This is a guest post by Michele Boda in the Women Speak on NFP Series about her experience with NFP using the Creighton method. This series of women's experiences is not meant to serve as training in NFP, if you are interested in learning more about the Creighton model, please visit: or to find a Practitioner near you When … [Read more...]
Women Speak on NFP
It's NFP Awareness week, so I thought I'd run a post from the archives with the links to all the posts in the Women Speak on NFP series. I learned so much from all the women who shared their stories at Carrots about their experiences with Natural Family Planning and I hope the resources in this series will benefit many families. As a Catholic woman seeking to follow Church teaching about … [Read more...]
Sanity-Saving Moments of Renewal for Mamas
Find me over at Mama and Baby Love today sharing what I've learned about staying refreshed while mothering little ones... "When I had my first baby, I was so focused on the pregnancy and preparing myself for a natural birth that I didn’t do a lot of mental preparation for motherhood. And I soon discovered that motherhood is hard. For me, one of the most difficult transitions was getting used to … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Prepare Your Toddler for a New Baby
I woke up this morning sick as a dog, so I thought I'd share a little something from the archives. Our 16-month-old is just now at the stage that these tips are applicable (she loves looking at pictures of babies in utero and hearing about her baby sister) and if I could add one more thing it would be to get your toddler a baby doll and engage them in lots of imaginative play: changing the baby's … [Read more...]
Herb Gardening Tips for Beginners
Happy Monday! Today you can find me over at Mama And Baby Love chatting about herb gardening :) It’s still wintry and chilly outside, but it’s time to start planning for your Spring garden. And for those of us in the deep south, spring gardening is already in full swing now that we’re had our last frost (fingers crossed!). If you’ve never tried out your green thumb before (and even if you have) … [Read more...]
Catholicism: Empowering Women for 2000 Years (Part IV: “My Body Isn’t Broken,” The Church and Contraception)
Another post about birth control, Haley? Really? It's true. Sorry, folks. But I think Catholic teaching on contraception is really crucial to understanding the respect for womanhood that the Church affirms. This is Part IV of this series, so be sure to read about how Marian doctrine, the Catholic understanding of vocation, and the female saints and doctors of the Church empower women before … [Read more...]
Our Pirate Turns Four!
I love my kids and I love to celebrate their birthdays, but we keep things super simple: homemade cake, family party with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and baby cousin, just a few gifts. And they absolutely love it. Perhaps if I were the Martha Stewart type, planning a giant party would be a fun thing, but as things are, I think it would stress me out, overwhelm my kids, and be out of our … [Read more...]
A Letter to My Former Self On the Day I Became a Mother
On the eve of my firstborn's fourth birthday... Dear Former Self, You think today is memorable because you’re recovering from the Great Gatsby-themed college graduation party you threw last night and looking forward to a trip to see Radiohead. But that’s not why you’ll remember this day in May for the rest of your life. The funny thing is, the reason today is memorable won’t even occur to … [Read more...]
The Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas: Recipe for Grilled Pork Chops Lazio Style
January 28th is the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas. This is a post Daniel wrote for our woefully neglected real food liturgical year blog a couple of years ago. This meal was amazing. Reading the writing of St. Thomas had a huge impact on our conversion, so he holds a special place in my heart. Happy Feast! Thomas was a 13th century Dominican priest and scholar from Aquino, Italy who made gigantic … [Read more...]
Birth Plan Advice
Today I'm over at MamaAndBabyLove talking about envisioning your dream birth plan. If you're expecting, a good birth plan is a must! Here's a snippet of my post, I hope you, or a friend, can find it helpful: "When we wrote our birth plan for our first baby, my husband and I were surprised to realize how many things we hadn’t thought about before. Who was going to cut the cord? Did we want our … [Read more...]