Welcome back to Good Music Monday at Carrots! After dealing with the aftermath of a viral post that was (sadly) controversial, I was ready for something lighter this morning. And since a reader requested a new playlist, I thought that would be a good way to ease back into the week.
And before we dive in, I want to thank each and every one of you who sent me an email, a message on twitter, or contacted me through Instagram or Facebook to encourage me last week about my post about rejecting white supremacy. Thank you for sharing it. Thank you for believing that the dignity of every human person is important. Thank you for being willing to look at something ugly, knowing that the truth is more important than our discomfort. For every person who accused me of spreading “the lies of Satan” (yes, this actually happened) there were 50 of you telling me how the post encouraged you, inspired you, or motivated you to research the alt-right movement. So many people contacted me to say, “I just didn’t know about this movement until I read your post and started to look into it.” Shining a light on the alarming white supremacist ideology so that faithful people of goodwill would be aware was what I hoped to achieve. So while dealing with all the hate mail wasn’t exactly a treat, I am glad I sent this piece out there. And your encouragement and love meant more than you know.
Ok, so I created a Spotify playlist so you can listen to some fun jams. This one has a mix of guilty pleasure bands for some catchy tunes and some meatier stuff.
Ready for some good music?
(You might have to click over to the actual site to access the Spotify playlist if you’re reading on a feed reader.)
- Cracks and Creases: Serengeti (This is one that showed up on my Discover Weekly and I thought it was a good start to a Monday morning.)
- The Glow: Sylvan Esso (I pretty much love everything she touches.)
- Good Grief: Bastille (I feel like Bastille is a little bit of a guilty pleasure band but….this one is just SO catchy.)
- Gone for Good: The Shins (You should listen to The Shins. It’ll change your life. Or at least that’s what Garden State told me.)
- Live And Die: The Avett Brothers (Benjamin LOVES this one.)
- All Your Favorite Bands: Dawes (I’ve been getting into Dawes lately because Lucy’s godfather really likes them and this song is just a delight.)
- Run for Cover: The Killers (It’s no secret that I adore The Killers. While their album was half fantastic, half forgettable, I’m a big fan of this song.)
- Shake: The Head and the Heart (Have I already put this song on a playlist? I can’t remember. I think I put a Head and the Heart song on every playlist.)
- Babylon: David Gray (Should out to my sophomore year in high school jam. Pretty sure I know every word on this album.)
- Good Heart: David Ramirez (I got to see David Ramirez play in September and was super impressed. His new album is great. His old album is great.)
- Jackrabbit: San Fermin (Is this not the catchiest song ever?!)
- This Year: The Mountain Goats (I’ve always felt kinda obligated to like The Mountain Goats because they titled an album after my hometown, Tallahassee. But I’m not sure I’ve really loved any of the songs I’ve heard until this one.)
- Want You Back: HAIM (Just catchy.)
- Sedona: Houndstooth (This is one of those songs Spotify finds for you that I ended up really liking. Well done, algorithm.)
- Anna Sun: WALK THE MOON (I think I’ve put this song on a playlist before, but this is a different version, I think. And it’s so good and a good way to finish out Monday morning.)
Hope you enjoy it!
I was hoping another GMM would be coming soon… And here it is! Thanks ?
Out of curiosity, have you heard of the band Lord Huron? Their song, “Fool For Love” specifically made me think of you and this playlist/series.
So funny that you suggested that song, Sara because when you make a playlist on Spotify, they recommend songs to you that fit with what you created and that was one of the songs they suggested! I’ll have to check it out. <3
Thanks for sharing the cool music with us, and I’m grateful for your writing last week.
Thanks, Carol!
I remember reading that post. It was right on! I am a 49 yr old college student in my 2nd year at HACS (solidly Catholic) and let me tell you, I have had to stretch my own self more than once to discover the Truth of something I thought I already knew.
Thankfully, I read the entiretly of TOB this past summer-not only read it, but broke it down and was graded on every thought I responded with. So here’s the thing….children are gifts in and of themselves. So is a wife or husband. So is the family. Everything is gift.
When we start thinking we can create a child and then “accomplish any …’thing'” of our own selfish desires we enter into error. Even if I think something innocently perceived as good, such as “I am going to be a great mom!” I then have entered into the potential to quickly head down the dangerous path of viewing my own prideful reflections in the mirror of my child’s accomplishments. Remember Plato’s cave and ending up not being able to see anything unless it was through a refection?
“What a nice family you have; you’re such a good mom.” That’s an awesome thing to hear, right? If I’m living my life with the desire to accomplish a goal-any goal other than to acknowlege the human person is pure gift, the family is gift, then I would ageee… I am a pretty good mom. But if I am viewing myself through the reflection of my family, not so much. The truth is, I am good when I view myself directly as my own gift and see myself as God created me. My own gift to myself. It is only then that I am able to let everyone around me be who they authentically are: their own gift.
All is gift.
And that, is how we save the world because that is how the world began.
Such great insights!
Great list! Haven’t heard David Ramirez before – really enjoying him, so thanks for the new find.
My husband and I also love Lord Huron; definitely worth a listen, I agree.
Also, our current favorite is Gregory Alan Isakov – particularly This Northern Hemisphere and the live album with the Colorado Symphony. If you haven’t heard any of his stuff, you must!