch it. I don’t like the casting for Fanny but I thought it was far better than the other adaption.
My daughter is almost 19 years old. She is beautiful, confident, competent, kind, intelligent and, to put it mildly, well-read. She has read all the titles above, most more than once, except for #’s 9 & 10; which neither of us has ever heard of, but will be looking for soon. She also watched and read and played princesses all the time as a little girl. Her imagination, bolstered by being read to AND played with, remains one of her many gifts. All of the things you expose your children (girl or boy) to need to be governed by you, the parent. They will discern, as they grow and mature, what is real and what is not; what is valid strictly for entertainment purposes and what is valid as part of real life. An “either-or” position by you taints her vision and obscures her ability to decide for herself. Isn’t that what you want most for her? An ability to figure things out for her self? Princesses have just as much value for a little girl as Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice do for her as she grows older.
Love this! That is exactly what I thought when I read the second Twilight book. I never want any of my girls to read that! Great list! Thanks!
I will start by saying I haven’t read most of these responses. That said, I disagree with the author’s basic premise. Before you all condemn me as a bad mother, let me explain. My daughter was never a big fan of reading when she was in elementary or even middle school. Sure, occasionally she would pick up a book and enjoy reading it. But she was not the reader I hopes she would be. I have always preferred
reading to television or movies and wanted to instill the love of reading in her that my parents instilled in me. But it just wasn’t happening. Then, going into her freshman year of high school, Twilight showed up as one of the choices on her summer reading list. I encouraged her to choose something else, but she was insistent. My occasional reader suddenly couldn’t put a book down and begged me to buy the rest of the series. So I did. Now I have a college sophomore who is a voracious reader. A former struggling reader who choose to take honors English because it was more interesting. An amazing young woman who will
make an amazing elementary school teacher. A reader
who chooses Jane Austen, To Kill A Mockingbird, a Streetcar Named Desire, and the complete works of Sherlock Holmes, as well as anything by Nicholas Sparks. And who now cringes at Twilight… But her mom doesn’t. Because it was the stepping stone that really got her reading.
And that’s what really matters to this mom!
Regina Doman! She has written five wonderful fairy tale retellings: The Shadow of the Bear, Black as Night, Waking Rose, The Midnight Dancers, and Alex O’Donnell and the 40 Cyber Thieves. I highly recommend them. They have a Catholic undertone, but they don’t beat you over the head with it.
Okay, I THINK I did a pretty good job of reading/skimming the previous comments (I love so many of these book!), and several books I didn’t see were:
“Juniper” and “Wise Child” – Monica Furlong – especially “Wise Child”, but they’re both very good, with wise/learning-to-be-wise, strong female characters, and some good life lessons are in there too. They’re about “dorans” (wise women/good witches/healers, etc.) and some adversaries they face in the kingdoms they live in. “Wise Child” makes my Top 10 list and I re-read it often.
“The Girl Who Owned a City” – O.T. Nelson. It made a great impression on me in middle school and I still really like it. A girl takes a leadership role when all the people over 12 die of an illness and only children are left in the world.
Oh, and “Shadow Spinner” by Susan Fletcher, which I may have seen mentioned? Anyway it’s worth a read, I think – it’s a retelling of the story of Shahrazad, and a clever and brave serving girl helps her find missing pieces of the story to avoid being killed by the Sultan.
Sorry, but I don’t understand why so many people like about the Harry Potter books. I love Tolkien, Lewis, L’Engle and Wilde. (I love the story by Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince.) I, intensely, dislike Carroll, Meyer, Dahl and Rowling. I find them dark and disturbing.
As someone who grew up with Harry Potter and really could not put into words exactly what these books mean to me, I’ll give it a shot: Yes, these books are magical and exciting, but I think it is the core of the books that really reaches out to readers. Kids aren’t reading about some amazing prince or strong warrior or genius scholar or something else that seems out of their reach. They’re reading about a gawky, average child that lives in a cupboard and has never really been loved or known happiness. And then one day out of the blue, he’s told that he is a beloved wizard and there is an entire other world that reveres him. What kid hasn’t wanted to hear something similar to this growing up?! This in itself isn’t new or creative in storytelling, no, but Rowling distinguishes herself by constantly making her main character strikingly ordinary. He doesn’t join the wizarding world and realize he was a brilliant wizard all along. Instead, he never really excels in school, he is never classically attractive or charismatic, he is friends with the unpopular crowd, he is awkward around girls, he loses his temper, and he lets others down just like any other kid. Best of all, he may be a revered wizard but Rowling shows that it is because of the love and sacrifice of his mother, not because there is anything amazingly special about him. And yet, he isn’t disappointed in this. He doesn’t care about living up to his legendary status. Instead, his greatest desire is to know the parents he lost. Of course, he does eventually overcome evil and reach the level of hero, but it isn’t through his magical abilities at all. It is his strength of character and his genuine relationships with others that allows him to resist evil. Throughout the book, you witness so many characters sacrificing for each other and supporting each other, even through their flaws and differences. And amazingly, it is Severus Snape, the rude, suspicious professor, and Neville Longbottom, the pitiful nerd, who help save the day. You could root for Harry at the end because he defeated evil and became a legend in his own right, but really you’re happy to see that same kid at the beginning grow up into a confident, compassionate person who has been able to form the strong bonds he never had as a child. Kids might think they love the series because of the spells and potions, but they form an attachment to the characters, who are so much more than their magical abilities. I think too many people make the mistake of writing off the series because of its popularity or relatively new status but these books will live on and it’s not because of magical spells or old mythologies. The underlying themes are essentially about achieving greatness in the face of adversity and realizing that ultimately, greatness was within them all along because of their compassion and love of others. (Not so dissimilar from Tolkien and other classic books on the list…) Didn’t mean to go on but these books were some of the most important of my childhood and I will always be grateful to Rowling for giving me such wonderful characters to grow up with.
Well said!!!
So I have read everything on the list and have encouraged both of my girls to read but they just aren’t readers. There is one book that my girls do love and I did not see it mentioned is Savvy. As for the Disney movies that were mentioned everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Having a degree in child development parents influence will determine how a daughter views her place in society and what is fact and what is fiction. Conversations will allow those questions to be addressed. I’m not saying not to read to your child or let them sit and watch Disney movies to teach them how to act, but you have to let them be their own person and make their own choices and all we can do is guide them to the best of our abilities. Are my girls screwed up because they watched Disney princess movies, no they just know not to have unreal expectations of men and know that they don’t need a man to define them. As for the suicidal girl in Twilight, everyone goes through a traumatic break up at least once in their life and while we feel at that time that our life will not go one with out that person we have gotten through it. And that experience has made us stronger. Was that scene played out a bit too much probably, but it was dramatic effect and it was fiction. Should a girl under 10 read it, that is best left to the determination of the parents. Sorry for the rant but I just felt like I needed to say my opinion.
I completely agree with Lord of the Rings. Eowyn is a big part of why I am who I am today. And you’re actually not too far away from being able to read them to her. One of my earliest memories is my dad reading the Hobbitt to me when I was three.
I didn’t take the time to read all the comments, so maybe someone already suggested these, but I know that personally I really enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia series, as well as A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
A wonderful, highly regarded series is that of the Betsy Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. The books are quite autobiographical and based on the writer’s growing up in Mankato, Minnesota in the late 19th and early 20th century. The series spans the time from Betsy’s fifth birthday until the first year of her marriage.
I really like the suggestions and I’m going to have to add some to my reading list but some others that I might suggest are A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (It’s a little tragic but it explores a mother daughter relationship very well and the main character shows maturity beyond her age.), The Diary of Anne Frank (Another little girl who was amazingly perceptive for her age and it also helps explore important things that children will have to learn about as they grow up in a childlike voice.), To Kill a Mockingbird (Another way of looking at serious issues through a small girl’s eyes, one who happens to be funny, compassionate, and strong-willed in an almost entirely male social circle), anything by Toni Morrison (It’s very powerful to read about strong black women when history and culture are richly explored, and Morrison is a Pulitzer Prize winning author for a reason. I don’t think has ever had a character that wasn’t significant and detailed.). Obviously, some of these will have to wait until she reaches a certain age but while she’s younger I would also recommend classics like the Nancy Drew series (Seeing Nancy’s friendships sets a good example on how friends should treat each other and Nancy’s logic and skills at solving crime are emphasized over her relationship with her boyfriend.), the Babysitter’s Club (The series emphasizes how a diverse group of girls can form friendships and create a business and important issues are explored like a character with diabetes, parents who have passed away, and divorce.), and the American Girl books (These books were fun stories that also teach a little about history and how conditions were historically for females.), and the Hunger Games (I think part of the popularity of this series is that it was such a breath of fresh air from Twilight and all the other series that just featured two-dimensional pretty boys and girls who fall apart without them. Unlike Bella who forsakes normal relationships and even her family to be with a boy, Katniss’ first loyalty is to her sister and that is how she is thrown into a love triangle in the first place. She doesn’t fall for anyone quickly or seemingly overnight, and she sure as heck doesn’t need anyone to protect her. Instead, she gets to know the actually interesting and flawed characters over time and then lets herself be with one, but not be dependent on one, all while still recognizing the problems and realities of their situation.)
I’m a 30 year old, mother of two little ones (2 and 5) who is obsessed with reading. I have read all kinds of book from classic, to fantasy, to contemporary. I especially love many of the books on your list. I have not read the entire list of suggestions that other readers have submitted, so my additions may already have occurred.
The Mark of the Lion trilogy by Francine Rivers (a Christian authoress); especially the first two books, are incredible stories of perseverance in the face of persecution. It is a tale of history, life, and romance in 1st century Rome with the main focus on the slave Haddassah’s Christian faith. Rivers also has a series called The Lineage of Grace–the stories of five biblical women (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary).
I don’t think any of us should fear that Twilight will ever fall in the Classic category of books. It’s a fad that will fade soon after the final movie is released on DVD.
I hope you’re right, Kristen!
The Maude Hart Lovelace books (Betsy and Tacy series). The first book is just “ok”. The rest are wonderful. I loved them as a girl and picked them up to read to my daughter with a sense of trepidation–what if my adult self found them to be too unenlightened? I needn’t have worried. Fantastic series following Betsy from age three to adulthood.
“Little Women” was definitely my favorite book growing up. Just recently, I watched the movie “Pride & Prejudice,” which I LOVED, but I CAN’T wait to read the book. My goal is to read Jane Austen’s works, which I’m sure I will love. I am trying my best to read more so my son can also have a passion for reading and not get too tangled in the web of the web.
I hope you absolutely love Austen’s novels. I have to re-read one every year because they are just so good!
Now, to be completely honest, I am only eighteen, but your post on Pinterest caught my attention. I do not have a child. Rather, I was one not too long ago and I must tell you that I have read almost all of the books you listed. I love to read, but I was not always this way. In elementary school I hated, no, feared reading. I was terrified that someone would ask me to read out loud because I barely knew how. Then one day my mom gave me a book and asked me to give it a try, and I haven’t stop reading since. Now I have one of the highest reading levels in my state! The book series that got me started is called A Life Of Faith by Martha Finley. Another great book is Christy by Catherine Marshall. Both of those book and so many others helped me to grow into the young woman I am today. They taught me so much about what it means to be a woman of character and faith. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. God Bless!
I just love Christy! I’m so glad you reminded me about that one!
So the only books that are acceptable for strong female characters are late 19th century and early 20th century novels (except for Harry Potter)? I disagree with you. Many of the protagonists in these novels underwent the same trials and self-doubt that Bella in Twilight did. And I disagree with you. Bella was not weak. She stood toe to toe with Edward. I also like that several people mentioned The Hunger Games. Read any of Sarah Dessen’s book and Scott Westerfeld’s book. They all have strong female protagonists. I think you need to come into this century and look around at all of the wonderful young adult female role models in current books.
Actually, Kristin, while 6 of the books range from the second half of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, there is a selection from the early 19th century, two selections from the late 20th century, and one series that was partially published in the 21st century. These are classic books, so, yes, they’ve been tested by time and are still beloved after decades or centuries. That’s what makes them so wonderful. I read and enjoyed The Hunger Games, but I don’t think it can hold a candle to any of the books I listed which is why I didn’t include it on my list. As for coming into this century….do I have to?
I love the list of books! I have not read some of them on there, but plan to soon! I would add the Thornton Burgess books. While they are not exclusively for girls, they do teach life lessons through the eyes of animals! My father encouraged me to read these books when I was very young and I will give them to my daughter to read as well……
Wow, what a great list! And lots of lovely suggestions in the comments. I’ve read most of them, but will have to check out the ones I don’t know.
The book suggestions I had were mostly already commented on, but here’s a couple: The Red Tent (a really fascinating look at Dinah, Joseph’s sister from the Bible,) and the Rowan or Damia books by Anne McCaffery. McCaffery has lots of lovely strong female characters. And the Game of Thrones books as well for an older child… some of those females aren’t necessarily the greatest of people, but they’ve definitely got opinions and ambitions.
And I’m glad to see someone else dislikes Twilight as much as I do. Yes, the writing is awful (actually, I don’t care for Brandon Sanderson’s writing either although some of his books may have gotten better – I saw Mistborn was suggested above), but the lesson I really wouldn’t want a child to learn is that Edward’s “protection” and domination is normal. It’s not, it’s abuse. (I go into this in one of my blog posts, actually.)
Anywho… thank you for the lovely list!
I absolutely disagree. I read The Red Tent when I worked at a Christian Book Shop, and was horrified (this was pre-marriage, mind you) at the explicit marriage bed scene. When I showed it to my manager, she agreed with my opinion that we should take it out of inventory, and did so. I didn’t finish it, because I didn’t like putting that kind of thing into my head. Maybe it would be all right for an adult woman to read, but definitely not a young woman or girl in my opinion!
As for the Game of Thrones, I haven’t read them, but my husband tells me they are very bloody, full of death and violence, and reviews I’ve found confirm that, and also mention the tons of profanity throughout the book.
If that’s what you like your children to read, okay, but as for me, I think I’ll keep these two off my children’s bookshelves.
I have to mention one redeeming quality of Stephenie Meyer! While I totally agree that the Twilight Series has absolutely no characters I’d like my daughter to emulate, her other book The Host is one you might want to try out! It’s still a romance, but the female characters are stronger, more self-possessed and independent, unlike the infamous half-wit Bella Swan. So if you’ve been burned out by the sparkly vampire series, I still think you might want to take The Host for a test drive. It is still a romance, mind you, so maybe best for teen years instead of children years?
I’m a huge fan of every book you have listed here, except the couple I haven’t yet read – and they’re now added to my Goodreads to-read list!
I’ve heard good things about The Host from other sources, too, Carly. Thanks!
I think I love you.
Awww, thanks, Megan!
Twilight… Love it or Hate it. I don’t really care. What I love that this series of books did, is it got children, young and old to PICK UP A BOOK and READ!!! How many reluctant readers out there read Twilight because their friend was reading or had read it, and was so excited about it. IMO, B.F. Skinner said it best “We shouldn’t teach great books; we should teach a love of reading.”
Every little girl MUST read the Hunger Games trilogy!!! While the media has characterized it as a book about bloody and ruthless child killing as of late, the book series is nothing of the sort. It is a story of a strong and positive female character that in the face of death pushes petty boy problems aside, takes matters into her own hands, and defies the norm for a girl of her status. It is a real slap in the face to Bella Swann’s boohooing character who’s all-consuming thoughts center around an abusive relationship. Katniss Everdeen, please.
Interesting. I think I took this one off my reading list because I was pretty darn sure I wouldn’t like it–I tried The Maze Runner by James Dashner and it was way too violent for me, so I quit. I guess I’ll put The Hunger Games back on
A book series I believe every girl (and every woman) should read is the Tea Rose books by Jennifer Donnelly.
I’ve read and reread these books based around Victorian age struggles in London. The series follows three strong, ambitious and incredibly brave women who face heartbreak, loss and handicap to strive to better themselves, their families and all around them.
This page is wonderful! We have a little girl on the way and (yes, it’s early) have already started her library!
I’m not familiar with those books so I’ll have to check them out! Thank you for the suggestion and congrats on your sweet baby girl on the way
We have another sweet girl joining our family in May! So excited!
I was about the recommend the Rose Trilogy!!! Fiona and India are such spectacular role models- Willa perhaps less consistently so, but she does have her share of strong moments. I loved Fiona’s determination, her refusal to let the horrors of her youth dominate her life, and the fact that even in wealth, she never forgot her roots and did the best she could to help others out of the poverty she grew up in.
Actually, Jennifer Donnelly is just a great all-around author; her teen books “Revolution” and “A Northern Light” are both excellent reads about confused, unsure, disillusioned (and in Andi’s case, damaged) teenage girls learning to stand up for themselves and find their place in the world.
Highly agree with the comments about Jane Austen and Jane Eyre but Ms. Gaskell’s North & South is a must read for daughters and mothers alike.
I’m actually reading that one right now and loving it!
Totally agree about North & South, especially if your daughter ends up enjoying Pride and Prejudice. Also Gaskell’s “Wives & Daughters” – it’s a long one, but the main character Molly is a bright young woman who quietly perseveres in keeping her spirit and interest in caring for others and science. Gaskell wrote for Charles Dickens’s magazine and so many of her works are driven by social issues of the time.
I also recommend Robert Munsch in general, not just The Paper Bag Princess. Also Dr. Seuss for when she is young. I loved Dr. Seuss so much growing up that I recently bought a pair of Dr. Seuss inspired Converse.
For when she is much older, and for yourself, I recommend the Call the Midwife series by Jennifer Worth. I have just finished reading them and they were amazing. It is a memoir, but Mrs. Worth wrote so beautifully, it feels like you are reading a work of fiction. The series takes place in the late 1950s in the war damaged east end of London. It is very touching and teaches you about the humility, compassion, love, family, and the strength of the people Worth met in her days as a nurse/midwife. Women are featured throughout the series and are the clear focus, especially the mothers who were very strong. There are some gritty parts to the books as Mrs. Worth did not try to simplify the times and that is why I recommend it for older girls, either just leaving high school or college (I am the former).
I am obsessed with the BBC series of Call the Midwife right now and I simply have to get my hands on the book!
Scott Westerfeld has a YA trilogy called “Leviathan,” which is an alt-history of World War One. It features a smart, funny, spirited British girl named Dylan who disguises herself as a boy to join the Royal Air Force. She goes on throughout the trilogy to distinguish herself through her bravery, quick thinking, and intelligence, but she also deals with many of the same issues that many teenage girls grapple with.
I’d like to add the Lemony Snicket books… which, while I didn’t read them, my son did, and was always recounting stories of the Baudelaire children, two of whom are strong female characters…. smart, clever, problem-solving girls.
We are expecting a girl next month, and while I concur that Disney Princess and Twilight input is potentially damaging, I also know she will likely encounter a lot of it… the best option is to also offer strong female leads like these.
(I know I read Anne, Little House, and Little Women as a pre-teen, and I think it helped me avoid some of the “princess delusions” that I’ve seen my friends have to confront when their relationships didn’t work out.)
Great article! Thanks!
Paper Bag Princess by Munsch for sure! Talk about a strong female character.
I think it is ironic that everyone is pushing for this super equal society and such and think that if growing up we watch movies about princesses we will have girls who are wimps and boys who are bullies. I grew up in the thriving age of Disney with the revamping of ie the color versions of almost all the classics coming out around 20 or so years ago. I loved them all especially The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Cinderella, and Snow White. Saying that my parents and I read an eclectic sputtering from children’s stories to the one’s mentioned above to classics like The Prince and the Pauper or Treasure Island. Saying that I was definitely more influenced by my peers and my general interests which were building things ( a typical boy thing), playing outside (both), and playing outside (both). I am just making the point that a parents’ influence is only so much when compared to that of your child’s peers.
Hi, I only just started reading Pride and Prejudice and must say: Not amused! All the women are rated by their appeareance all the time! – Even though Elizabeth gets bonus points for being somewhat smart, the main message is: “Women should be pretty and only care for being married and gossip (which is why they need to be pretty), with only one, odd, exception (Elisabeth)” and on the other hand “Men need to have character and get to choose the prettiest woman who needn’t be smart. And only the somewhat strange men would want a pretty AND smart wife. But noone would voluntarily choose an ‘averagely pretty’ woman.” I think it is unhealthy to confront children with a book which describes and judges women’s (actually men’s also) beauty so excessively!
Sorry if this sounds harsh, it just upsets me!
To be honest, Lisa, I think you’re missing the point of Austen. Her books are about character and virtue. Judging the opposite sex for attractiveness certainly isn’t something modern society has stopped doing and I don’t think Austen is in any way advocating for it. The characters who are particularly intent on others’ physical beauty are the silly or shallow ones (Mrs. Bennet, the Bingley sisters), etc. And Mr. Bennet is described as marrying a woman for her beauty rather than sense or virtue which ended in an unhappy marriage in which he doesn’t respect his own wife. So the moral is definitely not that men should marry a woman for her physical attractiveness, nor that being attractive should be a woman’s prime objective. Austen is terribly witty and funny and I think you have to look at the main themes of the book, not what individual characters say to understand it. I also think that a character like Charlotte Lucas who is plain but sensible and kind is important to understand Austen’s themes. Charlotte doesn’t get to marry well because she isn’t pretty and the reader can’t help feeling that it simply isn’t fair.
I have to say that I love your webpage, and everything of yours that I have read! My daughter is only two months but I cannot wait to read her some of these books, some of which I loved as a little girl!
Aww, thanks so much, Courtney!
Thank you for this wonderful list – I myself, loved no. 10 as an adult. Wonderful book! Wanted to give a big shout out to the Ralphy Moody series, books 2 and 3 especially focus on Mother – what an amazing person she was…full of faith and dignity despite much hardship. Can’t say enough about this autobiographical series!
Are those the Little Britches books? I put them on my reading list for this year!
Yes – the first book is called “Little Britches” – I highly recommend this series (we’re in the third book), it’s a soul-forming book, about character building life lessons. It’s not overly sentimental, and it is all true – autobiography of Ralph Moody. Is anyone else into this series? I laugh, I cry, I ponder…
Nearly all 10 books you listed were among my childhood favorites! I would also add “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle (though I loved the whole Time Quartet and pretty much anything by her), and the Chronicles of Narnia, which I believe someone mentioned before me. Meg Murray (Wrinkle) was one of my favorite protagonists because she had strength and courage as well as being a deeply human character to whom I could relate, and her mother, Mrs. Murray, is an excellent role model of a strong, tender female character. And of course Narnia is full of brave and gentle women with faults and weaknesses who grow in depth and dignity, from Polly to Lucy and Susan and Jill, just to name a few protagonists.
My daughter is 5, do you think that is the right age to read most of these?
She might be ready for the Little House on the Prairie as read alouds! My 4-year-old son isn’t QUITE there yet but I think by the end of the summer he’ll be really enjoying them. The others are probably a couple years down the road
My daughter has read every book on this list in addition to the Twilight series, which she read recently. She’s 12. She devours books, and I agree with some of these comments-some books are just fun to read and don’t need to teach lessons. Please don’t be judgy about Bella Swan on Twilight being sad and depressed about her boyfriend dumping her. Every girl handles heartbreak differently, and some are more emotional than others anyway. She’s a tough heroine, a fighter. You’re wrong about her.
In defense of That Horrid Girl in Twilight
Agree with the taking of Faramir! He’s my favorite hero of LOTR.
I’m happy to say that I’ve read most of these! I finished the Anne series in the spring of 2012, I’ve read Little Women twice, The Lord of the Rings four times, finished going through Austen’s six novels in the fall of 2011, got to read Jane Eyre over Christmas break in 2011. . . . I have Harry Potter on my reading list and can’t wait to get to it someday. My mom read the Little House books–at least the first eight–to me and my sister when we were little, but unfortunately I’ve only read three on my own–I want to amend that soon! Till We Have Faces is also on my reading list. Hmm, I haven’t thought about The Girl of the Limberlost much (though it may be on my list) and I don’t think I’ve heard of that one of Sigrid Undset’s. Anyway, I’ll get off my soap box now
Thanks for posting–this is great! I’ll be repinning 
I think we might be soul sisters. I am still so angry about Anne the Continuing Story, I can’t even begin to talk rationally about it.
My favourite LMM novel is actually The Blue Castle, although I have always adored the entire Anne series. I agree with your whole list, basically. I am a little sad that I ended up with all boys as I really looked forward to sharing these books with a daughter! Not that I won’t try most of these out on my boys anyway. Your commenters have mentioned most of the books I would add, except, well, when I was a little girl I was obsessed with horses rather than princesses. Absolutely anything with a horse in it would do, but I loved all of Marguerite Henry’s books, Smokey the Cowhorse by Will James, The Black Stallion series, Black Beauty, etc.
The best advice I can offer is to BE the kind of woman that you want your daughter to grow up to be. If you want her to be strong and confident, SHOW her how to be that woman. Don’t rely on books or pop culture to be role models for your daughter. BE her role model. Don’t preach it, teach it, or screech it–LIVE IT.
I’ve been reading through these old comments, deciding for the most part not to say anything. But I have to respond to this.
Of course we should all strive to be the women we want our daughters to be. And the woman I strive to be likes to read, and encourages her daughter to read. The woman I strive to be uses books, and sometimes pop culture, as tools to reinforce the lessons I instill in my children. I live my faith every day, as I’m sure Haley does as well.
I’m sure your comment was well-meant, but it baffles me that you thought it was needed–as if posting a book list somehow indicates that someone is planning to let the books raise the child.
Hi there! I jogged here via Pinterest.
One book that should be added is _Christy_ by Catherine Marshall. And for a real-life person, _Joni_ by Joni Earickson Tada.
I will be encouraging my pre-teen daughters to read some of the titles in your list that they haven’t read.
I also don’t believe that Harry Potter is necessarily great fiction. I can’t compare it to Twilight, however, because I haven’t read the series. My oldest and I, who will be starting high school next year, have been talking about being careful with what we put in our minds.
Thanks for the list.
First off, let me say I love this. I have read the Twilight series because someone told me too, and I have never met a female-written heroine I loathe more. I haven’t read E.L. James 50 Shades of Grey, but from what I have heard, she could go toe to toe with Meyer. I also need to point out that I am not a mother, but a voracious reader who has also worked with small children most of my life. I found it interesting that you didn’t put in any books to read to young children. Some of my favorites to read to young girls, and boys, are the Paperbag Princess by Robert Munsch (because she saves herself and the prince), the Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein (the story is about unconditional love, what isn’t great about that?) and anything Dr. Seuss. I think the biggest challenge is to keep children away from harmful stereotypes and these books do a good job of that. Plus, they are a great way to get them interested in reading.
Also, I know this post is getting long, but I must add Madeline L’Engle as an incredible author for girls/young teens to read. Start them with a Wrinkle in Time and she is an author that will grow up with them. She writes for children, young teens, older teens, young women and beyond. Her stories are filled with science, fantasy, love in all it’s forms and all the crap you could face in life. She also shows characters who come out on the other side somehow. Sorry for the long post, but I am passionate about good literature!
Did you know that 50 Shades was originally Twilight fan fiction?
I refuse to read both series on principle. I must draw lines, and one of my lines is vampires. Also I’ve seen excerpts from 50 Shades and that is just bad writing, period.
I’ve read most of the books on your list, and huge chunks of the ones in the comments. One author I’m not seeing is Cornelia Funke. Not a lot of female protagonists, but a great deal about the power of words and language on reality. Also in that vein, for an older audience, is the book Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder. Ooh! or The Neverendong Story by Michael Ende! Obviously, the movie loomed large in my childhood, but the book is great too.
The Anne books and the show Little House on the Prairie were so ingrained on me as a small child, re-reading them now feels like revisiting my own memories. Another favorite of mine as a middle reader was The Children Who Stayed Alone by Bonnie Bess Worline. About, well, children who stayed alone. In a blizzard. On the prairie, in a sod-house. And because I couldn’t get enough of old timey children’s books, I loved the Sugar Creek Gang by Paul Hutchens.
I would definitely recommend anything written by Tamora Pierce as well. She revolves all of her writing around strong female characters. Alanna the Lioness (the first female knight in hundreds of years), her daughter Aly who leads a rebellion as a spy to put a Queen on the throne, and tons more. Each book you read makes you simultaneously wish you could get to the end and that it would never end.
Except for Alanna’s habit of falling into bed with a different man every book, I would have agreed.
Great stories… for adults. I don’t want that kind of role model for any young girl.
I was amazaed that you listed all of my favorite girlhood books: Anne, all of Louisa Mae Alcott’s books, Laura Ingalls Wilder (who my Mom named me after), Jane Austen, and even Girl of the Limberlost! Wonderful list! I’ve read them all except the last one, but it seems like we have the same taste in books, so I’ll definitely check it out!
For young girls I HIGHLY recommend The Paperbag Princess. It is truly an inspiring books for girls. The last speech is worth the price all on its own!
I really think that A Little Princess should be on this list. It was and still is one of my favorite books. It tell the story of a girl who had everything, lost it, and regained it. And throughout it she always stays true to herself. One great quote from the book is, ” If I am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside. It would be easy to be a princess if I were dressed in cloth of golf, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it. ”
Truly, it is a fantastic book that teaches children to stay true to themselves and to be courteous and brave in hard times.
I totally agree with your comments on A Little Princess. I have read it many times over the years. As an added bonus, I attribute my good posture today to the description of Sara’s “princess-like” standing tall in the book.
I loved your list! I do believe that one wonderful book for any young girl to read is Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.by Judy Blume. This book is about a young girl struggling with her self image because all of the other girls “look better” than she does. This book was always one of my favourites growing up and has stayed with me throughout life.
I am saving this post because it has so many great books listed! And I love the additions in the comments. I don’t know if anyone mentioned Ursula LeGuin’s books? The character of Tenar in the Earthsea Chronicles is very strong and compelling. She is introduced in the second book, the Tombs of Atuan.
I did have a few thoughts thoughts to add. Remember to read all your old favorties again with a critical eye and look for books to complement when a discussion is needed. Some books, because of the time in which they were written, I find have some troubling spots. I too loved A Girl of the Limberlost as a child and came across a book at a book sale in perfect condition. My thought was to send it to a niece who lives on the other side of the country. I read it myself again and never sent it. I’m not saying I would never let my daughter read this as there is so much that is wonderful in the book. However, there is the peeping tom character who watches her through her window at night. She has an encounter in the woods with him and he gives her a warning. I wish I had the book in front of me right now, but it seemed to imply to me that she was safe from his desires because she was so pure. That seems a dangerous thing to teach a young girl and one that would be even worse for one who had been abused. So, I am now reserving this book for a later age than I originally thought when I can have the proper conversation.
A second conversation I had recently was with some moms about the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. There is some racism at least on the part of the father and other moms recommended reading them alongside some of the American Girls books which gave a fuller perspective on Native Americans and African Americans.
Great points, Sarah. I remember reading these books called “The Elsie Dinsmore” series as a child that I would definitely not push my kids to read because thinking back the racism is just unreal! And I remember that part in Limberlost! Definitely something that should be discussed while reading it. And a good reminder to discuss historical context with Little House. I loved the American Girls books growing up and saved all of them hoping I’d have daughters to share them with
I did not read thru all the comments but I would def add ‘number the stars’ and ‘diary of Anne frank’ to the list for older girls. They may read them in school but there is a big difference between reading for pleasure and reading because you have to. These are either tire stories or stories based on true events. ‘A summer to die’ is another one that shows a young girl growing up into a strong young woman…again a sad story but life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Lois Lowry is a great source for books that promote female heroines…her quartet ‘the giver’ portrays both male and female lead characters that go thru hell and back but always overcome. A great series for any child, male or female, to read!!
Aside from the Harry Potter series (not a fan) the others listed are totally up on my top faves. LOVED them all. Till we have faces (or anything by C.S.) was so thought provoking and convicting to me. I was dubbed by friends to be “Anne” when growing up. HUGE Jane Eyre fan… heck, all those you listed were great. Nice.
I absolutely loved The Island Of the Blue Dolphins. I probably read it a dozen times. The story is about a native Alaskan girl who is abandoned on an island and must learn to survive on her own.
Any thoughts regarding obedience to a husband’s god-given authority? The Bible does say that a woman should obey her husband in all things. I just read a book called How to Change Your Husband by “a Friend of Medjugorje” and it turned my thinking upside down, saving my marriage and my children. A mother’s attitude about that could either breed insecurity in the children or teach the virtue of obedience. The new Catholic feminism seems to be in line with what the author was saying. But the author gave so many more practical illustrations about how this attitude of obedience plays out in a beneficial manner to protect motherhood.
Colleen, I’m not sure how to understand your question in light of this post. I definitely believe in what the Church teaches about marriage and family. Could you elaborate?
While she is still little you should read her the Paper Bag Princess.
A princess gets her prince captured by a dragon, well she is having none of that. Even though the dragon burnt up everything including her clothes, she puts on a brown paper bag and goes to off to save her prince. When she does rescue him, he is an ungrateful prat about her appearance. Once again instead of being crushed she kicks her feet up and walks away happy just to by herself. Its a picture book all little girls should see.
You should get her Blueberry Girl by Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess. It’s my go to gift for everyone I know expecting a baby girl.
I gotta through this out there… and for the record I’m a huge Tolkien fan. My whole back is tattoed in the Riddle of Strider, with the tree of Gondor separating the two stanzas, and I have a tattoo of the Doors of Durin on my arm. So I love LotR quite a bit.
Eowyn, in the books, was headstrong and a fighter, but the main reason she rode to the Battle of Pelennor Fields as Dernhelm was because she was so depressed that Aragorn didn’t want to be with her, and she wanted to die. A little Bella-esque, don’t you think? I mean I’d feel that way too if Viggo Mortensen broke up with me.
I think you bring up a good point, Elizabeth. But I think there’s a huge difference between the honor of fighting evil as Eowyn heroically did and just giving up and jumping off a cliff for attention. Although Eowyn might have been partly motivated to fight because of her love for Aragorn, she channeled her disappointed heart toward something noble. The same can’t be said of Bella
And yes, LoTR forever!
also throw not through.
but yeah, up yours Twilight and yay LotR.
This is amazing! I’m eighteen and completely agree with everything you just said. I have tried to grown up to be woman like these brave and interesting girls. And Childhood was much easier when those girls were around. Kudos to you and little Lucy is so cute! Prayers… and I love rosaries!
Thanks, Leah! Childhood was much happier for me with these friends in my life, too
I didn’t read the responses of the others but here’s my take on this.
There are wonderful books out there and you’ve listed some. Here are some more…
1 and 2. Emily of New Moon series and Pat of Silver Bush by the same author of Anne of Green Gables. Both girls, Emily and Pat are as unique and endearing as Anne but all different so this will give you different ‘girls’ to adore.

3. Not well known series called THE CHALET SCHOOL series. If you can gather them and find them, you’ll fall in love with it. Sort of how you loved the Little House books… this is that… in school version with lots of other girls whose characters have great values but aren’t boring.
4. The author, Tamora Pierce, has written so many nice fantasy books with she-roes (female heroes). Each character is unique, colorful and special. Great values like friendship, bravery, loyalty, truth is there. Start with the The Lioness series and just follow thru until the latest book she has. You’ll thank me for introducing you to her.
5. Classics like: The Little Princess, Secret Garden….. wait… POLLYANNA!!! Oh you should try her. She’s like a ray of sunshine. You’d be GLAD to meet her.
Let me know if you need a running list… I’d be glad to share more titles.
I love these recommendations! I just read Emily of New Moon this year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ll just have to read an L.M. Montgomery book every year until I run out (and then I’ll just re-read the Anne books!).
Forgot to mention something…
there are books that are nice and meaty, something you love chewing over and over, savoring every bite and flavor. Those are the LOTR, the Potter books, Anne… but then, in defense for the fluffy books… there are some books, though they may have no strong values as the rest, are entertaining enough. Sorta like ice cream after the steak. I think Twilight, though I know you don’t like it, is just that. A light, sweet confection (that sparkles), nothing to take seriously but entertaining nonetheless.
I absolutely agree that every book one reads doesn’t need to be the meat and potatoes variety and that a light and fluffy book every so often is a delight. However, my concern with the Twilight books isn’t merely that they’re not meaty reads but that they contain very negative views of women and relationships that aren’t anything I would encourage my pre-teen daughters to read.
If these books weren’t already mentioned, I would recommend The Percy Jackson series and when she’s older Kathryn Stockett’s The Help.
Seems to be a lot of strong opinions floating around here but all I have to say is PIPPI LONGSTOCKING!
So I hesitated to repin (on Pinterest) this without reading it first, but did anyway. What a great list! And now my browser is overcome with additional tabs of other posts on your blog for me to read next.
I’d add Number the Stars to the list—my favorite book as a child about girl protagonists. I also loved the Dear America and Royal Diaries series.
Number the Stars is a great one! Fantastic suggestion.
I just found your lovely web site and had to comment on the books to read to your daughter. I raised two beautiful daughters and reading was a part of their growing up. Several books I made sure to share with them from my own childhood were 1.) Linnets & Valerians by Elizabeth Goudge (the most beautiful book you’ll ever read) 2.) the Bety-Tacy Series by Maud Hart Lovelace (you can still visit Maud’s hometown in Mankato MN) and 3.) Mrs. Mike by Benedict and Nancy Mars Freedman (don’t read the sequel and don’t watch the movie). I think you’ll enjoy the books as well. Ann Hutter
Thanks for these recommendations, Ann! I haven’t heard of Linnets and Valerians or Mrs. Mike!
I found this list via Pinterest. I’m not a mom, but I’m a daughter, a sister (of a non-reader) and an aunt. Most importantly, I’m a bibliophile! I read all the classics when I was growing up. I wanted to be Laura, Anne and Jo! Your list is great and so are many of the suggestions in the comments. My sister is a non-reader and enjoyed Twilight (she admitted she liked the campiness but the writing was horrible). Her 3 year old is a bibliophile. I have already given her Pride and Prejudice baby lit and a few other books. I have Ella Enchanted, Hattie Big Sky and my reading copies of the Anne series and a few extra Little House books saved for when my nieces are older.
One series I read recently and would recommend that I haven’t seen mentioned is The Land of Elyon by Patrick Carman. They’re like Lord of the Rings for much younger kids with a female child protagonist. The message is even though you’re small, you can still do great things.
Check out my blog for more suggestions!
Good heavens, this list goes on forever! Stop it ladies, if I spend all my time reading these amazing stories, I’ll never get any work done!
I only read half the comments, so perhaps this has already been mentioned, but I’m surprised no one mentioned the Nancy Drew series? I used to love Nancy Drew! The beautiful, smart sleuth who never let a hair get out of place as she delved deep into some haunting mystery!
BTW, I told my husband that I will raise our daughter until she’s 13 and then I’ll turn over the reigns to him. Oh teen angst, you were not my friend when I went through it and you’ll not be my friend now.
I notice there have been a lot of recommendations for Tamora Pierce’s books (which are great) and a lot of complaints about the Lioness books (which do feature Alana’s romances). I wouldn’t read the Lioness books with little girls, they’re definitely for teenagers. They’re also not as well written or developed as Pierce’s later books. First read the Protector of the Small series (the first young girl training to become a knight since the Lioness), which is much more age appropriate for the younger set. Young teens could read The Immortals series, which only has romance at the very end of the series and is extremely tame – I think they just kiss. For older girls read the Beka Cooper series which starts with Terrier. Or read the stories from Torall (book of short stories).
I totally agree with you about “Anne the Continuing Story”!! Thank you for expressing what I have always felt about that travesty. I stopped watching it before it was halfway through, because it was just… so… wrong…
I’m glad you included “Till We Have Faces” – it’s an amazing fable.
And I think you should include L.M. Montgomery’s “Emily of New Moon” and two sequels. I always identified more with Emily than with Anne, and I still cherish that trilogy, which I first read when I was fourteen.
I looove Emily of New Moon! I’ve only read the first one, but I’m dying to read the sequels
Most of the books in your list I have read and agree, they are good reads. You are probably going to hate me for this, but I was not impressed by HP. The plot was the same pattern for nearly every book (boring), the young characters shallow and angsty to the point of irritation (high schoolers shallow? Angsty? Shocking!) and adults predictable (although I rooted for Mrs. Wesley’s explicative reaction as she exacted justice for her murdered son, it happened too fast for the killing of one of the most infamous villains in the entire series. Oh, and pairing her duel with Bellatrix was again, predictable), and the magical elements unrealistic (surprise! That’s fiction for ya). Oh and way too many fanatics of the series obsessive and annoying as heck (upon my not so stellar review of HP, an obnoxious HP fan proclaimed that I should have been on birth control and continued to boast about her promiscuous sex life. Ah, what a fine influence and example of a “strong woman!”).
Gee, sound like another loathed piece of fiction by another female author? Which by the way, I happened to like? If you are to take anything good away from the Twilight series, it is this: sexual purity and the sanctity of life. Yes, Bella is boring. But so was I, so wallflower girls like myself could relate more to her than the know-it-all ideal feminist Hermione. Casting Kristen Stewart made Bella come off as a slut instead of the plain girl the character imagines herself to be. But Edward is chivalrous and respects the woman he loves by virtue of his sexual abstinence and his request that she do the same. Who wouldn’t want a life partner that is willing to reign in his urges out of mutual respect? Never mind the character’s extra flaw, by nature of his very species, of desiring to kill her for sustenance as vampires in fiction so often do. Self control is an admirable quality in and of itself, whereas Harry P comes off as “angry and pubescent and taking it out on everyone that I like! Grrr!” (Potter Puppet Pals). If enjoying seeing the good qualities of manhood instead of the antics of a posessed teenager makes me unrealistic, so be it!
I see Twilight as being an opportunity to view sexuality and procreation as something sacred, it just happens to be in the context of sparkly immortal vampires and rainy woods. Just like what you admire about HP is the extensive character list and personal growth, it just so happens to be in the context of a magical high school and overly theatrical villians. He he, reminds me of Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus, without the villains.
I most certainly will allow my daughter (and my sons, if they wish, since my husband and I read Twilight together like we read HP, and enjoyed both) to read Twilight once in high school. Both HP and Twilight entertain the imagination, both were successfully marketed by mothers and Hollywood, and fans dressed as characters from either are creepy
My children are free to take from it what they will, and as my mother did with me, we can discuss the literature to our hearts’ content!
But we are first and foremost a Tolkien family. My heart will forever remain in Middle Earth <3
Regarding what you observed about Harry Potter being angsty and angry and taking it out on his friends, I too disliked those parts of the later books. However, when discussing it with my husband, he said that was very much how a teenage boy feels at times. In part it’s because of the puberty = hormones. A teenage boy has oodles of testosterone surging through his system, at rates higher than mature men do, and the testosterone does stimulate a lot of aggression, among other things. So, it’s something that he found very realistic in HP’s development (and hence, the storyline).
My husband is now a very responsible, caring, gentle, wonderful man – for example, during these last weeks of my third pregnancy, he is tending the children, cooking dinner, washing dishes, bringing me food and drinks, etc., while also completing online graduate course work and trying to get a small business up and running with his friends. I couldn’t ask for a more gentle, loving, serving, hard-working, or responsible husband (or father to our children). So, even the angsty anger and rage that a young man feels during the teenage years need not be indicative of the sort of man he will grow up to become.
I would like to add that while Eowyn was one of my favorite characters, she, like Bella Swan was one depressed gal and found her happiness in loving a man who loved her back. No they were not depressed for the same reasons: Eowyn’s was deep rooted in her family and kingdom as well as her crush on the aloof and studly man of her desires, Aragorn future King of Gondor. Bella’s didn’t involve a crumbling empire, but the context was that vampires and their mates are permanently bonded. And she, like Eowyn, had a crush on the aloof and studly object of her desires.
Ironically, Eowyn’s career as a shield maiden ends as her relationship with Faramir begins. She resolves herself to the position as his other half and nothing more for the rest of her life. The two only just met, she’s on the rebound, and they plan to marry! Not quite a realistic or smart thing for a woman to do, now is it? And that was initially a downer for me, because she was the one lady on the entire trilogy willing to exchange her dress for chainmail and armor. Only to put the dress back on forever.
Bella finds her strength despite her physical limitations (is it wrong for a fictional girl to be clumsy and uncoordinated, something that plenty of people struggle with in real life and can relate to?) in her daughter. She defends her daughter’s life, even when everyone else wants her to abort, at the expense of her own health and life that would test the most stout pro-lifer. When her strengths are fully manifested after her transformation, she becomes an immortal warrior that will destroy anyone who threatens her little girl. Her maternal love and protective instincts are relatable to any woman, no matter how much one may loathe the character’s obsessive attachment to her lover (which was unique to the context of the story, much like a certain fictional teenager’s magical scar and fateful bond to his parents’ murderer). Granted, the absolute worst part of Twilight was the name Renesme. Even that bothered me. Anyhoo, Bella’s redeeming qualities are her bravery in the face of well-meanimg opposition and her kick butt maternal instincts, so please give the character a little more credit, and like a commenter above stated, don’t let pop culture and literature be your daughter’s sole source of role models, YOU are her best role model! <3
I love this list!! I own and regularly reread all of the books you mentioned.
I’d like to suggest the Emily of New Moon series, and one of my favorite books in the world, My Antonia by Willa Cather. I’ve learned more from that book on being a woman than from any book I’ve ever read next to Kristin Lavransdatter and Anne of the Island.
This list is wonderful, but I haven’t seen any mention on Noel Streatfield’s books encouraging girls to believe in themselves and work for their dreams.
BTW I read Meyer when my then 13 y.o. niece was reading them and was horrified, had to give her some better vampire books to read, thankfully at 15 she now sees better the flaws in Meyer’s writing. Don’t worry, if you encourage good reads they will get over the bad. Oh and what about Ransomes children from Swallows and Amazons etc.?
I’ve only read Ballet Shoes, Sue, but I loved it! Good suggestions!
Pipping Longstocking.
You dont need to look or behave like everyone else.
I think Disney movies definitely have good messages if you look, it’s not even hard to see. Such as Lion king, which doesn’t even make any “woman” weak, it’s about facing your problems instead of running away, no matter how hard it is. Hunchback of Notre Dame tells you not to base people just on appearance, because looks are deceiving. I don’t see anything wrong with Disney.
I saw this post almost a year ago, and afterwards read A Girl of the Limberlost and loved it! Elnora was incredibly inspiring, I look forward to reading with my daughter (who just turned one) when she’s older! I also bought Kristin Lavransdatter and am looking forward to it!
I read the Twilight series and agree that Bella has few admirable qualities, but if she has any I do respect the devotion she had to her daughter – when the family wanted her to end her pregnancy she refused, and she was willing to give her life to keep her safe afterwards as well.
Really enjoyed this list! Thank you!
Katelyn, I’m so glad! I just love Elnora and I’m due for a re-read of Limberlost. And I absolutely agree. Protecting life is always admirable.
I loved this post. Thanks for the recommendations, some of which I’ve yet to read and will add to my list.
If I were making this list, I would add a few more. Nancy Drew had a huge influence in my life. Talk about a capable woman–solving crimes and saving lives all while treating strangers, friends, and her father with utmost respect. I learned a lot about logical thinking and courage from her. I read the whole series in the 4th grade. I’m super grateful for a mom who supported me 100% in it. I’m talking the original series published in the 50s. The newer versions are not quite so praiseworthy, but still have some virtues.
Second are Madeline L’Engle books–particularly A Wrinkle in Time. Her protagonist Meg is notoriously homely and acutely aware of it, but she does amazing things to save her family and comes to accept herself in the process. Follow her through the other books, and Meg becomes a devoted mother her comes into her own as a lovely person. Plus, getting science to be exciting is not so hard when your kid loves science fiction.
Finally, I loved the Narnia books. I think your Lucy is very aptly named. Susan and Lucy come to practice faith, but we also see the pitfall of vanity if you follow the series to the end. These books also serve as great Christian allegories for young minds–and what better example of pure love and faith than Lucy shows for Aslan. Especially children can develop personal relationships with Christ, and Lucy shows this. Positive body image is important, but a personal relationship with the Savior is paramount.
Thanks for the post!
Oh, I agree with your suggestions! I don’t know if it’s been said, but may I recommend the Betsy-Tacy-Tib books by Maud Hart Lovelace? My daughter loved them! Same era as Anne of Green Gables–lovely stories of girls bonding, having adventures, working through conflicts, growing up in a time long ago.
My daughter graduates from college in two weeks and is starting Grown-Up Life. Oh, how I miss reading together every night till we both fell asleep. Nothing ever fills that gap… enjoy it now, ladies!!
My girls still love “All of a Kind Family” by Sydney Taylor and the rest of the series. It is about 5 sisters growing up in a Jewish household in New York City in the early 20th century. Not only are the girls great characters but so is their mom. There are also some interesting story lines like when one of the girls goes to a Catholic mission (I think it was a Settlement House) that’s giving out toys at Christmas! They eventually get a little baby brother too. One of the girls is extremely mischievous which is just like one of my daughters (she thinks up the most outrageous plans!)
Also get everything by E.Nesbitt her books are incredible. She is considered the first author to really take children seriously as characters and her characters are very well developed – boys and girls. I think Edith Nesbitt had five children herself. Many, many authors that you have all mentioned were inspired by her. Her books are set in the Edwardian era and are still fanatastic. My kids like “Five children and It” and “The Phoenix and the Carpet” – an old carpet brought home rolled up turns out to have a Phoenix egg inside which is thrown on the fire by mistake. The Phoenix hatches and starts granting wishes to the children and of course the carpet turns out to be a flying carpet.
Finally “The Princess Knight” by German author Cornelia Funke is highly recommended. When Violetta’s mother the Queen dies in childbirth her husband the King doesn’t really know how to raise a girl after all his sons so she learns a lot of what they do – although she is disgusted by their cruelty and selfishness. Then she finds out that the local knights are going to Joust for her hand and she is incensed, so of course jousts as a competitor in disguise and wins. Then she leaves. Some time later she comes back and decides to marry the gardener and they have a very happy marriage.
When I got up to three kids I started to find that I was too sleep deprived to stay awake in the evening and so had stopped reading stories to the eldest two. That’s when I started buying books on CD, and they are one of our family’s most awesome investments. My eldest daughter still listens to books I bought her to listen to at 5 and 6 and she’s almost 13! She also requests books on CD still for Christmas and birthdays.
I love this list. Because seven of your ten recommendations were my favorites already, and I just finished Kristin Lavransdatter because of your sweet review. AMAZING. It’s not too often you DEVOUR an 1100-page book, but I could not stop reading. I thought Kristin was so real and compelling. Now on to Girl of the Limberlost, which I found out (since reading this post) was my Grandma’s favorite book as a child! THANK YOU.
PS- Kristin is set in 14th century Norway, not 11th as you have posted above
Thanks for catching that typo, Becca! I’m so glad you loved Kristen!
An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott was one of my favorite books as an early teen. Wondeful characters!
And I also agree that the Chronicles of Narnia are a must read!
OH MY GOSH!! I loved your list, but then felt like an absolute kindred spirit when I saw Kristin Lavransdatter as #10. That is my favorite book. Ever. I swore to myself after I had read it that it would be on my kids’ homeschool reading list somewhere during high school. Thanks for the great list!
Thanks, Camille! My husband, brother, and dad have all been reading Kristin and even though I re-read it two years ago I know I’m ready to read it again!
Has anyone mentioned The Princess Academy or anything else by Shannon Hale? They have strong female characters that get out and do what needs to be done using their own skills and strengths. They do it without man bashing or being a victim.
Hi Haley,
I just found your blog via Twitter & loved this post you’d written (re: books to read to your daughter). Working in an elementary school library, I’ve come to discover and love some great kids’ lit featuring awesome girl characters!
-The Search for Wondla, by Toni DiTerlizzi (about a human girl who’s lived her entire life in an artificial pod below ground, and who longs to find the rest of humanity above ground. She ventures out into the world to escape an alien hunter, & learns about life on “earth”)
-The City of Ember, by Jeann DuPrau (LOVED this book–has beautiful imagery and tone to its story. Its female protagonist adopts the responsibility of her baby sister as she tries to figure out a way to save her dying city, alongside her male friend)
-When you reach me, Rebecca Stead (a great mystery/sci fi story about a girl who’s trying to figure out where these mysterious notes are coming from that warn her about something that will happen. In that context, the girl also learns about making new friends & trying new things)
These are just a few, but what I especially love about each of them is that they feature genuine, well developed characters.
Hi found you all on pinterest tonight and loved the lists, many of my favourites have been mentioned! I have enjoyed reading through all the comments,intellegent,real women’s comments all of which show a genuine love for reading and for their children! As a child I enjoyed books with both female and male heroes. It didnt matter to me and I get to pass on my love for books to my kids, boys and a girl! Love Sharon Creech, didn’t see anyone mention “Walk two moons” which I loved. My boys and I also enjoyed Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke. What a feisty heroine! And what about The Borrowers, good strong herione there too. Counld n’t be bothered by Twilight, hate vampires and zombies!!!! Love fantasy so The Hobbit gets a big thumbs up, as do so many of the other books mentioned. Strangely enough I never read The phantom Tollbooth as a child and am reading it at the moment to my boys. I also love Miss Bianca by Margery Sharp and adore Rumer Godden’s chilrens books. my daughter is 5 so not quite ready for most of the stories mentioned, so I am trying hard to be patient!! Thank you all for the interesting debate and lovely suggestions.
I would also suggest the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke. I have a newborn daughter and this is the first book series I plan to read to her when she gets older.
As the mom of “big girls” (12 and 15) and of boys too, I wish you all good luck in totally eradicating out Disney, Twilight, and all the rest of the garbage. Even when we were homeschooling, it was impossible to keep them from it entirely. The best defense is a good offense. Allow the yucky stuff in moderation( otherwise they will see it all as forbidden fruit) but combat it with great literature -like the books Haley shared. Also, read what they read – or at least familiarize yourself with it. And talk to them. My girls sometimes roll their eyes when I tell them why Elizabeth Bennet is such a better character than Bella Swan, but I think they are listening.
“The best defense is a good offense.” That is so true!
Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield
p.s. I shared this post on my blog’s FB page. Thanks for your insight, Haley!
I haven’t read Twilight but watched the movies. I don’t care for Belle, except for an example of bad decisions, and very loose parenting in my opinion, I watched the movies with my daughter then 15, because she had read all the books. It gave us an opportunity to see what should have been done differently (if it had been real). Despite all of that the last 2 movies have some good lessons. The vampire has not touched Belle, because he is old fashioned and will wait until marriage. Once they are married, and she is pregnant, everyone is afraid of what the pregnancy will do to her and suggest she get rid of it. She holds stead fast to having the baby. When she has the baby she dies, and don’t we all die to self once we give birth and understand how that other life is so very important and valuable?? She is turned into a vampire so she can live and becomes much stronger than she ever was. Another truth of motherhood, its trials do make you stronger and a better person. Would I have chosen this series for my daughter, no, but it did give us time to discuss topics together.
This is a great selection of books. I’ve read all of these except Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset, which I’ve added to my TBR list. Have you ever read “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” by Anne Bronte? It is–to my mind–a far more complex book with a more compelling heroine than “Jane Eyre.”
I just read that this past year, StacyCY! It was fascinating.
I’ve always thought Charlotte must have been a little jealous of her younger sister. When Anne died at the age of 29, she had two published novels and both were successful. When Charlotte was 29 she had written only “The Professor” and that had been rejected. (It was later published on the strength of her name following the success of “Jane Eyre.”) “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” was still selling very well when Anne died and the publisher wanted to print more copies, but Charlotte refused to grant permission. As a result, Anne is treated like a footnote to Charlotte and Emily, when she was a great literary talent in her own right.
The Brontes write great heroines. I just finished Villette last night. I was so surprised that The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was so good because, like you said, I always thought Anne was the weak link, haha. But she was really splendid.
Dealing with Dragons by Patricia Wrede and These is my Words by Nancy E. Turner have awesome main characters. Both such fun, strong girls.
I’m really late here, but I agree with all the ones you listed and a good number of the ones listed above. A note on Lloyd Alexander: I liked his books a lot for the most part, but even as a little girl I found his portrayal of femininity a bit obnoxious because his women were so strong that, as I recall, they didn’t have time for things like embroidery, sewing, and traditionally feminine pastimes. Why not take up the needle as well as the sword? But I loved his male characters.
Some Canadian classics (in addition to Anne of Green Gables):
From Anna (by Jean Little)
The Sky is Falling (by Kit Pearson)
Underground to Canada (by Barbara Smucker)
and, of course, my favourite Montgomery: The Blue Castle.
I also loved books by Rosemary Sutcliff and Geoffrey Trease.
That’s interesting, Madeleine! I’ve never read Lloyd Alexander, but I’ve always wanted to. And thanks for sharing those other Canadian classics! I’ve read the Anne books and some of the Emily books, but not The Blue Castle. I’ll have to get to it!
I definitely second looking into Lloyd Alexander – primarily the Prydain Chronicles, even though the main protagonist was male, I learned a lot from his growth and remember actually trying to apply his conflict resolution techniques with my brothers.
I have read everything on your list except Kristin Lavransdatter, which I now intend to read. I would suggest Those Miller Girls, The Motoring Millers, and Whoever Cares About Lou Emma Miller by Alberta Constance as good young girl reading and Oklahoma Run! by the same for slightly older girls. They are lovely books and deal with some of the everyday struggles of childhood and young-adulthood.
There are so many good ones that I remember from my childhood…Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell, Matilda by Roald Dahl, Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine, The Dream Voyagers by Davis Bunn.
I love harry potter I grew up with it I hope if I have a girl she will love Jo’s beloved series. I have decided that I’m Going to name my lil one after a hp character . If it’s a girl her name will be Andromeda Elizabeth ,andromeda is for tonkses mum who was once a black and was disowned because she married her true love a muggleborn. Also she lost almost her entire family in a span of less then 24 months , first with Sirius ( her cousin) then the love of her life,ted then Dora and Remus simoltainously she is such a strong character even though she was a minor character. For a boy , James Sirius for Harry’s dad and godfather my favourite two out of the mrauderers
Literally laughed out loud at the description of Bella Swan. Spot on. Added a few of these to my reading list, and can’t wait to read them! I would add “A Lantern in Her Hand” by Bess Streeter Aldridge. Read it in the fall, and it’s fantastic, about how a mother’s love nad sacrifice is multiplied in the lives of her children.
Betsy-Tacy Series by Maude Hart-Lovelace
All these are perfect suggestions. See if you can find a copy of “Rebecca’s War” by Ann Findlayson. Rebecca is one of the best (and undiscovered) female characters. Also, Caddie Woodlawn. I could go on and on, but I think your list is darn-near perfect and I shared it with my daughter (even though she’s read nearly everything on the list already!)
Wow…this is a very long list of mostly really great books! There are several out there I need to check out (will have to spend a few days scrolling through all the comments!) but I couldn’t wait to put in my two cents. =} First off, great list in the post, I’ve read all but the last and they are such good books. Here are a few more:
–The Perilous Gard and The Sherwood Ring–by Elizabeth Marie Pope
Pretty much anything by Lloyd Alexander–Chronicles of Prydain etc
–The Bronze Bow and The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
–Downright Dency by Caroline Dale Snedecker
–Daddy Long-Legs by Jean Webster
–Dragon’s Milk, by Susan Fletcher
–The Farthest Away Mountain by Lynn Reid Banks
–The Light Princess, Princess and the Goblins etc by George MacDonald
–Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard and Martin Pippin in the Daisy Field by Eleanor Farjeon is just delightful!
–The Good Master by Kate Serady Set in Hungary before WWI Kate is sent to live with her aunt and uncle and cousin on the farm and she learns to tame her wild spirit
–Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
–The Small Woman by Alan Burgess about Gladys Aylward, missionary to China in 1930s
–The Little Minister by J.M. Barrie
–The Ordinary Princess by M.M. Kaye
–The Shield Ring by Rosemary Sutcliffe Outstanding British historical fiction
And yes, C.S. Lewis, Louisa May Alcott, ANYTHING L.M. Montgomery (she has tons of books besides the Ann series), Francine Rivers, Patricia Wrede, Madeleine L’Engle, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc…great books!
Just So Stories by Kipling has some politically incorrect characters but oh the animals! “How the Whale Got His Throat,” “Elephant’s Child,” “The Cat that Walked Alone”…my kids loved them.
I just love books. Reading books with my kids is one of the highlights of our day.
The Dragonriders of Pern trilogy is great. Awesome intelligent, strong, and fearless female protagonist overcoming odds and restoring an empire in the figrst two books.
(Also a brief part not appropriate for young girls)
It sounds like you and I have very similar taste in literature. Have you read ‘Agnes Grey’ by Anne Bronte? ‘The Tenant of Wildfell Hall’ is another good one.
Happy reading!
I am sad to see no one mentioned Louisa May Alcott’s books. Not just Little Women, but An Old Fashioned Girl, Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom. I credit these books for rescuing me from over sexualizing my early relationships with boys, aspiring to true virtue and wholesome beauty. They actually paved the way for me to come to Christ.
I totally agree about the Anne books! I’m doing an Anne of Green Gables menu this month on my website, and I’m having SO much fun with it! Anne’s such a great role model for girls–inspiring, and so human! You cheer for her and want to embrace life with the same zest she does. I’m rewatching the movie today to put me in the spirit while I edit my next Anne post for tomorrow.
What about Marianne Dashwood? She also practically curled up in the rain, turning off her survival instincts when Willoughby broke her heart, as I remember.
But Austen isn’t presenting her infatuation with Willoughby as the epic love story of the book. Marianne’s obsession with him and her reaction to the end of the relationship is being juxtaposed with Elinor’s strength even when her love to Edward seems that it will never be requited. Obsession and despair are not being portrayed as heroic but as misguided.
What a gem of a list – I’m so glad I found it! Thank you so much!! I feel like buying all of these books at once and putting them on my 14-month-old daughter’s bookshelf. Or maybe I’ll spend the next 6ish years scouring the second hand shops.
These are great recommendations! I’m just curious as to what age you would recommend reading these aloud. How about The Secret Garden? I read it when I was younger. I don’t recall many details about the protagonist, but what I do remember is the transformation she went through from being a selfish brat to a compassionate young woman. I love stories that emphasize a positive change in the main characters. It’s the same reason I love Jane Austen’s characters.
The Secret Garden is great! But it’s been a long time since I read it. Looking forward to reading it with my kids in a couple of years. Hmm…..I think there’s a pretty wide age range in this list. I would probably start with the Little House books. My almost 3-year-old and 5-year-old are probably ready for them. But you never know. Just try it out and see what sticks and what needs to stay on the shelf for a couple more years
I absolutely love Little Women. I just read it for the first time in my life a couple of months ago and have been going crazy with the sequels. One of my first thoughts about it too was that I have to read it to my daughter
Not to sound overly pious, but my little Lucy LOVES reading about the lives of the saints, both male and female, and can there really be any better role models then them?! The Daughters of Saint Paul put out a great book that have the saint’s picture on one side and then a one page description about them on the other side, alone with a short prayer asking for the saint’s intercession. It is the most requested book in our house by our almost-2-year old! The saints are so strong, courageous, and self-assured. The ISBN for the one we have is: 0-8198-4917-0.
Thanks for the great list. Ditto on Anne. I just read these as an adult and lament the years lost in friendship with Anne!
Just in case no one else suggested it: The Ordinary Princess by M. M. Kaye is one of my favorites – about a princess who is cursed/blessed with ordinariness by a grumpy fairy – no perfect beauty, perfect personality, etc. She avoids her parents’ plan to deceive some prince into marrying her despite her plainness and learns about responsibility by taking a job as a maid to buy herself new clothes. Also the illustrations are fun and made by the author.
The Betsy-Tacy Series by Maude Hart Lovelace. An incredible series about two incredibly imaginative and inventive young girls growing up. The daydream sequences of the two main characters are incredible and infallibly accurate to the way young girls think.
The Betsy-Tacy series (Maud Hart Lovelace) is a major omission, and certainly Narnia, Heidi, and Black Beauty. But no Betsy-Tacy? Really?
What a great list! I want to add Number the Stars– such an important book to me when I was a young girl. I also loved The Awakening by Kate Chopin when I was in high school. And two other favorites that influenced me were Wise Child and Juniper, both by Monica Furlong.
I didn’t know “A Girl of the Limberlost” has a prequel! How exciting! Thanks for the info. I also remember loving AGotL movie as a young girl. In case you haven’t seen it, you should check it out. Thanks again!
Just stumbled upon this. LOVE your assessment of Twilight. I have always felt Bella was a horrible role- model but thought I was the only person that felt that way.
I love that you hated Twilight. I could never get past the fact that Edward just stayed in high school all those years. Not at all creepy! I never read the second book in the series.
One book I obsessed over as a kid with a very strong young female protagonist was Island of the Blue Dolphins which is a survival story based on a real girl stranded alone on an island off the California coast. Scott O’dell was the author.
Addition: anything Neil Gaiman really, I’ve come to believe he’s a literary alchemist. He has some books for children like The Graveyard Book, and Coraline, a bit scary but wonderful, I read Stardust myself when I was about eight I believe. Happy future reading and experiencing!
There are way too many comments in this thread for me to read them all… Did anyone mention the Latsch Valley series by Anne Pellowski?
It’s like a Catholic Little House on the Prairie, about Polish immigrants into the Minnesota area, I believe.
I’ve just read through all these comments to help build an Amazon list for my daughter (only ten months old, hah), and I have a recommendation no one in the comments has mentioned–the Flavia de Luce series by Alan Bradley. Very fun, cozy books featuring a spirited young girl who fancies herself a chemist and detective in the English countryside after WWII.
You MUST include the Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. They are simply the best!
Oh You forgot about Pippi Långstrump!
While she’s still young, I recommend Ursula Vernon’s “Hamster Princess” series.
At the age for middle school, I recommend Ursula Vernon’s “Castle Hangnail”.
Later, I recommend Georgette Heyer’s witty Regency novels.
Okay i know you wrote this years ago, but I just saw it on Pinterest, and I had to comment because I wrote a post with very similar sentiments in 2013 when I was writing for Mothering :-). All about how I would fret and worry about making sure my girls had solid literary heroines :-). My list was different bc I just focused on picture books (Madeline and Elizabeth from the Paperbag Princess,) but the sentiment was the same thing! I’m glad I’m not the only one who worries about such things!
And I love your list. Three of my girls have read about 1/3-1/2 of your list, and I’m trying to get my 11yo to read Pride and Prejudice.