It's been awhile since I did a post about Benjamin and since writing about his antics is basically why I started this blog, one seems way past due. My firstborn has been losing his three-year-old mind over the idea of riding the balance bike we ordered for him. But we had yet to get him a helmet. So, I took the little man helmet shopping last week and after an agonizing decision, he chose the … [Read more...]
In Defense of Jamie Lynne Grumet and Attachment Parenting
So yesterday I wrote about how I HATED the cover image and the title (Are You Mom Enough?) of the piece in TIME about Attachment Parenting and extended breastfeeding (the cover image is included in yesterday's post). I still hate the cover image and the title (oh, that title!). I still hate that TIME is trying to make AP and extended breastfeeding look as weird and sensational as possible. I still … [Read more...]
The Cover of TIME and the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ok, so I promised I wouldn’t talk about sex for awhile after my two-part ramble on contraception, etc. But then I saw this TIME cover: You guys know that I’m a huge supporter of breastfeeding in public. Breastfeeding is not a sexual act. Breasts are not merely sexual. Breastfeeding in public IS NOT immodest. So, why does this image look so sexual? Some might claim that nursing is an … [Read more...]
AFP: Awesome Family Planning
On the outside chance that you haven’t already decided that we’re completely nuts, this post will probably convince you. You may previously have figured out that we’re Catholic converts leaning toward the traditional, but now you’re going to think that we’re bordering on total lunacy. Who knows? Maybe you’re right. And this topic is going to be a hot button for controversy, but I’m gonna post it … [Read more...]
Growing an Urban Garden
Head on over to Raising a Green Family (the blog by Jen and Claire of Ecological Babies) to read my post on growing an urban garden! It's my first guest post ever and I was so excited to be asked to contribute. "When we bought our first home two years ago, one of the things we were most excited about was turning our front yard into an urban garden. And we've had the best time making it … [Read more...]
“A Dog Could Take Care of Your Child” Or Why I Quit Grad School to Stay Home with My Kids
Let me clarify what this post is not. This is not a post in which I judge working mothers. Five weeks after my son was born I went back to work full-time until after he turned one. Daniel needed to finish school so I needed to bring home the bacon. I don’t think that made me a bad mother, nor do I think that other moms who need to or choose to work outside the home are bad mothers. However, this … [Read more...]
(Lucy getting a snack before Ellie's wedding, Photo courtesy of Jade Pierce Photography) Well, I feel like I'm at a motherhood crossroads with my sweet baby girl. I've been following the principles of ecological breastfeeding very thoroughly since her birth. I read Sheila Kippley's The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood which promote mama and … [Read more...]
Why I Hated Breastfeeding (And How That Changed) Part II
In Part I, I described my horrible experience breastfeeding my firstborn and how after four months I gave up. I was stressed out. My baby was stressed out. It wasn’t working. I am so glad to say that round two has been totally different! Part of it must be due to Baby Number Two's easy temperament, but I think other factors are lower stress, and a shift in my attitude and mothering … [Read more...]
Why I Hated Breastfeeding (And How That Changed) Part I
I am a huge supporter of breastfeeding. I nurse my baby girl everywhere and do my best to promote breastfeeding and support nursing mamas.But, I never judge another mama for choosing to bottle-feed. Some mamas can't breastfeed even after trying everything to produce enough milk for their baby. Sometimes circumstances make it almost impossible. I know this first hand... When I was a few days … [Read more...]
I’ve Got Greens and the Terrible Threes Growing in My Garden
Here's what's been going on outdoors in our neck of the woods: Lots of park dates and outside play for this little guy. Baby girl is content to just sleep in the baby wrap with Mama while Little Bear gets his wiggles out. Although the terrible threes subsided a little bit in the past couple of weeks (perhaps due to extra time with Daddy during our trip), they were back in full force … [Read more...]