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I’ve been getting most of my clothes from Stitch Fix for the past four years. I love their quality, the great picks from their stylists, and the invaluable perk of not having to waste my time shopping. I don’t enjoy clothes shopping and I’d rather spend that rare kid free time with a novel at a coffee shop!
I was excited when Stitch Fix offered some SF credit for my oldest three children to try out the new Stitch Fix Kids to stock up on clothes for the fall. But I didn’t expect my kids to be so….well…THRILLED at the prospect. I guess the idea of getting their very own box from Stitch Fix after seeing me get them for years and filling out their own little style profiles really did the trick. They asked EVERY DAY when their fixes would arrive.
- I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own.
Don’t know how Stitch Fix Kids works?
Here’s the basics: you answer some questions about your child’s style, size, and preferences on the SF site and write a note to the stylist about what items you and your child have in mind. (From experience, I know that the more specific your notes to your stylist are, the better the fix will be!)
- 8-12 items are chosen just for your child by their stylist!
- They offer size 2T-14.
- They arrive in a box right to your doorstep with notes from their stylist.
- Your child can try each item on.
- You can send back (or exchange for a different size) what doesn’t work in the easy peasy return bag for free and only purchase the items you love.
- If you purchase any of the items, the styling fee ($20) is waived.
- If you keep everything (which my kids did), you’ll get 25% off the cost of all the items.
For a kids’ fix, each item is significantly less expensive than the items that arrive in a regular fix for a grown up which I really appreciated because kids grow out of clothes so fast! And you can specify the price range you’d like to see (anywhere from $10-$35/item).
I’ll share the items my kids received in their fixes and then a price breakdown of their items!
Oh m’goodness, did this girl love her fix. Ok, without further ado…
What goofballs. I told them that the deal was that in exchange for cool clothes, mom got to take a bunch of pictures of them in their new wardrobes. Some of them were more cooperative than others, as you can see, but I mean….what’s more of a nightmare for a 9yo boy than mom taking a bunch of pictures of you with your little sisters? lol
Top: Stitch Fix, Leggings: Stitch Fix, Sandals: Target
Lucy, Outfit 1: Madison Lace Top by Nine One Eight, Leah Knit Leggings from Rumi + Ryder. My girls always reach for leggings instead of jeans or pants when cold weather hits so I really wanted some good quality leggings for fall. Lucy loved these navy blue ones and I loved this tunic-length top with them.
She especially loved the lace detail!
Dress: Stitch Fix, Shoes: Old Navy
Gwen, Outfit #1: Florence Bell Sleeve Dress by Joules. This dress is a HIT. She is digging those bell sleeves and Joules is such a quality company. This girl mostly wants to wear dresses and skirts so I specified that’s what we were primarily looking for.
Shirt: Stitch Fix, Jeans: Stitch Fix, Shoes:Stitch Fix, Hoodie:Stitch Fix
Benjamin, Outfit #1: Rory Kangaroo hoodie by adriano goldschmied kids, Fleix Ultra Flex 5 Pkt Slim Denim by Lazer, Mason Low Top Sneaker by Capelli New York, Alfie Long Sleeve Pocket Tee by Hanna Andersson. Benjamin’s favorite item was this hoodie. He can’t wait until it’s actually cool enough to wear it! For B I asked for primarily good pants for fall and tops he could wear to Mass.
And here’s a better look at the shirt. I LOVE Hanna Andersson clothes. Great quality made from great materials. So I was really pleased each of the kids got an item from Hanna Andersson.
Cool new kicks!
These little monkeys weren’t easy to wrangle for photos, lol!
Dress: Stitch Fix, Sandals: Target
Lucy, Outfit #2: Melody Scoop Neck Skater Dress by Hanna Andersson. Told you I love Hanna Andersson clothes! This is probably Lucy’s very favorite item in her fix.
Dresses:Stitch Fix, Gwen’s shoes:Stitch Fix
Gwen, Outfit #2: Jalissa Tiered Dress by Hanna Andersson, Mary Jane Sneaker by TOMS. And Gwen’s Hanna Andersson dress is also adorbs! And I love these cute Mary Jane’s her stylist picked out for her.
Pants:Stitch Fix, Shoes:Stitch Fix, Shirt:Stitch Fix
Benjamin, Outfit #2: AMS Slim Denim Pant by Warp + Weft, ELIJAH SS Solid Printed Woven Shirt by Level 10. All of Benjamin’s jeans had gaping holes in the knees (how does it happen SO FAST?!) and he was growing out of nice shirts to wear to Mass so this was a winning outfit!
Oh, when you’re surrounded by sisters!
Shirt:Stitch Fix, Skirt:Stitch Fix, Shoes: Target
Lucy, Outfit #3: Zoey Bow Stripe Swing Tee by Chenault Girl, Sara Tutu Skirt by Nine One Eight. This outfit is super on brand for sweet Lucy!
Dress: Stitch Fix, Shoes:Stitch Fix
Gwen, Outfit #3: Alina Jersey Skater Dress by Joules. Saving this one for when cold weather hits! So soft and so cute!
Shirt:Stitch Fix, Shorts:Stitch Fix, Shoes:Stitch Fix
Benjamin, Outfit #3: Scottie Woven Chino by Tailor Vintage, Robbie Linen Woven Top by Tailor Vintage. It is SO hot this summer (more than 40 days of 100+ temps!) and I love this combo for Mass when long pants and dress shirts are just miserable!
Dress:Stitch Fix, Shoes: Target, Flowers: The Garden
Lucy, Outfit #4: Caroline Skater Dress by Be Only You. I absolutely love that Lucy insisted on finding flowers for her hair to style this dress. What a cutie!
Dress:Stitch Fix, Shirt:Stitch Fix, Shoes:Stitch Fix
Gwen, Outfit #4: Dani Corduroy Dress by Joules, The Graphic Tunic by Rumi + Ryder. Gwen loves this dress. And this shirt….just WAIT FOR IT….
Pants: Stitch Fix, Shirt: Stitch Fix, Shoes: Old Navy
Benjamin, Outfit #4: Brady Slim Leg Knit Pant by DL1961, Button Up by Rumi + Ryder. He’s already worn this combo to Mass multiple times!
I only got one photo of these outfits so….
Lucy, Outfit #5: Lydia Skater Dress by love Glam Girl. This dress is in constant rotation and it’s so soft that sometimes she wears it as a nightgown.
Gwen, Outfit #5: Mina Ruffle Detail Pullover by Love Glam Girl, Leah Knit Leggings by Rumi + Ryder. I’ve stowed this cute outfit away for fall weather despite many protests from Gwen who wants to wear it every day.
I was able to get all of Benjamin’s 10 items in the first four outfit photos and he was QUITE ready to be done with photos so that’s it for him, lol.
Leggings: Stitch Fix, Sweater:Stitch Fix
Lucy, Outfit #6: Emerson Pullover Sweater by Nine One Eight (with the leggings from Outfit #1). Since it’s still triple digits temps I also put this outfit away until cooler weather. But Lucy really wanted you to see…
…the puppy dog’s little tail.
Jeans: Stitch Fix, Jacket:Stitch Fix, Shirt: Stitch Fix, Shoes:Stitch Fix
Gwen, Outfit #6: Elly Ruffle Denim Jacket by Miss Selfie, Lily Skinny Jean by Warp + Weft. I was on the fence about whether these jeans were too big, but since she won’t be wearing them for a couple more months at least I just decided to keep them. She’s a huge fan of this cute jacket!
And one final item: Basic Full Zip Hoodie by Hanna Andersson.
A few thoughts:
You don’t have to keep every item. If something doesn’t work, you can easily return it with the bag the give you to ship things back in (for free).
If you DO keep every item in a fix, you get 25% off everything. Since I REALLY liked each of the kids’ fixes, we kept everything to get the discount!
We don’t spend a lot of money on clothes and we do a lot of hand-me-downs (especially for the girls because we have a sweet cousin who passes cute things down to Gwen), so I was curious if I would find SF Kids to be a good deal for our family. I was actually really impressed by the prices for the quality of the clothes we received!
Here’s the price breakdown:
For Benjamin we got
- one pair of sneakers ($14)
- two pairs of jeans ($20, $28)
- one pair of dress pants ($38)
- one pair of dressy shorts ($18)
- one long-sleeved tee ($18)
- two short-sleeved button ups ($18, $18)
- one long-sleeved button up ($20)
- one hoodie ($26)
for $163.50 (that’s after the 25% discount for keeping the entire fix) so that’s about $16/item. I probably couldn’t beat that at Old Navy.
For Lucy we got
- one pair of sneakers ($18)
- one top ($16)
- one long-sleeved tunic ($14)
- one skirt ($24)
- one pair of leggings ($12)
- one sweater ($20)
- three dresses ($22, $22, $36)
- one hoodie ($30)
for $160.50 (again, after the 25% discount) so again, that’s about $16/item.
Gwen’s was the priciest fix. We got
- one pair of Mary Jane’s ($38)
- one pullover ($22)
- one t-shirt tunic ($14)
- one pair of leggings ($14)
- one pair of jeans ($28)
- four dresses ($30, $36, $40, $56)
- one jacket ($28)
for $229.50 so that’s about $23/item.
Exchanges: The pair of shoes sent to Lucy (not pictured) were too small. At checkout I chose the exchange option for a bigger size and it was super easy to get the right size in the mail the same week!
I really appreciated how closely the stylists created each child’s fix based on what needed items I asked for and their personal style. Each kid thought their fix was a hit!
I think Stitch Fix Kids is definitely something I’d consider for special occasions like birthdays in future or when I want an easy way to fill wardrobe holes! It was such a fun treat for the kids. To sign up a kid for Stitch Fix Kids or order a fix for yourself, you can head over to Stitch Fix!
Disclosure: Links to Stitch Fix are affiliate links. All opinions are my own. I only share with my readers products and services that I love and do/would purchase myself.
Ah! They’re all adorable and all the clothes are so great and I think those were some winning fixes!