I’m not moving. "Um, okay. I didn't think you were," you might say. The funny thing is, as of a week ago this statement would have been a huge surprise to me. Because I had this idea, see. Two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night and decided we needed to buy a new house. One bathroom for six people is too hard. Three bedrooms and no where to host guests? Impossible. … [Read more...]
I Took a Month Off from Being a SAHM. Here’s What I Learned.
photo source This summer I was feeling “sort of stretched--like butter spread across too much bread” in the words of Bilbo Baggins. And I was trying to figure out where my discontentment and general worn-out-ness was coming from. Because Daniel had a month off of work between his internship and his new job, we had the rare opportunity to switch around our family responsibilities. I left … [Read more...]