I can't remember a time EVER when I failed to post for 5 weeks. I'm the WORST BLOGGER lately. But travel plus book deadline plus starting back full steam ahead with homeschooling has kept me more than busy. If you've sent me a message or an email checking in, I appreciate it so much! We are all fine--thriving, in fact. But we did have some excitement when we were traveling in late August: our … [Read more...]
How a Lump in My Breast Gave Me a Very Memento Mori Lent
While the kids were putting their shoes on for Ash Wednesday Mass, my husband and I had a moment alone in the kitchen. I took a deep breath and said the words I’d been dreading to say out loud: “I found a lump in my breast.” I had known for a few days. How many days, I’m not sure. Something powerful inside me wanted to believe “this isn’t happening, this isn’t real. Everything’s fine. Just … [Read more...]
My Word of the Year for 2017
I really love the practice of picking a "one word" for each year. Some prefer choosing a word to making new year's resolutions. I like to do both because I usually lose steam with my resolutions (around March) and having a "one word" helps me re-focus on my goals. In 2015 when Daniel left his job in Florida and we were selling our house there to live at the farm in Texas for his livestock … [Read more...]
8 Reasons Why You Don’t Want To Miss This
Well, this is it. Just 24 hours to go. The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle Flash Sale--a library of healthy living resources, ebooks, and ecourses--ends at midnight (December 29th)! To everyone who has already ordered through our link, THANK YOU. Daniel and I appreciate your support so much and the sales really are a huge blessing to our family! And if you've ordered through us, don't forget to … [Read more...]
The Top 9 Changes I’ve Made for My Health
As you might know, I struggle with a really miserable autoimmune disease called Interstitial Cystitis. While I was able to go into remission a few years ago by getting my health in order naturally (after many failed attempts to get better through conventional Western medicine), it came back with a vengeance 18 months ago in the stress of selling our house and moving to the farm. For several … [Read more...]
Why I Love the Whole30 (Even though I’ve never finished one)
Confession time. I’ve never made it through an entire Whole30. I’ve tried four times and haven’t ever made it to day 30. The first three times I had an excuse. I was still nursing my youngest and cutting out grains made my supply tank and I dropped weight too quickly. But this last time I wasn’t breastfeeding, I just have terrible self-control. I’m great at planning the meals and I even find … [Read more...]
Is It Ok for Catholics to Use Essential Oils?
"Is it forbidden for a Catholic to use essential oils?" I’ve been asked this question several times lately since I started my essential oils business and the first time I was baffled by it. For that question to even be asked I think there must be serious misunderstanding of what essential oils are, so let’s start with the basics: What Are Essential Oils? An essential oil is a highly concentrated … [Read more...]
That Time I Got to Give Everybody a Free Mrs. Meyer’s Cleaning Kit!
Blogging is a like a vortex that you enter soon to realize that all your free time has evaporated and been consumed by the blog. It's also the best job in the world. And it has some pretty great perks like getting to know people everywhere and having friends to stay with in every state (just in case you take three small children on an insane trip around the country or something). Or convincing … [Read more...]
From Totally Uncrunchy to Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
It’s funny. For most of my life I didn’t think of myself as being particularly crunchy. Until age 20, at least, I was your typical American girl. The only thing granola about me was my penchant for atrocious peasant shirts in middle school. But then you wake up one day and realize you’re the girl that cooks straight out of the garden, drinks raw goats' milk you milked yourself, gets acupuncture … [Read more...]
Why Essential Oils Are Like the Grand Canyon
I’ll be honest. I was a little skeptical. I’ve been using Lavender and Tea Tree Oil to make my own cleaning products for years, but I didn’t really jump into the essential oil thing until recently because there was a lot of hype and I typically run away from hype. Mount Rushmore? Not worth the hype. Wish I hadn't gone. But sometimes the hype is merited. Like the Grand Canyon. I … [Read more...]