Image source: Books, by shutterhacks It looks like everyone is scrambling to put together their homeschool curriculum for the year. We take it pretty easy at our house because my oldest is in Kindergarten, so most of our day involves digging in the dirt, climbing trees, playing with LEGOs, and reading books. Not much structured school time yet. But we do have a few homeschooling resources that … [Read more...]
The Why and How of Homeschooling (for Us)
(Benjamin shows off one of his many fearsome LEGO creations) Some of the most frequently asked questions I get from readers are about why and how we're homeschooling our kids. Currently, we're only officially "schooling" one child--our oldest, Benjamin, age 5. But I thought I'd share a bit about why we choose to teach him at home and what exactly we're doing. Why Are We Homeschooling? Daniel … [Read more...]
Catholic Preschool Curriculum Review: Twenty-Six Letters to Heaven
Although we decided long ago that we would homeschool Benjamin during his preschool years, we're still figuring out exactly what that will look like. Whenever his interest in a certain thing is peaked, we try to follow his lead and offer him resources to learn more. School for us this year is very flexible and I don't think Benjamin has made a distinction between playtime and schooltime (and they … [Read more...]
Preschooling at Home: Our Vision
I promised to follow-up our “why” we’re homeschooling post with a “how we plan to do it” post. And I thought I’d start out by addressing a great question from a reader who asked, “Why bother “pre school homeschool” anyways?...I might have a stricter idea of preschool homeschooling in my mind though, I really see formal preschool as something that could get in the way of natural play and … [Read more...]