“Don’t climb on the gravestones, Lucy!”
“I just want to hug them when I pray for da souls.”
Baby girl getting some serious prayin’ done at an old Catholic cemetery we found to visit on All Souls Day.
My kids really look forward to visiting a cemetery on All Souls to pray for the dead. They also enjoy that Halloween candy is discounted when we’re still celebrating Hallowtide two days after Halloween. Everybody wins.
This year we didn’t go trick or treating. Partly because I’m lazy and partly because we live in the middle of nowhere. But our parish had a beautiful Vigil Mass for All Saints and a party. Pictured above is St. Lucy, Bl. Jose Sanchez del Rio, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
The Quotable Lucy:
“I need to give out my bread to the poor! But how do I know if they’re one of the poor? Do I just ask, ‘Are you the poor’?”
She decided to just hand out bread to everyone at the party who looked like they liked to eat bread.
And the wonderful Meg Hunter-Kilmer came and stayed at the farm with us for a couple of nights! She is the coolest! Have her speak at your event!
Farm Life:
That’s Daniel in a canoe….in what’s usually a field but lately has been a lake. We’ve had some crazy flooding!
And we got two new cows!
And 84 new baby chicks!
I’m really loving homeschooling this year. Lucy is starting to learn to read and Benjamin is flying through his math books and just reading up a storm. We also joined a little homeschool co-op that has been WONDERFUL. But mostly I love it when he just does awesome things on his own like making this Trojan Horse.
And y’all! I got this in the mail! I’ve never had an endorsement on the back of a book before! Discovering God Together is a great book and I highly recommend it.
This one by Kelly really knocked it out of the park:
“It is truly our selfishness, masked as mercy, that parades as charity today. We have more wealth and resources than at arguably any other time and place and yet we can’t spare the time and effort to care and love the most vulnerable of society. We’d rather kill them, for their own good, and call it our good deed of the day.”
Christy was on the Catholic Exchange podcast chatting about reading good books with your kids.
And Ana has a wonderful series going right now of interviews with amazing homeschool mamas including one of my favorites ever, the lovely Karen Edmisten. So don’t miss that!
I’m rather partial to Meg myself, and that’s not just because I’m her mom. 😀 Are you and Meg in the next picture with Daniel in the canoe? It sure looks like Meg’s back to me.
Also, you gotta love St. Lucy with her eyeballs. Catholicism for the win when it comes to blood and gore, huh? But it’s a little confusing that Gwen is St. Lucy and Lucy is not. Eh.
No, that’s some of the other interns. We didn’t do any wading this weekend 🙂
Ha! Yes. Gwen herself was confused.
Another Meg-friend here. I fed her grilled cheese (tried to unload brownies) in OKC on her way down to you 🙂
Oh, awesome! She’s so great!
I love that quote from Lucy in the cemetery!! Ah, old cemeteries are the best!!!! That is some crazy flooding y’all have there! Wow!
Lucy has asked such an insightful question for a young age! I think it’s important to teach kids to never assume things about people and how you can help them. By forming a real relationships with people you can figure out what they need… Sounds like she has a solid head start!
Awwww, bless Lucy’s little heart!~
That Lucy trying to figure out who the poor are. I’m dying. Bless!
I’m looking forward to taking my daughter to the cemetery on All Saints. This year it was pouring, so we left her with my parents. What a beautiful tradition you have started with your children. You are helping them to appreciate history and to pray for others! I wrote a post about our All Saints. My blog is very new and humble. It’s wonderful to see someone as warm, encouraging, and faithful as you develop such a loyal and dedicated readership. Love your blog!
Haley, I’m sorry to use your blog combox to talk to another blogger, but I can’t communicate with this blogger any other way. Please excuse me!
Frances, I popped over to your blog and *loved* your writing. But you haven’t enabled comments on any of your blog posts! How can a reader talk to you?