Happy Fourth! We’re taking it easy today since the kids seem to be a little under the weather.
As we get closer to our departure date, the goodbyes and “lasts” have begun and that’s hard. My little circle of Catholic mom friends organized a send off for me last night. We talked for hours sitting by my friend Kaitlin‘s pool in the dark and it really hit me how much I will miss these amazing women.
When we moved back to Tallahassee we had just converted and I truly had no Catholic friends at all in Texas or in Tallahassee. But I reconnected with a friend I did musical theatre with in high school and out of that friendship a group of Catholic women organically grew and has been the most amazing support and joy.
Not all of us are moms and of the women who are, we all have our different ways of parenting and balancing our lives. Some of us work, some of us don’t. Some homeschool, some don’t. Some are attachment parents, some aren’t. But those differences really haven’t mattered at all. I’m so grateful for these ladies and I will miss them so much. I think the greatest gift is knowing that you’re not alone.
Road Trip Q &A!
I asked the lovely Carrots FB followers if they had any questions for me and a few piped up with queries about our upcoming crazy road trip/farming. So I thought I’d pick a few and answer them here!
What are you doing/living before you leave for your trip?
The closing for our house sale was a week ago. So we moved out the previous Thursday and Daniel’s sweet parents are hosting up until we leave for our trip in two weeks and then the road trip will last for six weeks. Daniel has already left his job so we’re just recovering from the moving insanity, hanging out with the kids, and taking turns working on writing projects.
How are you eating on the road?
Considering the kids gluten allergy and some recent health issues that have miserably limited my diet, we’ll be doing a lot of our own cooking on the road. We’ll do some eating out, but mostly we’ll be grocery shopping and taking a cooler. Both to save money and to accommodate the tricky food allergy situation.
Biggest concerns and biggest hopes for the move?
My biggest concern would definitely be how far away we’ll be from family. Biggest hopes would be cultivating a stronger family culture within our little family, prioritizing seasonal cooking and farm fresh food, Daniel’s job satisfaction, and the kids really enjoying life on a farm.
What kind of health insurance are you getting on the farm?
We looked into a few options, but ended up choosing Obamacare. For our situation it’s super affordable and good coverage. It’s actually costing us less than something like Christian medishares which don’t cover pre-existing conditions (not an option when two family members have asthma. One night at the hospital for an asthma attack would be disastrous!)
Christy and I are taking a little break during July because things are so crazy. But we’ll be back in September at the latest with some great new episodes and wonderful guests! Did you catch our most recent book swap episode about C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces and A.S. Byatt’s Possession?
Until the Heart Stays Open: Laura Kelly Fanucci for On Being
Like Moving Furniture: Molly Makes Do
My Answers to Questions about Gay Marriage: Leila Miller
And if you’re coming to the Edel Gathering next weekend (who’s coming?! I think there’s still tickets, too!) check out Kathryn’s guide to Charleston.
And did you hear that we have a Purple Stripe Tiny Tiger in the house? Yup. He’s a pretty big deal.
Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsor! They keep the lights on around here.
Lots of love,
P.S. You can follow me…
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Can’t wait to see you in a WEEK!
So excited!!!
Happy Fourth of July ! xx
Thanks, Claire! 🙂
So this might be awesome for you since you’re doing a lot of driving during the road trip. My neighbor has a 9 volt crock pot. I don’t know where you can buy such a contraption, but they’ve traveled with it and it apparently works really well.
That sounds pretty awesome!
So sorry your kids haven’t been feeling well! 😉 HAPPY 4th!!! 🙂
Thanks, Tacy!
ATA Tiny Tigers, or a different program? My almost 4yo started a few months ago and loves it, and my husband and I have been in for a few years with a few pregnancy hiatuses for me. Can’t wait to read all about your road trip!
I’m not sure! It’s American Kenpo, I think?
I’m just realizing that we DID NOT TAKE A PICTURE! And I’m crushed. I even had the camera ready to go. No evidence that you and I were ever real life friends. 😉
I realized the same thing!!!! We are the worst bloggers.