Well, 2015…you were something else. There were some rotten parts, for sure.
1.Trying to sell a house while homeschooling three small mess-making humans in it.
2. My chronic illness that reared it’s ugly head for the first time in five years.
But we did some pretty incredible things this year. Like getting that house sold, getting rid of half our stuff, and moving across the country to pursue the life we really want even though it meant leaving a stable, comfortable life in Florida. I know we did the right thing when I look around and see my family happy and thriving.
I love hearing about everything awesome Daniel did each day with his farm internship and I love eating all three meals a day together as a family. I’m beyond grateful that we made the road trip of the century happen for our kids–almost SEVEN weeks of camping at National Parks and staying with friends all over the country. It was epic and I will never forget it, ever.
Daniel and I each had exciting opportunities with our writing projects and with speaking engagements and I took up a new business distributing essential oils (and I love it!).
I think it may have been our busiest, craziest year to date, but it was one for the books. I can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store for the Stewarts (including what the heck we’re going to be doing come October when Daniel’s internship ends) and I’m so glad I get to live this adventure with my four favorite people in the universe. Bring it on, 2016!
And I’m so grateful for this community. I know I have the loveliest readers on the planet. Thank you for your emails, comments, connections on social media, and just for reading in 2015! THANK YOU!
It’s really hard to believe that this little guy will turn seven in a few weeks. We are so proud of him and how he has grown and matured this year. I love his determination, insatiable curiosity, and desire to make each day special.
And these girls. THESE GIRLS. I love watching them play and enjoy being sisters. There are squabbles aplenty, but so much joy and fun, too. And this pic just sums them up. Lucy’s sweetness and Gwen’s nuttiness. I’ll take your princess outfit and raise you a snow hat and some fairy wings.
And Daniel and I will celebrate our TENTH wedding anniversary this May. That’s hard to believe.
How has your Christmastide been?
Right before Christmas I flew to SC for my beautiful cousin’s wedding. It was a blast to spend a weekend with my extended family.
For Christmas Eve, Daniel put on an amazing Feast of the Seven Fishes meal for 13 people at the farm. We ate outside under twinkle lights and devoured five kinds of homemade cheese and eight courses. Then we packed up and went to Latin Mass at 9pm. Benjamin almost fell asleep, but the kids all did great even though the hour was late.
Then we had a lazy Christmas Day of presents and bacon and a long winter’s nap.
We’ve been celebrating the 12 days of Christmas with one special thing each day including driving around to see Christmas lights, having a campfire and roasting s’mores, making gingerbread houses, and going to a New Year’s Eve party.
I wore sparkly green eye shadow because NYE is the one time I can get away with it, right?
There’s a few posts I really want to get on the blog like my 2016 reading list and the most popular Carrots posts of 2015 as well as my thoughts on the show ‘Parenthood’ and why I think the Weasleys are Catholic, but there’s been a lot of lounging in pajamas, getting the house back in order from all the Christmas glee, and naps. So…maybe next week.
When Will Children Be Regarded as Regular People Again? NCRegister
Our podcast covering Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry. Christy and I had a lot of fun with this one! And we’ve got two great interviews lined up for you for January. (Did I ever tell you that we have a little FB group for our podcast listeners where we discuss and chat? Check it out.)
And while we’re talking podcast, if you’re a listener, what kind of episodes do you prefer? The book episodes Christy and I record together, or interview episodes with a guest?
And the giveaway winner of the Toadily Handmade Beeswax Candles $50 gift certificate is Tara S.!
Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsor! They keep the lights on around here.
Carrots is currently accepting new sponsors for January and February, so just shoot me an email (haley.s.stewart@gmail.com) if you’d like to advertise in the sidebar or sponsor a review/giveaway post.
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmastide!
P.S. You can follow me…
…on Bloglovin’, Feedly, subscribe to posts via email, or subscribe to my newsletter that goes out monthly with the buttons on the right sidebar. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter (@haleycarrots), Pinterest (haleyofcarrots), and Instagram (haleycarrots).
Thanks for the draw! I got some candle-making kits for a Blessed Is She brunch at the end of January, right before Candlemas!! 😉
Oh fun!
I enjoy both types of podcasts. You guys are so much fun to listen to!
Aw, thanks, Ann-Marie!
As far as podcasts go, I like the book episodes! Have you ever done a whole podcast about Kristin Lavransdatter? I just finished it and I think it could definitely take up an entire podcast! I’d also like to hear more of you two just chatting about a topic amongst yourselves – interviews are great, but you guys have some great takes on things yourselves, too. On that note, another Q&A session between you and your listeners would be neat!
We haven’t but we SHOULD. That would be a blast. And we do have plans to do another Q&A session sometime soon! 🙂
I can’t wait to read that post about the Weasleys! I loooove Harry Potter and I always enjoy your analysis of it. : ) Happy New Years!
Happy New Year to you, Jaime!
I do enjoy the interview podcasts, but I love the book discussions! You two lovely ladies share a lot of my literary tastes, so listening to those ones feels like a leisurely chat with friends:) Keep them coming!
Thanks for the feedback, Emma!
Oh man! I am just now getting into Parenthood. I am really looking forward to a post on your thoughts!
Maybe I’ll have it done next week, Jen!
Happy new year! I love how blogs help us celebrate the ups and downs of the year together. Thanks for taking us along for the ride.
Love love love the Weasels, looking forward to that one!
I enjoy the book podcasts, but really love when you have someone new on, it is wonderful, like picking the guest’s brain about something they are passionate, talented, or excited about.
That sparkly green eye shadow is rockin’! =)