Ta da! I give you the cube that is now housing all our earthly goods except for the clothes and necessities we’ll need for the next nine weeks (including six weeks of road trip/camping/speaking). It feels good that all our stuff actually fits in that little POD.
Here’s something I learned about moving out of a place you’ve been living for five years…..just when you think you’re almost done packing, you realize you’re JUST getting started. The random miscellaneous items! Emerging from every cranny!
But we DID it! We said goodbye to our sweet, precious house. There were some tears. But we’re looking forward to what’s ahead.
And we officially closed the sale yesterday morning so now we’re feeling footloose and fancy free. Because I didn’t feel like I could relax until the papers were signed.
Look at that! So happy to not be homeowners! Three more weeks til the road trip begins! And I know that I STILL haven’t caught up on emails regarding our trip and speaking inquiries. I am on it! This week was just a liiiiiiiiittle busy.
In other news, I was THRILLED to be over at the Art of Simple sharing about how we made the decision to leave everything and move to the farm. The Art of Simple (formerly Simple Mom) was one of the first two blogs I ever started following and I’ve been a huge fan for years. So getting to write over there was a little bit of a dream come true for me.
And congrats to Cheryl and Danielle who won the giveaway from the Sacred Art Series! If you weren’t one of the lucky winners, Bloomfield Books is still offering a discount code to Carrots readers! Just head over to the Sacred Art Series site. When you want to purchase you’ll be redirected to the product page at Amazon.com. Just click the yellow button that says “See all buying options” and you’ll see how to add your purchase from Bloomfield Books to your cart. Then use CARROTSS at Amazon check out and you will get 10% off one item or 20% off three or more items purchased!
Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsor! They keep the lights on around here.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! We’re going to take the big kids to see Inside Out this afternoon (big deal because we NEVER go to the movies). Anybody seen it? Loved it? Hated it? Tell me all about it!
Lots of love,
P.S. You can follow me…
…on Bloglovin’, Feedly, subscribe to posts via email, or subscribe to my newsletter that goes out monthly with the buttons on the right sidebar. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter (@haleycarrots), Pinterest (haleyofcarrots), and Instagram (haleycarrots).
P.P.S. There’s only two days left to snag The Ultimate Digital Photography Bundle (Beginner’s Edition). I’m pretty excited about it since improving my photography is high on my to do list this year (and I figure my readers would appreciate seeing better photos here at Carrots). Everything in the bundle has a combined total value of $555, but for this week only you can get the entire bundle for just $37 – a discount of more than 90%!
It contains a huge assortment of ebooks and video training courses provided by professional, world-renowned photographers who are experts in teaching others – even complete beginners. You won’t need to switch up to a more expensive camera to make full use of the bundle (even if you have an iPhone), and you don’t need to neglect your family for weeks upon weeks of training! You can click here to see the full range of ebooks and training courses included in The Ultimate Photography Bundle.
(And there’s also bundle options for intermediate photographers and a business-focuse bundle for professional photographers.)
Yay! Congrats! Packing to move is the WORST EVER.
Thanks, Rosa! It feels SO GOOD to be done 🙂
I’ve been wanting to see Inside Out! I’ve heard a lot of good things. Did you guys like it?
We enjoyed it, but it wasn’t on par with Toy Story, UP, or Monster’s Inc. Fun, though! And I’m glad we saw it and took the kids. 🙂
I need more info on “Inside Out” too! This summer, I’ve been waiting for an animated movie to bring my kids to (their FIRST in a theater at 4 1/2 and 3 years old and it’s on my Summer Bucket List)…was it a good movie for little ones?
We really enjoyed it, Laurie. As I mentioned to Hannah (above) it wasn’t as good as some of the classic Pixar movies, though. And it was definitely over the 3 year old’s head, although she liked it (said it was a little long, though). I should also say that there were a couple of suspenseful parts, but my kids aren’t sensitive to that kind of thing at all. So I have a hard time knowing what to recommend to other families!
Congratulations on your house closing! We have just put ours on the market, and I’m dreaming of that day 🙂 I can’t wait to read more about your adventures in the next several weeks. And in less that TWO weeks, I really hope I’ll get to chat with you at Edel!
Can’t WAIT, Amy!!! Be sure to find me!!
I want to take my daughter to see Inside Out but I don’t know if she’d really get it, she’s 4 so some things go over her head. She asks me daily about the whole x’d out doors in Monsters Inc, and I launch into an explanation of Monstropolis’ energy supply, etc and she just nods her head with a confused look and goes about her day, only to bring the subject up again a little later haha.
It was definitely over Lucy’s head, Grace! And I think a little bit too long for her.
Omigosh, the random and miscellaneous “leftovers” are the worst. I remember scrambling around our house while the guys were loading the truck and thinking “Where did all of this come from?? I thought we were done!” Glad everything went through and that you are on your way.
Congrats on the house closing and good luck on the road trip, I can’t wait to read details on how that all ends up going!