Our Lucy. Her name means light, pure, bright. And we named her after St. Lucy, a courageous virgin martyr. One virtue that I am perpetually lacking is courage and I pray that my precious one will be brave for Our Lord like St. Lucy. We were on the fence about her middle name for a long while after we were dead set on "Lucy" as her first name. Then, while reading Lord of the Rings for the … [Read more...]
On the Last Day of Christmas…
(Lucy's Christmas shoes and special Christmas china from Daniel's mom) We are: Listening to Christmas Music Drinking Hot Chocolate (miraculously, Benjamin hasn't spilled it yet) And, by Benjamin's request, watching the Nutcracker This little Christmas elf is enjoying the last day of Christmastide. I think this little man is going to miss the Christmas season. Or perhaps I … [Read more...]
Our Year in Pictures: 2011!
I think Daniel and I both agree that 2011 was our best year to date. Here’s some highlights (which turned out to become a monstrously long post with mostly pregnancy pics, oh well). January Daniel got a new job and we hoped to get pregnant again. Benjamin continued to amaze us with the joy he brought to our world. February In February we celebrated Benjamin's 2nd Birthday … [Read more...]
Ero Cras
Emmanuel Rex Oriens Clavis Radix Adonai Sapientia ERO CRAS: I will be there tomorrow. I love a good old timey Latin Advent acrostic! We are having a relaxing Christmas Eve day before going to my folks house for Christmas Eve dinner. Our sweet boy has been dying to put the ornaments on the tree for weeks and will be so excited for the chance to decorate it tonight. … [Read more...]
3ft Movie Critic
So I started a tumblr to document Benjamin's awesome toddler film reviews. It's a little bit awesome because his reviews are hysterical. Check it out: 3ftMovieCritic. … [Read more...]
This Week’s Miscellany, Vol. 3
Whew. We've all had colds that got better and then came back since the week before Thanksgiving. (And by all I mean OUR ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY.) The saga resulted in some serious sleep deprivation (I don't sleep well when I'm sick, add one sick little asthmatic boy who wakes up wheezing and coughing, and then add one sick little tiny newborn baby sniffling and needing to nurse all night) which … [Read more...]
First Advent: Repost
This is a repost from last year of a piece I wrote for our beloved Landing Literary Society in Waco about what pregnancy taught me about Advent and I'm thinking of sweet friends who are expecting this year during the Advent season (hi, Jen, Jeni, and Emily!) ---------------------------------- I was huge. Not just big—gigantic. Even before I entered my third trimester, well-intentioned old … [Read more...]
Saturday Morning Date With My Lucygirl
I took this little lady on a coffee date this morning and snuggled her while drinking my cafe con leche and reading the third and final Kristin Lavransdatter book. What a great trilogy! Lucybird's sweater was knit by a beautiful and precious friend in Texas. It was made for Benjamin but I think it looks better on a girl. The buttons are turtles! How cute is that!? These days, I'm also … [Read more...]
The boys
I've got all three littles at our house this morning. So far it's been a little busy watching three but everybody's been happy, fed, and changed without too much chaos! Here's a pic of the boys and their rad dinosaur village they made during baby girl's nap: … [Read more...]
Our House, Part VIII: The Living Room
I finally took some pictures of our living room the other day. Daniel agreed to part with an old armchair that was making things feel cramped. My view was that the chair was looking pretty shabby and nasty after sitting in storage for a few weeks last summer when we were waiting to close on our house...and that's after it was moved four times in Waco...and that's after it was bought used for $25 … [Read more...]