On Trinity Sunday (May 26th this year) we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity–the doctrine that distinguishes Christianity from all other faiths. A concept like the Holy Trinity is difficult to denote through food, but in our family we try to start food traditions for the Christian Year that also tie into what’s seasonal where we live. During early summer in Florida, blueberries are fully … [Read more...]
Any Expectant Mamas Out There? Check Out From Maiden to Mother
I'm three days overdue with Baby Gwen (Lucy was 10 days late) so I'm starting to lose my mind a little. I really gave all my natural labor induction methods a good try yesterday, including acupuncture, spicy Thai food, long walks, etc. but to no avail! One more weekend pregnant just sounds UNBEARABLE. C'mon Baby Carrot! I'm doing my best to distract myself from the fact that I'm still … [Read more...]
6 Must-Have Books and Cookbooks for Seasonal Eating Inspiration
Since our conversion, I've gained more appreciation for the rhythms of the Christian Year and that by observing those seasons, the story of the Gospel unfolds. One way to participate in the Christian Year is to feast and fast according to the traditions of the Church which, obviously, involves food! Sharing food with family and friends should ideally be a daily reminder of sacred things: The Last … [Read more...]
A Picture of the Incarnation on My Kitchen Floor
During this pregnancy (my third) my mood swings have been unreal. One minute everything is rosy and the next I find myself sobbing for no reason. And if I wait too long to eat or don’t get enough sleep, I am sure to be an insane hysterical basket case. The worst meltdown occurred for really no reason at all at about halfway through the pregnancy. We put the kids to bed, then Daniel ran some … [Read more...]
Motherhood, Hard Times, Fear, and Love
As Mother's Day approaches and Baby Gwen's due date nears, I've been thinking about motherhood and trying to wrap my mind around the idea of the labor that will begin any day and the reality of a new little soul waiting to join our family. I also have about 4 brain cells left in my 38 week pregnant brain (I forgot what we planned to eat for dinner 3 times yesterday and had to keep asking Daniel), … [Read more...]
8 Reasons Molly Weasley Is a Great Literary Mama
Since becoming a mother, I read my favorite children’s books with different eyes. I find myself more interested in Marmee than Jo March and more fascinated by Caroline Ingalls than by Laura. One of my favorite mamas from literature is Molly Weasley. But what exactly makes this stay-at-home mom of seven so admirable? (Note well! Spoilers within!) 1. She opens her heart. Although she loves her … [Read more...]
Why We Let Our Preschooler Watch Us Harvest Chickens…
Hop on over to Mama and Baby Love to read my latest urban homesteading post about food ethics and why it's important to us that our kids know where their meat comes from: Our family is big on having kids in the kitchen because of the wonderful benefits of mastering valuable skills as well as spending quality time together. But it’s also important to us that our kids know where their food comes … [Read more...]
Women Speak on NFP: Erin Shares Her Story
This is a guest post by Erin of Seven Little Australians in the Women Speak on NFP series. In this series you will hear from women using various methods of NFP, some to avoid pregnancy, some trying to conceive, and their experiences. Disclaimer: This series is not meant to be a substitute for any method of training in NFP! If you are interested in one of the methods introduced in this series, … [Read more...]
Women Speak on NFP: When Natural Family Planning Doesn’t Go According to Your Plan
This is a guest post by Christy of fountains of home in the Women Speak on NFP series. In this series you will hear from women using various methods of NFP, some to avoid pregnancy, some trying to conceive, and their experiences. Disclaimer: This series is not meant to be a substitute for any method of training in NFP! If you are interested in one of the methods introduced in this series, please … [Read more...]
Women Speak on NFP: Seasons of Love
This is a guest post by Jessa of Shalom Sweet Home in the Women Speak on NFP series. In this series you will hear from women (some Catholic, some Protestant) using various methods of NFP, some to avoid pregnancy, some trying to conceive, and their experiences. Disclaimer: This series is not meant to be a substitute for any method of training in NFP! If you are interested in one of the methods … [Read more...]