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I’m always trying to figure out how to make it easier for families to observe the Christian Year because we felt so overwhelmed when we first started that journey (which is why we wrote the book we wish we had then). I thought it might be helpful for our family to have resources compiled for the month ahead so that we can plan in advance which special saints days we want to observe and I hope having them all in one place is helpful to you, too!
And I pinned all of the following resources on a July Liturgical Living pinterest board for your convenience!
As always, remember not to get overwhelmed. You don’t have to observe every saints day! (We certainly don’t at our house.) The liturgical year is a gift. It shouldn’t feel like a burden!
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July 3rd: St. Thomas the Apostle
Celebrating Around the Table:
I would definitely recommend some Indian food to celebrate this saint. Partly because Indian food is so good and partly because St. Thomas is believed to have traveled all the way to India to spread the Gospel. Here’s one option you could try:
- Grilled Chicken and Rice Salad with Curry-Saffron Dressing: Catholic Cuisine
Food for Thought:
- Feast of St. Thomas: Catholic Culture
July 6th: St. Maria Goretti
Celebrating Around the Table:
What about a southern Italian dish like Pasta Pescatore? We have a simplified version of a recipe for this dish in our liturgical year cookbook: Feast! Real Food, Reflections and Simple Living for the Christian Year.
July 9th: St. Augustine Zhao Rong and 119 Companions
Haven’t heard of this saint? He’s a good one to know! Augustine Zhao Rong was a soldier who escorted a Catholic Bishop, Monsignor Dufresse, to Beijing to be executed. Moved by the bishop’s willingness to be martyred, Augustine became a Christian and entered seminary. Once a priest, he was arrested, tortured and killed. The 119 companions were martyred between 1648 to 1930.
Celebrating Around the Table:
How about something simple and delicious like fried rice? We have a recipe in Feast! for fried rice, or you can try this version.
July 11th: St. Benedict
(This post contains Amazon affiliate links)
Book Suggestions:
The Holy Twins: Benedict and Scholastica by Kathleen Norris and Tomie dePaola
The Life of St. Benedict by Br. John McKenzie, O.S.B.
July 12th: Saints Louis and Zelie Martin
Lots of great ideas in this post from Shower of Roses!
July 14th: St. Kateri Tekakwitha
Celebrating Around the Table:
What about a meal of ingredients native to North America to celebrate this Native American saint? Like Roast Acorn Squash and Wild Rice with Cranberries? We’ve got a recipe for you in our second liturgical year ebook: More Feasts!
July 16th: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Celebrating Around the Table:
These Brown Scapular Brownies from Catholic Cuisine are super cute!
July 22nd: St. Mary Magdalene
Food for Thought:
That Time St. Mary Magdalene Found Me: Carrots for Michaelmas
July 26th: Saints Joachim and Anne
Celebrating Around the Table:
The Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim (menu and recipes): Carrots for Michaelmas
July 31st: St. Ignatius Loyola
Celebrating Around the Table:
A Feast for St. Ignatius of Loyola: Catholic Cuisine
The 31st is also my due date with baby #4 (Hildegard Rose) so I’d love your prayers during this time!
Do you have any special traditions for holy days in July? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
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