I'm always trying to figure out how to make it easier for families to observe the Christian Year because we felt so overwhelmed when we first started that journey (which is why we wrote the book we wish we had then). I thought it might be helpful for our family to have resources compiled for the month ahead so that we can plan in advance which special saints days we want to observe and I hope … [Read more...]
Pain, Joy, Love, and a Christmas Playlist for You
We've had record-breaking storms for the past few days. Our driveway is under water and yesterday when we were driving home after visiting some friends, a huge oak tree had fallen across the street. Detour time. Yesterday we woke up to a puddle in our kitchen where our roof was leaking. Sigh. But it's almost Christmas. And I think the little stubby purple candle from the first week of Advent is … [Read more...]
O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Our Only Hope in the Darkness
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel has always been my favorite carol. I love the ancient chant-like melody and the images it conjures: monks singing by candlelight and waiting to celebrate the coming of the Light of the World while a cold, dark winter lingers on. It has many beautiful verses but the first and most familiar is: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That … [Read more...]
10 Ideas for YOUR Christmas List, Moms
When Daniel's parents ask for Christmas lists for the kids, I can rattle off several things right off the top of my head. But when I'm supposed to write down what I want....it's a different matter. I just stare at a blank page. I think other moms have the same issue. We spend our days focused on other little people and it feels weird to focus on ourselves. I just sit there for several minutes … [Read more...]
Why We Don’t Do Santa
Last week a friend confided to me that she wasn’t comfortable telling her young child that Santa was bringing presents on Christmas Eve. She recalled the confusion, outrage, and betrayal she felt as a child when she overheard the truth about Santa. Not wanting to repeat that experience for her child, she explained to friends and family that they would be skipping Santa. Her concerns were dismissed … [Read more...]
Liturgical Living at a Glance: December
It's HERE! It's finally here! Our new ebook, More Feasts! Celebrating Saints and Seasons with Simple Real Food Recipes is available for purchase this Advent season. 10 new recipes! Reflections on Advent and Holy Week and a few activities to do with children to bring the liturgical year into the home. We are so excited to share it with you! And just for Advent, our first ebook … [Read more...]
Get Your Mantilla On (Guest Post by Tyler Blanski)
Please welcome writer and fellow Catholic convert Tyler Blanski to Carrots today! Tyler's sharing some of the beautiful theology behind veiling. I've never veiled at Mass myself, but learning more about this rich tradition just might have me searching for a chapel veil. - Haley Image source You’ve heard it before: head coverings are not awesome, they are the sexist leftovers of a … [Read more...]
Talking About Advent Today…
Today I'm over at Kitchen Stewardship chatting about Advent and some simple ways to observe the season: "Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then the whirlwind to Christmas Day begins–parties, concerts, family engagements, travel. Did you know that traditionally, the holiday cheer didn’t begin until Christmas Day? December the 25th is just Day One of a twelve day season of … [Read more...]
Liturgical Living at a Glance: November
I’m always trying to figure out how to make it easier for families to observe the Christian Year because we felt so overwhelmed when we first started that journey (which is why we wrote the book we wish we had then). I thought it might be helpful for our family to have resources compiled for the month ahead so that we can plan in advance which special saints days we want to observe and I hope … [Read more...]
Ready for Advent?! (100% Beeswax Advent Candle Giveaway!)
This giveaway is sponsored by Toadily Handmade Beeswax Candles. As soon as Halloween, All Saints, and All Souls Day are over, my mind turns to Advent. It's like I suddenly realize it's just around the corner (it starts November 30th). And it's time for one of my favorite giveaways of the year! Yay! My favorite Advent tradition is the Advent wreath (and it's the simplest one to start with if … [Read more...]