It’s the best time to the year to hang out at the farm: BABY ANIMAL SEASON. I’m glad that even though the internship is over and we don’t live there anymore, we can still snuggle all the babies because Daniel works there.
The baby goats will always be my favorite. The kids love getting a chance to bottle feed the little snuggle muffins.
Did someone say BABY BUNNIES?
Meet Taco, our new calf. I got a text from Daniel a couple of weeks ago that said, “I just bought us a cow.” These are the kinds of texts I get. He’s absolutely the cutest thing ever and Daniel takes him on walks along the farm road. I have to NOT hang out with Taco or else I won’t be able to eat the tacos he’s going to make. Ground beef coming soon to a freezer near you.
This is my favorite view from my favorite writing spot in Waco. The rooftop of a great coffee place. This week I about lost my mind over how bad this article of 10 Must-Take Photos in Waco is. Almost half of the photos were taken at the same place: Chip and Joanna’s Magnolia and one is a GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH. I really expect something better from Southern Living. While I’m sure people who are into Fixer Upper want to see the Silos, they’re really at the bottom of my list of wonderful things to do in Waco. I know I talk about it on Twitter like once a week but WACO IS MORE THAN FIXER UPPER. End rant. Begin working on an accurate must-see list of Waco sights.
We had a great time talking Lent with Nell O’Leary on last week’s episode. It’s not too late to check it out and get pumped up for Lent!
Upcoming Events:
Just can’t wait for the Catholic Women Blogging Network Midwest conference this month! There’s still time to register and it’s going to be great. Here’s a post about why you should go.
How to Lent with Kids: Cari Donaldson for Catholic Exchange
The Politics of Retelling Norse Mythology: The Atlantic (Now I really want to add this book to my reading list.)
How to Plan an Elegant Kid-Friendly Wedding Reception: The Evangelista
And psst! Stitch Fix that I often feature in my Friday Fashion Frivolity posts just launched plus sizing in their fixes! I’ve gotten a lot of emails over the years from gals who were bummed that SF didn’t offer more sizes so I’m glad they do now.
You can click here to check out Stitch Fix. <–And that’s my affiliate link. Thanks!
I hope you have a lovely weekend! My bestie and podcast co-host Christy is coming to Texas this weekend and we’re going to get to hang out for a few hours IN REAL LIFE for the first time in almost two years, so I’m pretty excited! #fountainsofcarrotsforever
Lots of love,
P.S. You can follow me…
…by subscribing to my newsletter that goes out monthly, following with Bloglovin’, Feedly, or subscribing to posts via email. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter (@haleycarrots), Pinterest (haleyofcarrots), and Instagram (haleycarrots).
Not sure if I’ve missed it but as an Austinite who has never seen Fixer Upper but has been wanting to plan a Waco visit I’d LOVE a Carrots Waco Guide!
Ok! I need to make it happen!
You know how I feel about that list. Just, NO.
Make a new list, Haley. Make on quick! I’m dying! My hometown is so much better than the Silos!
Ha! I knew that list would make you nuts, too. I need to write that post! But I’m honestly overwhelmed…which is funny because Waco, but there is so much here that I love.
Taco is adorable. I would have to stay well away from him too! Have fun at the conference – got to get me to one of those soon, they sound lovely.
I’m so excited about it!
I can’t wait to see YOUR Waco list! I live in West, but work in west Waco, and, Yeah, I’m also kind of tired of the whole “fixer upper” phenom… They have brought a lot of positive press to Waco, but still! There’s so much more to this town!! Ugh!
I love West!
Seriously so annoyed with Fixer Upper, but maybe it’ll help everyone forget about the Branch Davidians?
True! It could be worse 😉
I love that the cow goes on walks!
Texas Ranger muesem! 🙂
You know Tolkien was a renowned expert in Norse mythology, right? We read the Prose and Poetic Eddas at a university class to better understand Tolkien’s work. So unless you hate Tolkien, now you really have to read the Gaiman book 🙂