At 5am on Sunday morning, my husband woke up our 3-year-old son, Benjamin, and took him on a surprise adventure. They drove away from the light pollution of the city and found a place they could watch the Perseid meteor shower. After laying out a blanket and showing him where to look, my husband got to witness the delight on our son's face when he saw a shooting star for the first time. When they … [Read more...]
Surviving Summer: Icy Raspberry Tea Recipe
I love living in N. Florida. Truly. I love it. October through early May is dreamy. You can eat outside every night and avoid wintry inconveniences (AKA socks. I hate ‘em!). But by the time August rolls around, I’ve had it. I whine and cry and threaten to move. Here’s an easy little kid-friendly concoction that Benjamin and I whipped up last week that is helping us survive the misery of miseries … [Read more...]
A Mother’s Love, A Mother’s Fear
It was the night that we brought our firstborn home from the hospital and I was crying like my heart would break. I had a wonderful natural birth, no complications, and a beautiful healthy baby boy. Everything was perfect. Then a storm rolled in. Not a soothing rainstorm, one of those eerie, harsh Texas storms that turn the sky an odd, unsettling color. Our front door was blown open with a bang … [Read more...]
Choosing Maternity Items You Can Use for Your Post-Partum Wardrobe
And now for more thrifty and versatile maternity wear! Earlier this week, Katherine shared some of her favorite non-maternity items that can do double duty as maternity and today I want to share some of my favorite maternity essentials that can help carry you through the post-partum days. The post-partum days are tricky wardrobe-wise. And since I usually gain half my pre-pregnancy weight during … [Read more...]
The Best Maternity Clothes that Aren’t (Actually Maternity)
While my family is escaping the Florida heat by escaping to the mountains of NC with all of their beauty and unreliable internet access, the lovely and gloriously pregnant Katherine is here to share some maternity clothes wisdom... Great Maternity Clothes that Aren't (Actually Maternity) by katherinebowers It’s topping out in the upper-90s here … [Read more...]
East Hill Honey: Get Delicious Raw Honey and Support a Great Kickstarter!
I wanted to share a great Kickstarter project that my lovely musician friend Colleen Nixon introduced me to: The East Hill Honey Project, a North Florida family-owned apiary providing pure, raw, unprocessed honey through sustainable methods. Because I don't process sugars well, our go to sweetener is local honey and Daniel really wants to keep bees next year so I was immediately intrigued by their … [Read more...]
This Messy Life
Everything has been at sixes and sevens over here while we’re trying to get packed to go on vacation for a week. I’ve been letting Benjamin eat parfaits for lunch and didn’t even notice that he had moved his entire mattress to the floor for a little bedroom makeover. On top of the upcoming trip, some friends of ours who had to move out of their place due to mold are going to stay at our … [Read more...]
A Letter to Lucy, at Nine Months…
Dear Lucy, Yesterday you turned 9 months old, my little pocket peach. I can’t believe that ¾ of a year has passed since your birth! It’s gone by so fast. Being with you each day brings your Mama so much joy. You are our bright star. You get the biggest grin on your face anytime Daddy, Big Brother or I smile at you. And although I know that every baby is the sweetest and the best, I can’t … [Read more...]
DIY Bubble Tea
Ta Da! The perfect summer treat. And it's soooo easy to make, way cheaper than buying it (the tapioca pearls I bought were only $2 for a big bag), and no high fructose corn syrup or nasty stuff. I was a rather grumpy mama this morning after being up all night with poor teething Lucy (if Baby Girl only cuts one tooth from all this misery it will be absurd...I'm expecting 5 … [Read more...]
My Experience Practicing Ecological Breastfeeding
(Lucy, age 4 months with me while the bridesmaids prepared for my best friend's wedding) photo credit: Jade Pierce Photography After having such a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad experience with breastfeeding and creating a secure attachment with our firstborn when I was working full-time that I shared with you yesterday, I was determined to do it differently for round two. When I was … [Read more...]