I don't always remember October being such a whirlwind! But it's been quite. a. month. I don't even know where to start. So, here's my attempt at a recap.... We got a dog! We adopted a two-year-old Goldendoodle named Olaf. He is THE SWEETEST love muffin. I'll tell you the whole story sometime, but suffice it to say we are head over heels for our little snuggle bug. He is in danger of being … [Read more...]
Liturgical Living at a Glance: November 2016
I’m always trying to figure out how to make it easier for families to observe the Christian Year because we felt so overwhelmed when we first started that journey (which is why we wrote the book we wish we had then). I thought it might be helpful for our family to have resources compiled for the month ahead so that we can plan in advance which special saints days we want to observe and I hope … [Read more...]
Pumpkins, Pink Eye, and Dealing with Disappointment
(Orc pumpkin suggested by Benjamin, executed by Daniel) Last year Benjamin was 3 and it was the first he'd ever heard of Halloween. Not that we're opposed, it's just that we're lazy we didn't see a need to load him up with candy or tear our hair out making costumes if he was just as happy not knowing. But last year, his toddler sleuthiness sniffed it out and he talked about nothing else. So, we … [Read more...]