One of my favorite things about the internet is having more people to talk about books with. And I love the reading challenges from my favorite writers and bloggers that pop into my inbox at the beginning of January. Except, I'm never on the ball enough to get going on January 1. So here we are mid-January and friends, I am finally ready! Welcome to the CathLIT reading challenge. Get it? … [Read more...]
Flannery O’Connor’s Violent Grace
I know it's been Flannery central over here lately, but Kendra's post sparked lots of conversations between Daniel and I about why O'Connor is so amazing. Sorry if we're beating a dead horse here, Kendra! I promise to stop with the "please, love Flannery!" posts. But sometimes Daniel writes things that are just too good not to share. So, I hope y'all enjoy a few thoughts on Flannery O'Connor from … [Read more...]