Although we decided long ago that we would homeschool Benjamin during his preschool years, we're still figuring out exactly what that will look like. Whenever his interest in a certain thing is peaked, we try to follow his lead and offer him resources to learn more. School for us this year is very flexible and I don't think Benjamin has made a distinction between playtime and schooltime (and they … [Read more...]
Pregnancy Vomit Fest 2012
First of all, thank you so much for the outpouring of love and congrats about our new pregnancy. Your comments and emails meant so much! Especially because of the week I had last week... Remember that stomach flu I told you I caught? Yeah, not the stomach flu. Just morning sickness going craaaaaaazy. I always get terrible morning sickness but not being able to keep water down even after trying … [Read more...]
‘Fessing Up: The Best News Ever
So, there's something I haven't told you. And I've been DYING to tell you! I know it's been very quiet around Carrots and on the FB page for the past month. But it's for a better reason that just getting busy, Nutcracker rehearsal season arriving, and watching too many BBC miniseries... Yes! We're pregnant! 9 weeks tomorrow. We are thrilled, excited, psyched, and grateful to be blessed with … [Read more...]
Throwing a Simple Baby Shower
I love to throw baby showers for my friends. It's a way to channel my excitement about a new baby coming into the world and honor my soon-to-be mama friends. However, I'm no Martha Stewart. Decor and detail are not my strong suit. I'm not a good organizer. I hate party games. I don't have a large house to host parties and I'm not a stellar chef. But, I can throw a super simple shower in my small … [Read more...]
Michaelmas Traditions: Prayers, Food, and Flowers
Michaelmas is quickly approaching: September 29th (next Saturday)! It will come as no surprise to you that I love St. Michael's Day. It was the first feast we celebrated when we started observing the Christian Year in 2009, the Fall before our conversion to the Catholic faith. What is Michaelmas? Michaelmas (pronounced Mickel-mas) is a feast day celebrating the Archangels. It follows the … [Read more...]
Should You Limit Your Child’s Reading Choices?
I am surprised by the popularity of a post I wrote a few weeks ago: “Why You Can’t Read Twilight: A Letter to My Daughter,” and I’m simply fascinated by some of comments it’s received. Some folks love it, but boy does it rub some people the wrong way! Many commenters think the idea that I would tell my daughter at say, age 11, that she can’t read Twilight is downright loony and they refer to … [Read more...]
Today’s Attitude Shift
I'll spare you all the details, but it's been over 6 weeks since all four members of our family were well at the same time. We've passed around a terrible cough, Benjamin's asthma has been bad, and now Lucy has the cough/fever. And here's the thing, having sick children completely exhausts me. Sure, the bajillion night wakings due to illness wear me out (I think last night's count was 4 wakings … [Read more...]
Library Favorites
As I mentioned in my last Bookshelf Love post about our Library Book Shelves, we've been getting a lot of use out of our local library since we started "homeschooling" Benjamin. I thought I'd share some of our recent favorite library finds as well as some great links to posts on using the library that I've really enjoyed. One great post is On Why I Stopped Taking My Children to the Library … [Read more...]
My Best Birthday Card Ever
It's been a fun and crazy day of playing at the outside museum, no good napping for Baby Lucy because has a little cough that's waking her out of her slumber, and prepping my ballet classes to teach little ballerinas all afternoon. So, just a short post to share the best birthday card anyone has ever given me: "Dear Mama, Thank you. I like that you're my mama AND I like you. You take … [Read more...]
Our Favorite Breakfasts
Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day. Maybe because I love eating anything I can cover in butter and jam. When I was a little girl, my parents would take me to Cracker Barrel and I would amaze bystanders with the sheer volume of biscuits a tiny 4-year-old could eat. Having a child with a severe gluten allergy has significantly diminished my biscuit consumption, but I still love … [Read more...]