I know it’s been quiet over here the past few days, y’all. Sorry! We are two weeks away from our move out date. (If you hadn’t heard, we’re moving cross country to a farm.) And the stress, y’all….the stress has hit. It’s been crazy.
There are now piles and boxes all over the house as packing has begun. Daniel is orchestrating all the changes in health insurance, the giant pod to move all our stuff, and what our family will be up toin July and August before we arrive at the farm September 1st. We’ll be spilling the beans about all that soon!
Today was:
-Drop off Daniel at work
-Go to the bank
-Pick up supplements from my chiropractor’s office
-Go to Trader Joe’s (with all three kids, mind you)
-Put away groceries, get every one in their swim suits and…
-Get to Gwen’s swimming lessons and meet my mom who played with the big kids in the water
-Put Gwen down for a quick nap before…
-Pick up Daniel from the dentist after his surgery to remove a wisdom tooth
-Fill his prescription for pain meds
-Clean up the kitchen and then start organizing/packing stuff in the dining room
-Pick up prescription
-Turn on Daniel Tiger and sit down on the couch because I AM DONE.
That’s where we are now. Where do I fit in packing up everything, I ask you? It will all get done right? RIGHT?!
Anyhow, every time I want to blog I just don’t have the mental energy and I watch Parenthood instead. Sorry. I love you.
The stress also triggered a flare up of a chronic autoimmune disease that I haven’t had any symptoms of for four years. So I’ve spent a lot of my “free” time (haha) researching how to solve those issues. Bummer. Painful. Bad timing.
So that’s where I’ve been. Having all the feels about selling our sweet little house and figuring out how to move our three tiny humans across the country.
But until I can find some mental space to write coherent sentences again, you can checkout our latest podcast episode wherein Christy and I answer some of your burning questions. We had a lot of fun.
At least we’re just having smoothies for dinner since Daniel can’t eat real food. Silver lining to having wisdom tooth surgery, I guess. Pass the Netflix.
We would totally forgive you if you took a blogging break for a few weeks. I get the stress…ahhhh I’ve been in situations like that before! for me, I pretty much cried a river but felt incredibly close to God at the same time. Wishing and praying that the Lord sends unexpected help in the form of plentiful clean Netflix shows for the kids and relief from the pain issues and help from family and friends at this time. 🙂
Our family moved two weeks ago with a newborn (4 weeks) and two-year-old. I understand the stress factor here. Between all the stuff that goes with postpartum, a newborn and the mischief of the toddler it truly is a miracle that everything got packed. But it did. Now to finish the unpacking….lol. Hang in there mama. Give yourself a break. You are doing the absolute best you can, and that’s all anyone can expect (including yourself).
We’ve been in similar situations, also with chronic autoimmune! It. Is. Hard. Those days I almost felt bad for Mary, as the Hail Mary’s seemed to be on repeat in my brain.
I’ll throw a few extra prayers your way. Farm life is worth it!
Parenthood is an excellent choice! Those boxes will surely pack themselves.
lol you’re blogging more than I would during this! Don’t apologize for taking a little break, you deserve it!:-)
I just went through a move last year when I had a then three year old, two year old, and four month old. It was absolutely the hardest, most-stressful time of my entire life, but I’m on the other side of it now. The whole ordeal really empowered me to believe I can do anything if I could do that! Our Lady, St. Joseph, and St. Rita were my constant companions in prayer, and they pulled me through. Prayers for you!
We’re about to downsize && consolidate also! I’m very much looking forward to learning more about your journey and tips && tricks!! 🙂
I’ll be moving in seven weeks. I’ve decided that I won’t even think about packing for a while. I’m enjoying life as it is for as long as I can. 🙂 Stuff will get packed one way or another . . . even if it’s super last minute.
BTW, I {heart} Netflix. Although, someone needs to explain to me what’s so awesome about Parenthood. Some of my friends love it too. I burned through most of it a while back when everyone was sick and it was okay. Maybe the sickies killed it for me.
unsoliciated moving advice for you. . . Pack an “open first” box containing toilet paper, paper towels, a brand new toy for each kid, and paper plates to get you through the first couple of days.
Loved the podcast– I listened while my husband put my daughter to bed, and it made cleaning up the kitchen so fun:) Yay for Daniel Tiger–it is my little one’s fave, and I like it pretty well too.
P.S. (do people still use P.S.? I am getting old.) I just watched the very first episode of Parenthood last night.
P.P.S. your little pirate girlies are so cute.
The idea of moving with 3 littles (your kids’ ages) has PARALYZED me from getting the house ready to even list. It may not seem like it, but this is the good kind of busy, because look at what’s to come!
Oh how I feel your pain! I’ve done this crazy too many times. But you will survive and get through it and then feel so, so proud of your family.
I remember this feeling from a year ago. Just relax whenever you can, and the packing WILL get done.
As others have said, your readers would totally understand if you took a break. You have a lot on your plate! Your courage during this transition is inspiring! BTW, have you checked out “Tumble Leaf” on Amazon?? LOVE it for the littles and it creates a more relaxed atmosphere in the house than some other kids’ shows. Praying for you!!!
I understand the flare up thing! I have never had acne issues in my LIFE, but now that I’m getting married in 4 months all of a sudden I have broken out horribly.. it’s just lovely how that works. Trying to accept it as a gift that God has for me right now, even though I just want to bury my head in the dirt until all the blemishes disappear.
Good luck Haley!! You’re doing great at being a wonderful wife and mother!
It will totally all get done. Totally. And that’s coming from someone who has moved across the Pacific and back while handling all the red tape of the U.S. gov. If we did it, anyone can.
And hey, breathe! Edel!
We just completed a 3000 mile move, and I think taking the time to just be is important! Read, watch Netflix, and just trust that the stuff will get done. It’s a way better option than freaking out or burning out. I may or may not have overly paid for some alcohol on my 6 hour plane ride with a cat, a baby, a toddler, and my mother in law. ; ) sometimes it’s all about easing into situations! Good luck! I’ve been praying about your move.