As we approach Holy Week, I’ve been thinking about all my friends and readers who are going through RCIA this year to be confirmed this Easter. Are you afraid about making your first Confession? I was. I was terrified. I was so excited to be confirmed, but the anxiety of making that first Confession loomed over me. It felt like an excruciating torture I was going to have to endure before being … [Read more...]
Baby Jonah and a Delicious Friday Night
This is Baby Jonah and his Mama, Tryna. They accompanied Benjamin and I to the Museum of Florida History downtown. Between the fully reconstructed Mastadon bones, animatronic giant armadillo, and steamboat exhibit, Benjamin had plenty to delight and amaze him. Benjamin is still talking about the "Museum of Flo-rida HIStory!" We will need to go again. Last night, my brother and our friends, … [Read more...]
Baby Jonah and a Delicious Friday Night
This is Baby Jonah and his Mama, Tryna. They accompanied Benjamin and I to the Museum of Florida History downtown. Between the fully reconstructed Mastadon bones, animatronic giant armadillo, and steamboat exhibit, Benjamin had plenty to delight and amaze him. Benjamin is still talking about the "Museum of Flo-rida HIStory!" We will need to go again. Last night, my brother and our friends, … [Read more...]
My first Confession
My first confession turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. I awaited it with dread, but discovered it to be a gift of grace. For those of you who aren’t very familiar with the sacrament of penance, I’ll give some detail about the order of events. I chose to confess in a confessional (you’re on one side of a screen, the priest is on the other). So, you enter, kneel, make the … [Read more...]
Being at Home
I love being at home with our little bear. After working 40 hours a week during his first year of life, being able to stay at home with him every day is blissful. I go into town maybe three times a week because there is too much fun to be had playing at our house. We read book after book and build with blocks and generally make a huge mess. It is a little bit exhausting, just as working is, but I … [Read more...]