It’s not even that cold here. I mean, it’s Texas after all. We’ve had a few days of short sleeve weather (I mean look at the dress Gwen wore the other day!) But I definitely have a case of the February-ies. I don’t know if it’s that I haven’t had enough balance with time out of the house and away from the little ones or if it’s just that time of year.
Today we’re doing some Sunday lounging and starting to prep for Benjamin’s 7th birthday party. (It’s a Lord of the Rings theme for the third year in a row–which I love).
Me: Do you think maybe you’d like to try a different theme this year?
Benjamin: Why would I? I already have my hobbit cloak to wear to the party.
Point taken.
I can’t believe this little guy is turning SEVEN! Isn’t that impossibly old? I have loved the age 6, so I have high hopes for 7. He’s super into audiobooks right now and even falls asleep during afternoon rest time occasionally if he gets worn out doing farmy stuff in the morning. Wasn’t he a baby like two seconds ago?
My friend Holly Fish took these of Gwenny and I on a walk around the farm. We use that nickname for her often, and I just found out that Daniel spells it Gwennie. But I always think Gwenny. You didn’t need to know that. Moving on!
Lent is almost here! AH!
I’ve rounded up all my lenten links in Monday’s post. And Christy and I had the BEST time talking about Lent on the podcast with our friend Meg Hunter-Kilmer–hobo missionary extraordinaire. I got so inspired by all of Meg’s wisdom and if you want to get pumped up for an incredible Lent, definitely listen in!
And if, like me, you’re not going to be able to make it to any lenten retreats this year, check out the Faces of Mercy online conference for busy moms.
Some of my favorites like Jennifer Fulwiler, Simcha Fisher, and Kimberley Hahn are speaking and it should be awesome!
And you can use the discount code “Carrots” to get a discount on the conference!
LOL to that whole CDC kerfuffle. Jenny has a great response. And Kendra made a hysterically funny rewrite of the condescending infographic.
And I loved this one from Bonnie:
We Were Welcomed: A Knotted Life
And don’t forget that the Zelie & Co Catholic Charity Auction starts TUESDAY on Insta!
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Here’s what I found on Y or IE…
-y, -ie
[diminutive] suffix in pet proper names (e.g. Johnny, Kitty), first recorded in Scottish, c.1400; became frequent in Eng. 15c.-16c. Extension to surnames seems to date from c.1940. Use with common nouns seems to have begun in Scot. with laddie (1546) and become popular in Eng. due to Burns’ poems, but the same formation appears to be represented much earlier in baby and puppy.
First recorded in Scottish around c.1400, so I say Gwenny. Not that you asked, or that it is any of my business at all. Unless you are a fan of Burns’ poems?
Ha! My instincts were right! Thanks, Katherine 😉
I call my daughter “Bridgie”. Husband calls her “Bridgi”. Never realized it till he used it as a password. Lol
At first glance, I thought those radishes were a handful of tulips. We still have a few feet of snow here, and radishes or tulips, I am so very jealous. =P