There are so many beautiful images of the Annunciation but this is one of my favorites: It's an icon our friend Marianna gave to us of an Annunciation scene by Fra Angelico. On March 25th (9 months before Christmas) we celebrate the moment when the Angel Gabriel came to Our Lady with the announcement that she would bear the Son of God to which she gave her "Fiat" or "Let it be … [Read more...]
Being at Home
I love being at home with our little bear. After working 40 hours a week during his first year of life, being able to stay at home with him every day is blissful. I go into town maybe three times a week because there is too much fun to be had playing at our house. We read book after book and build with blocks and generally make a huge mess. It is a little bit exhausting, just as working is, but I … [Read more...]
Books I Read in 2009, In Which I Make a Confession and Have an Epiphany
After seeing several blog posts titled “Books I Read in 2009,” I tried to think back with my post-baby muddled memory what books I read in 2009. From January 1 through Benjamin’s birth on February 8th I read nothing. Really. NOTHING. I watched many a miniseries and listened to Harry Potter audiobooks. After the birth, I didn’t do much better. This is the sorry, pathetic, shamefully short list … [Read more...]