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We’re one week into our crazy 6 week family road trip, folks! And it’s going great. We hit Atlanta, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and Grandfather Mountain, NC, and Beech Mountain, NC. But I haven’t had much time with an internet connection so I didn’t realize it was NFP Awareness Week this week.
There’s been a good many posts about NFP at Carrots over the years, so I thought I’d link to a few of my favorites here and I’ll be sharing them on social media, too.
- Top 11 Reasons to Try Creighton by Michele Boda of Bodafide
- How NFP Got Me Pregnant by Kaitlin Alfermann of More Like Mary~More Like Me
- When Natural Family Planning Doesn’t Go According to Your Plan by Christy Isinger of fountains of home
- I Wish I’d Known About NFP Sooner by Kathleen of Becoming Peculiar
And from around the web:
- Why NFP Is Great for Men, Too: Daniel Bearman
- Territory Folks Should Stick Together: Molly Makes Do
- The Thing I Wish People Would Stop Telling Me: Team Whitaker
So if you feel inclined, share about NFP on social media this week. I wish someone had told me that NFP was an option when I was on the Pill. I wish I could have avoided the terrible side effects and the health issues that I’m still dealing with. I wish I could have been exposed to an entirely different perspective on my fertility that honored my body.
Thanks for sharing all those great links, Haley. I pray y’all continue to have a vacation full of no construction, happy memories and great time with folks you love. See you in Tejas soon!