Since I love chatting about books, I’ve been trying to share our family’s current reads on a regular basis here on the blog. And I like sharing the love by giving away books to my readers!
Here’s a few of the great titles I’ve picked up lately as well as my #cathLIT2019 reads I’ve completed over the past month or two (And just scroll down to the end see how to enter the giveaway for these four books:
The Heart of Perfection by Colleen Carroll Campbell
Putting Joy into Practice by Phoebe Farag Mikhail
The Catholic Working Mom’s Guide to Life by JoAnna Wahlund
Embracing Weakness by Shannon Evans

(This post contains affiliate links. If a sale is made through an affiliate link, I may be compensated but all opinions are my own.)
Lately I Finished…:

Letter to a Suffering Church by Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Barron does not disappoint in this short, but hard-hitting discussion of the clerical abuse crisis in the Church. He does a great job of expressing the gravity and pain of the crisis and the coverups, offering context with other dark times in Church history, making a case for why Catholics should stay, and what a way forward might look like. It’s ultimately very hopeful.
If you pre-order, you get a free copy and any additional copies are only $1. Any and all profits will go directly to charities supporting victims of abuse. So order one, tell your friends, and encourage your parish to get copies.
Be Brave in the Scared by Mary Lenaburg
Loved this one. And Christy and I got to talk to Mary all about it on this episode of the Fountains of Carrots podcast.

Introverted Mom by Jamie C. Martin
I had the pleasure of reading an advanced copy of this lovely and here’s my review: “After becoming a mom to an extroverted firstborn, I started to wonder if I might be an introvert, despite the fact that I am social and outgoing. Now I’m four kids into this motherhood gig, and my introverted side definitely struggles to cope! Reading Introverted Mom reminded me that I’m not alone in feeling overwhelmed by the joyful noises that fill my home, that needing to recharge doesn’t make me a bad mom, and that there are practical steps I can take to feed my quiet-loving heart. Drawing on the wisdom of some of my favorite literary introverts, Jamie Martin’s encouraging book is a balm to the soul.”
Current Reads:
I’m super impressed with Endow’s new study Discovering the Doctors: Hildegard of Bingen and the Doctors of the Church. It is excellent so far and now I just need a study group to go through it with!
Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin
This was my pick for my #cathlit2019 “Book by an Orthodox Christian” category. Y’all, it is so good. Beautiful, hard, unusual, moving. I highly recommend. Probably the best novel I’ve read so far this year and I will be thinking about it for years to come. Almost finished!
Unrepeatable: Cultivating the Unique Calling of Every Person by Luke Borgis & Joshua Miller, PhD
I’m about halfway through this one. Very well-researched examination of vocation and finding one’s calling.
The Heart of Perfection: How the Saints Taught Me to Trade My Dream of Perfect for God’s by Colleen Carroll Campbell
I’m only two chapters in and completely enthralled with this gem. Campbell is an incredible writer and we discussed the themes of this new book on the podcast last week!
Putting Joy into Practice by Phoebe Farag Mikhail
I am three chapters in and so impressed by this thoughtful book informed by ancient Christian tradition. So looking forward to interviewing Phoebe for the podcast soon! There are so many spiritual books published each year and this one has the depth that is so often lacking. Highly recommend!
Embracing Weakness by Shannon Evans
I started this one as a digital copy and I’m so excited to finish my hard copy that came in the mail the other day! Shannon Evans is one of my favorite modern Catholic writers.
On Audiobook
A Red Herring without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Novel by Alan Bradley (read by Jayne Entwistle
Audiobooks with the kids
The Wind in the Door by Madeleine L’Engle (read by Jennifer Ehle)
Read Alouds with the Kids
Continuing D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths
Hildegard of Bingen by Demi
Like all of Demi’s books, this one has gorgeous illustrations and it is a well-researched depiction of St. Hildegard’s life. People try to do lots of weird things with Hildegard and I so appreciated the foundation in historical fact of this book. I also found this one particularly accessible to younger children due to the text to image ratio. LOVE it and have already read it to my little Hildegard Rose.
Mozart: Gift of God by Demi
Another triumph from Demi. My kids also gasp at the intricacy and beauty of her illustrations. This is a lovely book and we’ve been listening to Mozart ever since reading it a couple of weeks ago.
Jesus Invites Me to Mass by Savine du Mesnil
I can’t abide ugly illustrations in children’s books and I was so glad Gemma Roman’s art is so good in this short introduction to the Mass for young children. Little ones deserve good art, too! This is an attractive short, sturdy book for reading with the very young set (I’m thinking age 2-5). Would be a good gift for a godchild!
Stories of the Blessed Sacrament by Francine Ray
Another attractive book from Ignatius Press’s Magnificat (children’s books). This one would be PERFECT for a child receiving First Holy Communion!
Our Lady’s Message to Three Shepherd Children and the World by Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Started reading this one aloud about two weeks ago and the kids are really enjoying it! It might be slightly above the comprehension of the 6yo but the 7yo and 10yo really like it.

Rise Up: Shining with Virtue Children’s Devotional by Blessed Is She
We’ve been reading one of the short devotionals from this new book each day and I am A FAN. The kids, especially the 7yo and 10yo, really like it. It’s founded in deep theology and yet is super accessible to children. It’s not preachy or cheesy or watered down. My 10yo who is highly resistant about reading anything that’s “for kids” has expressed a few times how much he likes it and how it isn’t dumbed down.
I have copies of the following books to give away to a lucky reader!
The Heart of Perfection by Colleen Carroll Campbell
Putting Joy into Practice by Phoebe Farag Mikhail
The Catholic Working Mom’s Guide to Life by JoAnna Wahlund
Embracing Weakness by Shannon Evans
Head over to my Instagram account: @haleycarrots to enter the giveaway!
What are you reading and enjoying lately? Let me know in the comments!
P.S. I’ve been doing a lot more podcasting and freelance work lately and I rarely have a chance to direct Carrots readers over to these episodes or articles via blog post. If you want to stay current on my writing and podcast blabbing (as well as general Carrots news/family updates, etc), make sure you’re signed up to receive my weekly email newsletter. It’s free, of course, and lots of fun!
I’ve been going through the daily devotional My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers all year, and I recently started Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Really enjoying all of it! Love your bookish posts. ?
I hope you can give me a little nudge about Laurus. My husband read it several years ago and loved it. So, I started it after him and got bogged down in the beginning bc it didn’t hook me right away. Did you find that it had a slow start and picked up the pace later? A book really has to draw me in! I second the endorsement of Be Brave in the Scared. That was a super engaging read that only took a couple of days to devour.
I found the exact opposite. I thought the first section of Laurus was by far the best (but I also kind of hated the whole book, so…).
I love listening to your podcasts, and love your book suggestions always. I am new to Instagram and do not know how to enter to win any of the books. I have small grandkids and wish I knew where to find some of those books too! (My two youngest grandsons are both about to turn Two! And one family is expecting child #5!)
I am ridiculously excited about this. I looked for as many as I could through my library, which sadly was not much. But then, there’s always the amazon wishlist. Thank you, Haley, for such wonderful suggestions. I have been binge reading your blog over a week and I have loved every minute.
Currently reading ‘The Greatest Knight’ by Elizabeth Chadwick; and these were my May reads.
So the one about Our Lady of Fatima is good? Ive wondered how to introduce that story to my little ones in a way that’s not scary or saccharine.
I just started to read “Wives and Daughters” by Elizabeth Gaskell. It was first published in 1866. It is 600 plus pages, so I will be reading this for quite awhile. I also have been reading Bible verses for each day. I like to read YA books from time to time. I just finished a 4 part series “Laurel of the Woodfairies”. I enjoyed reading about the books you have read and are reading now.
Do you have a favorite book about St. Hildegard? I’ve been wanting to read something her but haven’t made the leap. Have you read anything she has written? Thanks in advance for the help!