I get asked everywhere how the big transition to the farm’s going. And I don’t really know what to say. Because this part doesn’t feel hard at all. The hard part was all the work it took to get here. Doing everything we could to save enough for this move, selling our house in Florida, wrapping up everything. But now we’re here and I never want to leave!
I mean look at that sunset! I didn’t touch this one with a filter, folks. Legit Texas sunset. The farm is such a cool place to homeschool the kids. In Florida I let them watch a show or movie almost every day and now it’s a once a week thing, if that. We didn’t even set up our DVD player until this week. It’s hard to be bored when there’s grasshoppers to catch, rabbits to be fed, pigs to water, and goats to feed.
When we need a change of scene, we head over to the zoo or the children’s museum and the kids are in love with our new town.
And because Daniel isn’t working 10 hour days away from home, there’s more little moments for me to sneak away and find somewhere to write for a couple of hours. I’m so glad we did this, y’all. It was hard work getting here and I still can’t believe we did it. But it was so worth it. Now we just have to figure out what we’re doing next year…
The Quotable Lucy:
When her attempt to hug Gwen was repulsed: “Why does Gwen HATE LOVE?!”
You don’t want to miss the amazing Mary Lenaburg sharing her story on the Fountains of Carrots Podcast. Mary is so wonderful and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when we were recording. If you haven’t had a chance to listen yet, make it happen folks. But make sure you’ve got kleenex nearby and get ready to be inspired.
Pope Francis is in the U.S. so it’s all papist links today, folks!
The 100th Anniversary of Thomas Merton’s Birth: Bishop Barron for Zenit
A Guide to Confession: Home to Catholicism
Pope Francis Reverses Position on Capitalism After Seeing Wide Variety of American Oreos: The Onion
Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsor! They keep the lights on around here.
- Catholic Dad: (Mostly) Funny Stories of Faith, Family, and Fatherhood to Encourage and Inspire by Jake Frost
Hope you’re having a beautiful weekend! (And that it feels more like fall where you are than it does here.)
Lots of love,
P.S. You can follow me…
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“These are not from the hothouse.”
Best comment ever! #ohmarianne
I love the dress you’re wearing in the top picture! Mmm…I’m glad you appreciate the sunsets! I lived in Kansas for 8 years and am now in Oklahoma, and the sunsets are one of the best parts about living in this part of the nation. Oh, and stargazing at night can be pretty incredible, too!
Thanks, AnneMarie! It’s GAP but I got it from Twice (RIP). Yes! We had a perfect sunset on Sunday night before the eclipse.
Thanks for the link love! I really enjoyed that piece from the Onion, too. The picture from it is so funny. “What are these?! I want one in every flavor.”
Poor Lucy. Haha. I am now obsessed with that wildflower picture, BTW.
I’m still in awe over your move. I don’t think I’d have worked up enough courage to do such an adventurous thing! I’m glad you are all doing well there. 🙂
Thanks, Charlotte!
what an exciting adventure! Im so glad you guys made it and are thriving! what a magical experience for your kids. they will remember this all their lives!~
Thanks, Heather 🙂 They seem very happy.
Glad you guys all are happy in your new digs!
And I totally want that shirt dress…
Thanks, Lizzie!
Miss Haley,
AMAZING. I love reading this blog and getting a peek into your family adventures!
In Christ,
Chloe M.