For you wonderful new readers, you should know that we are book people. Books are everywhere in our house and I'm constantly trying to figure out more nooks for storing books. I try to post once a month about what we're reading and I love to hear what books my readers are enjoying, too, so let me know in the comments! I recently finished Evelyn Waugh's Helena. I adored it. Waugh is one of my … [Read more...]
Why I Breastfeed in Public: The Blessed Virgin Mary Does It!
There was an uproar recently when a women was kicked out of a church for nursing her child in the service and the pastor compared her public breastfeeding to a stripper performing. What?! I know. Insanity. A blog I read posted the news article on FB and a commenter expressed her view that nursing in church was very inappropriate and that the mother was wrong to do so. She went on to say that she … [Read more...]
Texas, Our Texas
First of all........WHOA. Overnight, this lil' blog went from receiving 100 hits on an average day to 12,000! Welcome, new followers. And thanks to all the lovely pinners who have been pinning my posts! 10 Books You Must Read to Your Daughter (Or How to Keep Your Daughter from Ending Up Like that Horrid Girl in Twilight) has been viewed thousands of times and I am loving the wonderful conversation … [Read more...]
At first glance… packing organizational methods might elude you. But this way, I won't forget to pack the baby. See? … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Nurture Positive Body Image for Your Daughter
I’m not an expert. My daughter’s a baby and whether she’ll turn out to have a positive body image is yet to be seen. But, I’ve learned a few things about the challenge of nurturing a positive body image over the past two and a half decades from growing up as a girl in our weight-obsessed culture, watching my mother thoughtfully and intentionally raise me, and as a ballet teacher seeing … [Read more...]
The Bounty of the Earth
My husband is a farmer without a farm. So, he has transformed our front yard into vegetable-growing-egg-laying-awesomeness. I don't remember the last time we had to get store-bought eggs. The ones our chickens Feven, Daughter, and Gas Can lay (chicken names compliments of 3-year-old Benjamin) are amazing. Right now we've growing more delicious lettuce than we could ever eat, peas, green … [Read more...]
Our Backyard Friend and Other Instagrams
Benjamin ran into the bedroom while I was changing Lucy to tell me with eyes as big as saucers, "I looked out the window and GUESS WHAT I SAW?! AN OWL!!! A BIG 'OL OWL!" Sometimes Benjamin makes up little animal tales like, "Mama, a little kitty cat is coming to visit you!" so I'm never sure exactly what's really happening. But he was VERY excited so I ran to the window and sure enough: giant owl. … [Read more...]
GIVEAWAY! (NOW CLOSED): Penguin Clothbound Edition of Pride and Prejudice
Well, it's high time for a giveaway! Due to the flu bug hitting our house, Lucy getting pneumonia, and Benjamin having asthma's been a pretty lousy past few days. We're still kind of under the weather and Lucy is still coughing, but I think we are at least on the mend. But wow, with two sick kids and a sick mama...mark down yesterday as a big, fat mothering fail that included tears, … [Read more...]
Lucy Pneumonia Update
Thanks to everyone whose been praying for Lucy! She seems to be fighting the parainfluenza bug and the bronchial pneumonia really well. No fever so far, praise God. And she's been sleeping upright in her bouncer to help her breathing. I wasn't sure if we were going to get any sleep last night since she was sniffly and since she's used to sleeping in bed right next to me and would have to … [Read more...]
Wanted: Your Natural Cold Remedies
Ironically, I'm a little bit awesome at going through childbirth without meds, but I'm a complete baby when it comes to dealing with the excruciating condition of having a cold. I think Raleigh's final words in this clip kind of sum it up: That little Tenenbaums reference was for my big brother who HATES Tenenbaum references. Just a little sibling banter. Cute, right? First Benjamin got … [Read more...]