Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
A few years ago we were living a life we didn’t want. It included an unfulfilling office 9-5 for Daniel that required too much overtime and didn’t leave enough hours for family time. We just weren’t thriving.
Now we’re both doing good work that fuels our creativity. We are all thriving. And I am so glad we took the leap we did to change our lives and get where we are now.
When we first announced our crazy plan to switch careers, sell our house and most of our stuff, and move across the country for Daniel to begin a farming internship so we could pursue the life we wanted, my inbox FILLED UP. I had so many people write to tell us how jealous they were of what was in store for us and how desperately they wanted to also get “unstuck.” And the most pressing question that came up was “HOW? How did you decide to take this step? How did you make it happen? And how, as a married couple, do you make huge decisions like this?”
I wrote so many email responses that I started compiling ideas to make a little ebook about making big decisions as a couple–pursuing the life you want without neglecting your marriage and your family. Then this spring I expanded it after interviewing several couples I really respect who have made various (sometimes very unconventional) choices to help their families thrive.
After this journey, I am more passionate than ever about helping families thrive and pursue their passions. And I want couples to learn how and when to follow their dreams without stressing out their marriages or neglecting the needs of their families.
My 42 page ebook, Making Big Life Changes Together: Pursuing Your Dreams as a Couple offers advice on:
- Putting your marriage first
- Finding the time and space to communicate with your spouse about life goals
- Creating a family vision
- Choosing the right time to make a change
- Minimizing conflict
- Troubleshooting
- Dealing with naysayers
- Conquering your fears
It’s currently $5.99 and available as a PDF download:
Hey Haley! I just ordered mine and I am so excited! What are the special directions for getting your awesome book list! I can’t wait to check out your recommendations! God bless!
Hi Christine! I’m officially announcing with all the details on that tomorrow, but I will be sharing a google doc for folks to enter their email addresses and then I’ll mail it out to you on Tuesday when the bundle is over
I am SO excited about it!
I love this! Helping people pursue their dreams is a big passion of mine as well. My husband and I had our own “jumping off of a dock” experience two years ago when we started our own business, but it has been such a rewarding and life-changing experience. I shared part of our story here on a series I did about Millenials Pursuing Their Dreams: http://halfkindled.com/milenialls-pursuing-their-dreams-husband-and-wife-team-start-their-own-business/. It was interesting as I interviewed people for the series to see common threads show up whether they were pursuing publishing a novel, traveling the world as a family, or gymnastics.
Can’t wait to read your ebook, I purchased the bundle yesterday and am already enjoying digging into it.
Thanks for being an inspiration for those who are thinking of making a change! Life is too short to not make the changes necessary to thrive!
Not married or a mama here, but making those decisions is still SO difficult because it’s that gap of wondering “Will this work?” and even more importantly “Is this God’s Will?”
Whew! Going through similar beginnings of changes myself. I have a steady job that provides well for myself, but it’s daily drudgery and lacks creativity that I thrive on! This gives me great hope that if God calls you out of it, He is calling you into something far greater!
How did I miss this by a day! Is there a way I an still get your e-book?! Please say yes – my husband and I are changing our lives/location/careers right now!