Head on over to CatholicMom.com to read all about urban homesteading, stretching the food budget, why we wrote a book, bath tub reading, the real reason I have short hair, and how I do it all (I don't!). It was so fun to be interviewed by Rhonda Ortiz! You can also find me today at The Modern Mrs Darcy where my post on advice for the Janeite who runs out of Austen novels is being … [Read more...]
Bury the Alleluia and Other Last Minute Lent Resources
It's here. Lent. Ash Wednesday. After a rip-roaring Mardi Gras, Baby Gwen made it her special task to mortify my flesh by getting up at 4:45am...Pretty typical wake time. But it hurt a little more after eating too many cookies and staying up too late. So here I am gulping coffee while she chomps on banana and we wait in the dark for the rest of the family to wake up so we can go to Mass. Lent … [Read more...]
Preparing for a Child’s First Confession (And Giveaway)
I don't know the first thing about how to prepare a child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation which is why I'm glad there's people like Kendra who are a few years ahead of me in the journey of motherhood and know what they're doing. And, because she's helpful like that, Kendra wrote a book about it! AND IT'S AWESOME. And she sent me one to give away! Hurrah! The crowd goes wild! My oldest child … [Read more...]
Liturgical Living at a Glance: March
I’m always trying to figure out how to make it easier for families to observe the Christian Year because we felt so overwhelmed when we first started that journey (which is why we wrote the book we wish we had then). I thought it might be helpful for our family to have resources compiled for the month ahead so that we can plan in advance which special saints days we want to observe and I hope … [Read more...]
Jesus in the TARDIS (Or, Why Fandom Is So Complimentary to Catholicism)
(This is a guest post by Christie of Everything to Someone) Growing up, I was kind of isolated--as a Catholic, and as a fangirl. I went to a Catholic high school but knew very few people who were genuinely Catholic, what we'd call a "loyal Catholic" but of whom my spunky sister says, "Just Catholic Catholics. You're either Catholic, or you're not. You either follow the Magisterium, or … [Read more...]
Who Are You to Deny Greatness?
By Daniel Stewart “Who are you not to be great?” the man asks, stepping from a wrecked car, the hood riddled with arrows. I’d never seen this commercial before and my interest was peaked. Greatness! Yes! How seldom do we speak of this today! So easily distracted by blinking lights and gadgets, we forget that greatness is within our reach! But who would pay the advertisement costs to remind us … [Read more...]
Liturgical Living At a Glance: February
February can be such a bleak month weather-wise (it might SNOW today in FLORIDA! We're anxiously watching the skies!) so, we thought it would be fun to put the ebook version of Feast! on super sale to spice things up! I'm always trying to figure out how to make it easier for families to observe the Christian Year because we felt so overwhelmed when we first started that journey (which is why we … [Read more...]
Liturgical Living: Candlemas (Feb. 2)
Most of the content for this post about celebrating Candlemas is drawn from our book, Feast! Real Food, Reflections, and Simple Living for the Christian Year. Candlemas is coming up this Sunday and I wanted to share some information and resources for celebrating! About the Feast Candlemas on February 2nd celebrates the Presentation of Christ: the event described in the Gospel of Luke when the … [Read more...]
Roasted Barley and Rosary Beads
(by Daniel) I got into brewing beer a few years back. It’s a fun process and the results are almost always drinkable. We’re fortunate to have a great homebrew store in town with very knowledgeable staff. I often talk to them about different ingredients and techniques. Once, I asked one of these guys about malting barley myself, a process that involves sprouting the raw grain and then roasting it. … [Read more...]
Catholic Blogs You Should Be Reading
It's that time of year again! The Sheenazing Award nominations for your favorite Catholic blogs over at A Knotted Life where the wonderful Bonnie writes. The awards will likely be delayed for a bit because Bonnie's son James had a seizure and is in the hospital. He is recovering well, but please keep their whole family in your prayers as they run tests to figure out why James had this … [Read more...]