First off, just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who ordered the bundle through us. We are thrilled to offer that crazy awesome deal and so grateful for your support. Our earnings from the sale will go straight to our moving costs and living expenses during the farm internship. And if you emailed me your receipt to receive Daniel’s cookbook, I am ALMOST done getting the book to all of you. If you emailed me April 27th or after I’m still working through those messages (inbox explosion over here!).
And the other reason I got behind on my inbox is THE TREE SAGA. We had a tree saga of epic proportions.
Here’s the timeline:
-Sunday morning, 3am. Daniel hears a horrific CREAKING and a crash. We’ve had tons of rain and storms so he figured somewhere nearby a tree fell.
-Sunday morning 8am. We notice that hmm….a tree on OUR property line looks a little…TILTY. Not straight up like yesterday. It’s a giant pine propped up on an oak and….precariously leaning over a neighbors house. We decide to take action before anyone dies.
-Monday-Friday involved several calls to our insurance company (“We don’t do preventative. Call if there’s damages to your property”), hours of calls to get estimates on tree removal (“We don’t have the equipment to take down a tree like that and it’s too dangerous anyway”), and desperate attempts to contact the homeowner who shares the property line and the owner of the house that would be crushed if the tree fell.
Anyhow, it was a nightmare and once we FINALLY got someone who could come out and take the tree down Friday, we left for the beach because a vacation was seriously needed. We returned to NO TREE (Praise the Lord!) and I slept for the first time in a week. Here ends the saga.
So our FIRST family trip to the beach (I know, we’re the weirdest Floridians ever) was such a blast. Although, very sandy.
The Quotable Lucy:
“Everything is just so beautiful….except boys.”
“I’m Dr. Wucy and this is Nurse Gwen. We have to check out Doll-Doll because she’s having sewious pwoblems wif her body.”
The Quotable Gwen:
“Come sit necky me, Mama.”
“I sittin’ necky Bendamin. I eatin’ waisins.”
On the Podcast:
Mad Men and the Meaning of Love
Getting to Know Your Spouse Before Marriage: Daniel for Verily Magazine
Some Great First Communion (and Confession) Prep Books: fountains of home
A Guide to Jane Austen for Men Who Don’t Think They Like Jane Austen: Daniel Bearman
And you can see who won all the giveaways from last week here. If your name is there, please check your inbox! I’m still waiting to hear back from some folks.
I know we’re all devastated by the news from Nepal and feel helpless in how to assist. In addition to your prayers, there are some good ways to help financially. You can donate to earthquake disaster relief in Nepal with Catholic Relief Services. We also know wonderful folks working with this organization to help in Nepal.
Lots of love,
P.S. You can follow me…
…on Bloglovin’, Feedly, subscribe to posts via email, or subscribe to my newsletter that goes out monthly with the buttons on the right sidebar. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter (@haleycarrots), Pinterest (haleyofcarrots), and Instagram (haleycarrots).
So glad no one was hurt! Also glad it didn’t fall on your house- it would be hard to sell a house with a tree through it, I would think.
Excited to listen to the Mad Men podcast. It is my “guilty-pleasure-watch-while-the-kids-are-in-bed-and-I’m-folding-laundry” show. It will be interesting to hear your perspective on it. Because I have honestly just enjoyed it for the trashy drama and the mid century eye candy!
It’s my laundry show, too, Stephanie! Hope you enjoy the podcast 😉