Gwen displaying her usual joie de vivre. How I love this girl.
Just another typical week at the farm over here. Lots of fun, dirt, and compost toilets.
I haven’t even had a chance to wonder if moving was the right decision for us. Because we’re having too much fun. The only thing I worry about is what in the heck we’re going to do after this year! But I’m trusting that we’ll figure that out. I mean…we have to, right?
All the kids take any farm tasks very seriously. But especially Lucy who takes everything seriously. And who likes feeding the pigs in pajamas.
We started participating in a homeschool co-op which is proving to be awesome and we’re enjoying falling in love with Waco all over again. Look at this beautiful church on the Brazos river!
Oh coffee, I miss you so much. So much. SO MUCH. Chamomile tea does NOT cut it.
I’m honestly pretty frustrated with my health issues right now. I just want it to be better NOW. Or to have someone tell me exactly what to do to make it better so I’m not blindly trying to figure it out without knowing whether what I’m doing is helping or not. I’ve seen some improvement in the past couple of weeks but it’s slow going and kind of a two steps forward one step back thing. The upside is that I’m eating super healthy. The downside is that all I want is cupcakes. And coffee. Oh my gosh, if I could just have a cup of coffee without writhing in pain. That’s the dream, folks. Sorry for the whiny rant. But why have a blog if you can’t rant about your stupid health problems, amirite?!
Ok, on to more delightful things.
Podcasters gotta podcast.
We had an absolute blast talking about The Mysteries and Greatness of Harry Potter with Nancy C. Brown
Delaying kindergarten until age 7 offers key benefits to kids: Washington Post
Photographer captures children learning outside the classroom: Daily Mail
Four Steps to Achieve Matchmaker Success: Verily
Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsor! They keep the lights on around here.
- Catholic Dad: (Mostly) Funny Stories of Faith, Family, and Fatherhood to Encourage and Inspire by Jake Frost
Wishing you a gorgeous weekend with lots of love,
P.S. You can follow me…
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How the pigs got into my pajamas, I shall never know. ?
What time do your kids start the day these days? I remember posts from when Gwen was a baby waking up at 5 am. I have an early riser now myself and I am wondering if/when Gwen grew out of it. I need something to hope for, because this is miserable!!!
Typical wake up time these days is 6:30am which is fine with me because it used to be so much worse. Gwen and Benjamin when he was an infant were very early risers. Gwen was about 18 months when she started sleeping a bit later, maybe after dropping her morning nap? If I had it to do over, though. I wouldn’t have stressed about the early rising as much and just gone to sleep earlier. It WILL get better. At least a little bit 😉
Thank you so much for the encouragement! 6:30 sounds like a dream come true. My older two sleep until about then, but when I hear crying at 4:45 am I am not a happy camper! Interesting that you would not stress about it looking back…I think we moms block out all of the bad stuff and selectively just keep the good memories. The way it should be! Thanks again!!!!
Hang in there on the diet!! After about 9 weeks, I have slowly started adding some foods back into my diet to see how I react to them. Overall I feel much better. Chicken broth really is a healing food!!
Haley! You must order some Dandy Blend! It helps when you can’t have caffeine but need the taste of coffee. Also my husband who is a farmer has sold me on the fact that if you crave sweets, eat more animal fats. I promise it does work! Keep up your hard work and know that you’ll be back to your old self sooner than later. Great job on sticking with your diet!
Hi, Haley. I’m a long time lurker – I love your blog!
My mom suffered from what we thought was IC for 20+ years. The thing that really helped her was finding a physical therapist who did pelvic floor work. I know you’ve done a ton of research, and I don’t want to be that random stranger giving advice over the internet, but I did want to mention it just in case you hadn’t thought of that option.
Prayers for your healing!