Welcome back to Good Music Monday at Carrots! So, here’s a Spotify playlist just for you to enjoy on this (hopefully warm and lovely) May Monday whether you’re making the morning drive, cleaning up the breakfast dishes, or whatever your day requires.
Here’s a mix of what I’ve been listening to lately when I need a boost. And considering the political climate in the US right now, I think we ALL need a boost. It’s a mix of happy, sunny songs and some more melancholic heartbreaking songs.
(And you might have to click over to the actual site to access the Spotify playlist if you’re reading on a feed reader.)
- CAN’T STOP THE FEELING!: Justin Timberlake (This is just so fun and catchy and happy.)
- Ain’t No Man: Avett Brothers (Been especially loving this one considering the intolerable options available on election day this year.)
- Renaissance!: San Fermin (A reader turned me on to this one! Loving it.)
- Dreams Come True: Brandon Flowers (Love every song on this album.)
- The River: Anathallo (One of my favorite bands of all time. Daniel knew one of the guys pretty well back in Florida when they used to tour there sometimes.)
- 3 Strikes: Terror Jr. (I can’t understand what she’s saying so I’m not sure it’s remotely appropriate. But it’s like driving around at night kinda music, not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.)
- The Wolf: Mumford and Sons (Is it still cool to love Mumford? Who cares. Love ’em.)
- The Underdog: Spoon (An old one, but Spoon is just the best.)
- Charles de Gaulle: Letts (A new one to me. “I’ll still love you when I’m bones.”)
- Little Numbers: BOY (Just TRY to not tap your toes to this one.)
- Now: Mates of State (Mates of State are always catchy.)
- Don’t Panic: Coldplay (I’ve been listening to a lot of old Coldplay lately. It’s still so good.)
- Shake: The Head and the Heart (Hey, remember when I found out that Blythe’s brother is in The Head and the Heart and my brain exploded?)
- Back to You: Twin Forks (This one has a kind of Lumineers or Mumford feel.)
- Harmony: Goodnight, Texas (I may have just included this one because the band is called Goodnight, Texas. True confessions.)
- West Coast: Coconut Records (New to me. Super catchy.)
- That Moon Song: Gregory Alan Isakov (I love Gregory Alan Isakov. Definitely good melancholy music.)
Wishing all of you a fantastic week full of good music!
This playlist will be fantastic today! We are just coming off of a big weekend ( a 5 yr old birthday and Mother’s Day) and it is raining this morning. Things might get a bit interesting 🙂
That is a big weekend!
I love Little Numbers! It was my summer jam last year!
Can’t wait to jam to this playlist. And I think it’s still cool to love Mumford. If it isn’t, that’s okay too. I’ve never been one of the cool kids. 🙂
So good! I don’t know how I missed it when it came out. <3
AH! I get SO excited when I find other Anathallo fans! A good friend of mine introduced them to me in college and they were my first squeeze-into-a-tiny-indie-venue type of show. :o) I’m still heartbroken that they broke up.
And Spoon IS just the best. We listened to They Want My Soul again this weekend and I’m really digging it.
Me, too! I miss them! Anathallo forever.
Something that made me like Coconut Records even better was realizing that Jason Schwartzman (you know the guy from Rushmore?) is the singer.
Did NOT realize that! It does make it even better.
So…I’ve never heard of any of these songs, but you were right, they were all quite catchy. I think I’m gonna look up a few and maybe get them. I really like that “Little Numbers” one. Definitely toe-tappin’ good! “Back To You” sounds fun too. Thanks for introducing me to some new music!
My pleasure, Janice 🙂
I LOVE your playlists! I’m getting to know so many new artists — which is tough when you are a working mom of 3. I never get to explore cool music!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again — we would be great friends. 🙂
Aw, thanks, Jenni! I’ve been feeling the same way about never having any new music, so I’ve been doing more exploring on Spotify lately <3