Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
In some ways 2018 felt a million years long and in some ways it’s just flown by–packed full of stuff. I wanted to share some of the big events with you (partly just to document for myself!).
-I’m several weeks in to my worst pregnancy so far due to more severe hyperemesis gravidarum (I always think next time will be better..reader…next time is not better).
-Netflix and La Croix are my only friends.
-La Croix becomes a nausea trigger–Netflix is my only friend now.
-After being homebound all of December, I started being able to drive again on my “good days.”
-Daniel wrapped up several weeks of working two full-time jobs as he transitioned into his current position and we get a new work/life schedule for our homeschooling/work-at-home family. He also ran a 100K race.
-The kids leveled up in learning to help around the house and take care of me.
-Gwen (4yrs) started jiu jitsu.
-We traveled to New Orleans and showed the kids some of our favorite spots on our way to Tallahassee because…
-My brother got married! To a wonderful gal! Such a happy day.
-Discovered that Coca-Cola was the only liquid I could stomach for a few weeks–even on pretty heavy duty meds for the HG. I’ve never had so much soda in my life–when not pregnant, it just sounds gross.
-Started learning to pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
-I flew to Miami for the Women’s Health and Fertility Seminar put on by the archdiocese to share my “conversion story” from using contraception to embracing Catholic Theology of the Body. It was such a great event to attend but I was so nauseous and trying to get to my connecting gate for the flight home I was so exhausted that I thought I would just have to sit down in the middle of the airport and take a nap. A kind passerby was like, “Can I….carry your bag for you?” Freaking hero. I could have kissed her.
-Benjamin (9yrs) started helping Daniel with beekeeping and they are The Cutest.
-Found out our baby was a GIRL! Had a kind of mystical experience after the ultrasound that caused us to toss out the name we picked out and go with something we’d never considered before.
-Finished my last round of edits for my book.
-Gave a talk at a parish in Houston.
-Benjamin gives a fabulous presentation on Madagasar for his geography class at homeschool co-op. So proud!
-Easter Vigil!
-Gave a talk at a parish in Dallas.
-Got more baby chicks for our backyard farm.
-Published a new ebook: The Literary Medicine Cabinet
-Moved a longtime blog feature (This Week’s Miscellany) to a weekly email newsletter format (you can sign up here).
-It started to get hellishly hot in central TX.
-My book, The Grace of Enough, hit #1 of all Catholic new releases on Amazon thanks to your pre-orders!
-I throw Daniel a huge surprise party!—5 months after his birthday because I couldn’t leave the couch on the actual day. His sister and niece flew out and tons of friends were there. He was so shocked! I really wanted to do something special for the guy keeping us afloat during such a crazy year (especially since he had to pick up so much of the slack due to my illness).
-The 100+ temps that began in May don’t leave again until September. We start spending all our time at the YMCA pool and the Sonic drive-thru folks know me because I pick up 10lb bags of ice every two days.
-Our backyard garden is incredible!
-9yo Benjamin makes Braised Duck for dinner from scratch…as in…the duck was quacking that morning.
-I accept my first academic-ish freelance writing project after several years of forgetting how to write academically and I feel terrified. But it worked out and I’m super proud of the piece I wrote about philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre and Jane Austen.
-Daniel parents come for a visit and we get to have a DATE NIGHT!!!!!
-I get my hair dyed unicorn lavender.
-I spent any energy I have left at 9 months pregnant painting my very ugly cabinets.
-114 degree temperatures hit. I think, “This is how I die. R.I.P me.”
-I wake up to pee approximately 8 times per night.
-We discover that the baby has not flipped head down as expected and is transverse (side to side) instead. I have an external version procedure at the hospital to get her to flip.
-After 2 weeks of prodromal labor, I’m trying everything to get this overdue baby to decide to come out including lots of hiking.
-Finally, she arrives–with the wildest birth story of any of my kids so far. And honestly, one of the funniest birth stories I’ve ever heard. Like a sit com delivery scene.
-My parents come to town for two weeks to take care of the big kids making the post partum time absolutely blissful. Like a VACATION. So so grateful.
-Hildie is baptized in the old rite–extra exorcisms for the win! (Is this why she sleeps so well? Makes ya think.)
-My book, The Grace of Enough, releases and starts shipping out into the world!
-I turn 33 the next day.
-It sells so well that second printing is ordered a couple of weeks later!
-Lots of radio and podcast interviews to promote the book.
-Daniel’s parents come to meet the baby!
-I dye my hair pink.
-The full-term daughter of dear friends passes away in the womb and we travel to the visitation and Requiem Mass which is the most painful and holy experience. (I’ve written pages and pages of reflections about Baby Myra but it feels too personal to share on the blog. Please keep this precious family in your prayers). It’s far too life-altering to be a bullet point in a list, but it didn’t feel right not to include something of this magnitude, either.
-My brother and his wife come to visit us, meet baby Hildie, and celebrate 7yo Lucy’s birthday.
-Daniel spends a million hours coordinating our neighborhood’s massive trick-or-treating event.
-We all get colds and stomach bugs and they just keep going round and round in our family. Fun!
-The asthmatic kids have lots of asthma attacks and we almost spend Thanksgiving in the ER.
-Hildie gets a cold and it’s that breastfeeding 24/7 life for a few days.
-We get well!
-Advent begins!
-I write a new piece for Notre Dame’s Church Life Journal.
And that brings you up to date!
Thanks for reading and supporting Carrots this year. Y’all are the absolute best! Soon I’ll share a few of my favorite things I wrote in 2018 so stay tuned!
You have a beautiful life! Enjoy your Christmas and bask in the reward of all your hard work this year! Baby #1 reward of course!!
What a year! You have so much to be proud of!! And your sweet baby is just so sweet!
I love your blog, and I wanted you to know my husband bought me a copy of The Grace of Enough for Christmas. I’m so excited to read it!
I love this wrap-up, and I don’t know if I mentioned it earlier this year when it was happening, but your kitchen cabinets look so fantastic. That color makes so much more sense with the tile.
Thanks for sharing so much of your life!