They’re here! They’re here! BABY GOATS!
On Valentine’s Day someone noticed that one of the mama goats, Amaretto, was in early labor so we all walked up to the kid barn to see what was going on. We watched her labor for over an hour and then a sweet little buck came out breech. Yikes! You could tell it was a tough labor.
Daniel had to help get the little guy out because he got a little stuck since he was positioned the wrong way. But then the mama had no trouble birthing two sweet little does!
We’re obsessed.
Then two more kids were born a couple days later and another one at the end of the week.
They play and sleep all day. And we bottle feed them because they’re going to be milk goats and there’s a bunch of reasons that seems to work best but I won’t go into all that right now.
Needed to sneak another goat selfie in there. #sorrynotsorry
So that’s what we’ve been up to. Daniel’s definitely been working overtime since in addition to the six kids, 40 chicks arrived on Thursday. It’s been a little nuts over here.
So far five goats have been named by various farmies: Valentino, Lil Wanda, Princess Svetlana Queen of Swag, Miriam, and Thomas Shelby King of Birmingham. That last one was my contribution, in honor of Tommy in Peaky Blinders. Although the other frontrunners were Don Draper or Diana Barry if I got to name a doe.
Two fun podcasts to share! I had the great honor and joy of being a guest on Tsh Oxenreider’s podcast The Simple Show. Tsh’s show was the first podcast I ever listened to and I’ve loved it ever since so I was thrilled to chat with her about our move to the farm. You can check it out here.
And Christy and I covered small house living, how to survive winter, and how we feel about the new Anne miniseries on our Fountains of Carrots podcast this week.
And a couple of things I enjoyed reading this week:
The Long Miles: Mama Needs Coffee
Is This You Today?: Mama Knows, Honeychild
And remember that the Faces of Mercy online conference for busy moms starts tonight!
Some of my favorites like Jennifer Fulwiler, Simcha Fisher, and Kimberley Hahn are speaking and it should be awesome!
You can use the discount code “Carrots” to get a discount on the conference!
And if you’re in College Station, head over to the St. Mary’s Catholic Center on Wednesday night because Daniel and I will be speaking about striving for the opposite of the throwaway culture. We’d love to see you there!
Wishing you all a beautiful Saturday! We’ll snuggle some baby goats for you.
Lots of love,
P.S. Some of you were bummed to miss the essential oils deal of $20 cash back on top of the 10% off discount on starter kits. So I decided that I would personally offer $20 cash back through the end of the month. You can read all about the deal here and just email me ( if you have any questions!
P.P.S. You can follow me…
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Oh, all of these pictures are so adorable! I want to cuddle a baby goat now! I’m so happy that y’all get to experience that awesomeness 🙂
Aw thanks, AnneMarie!
Love Princess Svetlana Queen of Swag!!! What a bunch of cutie pies.
One of the volunteers named her that! Haha, it’s so good.
Y’all are going to love St. Mary’s! That’s the church I converted at. I may have to see about taking a trip up that night for your talk.
College Station! My husband and I went to St. Mary’s for RCIA. We both converted after 3 years of marriage eleven years ago. Aah! I would have loved to meet you, but now we are in Germany. So far! So bummed!
I registered for the women’s conference a few weeks back & paid for it but I haven’t received any follow up emails & am not sure how to access it. Can you help?