Hi, friends. It’s been pretty quiet on the blog this month for a number of reasons and I’ll be sharing more about that at some point. But I really wanted to jump in with an announcement that the virtual book tour for The Grace of Enough starts TODAY!
I’d love to do an in person book tour at some point but with a new baby, this fall doesn’t seem like an ideal time. So we’re doing the next best thing. Some of my favorite bloggers and podcasters are hosting a book tour for my new book and I’d love for you to join in by checking out the posts, interviews, and podcasts!
“Not very often does a book come around that makes me stop in the middle of reading a page and jump up to find a highlighter, wake up early to have a few extra minutes of reading, or mentally list the friends and family that I want to pass this book on to when I’m finished. It’s that good. I love the way Haley Stewart mixes her family’s personal stories in with practical suggestions for simplifying, adding beauty, and living intentionally.-L. DeLisio”

My library took my suggestion and ordered it! Now I’m waiting…less than patiently. I guess the virtual tour can tide me over till it comes in.
Thank you so much for suggesting it to your library!
I’ve just got your new book in my hands here in Ireland and after just a few chapters I am inspired and totally drawn into all of jewels of wisdom this book offers
Oh yay! So exciting to know it made it’s way across the pond!