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Since I love chatting about books, I’ve been trying to share our family’s current reads on a regular basis here on the blog. And some fabulous new books have come out lately (including a few that I’m giving away to a lucky reader!) so I wanted to share the love!
Here’s a few of the great titles I’ve picked up lately (And just scroll down to see how to enter the giveaway!):
(This post contains affiliate links. If a sale is made through an affiliate link, I may be compensated but all opinions are my own.)
Lately I Finished…:
The Scandal of Redemption by St. Oscar Romero
I know I’ve already shared about it on the blog and on social media, but I loved this book so much, I’m going to read it again!
Lovely: How I Learned to Embrace the Body God Gave Me by Amanda Martinez Beck
Christy and I interviewed Amanda for our most recent episode of the Fountains of Carrots podcast!
Current Reads:
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
I just started this middle grade historical fiction novel with the kids at bedtime. It’s about a young girl in Texas around the turn of the 20th century. We all like it so far!
The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
We’re just a few pages away from being done with The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh and I’m so sad it’s almost over! Even Benjamin (age 9) still enjoys it and it’s perfect to pick up when an afternoon (or pre-bedtime) tea party is a must.
In Tune with the World: A Theory of Festivity by Josef Pieper
I’m only five pages into this one, but I can tell it’s going to be one of the most thought-provoking reads of my year.
A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L’Engle
I’ve been on a L’Engle fiction kick lately (the Time quintet got me through the end of my pregnancy!), and I’ve always meant to pick up some of her non-fiction. Then lo and behold, this one was at the used bookstore, so I snatched it up. Haven’t cracked the cover yet!
Grieving Together: A Couple’s Journey Through Miscarriage by Laura and Franco Fanucci
Laura Fanucci is one of my favorite Catholic writers. Her words are so beautiful and wise and full of truth. I’ve been following her for ages and have had the pleasure of meeting her in person and staying up way too late talking in our pajamas. Laura is the real deal and I know the new book she wrote with her husband Franco is going to minister to so many hearts.
The Monk Manual by Steven Lawson
This is not your typical planner. It’s based on monastic principles to help you focus on the most important things. It’s simple and meticulously organized. So well-executed! I’m excited to start incorporating it into my days.
The Catholic All Year Compendium by Kendra Tierney
Kendra’s book is here! Kendra’s book is here! Kendra’s book is—-ok, I’ll stop (but I could keep going). This long-awaited book about liturgical living is going to be the last word on observing the Christian Year in the home. I know the kind of meticulous work Kendra has poured into it and look how beautiful it is! Just in time for Advent, folks. It’s been such a hit that Amazon is having trouble keeping it in stock so go ahead and order your copy so you can be part of the next shipment!
Drinking with St. Nick: Christmas Cocktails for Sinners and Saints by Michael P. Foley
Remember when we had Dr. Foley on the podcast? His Drinking with the Saints book is a treasure and now that I’m not pregnant, I’m excited to dive into this new lovely book of cocktail recipes, saints, and celebration for the holiday season! I JUST got my copy today (and I’m giving away a copy to a lucky reader, too). In fact…
I’m Giving Away….
Remember Your Death: Memento Mori Journal by Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble
I started following Sr. Theresa Aletheia on Twitter. She mostly tweets about how she put a skull on her desk to remind her that she’s going to die. (Nuns are so metal.) And she just released this awesome journal so you can be all memento mori, too! I honestly cannot wait to start writing in it and contemplating my mortality. Is that weird?
A copy of Radiant Magazine that includes my conversion story! And…
Book Girl by Sarah Clarkson
This book is an absolute treat for any bookish woman. It’s reflections on the importance of good stories on our formation as woman that will make you want to curl up with a cup of cocoa and a good book. And thankfully, Clarkson includes oodles of fabulous book lists so you’ll know just want to reach for.
Catechism of the Seven Sacraments by Kevin and Mary O’Neill
My nine-year-old thought this book was a delight and read the whole thing in one day! He has continued to re-read and enjoy it. It’s set in comic-book format with photographs of LEGO–very well done. It focuses on the Church’s teachings on the sacraments and touches on salvation history. It’s a beautiful hardback and would also make a great gift for godchildren who are too old for simple picture books but too young to gift a copy of the Catechism!
Gus Finds God by Michael P. Foley
This lovely picture book is drawn from St. Augustine’s Confessions! It’s about a little boy’s search for God through both the world around him and his own memory and the discoveries he makes. Some complex concepts made beautifully accessible to children!
And a signed copy of that lovely Drinking with St. Nick book, I was telling you about!
(To enter the giveaway to win thee five books and the magazine, head over to my Instagram account: @haleycarrots).
What are you reading and enjoying lately? Let me know in the comments!
My October reading included Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, and And Then There None by Agatha Christie (with some comfort re-reading thrown in here and there). Ended up loving all my October picks. This was only my second Christie novel ever, but I have decided everyone is right: she is Queen of the murder mysteries.
Currently working on Alcatraz from Inside by Jim Quillen (which I picked up AT Alcatraz on our recent vacation!!), and I have The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy and a biography on our 5th president James Monroe on the docket for November as well.
Love your bookish posts!
I love this post! Thanks for sharing. I discovered quite a few new titles to add to my list. The Ministry of Ordinary Places by Shannan Martin was my favorite read this month. On the fiction side I loved The Map of Salt and Stars about a family of Syrian refugees. The writing is so hauntingly beautiful. I find myself thinking about the story often.
I’m intrigued by that Monk Manual. Wish the website would show some close up pictures of the pages (maybe I need to watch the videos?). If you ended up using it, I’d love to hear more about how you liked it!