Sure, college isn't for everyone. And as a woman who quit grad school to stay home and have more kids, I completely understand that some women would want to opt out. But, when I read this post, 6 Reasons to NOT Send Your Daughter to College, well, there's simply not time to go into all of the logical fallacies at play there. (And just to be clear, although the author of the post is Catholic, the … [Read more...]
Women Speak on NFP Series Wrap-Up: What I Learned and My NFP Plans
Over the summer 17 women shared about their experiences using various methods of Natural Family Planning. I was so pleased from the feedback I received about the series and how it has been informing, encouraging, and helping women. I'd like to share some reflections about what I learned from the wonderful contributors and how it's affecting my life. Because we’ve never been trained in NFP (we’ve … [Read more...]
You Were Not Made for Comfort…
Our culture loves comfort. It's not a secret. We love drive-thrus, and air conditioning, and convenience. But we don’t just love comfort, we’re obsessed with it to the point that we decided blankets aren't quite comfortable enough and we had to invent the Snuggie. And this love affair with comfort carries over into our spiritual life. We don't want to talk about the Cross. It makes us … [Read more...]
Growing a Family on One Income: 7 Tips for Clothing Kids, Cheaply, in All Seasons
Give a warm welcome to Molly W of Molly Makes Do with this guest post in the "Growing a Family on One Income" series with some suggestions on how to keep the costs of clothing your family down when you have to deal with multiple seasons. Be sure to start by reading the first part of this series on spending less on clothes. In Iowa most people will tell you that we have Five Seasons. Summer, … [Read more...]
My Attempt to Get Healthy After Pregnancy (Shaklee Review and GIVEAWAY)
Since suffering through some debilitating morning sickness in my last pregnancy, I mentioned to the Carrots FB community that I was brainstorming nutrition and supplement changes in order to get healthy and (hopefully) avoid the extreme morning sickness if we're blessed with another pregnancy. In addition to decreasing sugar intake in order to promote a healthy gut, I want to work hard to increase … [Read more...]
Growing a Family on One Income: Ideas for Spending Less on Clothes
(Growing a Family on One Income is an ongoing series at Carrots. Previous posts are about being a one-car family and fitting three car seats in a Camry.) New clothes are fun. If I had the cash to spare, I would spend way too much on clothes. But when you’re on a budget, this is a great area to make some sacrifices. When you’re expecting, it’s hugely tempting to go hog wild buying new baby clothes … [Read more...]
7 Books for New Moms
A Note from Haley: While we're enjoying vacation with no internet connection in the NC mountains with our extended family, my favorite librarian mama and dear friend, Katherine of shouting hallelujah, is sharing some of her favorite books for mamas. I may have a not-so-secret hope that Baby Gwen and Katherine's young Pip (see below) decide someday that it would be a fine idea to marry. Ahem. Enjoy … [Read more...]
Welcome to the Family, Gwen! Newborn Photos by Sarah Gray
When Benjamin was a newborn, I would stare down at him, trying to carve every line of his tiny face in my memory. But by the next day he would look different and I couldn't recall exactly how he'd looked the night before. I am so grateful that we have beautiful photos of his first week taken by a photographer friend. But when Lucy arrived, I didn't book a newborn session and I deeply regret … [Read more...]
Need Some Back-to-School Sanity? Steph Has a New Freezer Meals eCookbook!
I've told you about how I started using a crock pot after my friend Stephanie of Mama and Baby Love taught me about slow cooker freezer meals and how it saves me from the 4-5pm meltdown making me a much nicer mama in the afternoons and I mentioned how much we're enjoying her Grain-Free/Gluten-Free Baking eCookbook a couple of weeks ago. I'm excited to tell you that Steph has a new back-to-school … [Read more...]
Women Speak on NFP: Adele’s Journey to NFP
This is a guest post by Adele in the Women Speak on NFP series. In this series you will hear from women using various methods of NFP, some to avoid pregnancy, some trying to conceive, and their experiences. Disclaimer: This series is not meant to be a substitute for any method of training in NFP! If you are interested in one of the methods introduced in this series, please contact a certified … [Read more...]