(Unhappy Baby Benjamin. This is seriously what he did most of his first year of life, poor child.) This post could also be titled: Why We Chose Mama and Baby Togetherness the Second Time Around. I've been wanting to tell you about our amazing experience with Ecological Breastfeeding, but I feel like I need to describe our experience with our firstborn's babyhood and why we so desperately wanted … [Read more...]
By the sea…
To celebrate my sweet mum's 60th birthday, we went on a little trip to the ocean to eat at a restaurant built over the water (because it was a dry county in days past). We haven't been there since the building was rebuilt after being destroyed in a hurricane. Now, why you would want to build your restaurant in the exact same place it recently fell into the ocean in a state that gets hurricanes at … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Prepare Your Toddler for a New Baby
When we became pregnant with our second child, we were nervous about how our two-year-old son would react to having a new sibling. Our firstborn is a bit of a handful and is very intent on having everyone’s attention at all times. We were worried that having to share our attention with a new baby would cause him to resent his little sister. We were so wrong! He has been a spectacular big brother … [Read more...]
Rainy Day Blues and Books
After a very rough night of teething for Baby Girl and not much sleep for Mama (or Daddy, for that matter), we started Day 2 of all day rain due to Tropical Storm Debby. Daniel got up early with Benjamin and changed and dressed Lucy so that I could have an extra few minutes of sleep. When I did drag myself out of bed, he had bacon, eggs, fresh tomatoes, and toast ready. How would I survive … [Read more...]
My First Post as Gardening Editor!
Today I'm over at Mama and Baby Love with my first official post as Gardening Editor! This post could be titled: “Don’t Lose It If Your Toddler Picks All the Unripe Tomatoes.” (Not that I would EVER do that! Ahem.) In full disclosure, I have definitely lost it when little inquisitive hands prematurely harvested the bounty of our urban garden. Numerous vegetable beds and a chicken coop take up … [Read more...]
11 Ways to Survive Morning Sickness
Confession: I secretly despise pregnant women who don’t get morning sickness. I know, I know. It’s insane and unreasonable but y’all…I get morning sickness SO BAD that when I hear a woman say cheerily, “I feel amazing when I’m pregnant! I never feel nauseous for a minute!” it takes all the willpower I have not to slap her perky little face. During my first pregnancy I threw up every day … [Read more...]
Why Your Kids Need to Read Harry Potter
Warning: I’ve tried to be vague and keep spoilers at a minimum, but if you don’t want to know ANYTHING about the plot, be warned that this post contains allusions to themes and plot events. Confession: I have loved the Potter series since I was 12 years old. I grew up with Rowling’s books and they continue to delight me. I cannot wait until my children are old enough to delve into the … [Read more...]
3 Daily Rituals to Help Mothers of Littles Stay Sane
Little folks are awesome. I get to wake up next to a sunny baby girl to the sound of our three-year-old boy singing the Zulu chant from the beginning of The Lion King’s Circle of Life Song at the top of his lungs. It is indeed a splendid life. But, as wonderful as young motherhood is, there are some (many) moments of insanity exacerbated by never having a single moment to myself. After our … [Read more...]
Marriage Is a Kind of Death
Today Daniel and I celebrate six years of marriage. SIX YEARS. I know it’s not a shocking length of time, but I think it’s starting to sound downright respectable. Can anything prepare you for what marriage will be like? No. It is infinitely more difficult and infinitely more splendid than I could have ever imagined. Something like having children, I suppose. We’ve learned a few lessons over the … [Read more...]
Cloth Diapering: The Basics (and a GIVEAWAY from Ecological Babies! NOW CLOSED)
I’ve had a few pregnant friends ask me for the low down on cloth diapers, so I thought I would do a post about my experience with them accompanied by some links to good resources if you're interested in cloth diapering. And local business, Ecological Babies has offered a GroVia AIO in the brand new Woodlands print (which is just adorbs) as a giveaway for you. Hurrah! When I was pregnant with my … [Read more...]