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“Is it forbidden for a Catholic to use essential oils?” I’ve been asked this question several times lately since I started my essential oils business and the first time I was baffled by it. For that question to even be asked I think there must be serious misunderstanding of what essential oils are, so let’s start with the basics:
What Are Essential Oils?
An essential oil is a highly concentrated oil containing the volatile aroma compounds of plants. So to make lavender oil, for instance, you’d need about 150 pounds of lavender flowers to make one pound of lavender essential oil. While they’ve become very popular in the past few years, essential oils aren’t a new thing. They’ve been used for ages and are even referenced in the Bible. They’re probably in the shampoo in your shower and cleaning products under your sink, too.
So what we’re dealing with here is oils made from plants: Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemon, Oregano, Rose, and hundreds of others.
So Why Is Anyone Scared of Essential Oils?
I’m not exactly sure. I’m thinking that maybe folks are imagining this:
When really, they’re just this:
Maybe it’s that essential oils are considered kind of crunchy and sometimes Catholics get nervous about the crunch. Drinking raw milk seems innocent enough, but could it be a gateway to drinking the blood of virgins in a pagan ritual? That was a joke. But you know what I mean. It’s gets a little silly.
Because some folks who practice New Age spirituality (which yes, is a big no no for Catholics!) are also often interested in That Granola Life, Catholics can have a knee-jerk reaction to anything crunchy without rationally considering the facts of the matter.
So here’s a helpful test to help you figure out whether you’re using essential oils the right way:
Question 1: Are you using Lavender oil for bug bites? Are you making your own deodorant with tea tree oil? Are you using Purification blend to get the stink out of musty laundry?
Answer: Your soul doesn’t seem to be in danger.
Question 2: Are you diffusing oils while trying to channel the spirits of the dead?
Answer: You are using essential oils incorrectly.
Now I’m not saying that there’s no complexity to these issues at all. There’s certainly people who use essential oils in a way that seems very “woo woo” to me. I steer clear of that.
But essential oils were being used long before New Age was a thing and they’re backed by plenty of science. Certain oils are anti-bacterial or anti-fungal. Some of them smell so good that you want to eat your diffuser. Just because some crunchy folks of the New Age-y persuasion use oils, doesn’t mean that they’re off limits for Catholics who plan to add them to their home toolkit for health and cleaning. That’s just silly logic. I mean after all, New Age practice also uses candles and incense. And last time I went to Mass it didn’t seem like Catholics were avoiding either of those things.
So essential oils are ok for Catholics? Yes. But don’t use them for anything that is against Catholic teaching. Seems pretty common sense-y, right? Ta da!
Need some oils?
Personally I use therapeutic grade oils from Young Living because I love their seed to seal guarantee and feel confident in the high quality of their product. I started using their oils last summer and started distributing them this past fall. If you’ve been wanting to jump in with essential oils, I recommend beginning with the Premium Starter Kit which includes 11 oils, a diffuser, and extra goodies and samples.
After ordering a kit, you receive wholesale membership and can get all your Young Living products at 24% off retail price (no strings attached).
Here’s how to order your kit:
- You will go to Young Living’s web site
- Click on United States (or your country if you live outside the U.S.).
- Click on Become a Member at the top of the page. (Becoming a member does NOT mean that you have to sell oils or that you have to make a monthly order! So don’t worry.)
- When it says who introduced you, check the first circle and put 2736034 in both spots.
- Fill out info and sign in information.
- For tax info, click the top circle that says individual-here they will ask for your social security number only because it is a federal law and they will only use it for tax purposes if you ever decide to sell.
- Check that you have read terms and agreements and continue.
- Pick premium starter kit and skip essential rewards. Indicate “no, thank you” to autoship.
- You can click on checkout or continue shopping.
- Once your order processes, I will email you and connect with you on Facebook to add you to an Facebook group about how to use your oils exclusive to members.
If you have any questions, I’m happy to help! Just email me at haley@carrotsformichaelmas.com
Disclosure: I am an independent distributor with Young Living, so I will receive a commission when orders are made through me. I only share about products I use and love at Carrots.
The Stress Away blend sounds great!
I’m really interested in the Thieves blend. Isn’t Thieves good for cleaning and disinfecting?
Thieves! I’ve heard it has so many uses!
I am interested in trying thieves oil
Oooh! I’d love to try stress-away in the mornings during our hustle to get 3 kids ready for school and out the door.
This is hilarious but really taps a theme that I think many have been afraid to address. Using eos is kind of like mixing potions and many herbalist and natural health practitioners have been accused of being witches throughout human history. Great article. Great offer.
Sorry did add my “to try” choice… Purification. I have actually tried another eo companies equivalent blend and could not stand the smell. Hoping to find an alternative.
I really want to try thieves oil to combat the start of a cold. I’ve heard rave reviews of young living oils.
Wow what a giveaway! I am most interested in trying the stress away to help lessen anxiety.
I would love to try Joy especially with these dreary winters in MI!
Frankincense ! Sounds so exotic to be using in my home
The Joy essential oil sounds like a perfect complement to Easter festivities!
Joy sounds INCREDIBLE. Could definitely use that in my oil arsenal!
I’d like to try them all for different reasons! The one I’d open first though would be Thieves Oil… I love the smell and I’ve heard it helps kill airborne germs? That would be wonderful for Wisconsin in the winter!!
Haley, can you link to a reputable source regarding the use of EOs during pregnancy? Which should be avoided and for what purposes?
Young Living sells a manual with uses and recommendations for all their oils. Pregnancy-related information is included, if I’m not mistaken.
Best for my pregnancies: AromaEase as a diffusion or on wrists to combat morning sickness, Lavender on my tummy for sour stomach, Peppermint + Lavender on my temples and necks for pregnancy migraines, and PanAway for all those after labor aches.
Avoid clary sage during pregnancy, it can trigger contractions.
Thieves, to prevent illness!
Tea tree- seems like there are so many uses!
I’ve got the postpartum blahs (not depression, just blahs) so the Joy sounds great. Also, funny post
I’ve heard so much about Thieves, I’d love to try it! Somehow I’m having trouble pulling the trigger on buying a diffuser/starter kit. Perhaps winning one would sway me in the right direction
Joy sounds wonderful right now. I could use a boost. Or StressAway, or PanAway, or Thieves, or frankincense, or…yes, all of them!
Tea Tree oil for me!
Stress away sounds awesome! But I really want to do homemade detergent so tea tree oil is one I’m most wanting to try!
Deodorant! Not detergent. ?
WOW! Now that’s a great giveaway and your post made me laugh! I would love to try the stress-away! Trying to build up my own business = stress!!
Streessssss away pleeeeeeeeaaazzzee.
Frankincense- it is such a beautiful scent that reminds me of Church.
I would like to try the Joy oil.
Would love to try stress away
I really want to try Joy! I’m pregnant and my mom has really talked up oils, but I haven’t had the extra cash to jump in.
I got Thieves and a diffuser for Christmas so I would love to branch out. I think Stress away for Joy would be lovely, especially on those days when no one naps
FYI, my daughter loves Peace & Calming + Lavender for her naps.
My practical side would like to try the Thieves blend. But I really need the Stress Away!
I would love to try the’Joy’ blend!!
I’d love to try stress away!
I have used EOs over the years but have never tried Thieves! What a great giveaway. Thank you so much!
I’ve heard so many great things about Thieves and have wanted to try it for a long time!
I would love to try Joy it sounds delightful!
I would love to try Frankincense!!!!
I would love the Stress Away blend. Or anything else that would help a nursing twin mombie.
I would LOVE to try the Thieves blend, I’ve heard so many amazing things about it, and I already own a lemon and tea tree oil. But literally all of them sound amazing, what an awesome giveaway!!!
I don’t know anything about essential oils, but after reading your post, the contrarian in me wants to try them!
Purification Blend sounds like I would never have to dust again, so that’s my pick.
The Stress Away sounds dreamy!
I would love to try Thieves oil. It seems to have so many benefits.
Oh my goodness! The tea tree oil! Mama needs some help with deodorant! I’ve been wanting to cut deodorant for years but haven’t found anything that helps in the aroma department. ?
Definitely interested in trying Frankincense, mostly for biblical recognition. <3
I’d love to try whatever oil will help my 1 year old & 7 year old sleep through the night
After that I would like to try the stress away for myself.
I love Stress Away (I’m using it right now!), but I would love to try Thieves and Joy (can I pick two?! )
Peppermint! I have used it for headaches and I swear it is miraculous. Just kidding… Although really and truly it makes total sense that God gave us things found in nature to help alleviate pain.
I would like to try the Stress Away!
Stress away! S’il vous plait!
Tea Tree! I’ve been hearing lots about it lately!!!
I would love to try Joy Blend–the components sound like they would smell amazing together!
Frankincense because I’ve heard it has so many uses!
Stress Away!
I’ve been very interested in giving EOs a try. I’ve been particularly intrigued by the uses I’ve heard described for Thieves, so I’ll make that my choice for the comment
I’ve never used any kind of mixed blend oil just the straight up scents, so both Stress Away and Joy both sound like a wonderful contenders to a new favorite diffusing oil.
The Purification® Essential Oil Blend: Contains Citronella, Rosemary, Lemongrass oil, Tea tree, Lavandin, and Myrtle, sounds amazing!! Especially for my family!
Tea tree oil. I have heard good things but never had the nerve to get some.
Lol yes! Let’s use our smart brains please people. I’d love to try Frankincense!
The frankincence sounds interesting!
The Stress Away sounds amazing!
Joy! Although I have also seen a hormone support blend on instagram that looks interesting.
A friend had Joy in her diffuser at home, and it was awesome! I would love that for my home as well.
The Joy Blend sounds fabulous!
Thieves oil- curious about all of them, really, though!
I’ve never used essential oils before, but I’m beginning to become interested. Have heard the Thieves is good for when family members are sick and ’tis the season.
I’d like to try thieves oil! I’ve heard it mentioned for lots of uses. The stress away would be a close second to try out.
Love this: “Maybe it’s that essential oils are considered kind of crunchy and sometimes Catholics get nervous about the crunch.” – so true!
I’d like to try stress away!
I’d love to try Joy!
Stress away and joy:)
Purification! Our laundry always has a musty smell, but we can’t use detergents with a lot of perfumes and harsh chemicals because of my daughter’s eczema. Help!
Lavender Oil, I think it would smell amazing!
I would love to try the Joy blend!
I want to try frankincense because I have heard it might be a miracle oil and also Jesus used it.
This quiz was so helpful (and made me laugh out loud). Used “joy” years ago for depression and it was great but would be really excited to try frankincense!
I would like to try the stress away oil!!
I’m interested in the Purification Blend. Today feels like Spring in Portland, so I’m ready to get rid of the winter mustiness!
I’m interested in Thieves. I feel like I’ve heard so much about diffusing oils and using them in the home. I’m intrigued but overwhelmed by where to begin.
I’ve always heard great things about these “forbidden” oils ;-). I’d try any of them, but Stress Away sounds like a stress free one to try
Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!
I would love to win this, thanks for holding the giveaway! I have mainly used essential oils for cleaning purposes, so I would love to try the Stress Away oil (because stress –> away) and the Thieves’ oil because I feel like I’ve read it’s good for immunity-strengthening purposes, or something (I would do my homework before using it
How fun! I’ve always wanted to try Thieves!
Joy is a happy oil, sounds great to me!
Haha, love your explanation
I was pretty dumbfounded to see a debate on this recently online! I just can’t even comprehend people thinking that plant oils would be evil. Anyhoo…Frankincense!! It’s been on my list of oils to stock and I haven’t taken the plunge yet. It seems awesome. Thanks, Haley!
With a newborn in the house, purification really appeals to me!
Definitely most interested in the Joy! I’m working on focusing on that in my life, and a scent can’t hurt!
Homeschooling 4 kids has been a bit exhausting lately. I’d love to have a scent that I can put in the diffuser to keep us all calm and focused! Rosemary? This giveaway is amazing! Thanks for the chance!!!
I would love to try Joy and frankinsence. Hope I don’t get disqualified for naming 2!
Thieves! I’ve just recently started using EOs so still learning about all of the uses. Thanks for the good info!
I’ve heard great things about Thieves, would love to try it!
Frankincense!!! For sure. I’m so excited about this giveaway
I’m most intrigued by Frankincense, but I’ve also heard great things about Thieves!!
Thieves for sure!
Id love to try the thieves essential oil!
I am really interested in trying the Purification oil to see if it works as a mosquito repellent!
The Thieves blend sounds very cool!
Thieves for sure!
I would love to try the Joy blend and also the Theives’ oil. I’ve done some reading about Theives oil at the Mother Earth News Fair (which I highly recommend to you and your family if you’re interested in farming and all things crunchy. I’m 30 and met a lot of people in my age group with like minded life goals.) and I believe I would use it often!
I would love to try Frankincense… My 6 year old suffers from eyelash dandruff issues and I have heard some people have had success using this. Thanks !
Thieves oil! I’ve heard so many great things about it’s many used for cleaning killing germs etc. I’d love to try it!
Um, THANK YOU for being sane. My head nearly exploded last week when I saw a thread going around about EOs being some kind of gateway to the devil.
Anyway, I love all those oils, and the only one I haven’t tried yet is Joy, so maybe that one?
I have heard wonderful things about Thieves’ Oil. Would love to try it. ?
I’m interested in trying tea tree, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it!
I have heard lovely things about frankincense, but have not ordered any yet. I am just starting to try essential oils. Thanks for the giveaway!
Funny, I just started using oils, and my husband (jokingly) commented, “what is this black magic?” I responded that if the wisemen brought frankincense to baby Jesus, then it must be good.
I’m interested in Thieves oil! God Bless!
My sister just bought into YL, so now it seems I really need to get on board…! Purification is where I’d like to start or possibly frankincense – with the hopes of my wee boy’s rash clearing up with one of those as help!
Thank you for the opportunity to win! I’ve been dying to try helichrysum!
Well I think I would very much like to try the stress away as I wait for this blasted baby to come. Winning could totally kick start labor,I hear.
Also, Haley, who do you follow for info and advice on kid-safe use? I’ve newly been following a few licensed aromatherapists online, and I respect info that’s grounded in research (and Robert Tisserand’s recommendations), but some of the info is conflicting. If you have a good source, I would love to know! Thanks!
The Stress Away oil sounds delightful. I’d love to give it a try!
Ooh, I would love to try the Joy blend. It sounds divine.
I have wanted to get into essential oils for so long, but as a newly married couple, the expense has been out of reach so far – it would be so great to win this! I am most interested in the Stress Away blend – because what high school teacher doesn’t need some extra stress relief help in her life?
I would love to try Stress Away & Joy. As I go into the Lenten season, this is exactly what I’m praying to go in my life. With a 10-month old and busy-hard-working hubby, I’ve found I’ve let stress takes it toll. This would be a great addition to my Lenten journey this season!
Stress away for sure!
Purification! I know very little about oils, but I’m interested in their uses in cleaning and purifying.
I would LOVE the lavender essential oil. My achy pregnancy body would love a bath with some lavender essential oil thrown in :)!
I’ve been a passionate and loyal buyer of Plant Therapy oils for years and haven’t ever tried YL. This seems like the perfect opportunity to try a new brand. I’ve heard great things about YL Frankincense so I think that’s what I’d be most excited to try!
Im very interested in the thieves oil!
Stress away seems like it would be worth a shot.
I’d love to try frankensensce! Sounds intriguing!
I would love to try purification to freshen up our apartment!
I have heard so much about EO but not tried any yet. Theives is the one I always hear of so I would love to try that one
Well, my first choice would have been the Stress Away. Because I homeschool 4 kids. Which includes an Algebra class (in which I am waaay over my head). And often makes me cry. So. Yeah. Stress Away.
But then you said the whole Purification for musty laundry….which made me realize that I could probably use some o’ that, too. Because 4 kids…and algebra…means I frequently forget clothes in the washing machine. A lot.
Thieves for sure! It’s the season!
Ooo, what a lovely giveaway! I’d love to try Stress Away.
Stress Away and Joy for this mama
Joy joy joy!!!
I am desperate to try stress away. We’re in a challenging season of life & I’d love to diffuse some calming EOs in our home.
Stress Away for me!
I’d love to try Joy.
Joy! I have tried many of the others and appreciate the many uses and scents. Essential Oils are a wonderful tool to have around the home.
I would love to try Thieves! Thank you for the giveaway!
I’d love to try Thieves!
Thieves… my immune system seems non existent these days.
Frankincense sounds pretty great!
Stress Away! So my stress would, you know, go away.
Oh Joy. I am interested in how the mix will smell.
I’ve heard so much good stuff about thieves and stress away sounds like something I could really use! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Tea tree oil. We all have sensitive skin and this stuff is fantastic for our skin issues.
I’d love to try peppermint oil for my migraines … And I’ve never tried the blends so I’d love to try any of those as well!!!
I’d love to try lavendar oil. The smell always helps me relax, especially before bed time.
I would love to try Digize
I would love to try Theives. I’ve heard great things, and working in a homeless shelter I would be thrilled with something extra to keep germs away!
My sister talks so highly of thieves that I need some of it too!!
Thieves for sure!
As a man I’m sceptical but I’ll be brave and enter. I am hoping to try lavender oil.
I would like to try the frankincense oil. My son has icthyosis and also presents with extreme eczema.
We have used tea tree oil mixed with a carrier oil but the smell is no longer tolerated by him.
He itches constantly and I am persistent in our search for some relief.
Even if I don’t win does anyone have any experience using frankincense oil?
I would love to have the peppermint and lemon to help with what I think is a never ending sinus infection.
I would like to try the one for stress
Thieves, please! Help me banish this neverending cold!
I’d love to have/try the peppermint oil! The smell has always been so invigorating for me. I’ve been on the fence about trying oils since it would be a rather large investment for our family. Winning the starter kit would be a blessing!
Tea tree. I understand it can be used on pets as well as people.
Thieves and stress away!
I sure purification would help my boys bathroom smell fresher!
Great post! I have been wanting to order Joy! Would love to try it out!
;)I would love to try to joy blend! It sounds like a marvellous mix
I think the Joy blend sounds like it smells heavenly!
Oh yay! I have been so curious to try these. Joy blend sounds wonderful.
I absolutely NEED the purification blend. There are a whole lot of clothes and towels that need freshening.
The past few days of winter cold have me think of spring and the joy of spring, so JOY sounds the best to me!
Joy is my favorite … I’ve had it diffused around me before and it makes my heart sing
I’m most curious about the Peppermint Essential Oil. I’ve heard it can help with headache relief! Would be awesome to try!
Joy because I’m really curious and ylang ylang.
PS what do you use frankincense for?
So happy you love EOs! Thieves is a pretty big deal around here for my husband- it helps with his asthma. My personal favorite is patchouli
that Snow White pic is just hilarious.
I discovered the awesomeness of essential oils this summer when I was trying to help my dad who was starting chemo for cancer deal in a natural way with the side effects of the chemo. In my research I learned so much that I started using them myself and with my family. I learned that thieves oil is a sort of miracle oil. And I gave my dad a diffuser with immune booster and peppermint for nausea. I’m a big fan. Would love to try thieves oil myselfand for my kids!
Being huge and in my third trimester, me thinks the Stress Away would be a good choice ?
So hard to choose!! I’m an RN and have been curious about essential oils for a while, but have never tried them. Stress away sounds amazing for after a 12 hour hospital shift and I love the smell of frankincense for peaceful prayer time, but I’m also interested about the medicinal properties of tea tree, peppermint, and lavender….choosing 5 might be cheating though, so I’ll go with stress away!
Thieves for sure!
I’m interested in trying Thieves!
I’m not exactly sure of how to use it, but the Joy blend would be the one I’m most interested in… probably because we homeschool, and I’d like a li’l more joy around here during handwriting time! Ha!
I’ve been meaning to try frankincense essential oil for a while now. I’d love to will this giveaway
Thieves oil (but actually all the blends). I have a few solo oils but no blends and I don’t know how blends work.
I’ve tried a lavender essential oil and and a peppermint one, and they were both great, but I’m curious to experience a blend. The Joy one is intriguing, and thanks for setting up a wonderful giveaway! You’re the best!
I gotta go with JOY! It is wet, and dark, and wet in Oregon these days. Though, let’s be honest, they all sound AMAZING!
I would be interested in the joy!
Stress away sounds lovely.
I would lovery to try the stress away!I also heard good things about the thieves oil.
My YL starter kit just arrived! I would love to add these, especially Joy to my labor tool kit. Also, major props to YL for having great customer service and replacing my Stress Away after I mis-installed the rollerball fitting and dumped the ENTIRE bottle on my husband’s wrist. Eek!
I would like to try the lavender oil to help calm all my little ones at bedtime. Thanks!
Stress. Away. Ohmygosh. Please and Thank you.
This article is so level headed! I love it! I’d like to try joy to help combat low level depression.
Purification oil for me!
Such a generous giveaway, thank you! I’m most interested in trying lavendar, but I also want to try/make anti-anxiety and depression blends.
Purification seems interesting, especially for perking up some musty laundry.
I received purification as a gift this winter and have loved using it in a spray bottle as an air freshener. I’m so interested in switching out chemicals in my home with natural substances. I’ve heard very good things about thieves and would love to try Joy! Now that you are selling oils, i look forward to the occasional recipe/frequent uses for different oils on the blog
Would love to try Thieves. Thank you!!
I’d like to try the joy, especially in the midst of February…thanks for an awesome giveaway!
JOY sounds fabulous and fragrant delicious!
The Joy blend for sure! It sounds like all of my favorite smells in one yummy blend ?
I definitely have been wanting to try the Theives blend. With a husband who is a teacher, we do as much immune boosting/bad germ killing as we can and I’ve heard many positive reviews about it. But I’m also interested in the Joy blend. As a major sleep deprived mama, I’ll take any help I can get in the ‘keep the joy alive’ area of my vocation.
I’d love to try Joy, so curious to know what joy smells like ? I’d also like to try Frankincense mostly because of the three wise men, I’ve been curious my whole life!
I would love to try Thieves to keep the germs away!
I’ve heard lavender is a good natural sleep aid, and my toddler has been up every night this week (uuuuuugh), so I’d love to give that a try!
I’d love to try the Thieves blend. Cloves, Rosemary and Eucalyptus are supposed to be great alternatives for mosquito repellent (which I’d like to try, bring pregnant and all).
I am super interested in Thieves for cleaning uses!!!! Thanks for offering this awesome giveaway and for your blog…such a blessing to read!
I know how fabulous Thieves Oil is – I’ve been using it for years – and it smells so great, too. But the oil on that list I’m most interested in trying is Joy. That blend sounds amazingly lovely.
Our budget hasn’t allowed for replacing some of the oils I use most lately, so a kitlike this would be an amazing boon. What a terrific give-away.
Stress away, am having a lot of trouble balancing my vocation as full time mommy of three and business owner….I’ve hear great things about thrives oil however…..
Thieves, not thrives!!!
I would love to try Thieves! I’ve heard wonderful things about it!
I’m so interested in Frankincense! It is incredible to think that that same oil was given to Jesus. Scents are so powerful and I think it’s absolutely awesome I can SMELL something Jesus smelled!
Also, super interested in the Thieves blend. I JUST bought a diffuser and I’m not even sure where to start! Loved the post-I laughed out loud at your milk joke! Always love reading and listening to the podcasts!
Stress Away!
I am psyched to Joy…need a bit of that around here! Although, I am excited about all the others as well…
I’d like to try tea tree oil. I tried a few oils last year (lavender and lemon) and I’d like to make them more a part of our every day family life! This is a generous give away, indeed!
Stress Away sounds exactly like something I need right now! My fourth baby is due any day now!
Oregon winters are very dreary- I wonder if using the Joy blend along with my happy light would be effective!
And I appreciated your post
I would love to try Thieves. I get so intimidated with how to use essential oils but I think they’re great!
torn between Peppermint and Lemon
Thieves and Frankincense are two I would love to try.
I’d love to try frankincense!!
Joy! That sounds like a lovely scent. Crossing fingers
Stress away for sure! Moving has been….fun.
I think I’d try the Purification Blend for my sister. She works on a dairy farm and her car smells like a barn. Maybe diffusing that would help the smell?
I’d love to get the kit, but with the Canadian dollar so low, it’s not going to happen for a while.
Frankincense…it’s expensive, and Jesus was a fan (or at least his fans were fans of Frankincense…say that ten times fast).
I would love to win this! I hear so much about Thieves; I’d be most excited to try that.
Thieves, although I really love lavender.
The Joy blend sounds amazing!
I’m really interested in Thieves! (though as a grad student, I should probably be saying Stress Away, hah!)
Wow, this is quite a popular giveaway. I use lavender and lemon for pretty smells. I’ve been wanting to try thieves which I’ve heard can help with soar throats.
I would love to try stress away!
I’m currently interested in everything, but especially the peppermint!
I’d love to try Joy. And I absolutely lol’d at the examples for non Catholic use of EOs.
I’d love to try Thieves because I’ve heard so much about it – but I’ve been a bit crabby lately…so perhaps my crabby-mom self would be better helped by something called “joy.”
I’ve heard really good things about Thieves, but Frankincense really intrigues me and I’ve heard good things about it too.
Stress away! I have been wanting to try essential oils for awhile.
Joy sounds splendid!
I would love to try Joy, I’m a big fan of Bergamot! Also I’ve been told Panaway would be good for arthritis, so I’d like to try that too!
I know and love peppermint and lavender, so the one I’d be most interested in trying for the first time is Joy!
Pan away for my handicapped son to make a rub for his sore muscles
I keep hearing amazing things about Thieves!
Toss up between thieves and stress away
The blends look awesome. I’d like to try Joy!
I could definitely benefit from Joy essential oil this Lenten season. Thanks Haley for the offer. (Love your picture with Gwenny, you’re both adorable)
I have heard amazing things, but never knew where to start! I would love to try the frankenscense. Something so well known and commonly used in biblical days. I’d love to learn how to incorporate it into our household use and tie the extraordinary with the ordinary. It just seems so amazing to me to learn the forgotten uses of things and lost art of using what God put right in front of us and created for our good.
I would love to try Stress Away!
Well, Joy is my word for the year so I’d love to try the Joy and see if it could help me regain my joy.
I am very intrigued by the Joy blend. Thanks for this article – I really appreciate you lighthearted yet serious approach to the subject.
I’ve heard such good things about Thieves- would love to try it.
I would love to try the Frankencense!
I would love to try stress away….I can imagine it smelling wonderful!
Theives! Funny and great post!
Thieves for me!
Stress away sounds perfect
I’ve been wanting to try Thieves for ages… Even moreso lately as we have a newborn again and EVERYBODY is sick! Thanks for the great giveaway, Haley!
I need some frankincense!
What a great giveaway. I have yet to try Thieves and I would love to try it. Someone is always sick in this house it seems.
I would like to try stress away but all of them sound great. I’m just starting to use essential oils.
Stress away sounds exciting.
Stressaway. I love this blend. It got me through the hardest part of my life. I thought I was going to have to go an anxiety medicine and the stress away worked instead (?). I also brought it with me to deliver my 3rd child. Wow! Worked like a charm. When my nerves were at their wits end…this calmed me right down. ?
Frankincense!! I’ve been wanting to try it for a long time but it’s so expensive.
Frankincense sounds interesting. I want to know more about the healing properties I’ve heard about.
I use lavender regularly but I sure would love to try all of these others too. Joy would be at the top of my list! Thanks for the giveaway.
So I was once having an allergic reaction to one of my three major environmental allergies at my parish and was going around to see if anyone had any allergy medicine that wasn’t Benadryl (I wanted to be awake for Mass) and one woman rattled off some essential oils that would fix it and called allergy medicine poison…I admit that made me really suspicious about essential oils. Thoughts on that? What sort/severity of health things can essential oils be used for and when do they really just not do enough or need to be used in conjunction with more typical medicine? That actually makes me especially interested in the peppermint oil, because some commentators mentioned help with migraines/headaches. My standard remedy for my migraines is Tylenol and a bottle of Coca-Cola (with caffeine!) – and sometimes no just the Coca-Cola. So I’m open to trying peppermint oil because that’s just as “not mainstream medicine” as Coke (though I wouldn’t call Coke “crunchy”). Reading this post kind of took away some of my weird feelings about essential oils, since you don’t seem like a crazy person :), but my skepticism comes a lot more from people disparaging my lovely allergy medicine in favor of essential oils (and similar things) rather than any circumstantial New Age links.
Also, I’ve never made my own deodorant, but I buy some homemade stuff off Etsy that uses essential oils for scent and its actually the best. So much better than all the clinical strength anti-perspirants I used to buy.
Stress Away is calling my name! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d try Stress Away or Joy. I’m a mom of a five-year-old and newborn twins. Both seem to be appropriate for my life right now.
I could definitely use a little Joy in my life right now!
The Thieves blend sounds useful around the house!
The Joy Essential Oil Blend sounds lovely!
Stress Away and Frankincense….simply because they sound amazing!
I love all things mint, so I’d love to try the peppermint and the Panaway blend!
I seriously NEED stress away because starting tomorrow I have to give up anger for 40 days. While also giving up sugar. I am crazy, apparently.
I would like to try Thieves.
Joy Blend sounds great!!!
I’ve been wanting to try Thieves! It seems like the whole family has been sick one after another since October, and we still have a good three months of winter left…
Tea tree oil for my face!
I’d love to try stress away.
I have a couple friends who are really into EOs and part of me really wants to try them and part of me feels like they are too complex. I see so much conflicting information about them online:
Make capsules to cure what ails you or put a couple drops in your water. (No, wait! Someone else says to never ingest them!)
Dap some on your pulse points or behind your neck. (Absolutely not, says another website. You need to use a carried oil!)
So I get bogged down in all that and have never ordered. But I’d still like to try them so I’m excited you’re doing a giveaway!
Awesome! I’ve been wanting to try Frankincense. I read that it’s great mixed with some Argan oil and applied to your face. I love essential oils!
I needed tree tea oil this week for um, elementary school de-liceing. I had a hard time finding it!
Oooh, I like Frankincense, and to be honest, Tanya and I could possibly benefit from a greater education in essential oils.
I’ve always wanted to try Frankincense.
I love, love, love lavender but the oils in Joy sound so interesting that I have to pick it!
I would love to try the Frankincense oil! What an awesome giveaway!!
I could always use a little more Joy! But they all sound good.
I’ve seen many recipes that use tea tree oil so I’d love to have that one.
I think any of the blends sound interesting, but especially Purify or Joy.
I would love to try Thieves!
Theives seems to help with my migraines, and now that i am pregnant again, i would love to see if it wards away the ones i get straight through second trimester!
I would like to try Thieves
Joy is one oil I haven’t tried yet
I would love to try the Thieves Oil! I’ve not used a blend before and I’ve heard tons of good things about Thieves!
Stress away sounds great!! Also, what kinds of ways are people using them that make you think they are a little “woo woo”? I mean I get not using them to channel the dead but what are people getting so upset about? I put essential oils into the soaps that I make and they smell heavenly. I don’t see anything wrong with enjoying the wonderful fragrances God put on the earth for us! I think I am missing something.
I am very anxious to try Thieves, because I’ve heard so many good things about it!
I would really like to try the Stress Away. I suffer from migraines and have been wanting to add oils to my supplement regiment to help me stay away from pain medication.
p.s.-Love your blog! I’ve been reading for about 2 years now.
I would love to try Purification! I’ve heard it’s great for getting rid of germs and at least one person in my family of three has been sick during the past four months – ugh!
I would like to try the joy blend!
Tea Tree Oil would be amazing to try!
I LOVE essential oils… I’d never thought of using them until my roommate started explaining them to me (her mom makes and sells them), and now I use them quite often, mostly her clary sage one for *that* time of the month since I usually get very sick around that time. I’d love to try the Purification and Stress Away oils
The Starving Inspired
I’ve always wanted to try the Thieves blend! I have a few oils from Doterra but have yet to try Young Living. It’s hard to build a collection due to the prices of these precious oils but from what little I’ve used them I know I love them!
A lot of my friends seemed to be obsessed with Frankincense. That’d be my pick.
“Drinking raw milk seems innocent enough, but could it be a gateway to drinking the blood of virgins in a pagan ritual?” — LOL! That’s hilarious!
The Thieves essential oil blend sounds awesome! With the weather so cold right now (I live in Chicago), I could use an immune booster.
Most excited to try Frankincense! We’ll need some for Easter
Frankincense for skin!
Thieves! I have heard so many good things about it but have never used it.
I would love to try JOY! I’ve heard great things about it!
I’d probably be most interested in trying frankincense. It’s supposed to be great for emotional issues. Also, my husband used to buy peppermint tea tree shampoo, and I’ve always been tempted to try to make it myself. =)
I do think we run into the crunchy-is-antiChristian mindset a lot. Somewhere along the way people equated moral conservatism with the values of the 50s (i.e., right before the 60s), which threw out folk wisdom as superstitious and pushed things like infant formula and drugs for EVERYTHING. Medical advances are great. Losing everything we know from trial and error, simply because we don’t understand the exact mechanisms, isn’t. I’m always so glad to see posts like this illustrating the important line! (As opposed to things like “Yoga: Is it Witchcraft?”)
I would LOVE to win this since I need me some oils but I’m not working right now–eek! Would love to try Thieves since I’ve been hearing about it as of late.
I think I would want to try Lemon. I am pregnant and dealing with frequent nausea, and a friend of mine recommended lemon EO.
Thieves Blend! It’d be interesting to compare it to doTerra’s On Guard, which has worked really well for me in the past. I have friends in both oil camps who are always trying to persuade me toward one or the other (YL vs. DT), so it’d be nice to see for myself which brand worked better for me.
Thieves! I saw the dishwashing soap at an open house and wondered what it was all about.
Lavender, because I love ALL things lavender!
I think Panaway. We have used several of the other oils or their doTerra equivalents, but not that one.
Oh, I’d love to get some lavender into the house!
Stress Away. Did I mention I’m homeschooling 13,12 and 9 year old?!?
Tea tree! Sounds so versatile.
Love this post, thanks Haley!
I would love to try the thieves blend for getting the nasty winter germs in my house!
Joy blend!
I would love the Stress Away, especially since I’m heading into labor and a busy few months once our little bundle arrives!
The Joy blend sounds amazing!
I’m really interested in trying the thieves blend! I wish I saw this yesterday though since I gave up shopping (except for essentials) for Lent. Although since they are ESSENTIAL oils… maybe I will see what hubby thinks
Thieves! I’ve heard great things about it but haven’t had the chance to try it!
I have an humidifier with a well for essential oils, so the Stress Away sounds like something that would work perfectly with that.
I’d LOVE to try the Joy blend or lemon! My mom just started using essential oils and I am very interested!!!
Vetiver is our go-to oil these days. And add me to the bandwagon that wants to try frankincense. I would also love to try the YL rose oil, but only if I win the lottery (Is it ok for Catholics to play the lottery? LOL!)
I’d love to try the Stress Away or really, whichever could help my family and me recover from our colds and sore throats!
I’ve wanted to try Thieves and Purification for a while after hearing several uses for them, I just haven’t made the jump yet!
I think I need to get on this essential oils wagon. I’d really love to try the “stress away” blend because my husband suffers from stress almost daily.
Hmm, this might make an excellent V-Day gift…
I too would love to try the Stress Away!
The Purification Blend sounds that it would be a great on to try and all of them that have rosemary oil in them too
I’d love to try the stress away!
I think I’d like to try the thieves blend the most. I’ve heard so much about it. I’d love to win! Thanks for offering this great giveaway!
Ooh I’m really interested in the Joy blend! How fun! And I just ordered my Starter Kit today!
I would love to try thieves oil to keep the family from more colds!
Lavender oil is my favorite but I keep hearing how wonderful theives is. I’d love to try it.
Joy! Would love to try joy!
I’d love to try the frankincense oil!
I would love to try the thieves oil!
I’m most interested in trying Thieves because so many people I know rave about it. What a great giveaway!
I have used purification (borrowed from a friend) on my son’s ear infections when he was little, worked well!!! I am most interested in Theives oil though, would love to win some to clear up the constant sniffles at our house lately!
I think this might be your most popular giveaway, ever! I’d like to sniff them all, actually, but the Frankincense sounds most intriguing.
I’ve heard good things about Thieves, would love to try!
I would love to try the lavender oil!
I keep hearing rave reviews about thieves, that would be my pick if I had to pick only one. Thanks for the post and give away Haley, love your blog and podcast!
I want to try the Thieves blend!! It sounds amazing!
Ah! A give-away that’s open to Canadians! Please excuse my overly-exuberant happy dance. My choice is Frankincense. Fingers crossed!
I am going with Joy.
“Stress away” sounds like it would smell delicious! But I am really interested in smelling “Joy”. I love having oils in my home, and I always enjoy your posts on essential oils. Thank you for the giveaway!
The Purification blend sounds like it could be used for so many great things
Frankencense! And all of them! I won a lavender oil from young living oils through a giveaway you hosted, and I have been SO IMPRESSED by the quality! Amazing! Thank you
Very interested in Thieves!
It’s a toss up between “Stress away” & Joy. I could use both in my life right now! If I had to choose one, I’d say Joy.
I’d love lavender!
The joy one sounds fantastic. Love the looks of this kit. My sister is trying to sell me on doTerra, but I want thrilled with their starter kit.
The washers in our apartment leave our clothes with a musty smell, so Purification would be great! But Joy sounds so lovely.
What an amazing giveaway! I would be very excited about the Frankinsence but also to try Thieves
I would love to try some Joy!
It makes me sad I can’t enter. What a shame Australia is so far away.
I missed out on most of the Healthy Living freebies too.
Oh I have a little collection of oils i love using.
And you post had me in hysterics. I needed a good Bwahahaha today.
Question 1: Are you using Lavender oil for bug bites? Are you making your own deodorant with tea tree oil? Are you using Purification blend to get the stink out of musty laundry?
Answer: Your soul doesn’t seem to be in danger.
Question 2: Are you diffusing oils while trying to channel the spirits of the dead?
Answer: You are using essential oils incorrectly.”
Firstly, I’m surprised you get that question too, but I’m glad you answered it for folks. Everyone has to learn from somewhere, right!?
Secondly, I REALLY want to try the tea tree oil. I’ve heard a lot of hoopla around that stuff. I also want to try the peppermint because I want to make my own toothpaste. (I’m trying to reduce our waste. I know, I know, call me a hippy–My husband does. Haha!)
I’ve never tried essential oils before in my life, but after hearing so much about them I’m definitely curious to experience it myself.
I haven’t tried Joy. I think that would do wonders for me this time of year. Thanks for offering this.
Lemon and lavender… My yoga studio gives students lemon lavender washcloths at the end of class and I’ve always wanted to try something similar at home
I’d love to try Frankincense!
The Stress Away sounds like a dream! My husband is currently working full time while finishing his master’s thesis. So he is always gone or home and totally stressed. Which makes the rest of us stressed too. It could save our family from a mutual mutiny!!!
Stress Away!
I’d love to try the Stress Away!
One of my favorite smells is frankincense, so I would LOVE that… But having not done some much of anything with essential oils, I would be really interested in the Joy and stress relief ones… This busy mama of 5 struggles with those for sure;)
I’ve been meaning to try Thieves for a long time. Joy would also be useful too. What an amazing giveaway! Thank you for hosting it Haley.
And thanks for the great article.
I could use some more Joy in my life! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Joy-heard it’s good for women over 40
I really want to try Thieves and Joy!
I would love to try Joy : )
I want to try the joy blend and I’m considering becoming a distributor!
I would love to win and try thieves! I hear so many good things about it.
The Joy blend sounds wonderful and I’d love to try it!
My mom always had me use Thieves when I was young and it was the best medicine I ever used. I’d love to try Joy, especially in a diffuser. Who doesn’t want to diffuse a little joy? Love your blog. Nice to read about a fellow crunchy Catholic.
Tea tree! I’ve been reading about all the ways to use it lately.
Oh my gosh, I know this is a cop-out, but I’d love to try ALL the scents! I just got my first diffuser!
I’ve used a few single oils– mostly citruses, lavender, and peppermint. Nothing very high quality, though, and I’ve mostly just used them to make cleaning more pleasant. That said, I’m mostly interested in the blends! My husband is a high school teacher, and I think Thieves or Purification would come in handy!
I would love to try Thieves. I’ve heard so much about it
I think I would most like to try the Joy blend. I’ve had samples of most of the others but that would be new for me to try.
I would love to try Purification, Stress Away, and Joy!
So very much would love to try the stress away!! With 5 kids and home schooling I sure could use it!
Definitely, Frankincense
I just discovered EOs and I’ve been wanting to try Purification. I’ve stopped burning scented candles and want to try it for a fresh scent in the house.
I’d love to try Joy! I feel like every winter the blues descend upon us, and anything bright and cheery wafting through would be a welcome addition. But then, perhaps having sick toddlers contributes to the blues so…Thieves is a pretty close second.
The stress away blend for sure!
Thieves—to help keep my kiddos healthy!
Joy sounds amazing
Great topic, never really thought that way but it’s interesting to see others concens.
I’ve dabbled a little in the the EOs but would love of go in deeper. The Joy and Stressaway blends are most intriguing to m but Peppermint sounds pretty awesome too!
I definitely want to try the Lavendar oil – it’s good for stress relief, right?!
I would love to try Joy for my postpartum meh I’ve got going on.
I also would love to try young living in general. I use three oils from a different company and would love to see if there’s a difference. 
Looking into using Lavender to help with intense migraines!
I am dying try Joy! I think it would help so much on the days when my strong willed almost two year old is in a mood! Bring on the JOY!!
PanAway sounds very interesting to me!
I would love to try stress away because I’m a homeschooling mom and business owner!
I would love to try the Thieves for immunity boosting!
I LOVE this post! I mean, I thoroughly enjoy your writing as is, but the Harry Potter posts and now this one make me smile especially!!
I have read many good things about Frankincense and am looking forward to trying it at some point. Hopefully with this win!
Joy sounds lovely.
I definitely want to try Thieves too!
I love the smell of Frankincense and would love to have that! I love that’s Biblical as well
Stress away would be wonderful
I can’t decide if I’m most interested in joy or tea tree (I have e girls and I’ve heard tea tree is good for preventing head lice )
Thieves oil blend…..but then again, who doesn’t want Joy in their lives? ?
Holy cow, so many people interested in this! Haha! I’m going to say I’m most interested in Panaway. That blend is made up of some fantastic oils. Thank you for this post as well!!! I’ve had only one person ask me if Catholics can use EOs, and I was dumbfounded that they were even asking that lol.
Stress away. Always. Also tea tree oil! I’ve been dealing with adult acne (ew) and I’d love to make my own toner.
Essential oils are awesome! I would love to see how the peppermint oils will help me!
I’d love to try Frankincense. I’ve heard great things about its healing properties.
I’d love to try Purification!!
I am interested in trying Thieves! I have heard really good stuff about it and with it being cold/flu season, I feel like it could be a good thing to have around! Thanks for this giveaway opportunity!
I don’t know which one I would be most excited to use! I’ve been contemplating essential oils for a while but I haven’t been able to justify the investment into unknown territory. This would be a nice start!
I’m most interested in the purification…but also the stress away. I recently moved from a city to the middle of nowhere East Texas. And I am loving the country life! But I had to move pretty quickly and it was expensive. One of my church members gave me a washer and dryer set (so sweet!) to help with costs but the set is probably 13 years old and my clothes, while clean, can have a weird musty smell if I’m not super deligent about getting things out quickly.
I would love to try Lavender around my house. Would be nice to have some calming oils around
I’m so curious about thieves oil. I feel like everyone is always talking about it! I must know what the amazing deal is!!! ?
I would love try the panaway and stress away… have heard wonderful things about panaway for chronic pain relief. Would be a miracle oil. Thank you for doing this giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! I haven’t yet tried Frankincense and would really like too. As a side note, I make my own deodorant but in the summer it’s terrible to travel with so I started a different method and add a few drops of lavender EO to my Magnesium oil spray bottle. Not only does it work as a great deodorant, it’s mess free and I get my magnesium that I desperately need. I also use it at night on my legs and the lavender is very relaxing before bed. Just beware if you have shaved and spray it on right after bc it will feel like you are being clawed by a pack of wolverines
This post actually made me laugh out loud! It’s so funny how easily some people can get scared off my something new or different.
I’d love to try the purification blend! I have a few oils but I am new to the whole arena, so I’m not quite sure how to use them yet. I’m working on it though!
Stress Away!
Hi! Thanks for such a great article and for hosting a fun giveaway. I’m interested in trying Stress away or Frankincense oils.
I’ve heard heat things about theives!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Definitely thieves! My SIL used it with some success on my sick son last Christmas and ice been meaning to get some!
I really want to try all of them but Joy sounds like it might be nice to use with our new daughter, adopted out of foster care, who is having a difficult transition.
Frankincense is calling me!
I would love to try purification! Sounds amazing
Frankincense has so many uses, but I haven’t purchased any because it’s spendy, so that’s what I’m excited about in this giveaway!
I would love to try Joy. I have been meaning to try essential oils, but haven’t fit it the budget yet.
The Joy blend sounds delightful!!
I would like to try joy!!
Thanks for this post! I would love to try out Stress Away!
I like using lemon for homemade cleaning products. Also, Joy sounds like a great cure to winter blues!
I’ve heard Frankincense is great for healing. I’d love to try it!
Whoops, Just saw my original comment did post.
Stress Away and Joy, yes please!
Stress Away, please! My mom has come to live with us after a house fire, which has proved to be a difficult adjustment.
I have heard so much about Thieves and would love to try it. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to try Stress Away! I am a nurse and we use essential oils at my work – mainly lavender for relaxation and lemon during meals to stimulate appetite. I would love to try them at home.
You my most interested in the blends – peace and calming for me, purification for my stinky towels.
Thieves. Most def.
That PanAway blend sounds like it’s right up my alley! I’ve been wanting to get more info using EOs. Thanks for the post, Haley!
I’d love to try Thieves! I’ve heard such good things and would love a chance to try it:)
Eeek! I can’t pick just one! Lavender – maybe it’ll help me sleep better in this final stretch of pregnancy; Peppermint – for the few headaches I’ve been getting; Joy Blend – sounds great for once baby boy is actually here!
I’d love to try the Joy blend
I would love to try all of them, but especially Stress Away. Been trying to find more natural ways to deal with stress when it’s too cold out to take a walk or really even get a breath of fresh air.
I’d love to try the peppermint one – heard a lot of good things about it helping with headaches!
I’m the most interested in frankincense. It is purported to be good for soooo many things yet a bottle of quality frankincense is out of my budget right now.
Thieves oil. I keep hearing about it, but have never used it!
I just started using joy and frankincense on my daughter who was super anxious at bedtime. It is working wonderfully!
Purification oil for musty laundry? You mean I’m rewashing this load in the washer for the third time because I forgot it for nothing?!?! I want to try it!
I would love to try Thieves! I’ve heard so many great things about it.
Wow, that was a long scroll down! ;] Your giveaway is super popular! I haven’t ever done anything with these oils, but I’m kind of curious. Not curious enough to get into them on my own, at least not yet, but enough to comment here :] As such, I have no idea! But the peppermint (and the mix with wintergreen and cloves whose name has already escaped me, but the scroll would have me losing my comment form here so I’ll leave it at peppermint) sounds appealing.
JOY sounds so lovely!
Wow, what a great giveaway! I’ve only tried lavender and lemon because the cost is just so limiting right now. But I’ve been wanting to try thieves – I’ve heard so many good things about it. Thanks for offering this, Haley!
This is a great post. So many to choose from. All so appealing , Thieves. So many benefits to this oil..
Stress Away would be the one I would want to try. Anything to reduce the stress in our home would be a very welcome addition!
I’don’t like to try the frankensence! Thank you!
Thieves! I have a terrible cold now…could have used it a few days ago!
I used Joy at my friends house once and it was so lovely!
I would love all of them! But I’d especially like to try Thieves.
Stress away! My husband is wrong something like 65 hours an week these days and then does full on dad duty on the weekends so I can work. He would benefit from that one methinks!
I want to try so many! Lavender and thieves especially!
I’d love to try Joy or Thieves! A lot of friends have started swearing by essential oils for developing home remedies, and I’d love to jump into the fun. After I heard about rubbing Vick’s into the soles of the feet for coughs, I’ve been interested in what makes all this stuff work.
Oh my goodness….all the blends sound so appealing…I’m going to go with Stress Away (Although my son would be pretty excited about the frankincense…he was really into the Three Kings this year). Also, thank you for the helpful questionnaire about essential oil use…I think I can keep it straight now.
I’m excited to try Thieves! So glad to have found your interesting blog!
Have heard so many great things about thieves and would love to have that around with a toddler and a baby due this week! Thanks for this informative post about EOs, Haley!
I’m most interested in trying Thieves and Frankincense.
I have really been wanting to try some essential oils it funds have not allowed it so far. Considering we’ve had lots of illness around here the past couple of weeks – I would be most interested in the thieves!
And what a funny thing that people have asked you! There must be some BIG misconceptions out there about EOs. Thanks for clearing this up for people!
Stress away
I’d love to try thieves oil
I could definitely use a little stress away right now.
I would like to try Stress Away!
Stress away!
A friend of mine has inspired me to make my own cleaning supplies. If I had to pick one, THIEVES. I’ve bought all the “essential” ingredients to make a variety of home cleaners, but I haven’t taken the plunge into buying the essential oils yet!
I’ve always wanted to try the Theives! Especially as it is flu season.
Thanks for the chance!
I would love to try lavender with my one year old daughter for restful sleep. God has given us so many amazing ways to stay healthy and heal ourselves!
Frankincense! I’m enamoured with all the uses I’ve heard rumors of and would simply love to try it out!
Oh my that is a lot of comments! I am excited about using thieves for sickness and ailments.
Lavender is my favorite herb–so many uses for lavender oil, too!
THIEVES!!!! I have FOUR kiddos…12,7,3 and 3mnths and watching a 5mnth old so I’m SO curious to add it for cleaning !
I would love to try frankincense!
We would love to try Stress Away!!
Stress away! Trying to juggle my online classes at ASU with household and volunteering duties plus recovering from a burn accident at work (Starbucks)
Maybe the joy blend. I haven’t used them before!
I would love to try Thieves, or Frankincense! Thanks for hosting this giveaway, so generous of you.
I am interested in Thieves since I have heard so much about it!
I would love to try Joy or Stressaway…been struggling with a lot of anxiety and insomnia lately.
Frankincense, I can never swallow the cost.
I super want to try the Joy oil! I love all of those oils separately and I can imagine they smell glorious together. Great morning pick me up.
Stress away…. my 13yo son struggles with anxiety and would love to find a natural replacement for all the pills his Dr wants him to take.
I would like to try Stress Away or Frankincense. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Frankincense or theives! And lavender. Frankincense has so many wonderful uses. I love essential oils
Frankincense. I keep hearing that it is good for so many things, and I love the smell in church!
The Stress Away sounds lovely! I’ve been sniffing my Pineapple Cilantro Yankee Candle every time I feel my blood pressure rise because my homeschooling kids don’t want to homeschool. Or if my mother who lives with us wants to “have a talk” while I do manage to sit my energetic boys down to school. Then there’s my three year old little girl, who leaves a trail of devastation comparable to a catagory 3 hurricane. Lol! Life gets crazy! Some good smells around here would be a *ahem* breath of fresh air.
I think the Thieves or the Purification would be awesome to try! My family lives on a boat and the flu is going around our tiny house. Anything to help sto or slow its spread!
I’d try the stress away. To much crazy right now!
Already love several singles and Thieves, but I’d be interested in trying PanAway!
I’d love to try Joy! It seems like the perfect pick-me-up for these cold winter days.
I’m kind of a skeptic about the effectiveness of essential oils, so I would love to try them out without having to swallow the cost. Everyone is always singing the praises of Thieves, and I could definitely use the Stress Away blend right now!
Stress away at the moment!
I would love to try Joy!
I’d love to try the PanAway!!
Sorry. I have five kids and it’s February.
The Joy oil sounds amazing!
I’d love to try JOY because the blend looks yummy!
Is there one that smells like new Catholic? (Aka… Chrism oil.) That’s the the one I want.
I love lavender! ?
I am most interested in frankincense! I’m excited because it does wonderful things for pain, and it’s mentioned in the Bible!
I would love to try Stress Away!
I am so in love with essential oils, I only have a couple and this would be a great way for me to learn about more uses! Since I’m a student I haven’t bought the Young Living kit yet, but I reallyyyy want to! I’m most excited to try out the lavender. Lavender has always been my favorite scent!
Okay, so my SIL is into the Young Living oils, so we’ve gotten a few. I love the lemon in my water, and we diffuse Thieves when we’re not feeling well…
…But I’ve always felt a little uncomfortable with it. I was flipping through the “use this oil for this ailment” remedy book, and in the back there was a place it talked about chakra and energy and things that are decidedly not good. At all.
I hear you about anti-bacterial properties– that seems pretty black and white. But when we get into feelings and energy…that’s different.
This is from the Young Living website:
“The soothing effect of essential oils has long been used in religious ceremonies to elevate the mind and unlock emotions. Our pure essential oils are ideal for enhancing your spiritual practice when you use these meditative essential oils to diffuse or inhale directly”
Do I have Young Living oils in my house? Yes. But I’m not sure it’s quite as simple as “don’t diffuse while conjuring spirits.” I’d love to hear a more thorough response…maybe you can look through the big spiral bound remedy book and find the exact quite about chakra and energy? I’d love to explore it more and be at peace with my oils!
You’re totally right, Alicia that there are definitely nuances that I didn’t have time to go into. It can get murky if you’re combining oils with eastern spirituality. But I still stick with my main point: that essential oils are neutral. They are tools. You can use them for health and non-toxic cleaning, or you can use them in ways that are incompatible with Christianity–just like you can with candles. That is all up to YOU. I’m certainly not going to agree with every person who uses essential oils about their usage. But I don’t think that’s necessary for supporting my family’s health and using them for various other things.
I also don’t think that using oils for emotional support is a bad thing. There’s plenty of scientific evidence that the properties of certain oils can be mood boosters or relax and calm you. I don’t see how using lavender to relax is any different than drinking my cup of chamomile tea. Or diffusing “happy” oils to brighten my mood is different than lighting my favorite candle that smells good or eating a piece of chocolate, ya know? And as for spiritual use, I do know people who diffuse Frankincense when they pray the Rosary. There’s a reason we burn incense at Mass, after all! Does that mean that it’s ok to use oils in any way with any spiritual practice? Of course not! And discernment and common sense are needed. Does that help at all?
Hi, Haley! I was asked by a friend about Catholics and the Church’s take on essential oils and I found this post. It seems there are new issues surrounding Young Living and the owners’ New Age connections, etc. I was just wondering if you are up to date with any of those concerns, and if you have more thoughts or resources to share. I know these are challenging times for you and your family though, so I would totally understand it if you don’t or can’t answer! Take care and stay safe. Prayers for you and yours!