Happy weekend! This is the little weekly wrap-up from Carrots complete with cute children, my favorite links from the interwebz, and much much more (ok, so that's usually about it). Lucy is causing me to rethink my taste in fashion after proudly exclaiming that she dressed up "like Mama!." Scarf, baby, belt, turban. I guess that's about right. And I hope you enjoy that action shot of Gwen … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 103
Whew. It's been awhile since the last TWM, y'all. Let's jump in. Just FYI, that's a necklace I'm wearing. Not suspenders. I am definitely not cool enough to pull off sparkly suspenders. The Quotable Lucy (almost 3yo): "One day God made a ballerina. And her name was Lucy." This girl loves her ballet class. As a former ballet teacher, I promised myself I would not get all crazy and … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 102 (Whole30 Edition)
Mmm. So I promised I'd update ya on the Whole30 I said I was going to start. I'm on Day 8. (Basically, the Whole30 is thirty days of eating veggies, fruit, fat, and protein. No grains, no dairy, no sugar, no legumes, and no processed food. The guidelines are more specific, but that's the main idea.) And when I asked if anybody wanted to join me, I had NO IDEA more that 100 other folks would … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 101
As I mentioned in my last vlog, I threw my back out on Saturday PICKING UP A LEGO. I know. I didn't know that was possible either. Let me set the scene for you. Daniel gave me these mind-boggling awesome cats in space leggings as an early birthday present. Baby Gwen kissed and hugged the "dog dogs!" over and over. Someday we'll get the whole cat concept, baby girl. Anyhow, I was generally … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 100 (100!)
ONE HUNDRED?! Wow. I feel like I should have something exciting to offer for sticking with me all the way to 100! But all I've got is the usual programming of photos, and links, and miscellany. We had a tea party for our "first day of school" last Monday. Honestly, school days don't look much different from summer days. We write letters and mail them for handwriting/spelling practice. We … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 99
Happy Feast of the Assumption! You probably didn't notice that I haven't been around much this week. But, I've been almost completely unplugged from the blog, email, and social media while we're enjoying a week in the NC mountains with my extended family. I'm just popping in today to say I missed ya! It's actually been a good week to have almost no internet access. Every time I try to check … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 98
I think I've ALMOST recovered from the Edel Gathering and now we're off to a family reunion. Remember when preparing for a trip mostly involved making mix CDs for the drive and remembering to pack your toothbrush? Yeah....we're not in Kansas anymore. Packing for five is no joke. Well...four. Daniel is skilled at packing his own stuff. To tell the truth, anything I have to say today sounds silly … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol 97
I haven't caught up on sleep from Edel, yet. But it's mostly because I keep staying up late talking to Daniel forgetting that the mornings start early around here. Today Gwen woke up at 4:55. FOUR FIFTY FIVE! And honey child was not falling back asleep. So, I just got up, got dressed, and tried to rig yesterday's makeup into today's makeup before heading to Panera to write/answer emails/catch up … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 96
Whew. What a week. And not just because I riled up the internet. There's lots of big projects happening on the homestead and lots of preparing for the Edel Gathering. I did a test run of my talk for some friends and discovered that an hour is a lot longer than I thought it was. Ahem. So, this morning I'll be adding to my talk. And sorry in advance that there'll be lots of Edel on social media for … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 95 (Ask Me Anything)
"I dwinking hot chocwate." It seemed like a good idea to console my children with sugary beverages after our quest for gluten-free cupcakes came to naught. In hindsight, hot cocoa in mid-July Florida heat wasn't the best idea I've ever had. On the Homestead: This is my favorite time of year for eating out of the garden. Daniel's tomatoes are amazing this year (the sungold's … [Read more...]