Give a warm welcome to today's guest poster, my dear friend and Fountains of Carrots partner in crime Christy Isinger! Like all beautiful, mysterious, and true things in life marriage is a thing that never fails to disappoint in providing surprisingly new and interesting revelations. And I'm not just talking about my own marriage. Lately I keep seeing a common trait of marriage appearing … [Read more...]
Two Things for a Tuesday (G.K. Chesterton and Fixing Links So You Can Stop Stressing)
Christy and I had so much fun talking about one of our favorite authors/theologians, Mr. G.K. Chesterton with our friend Michael J. Lichens on the podcast this week. Michael is the editor of Catholic Exchange and a fellow convert. What you miss when you hear the podcast is the conversation we had before we started recording confessing our favorite early 2000s embarrassing music preferences. … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany: Vol. 5
Coming Up in the Liturgical Year: Candlemas, February 2nd! Get yo' candles blessed! Check out last year's Feast. Listening: Gotye. You can listen to his new album Making Mirrors on NPR First Listen Quote: "I do not want to be in a religion in which I am allowed to have a crucifix. I feel the same about the much more controversial question of the honor paid to the blessed Virgin. If … [Read more...]