Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
You know I have a podcast, right? Sometimes I think I don’t share enough over here at Carrots about the podcast I co-host with my friend and fellow-blogger Christy Isinger because I’m always getting, “Wait! You have a PODCAST? How did I miss that?” from readers. I must not be doing a very good job at telling you about it!
So….friends, I have a podcast! It’s called Fountains of Carrots and Christy and I chat everything from motherhood, faith, and art to our favorite reads and tv shows. Most of our listeners are probably Catholic mums, but we don’t always talk about the Pope or motherhood, I promise. We try to make sure at least half of our episodes would be applicable to moms and non-moms alike and usually we end up with far fewer motherhood episodes than on other topics. We even have the occasional male guest, so you can listen in, too, gentlemenfolk.
We’ve got more than 50 episodes in the archives and our most recent episode was one of our “book club” episodes where Christy and I read the same book and discuss it (after giving our FB group members enough time to grab themselves a copy and read it, too). And we have a blast in the Fountains of Carrots Raspberry Cordial Social Club FB group talking Poldark, favorite reads, and enjoying some great community so if you haven’t joined, we’d love to have you.
Podcasting has become one of my very favorite things to do online which is why I’m thrilled to be doing a little more of it. As of today, I’ll be co-hosting one of my favorite podcasts (and the very first podcast I ever starting listening to!) once-a-month with my friend Tsh Oxenreider. And we’ll be talking books. Can you say dream project? Our first book episode published this morning and my pick was Sense and Sensibility. So if you’re in the mood for some Austen talk, check it out.
OK, moving on to giveaway winners!
Congrats to Ashley M. and Katherine McHale for winning the Advent candle making kit from Toadily Handmade Beeswax Candles! For those of you who didn’t win, Toadily Handmade is offering a 10% off discount code through the end of October for Carrots readers: ADVENT10
So be sure to head on over and stock up on Advent candles and beautiful fall pillars before the end of the month!
And for my fellow bloggers or aspiring bloggers, this week there’s a steal of a deal called the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit. So if you want to learn more about earning a living through blogging or if you’re feeling burnt out and want to learn how to work smarter, there are some fantastic resources included.
And I’ll be doing a live webinar on social media for the Master’s in Blogging level which should be a blast. I won’t be sharing about this resource again at Carrots during this sale because I know most of my readers aren’t bloggers and it just doesn’t apply, but for those of you who are, I wanted to give you a heads up. So check it out, bloggers!
Oh! And if you’re in the DC area, I’m speaking on Friday night at St. Peter’s on liturgical living and I would love to get to meet you and chat there!
Disclosure: Links to the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit are affiliate links. If you order through my links, a portion of the sale will benefit my family. Thank you for supporting Carrots!
I’m so glad you posted about your podcast because I was going to them through your menu bar and new ones are not there. I was a bit bummed and thought you stopped. Thanks for posting!