Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
I got married at age 20 the summer before my junior year in college. I accepted a full-time job in publications at the university just before graduation and found out a couple of weeks later that I was pregnant with our first child.
Two years later we tacked on a cross country move, a brief stint in grad school, two more babies after increasingly debilitating pregnancies (hyperemesis gravidarum), three years working as a teacher and rehearsal assistant at a ballet company, homeschooling, and then the whirlwind of busy that comes along with this blogging world. It’s been a crazy decade. And to be honest, it’s about to get crazier.
Anyhow, survival mode has been the name of our game as long as “homemaker” has been part of my identity. And for a long time I thought it was temporary. Next year when I’m not pregnant and puking. Next year when the baby is sleeping through the night. Next year when I can do one part-time job instead of two. That’s when things will suddenly be easier, right? But as intentional as we are about simplifying our lives, it’s always something.
In the past couple of years I’ve tried to stop thinking of “next year” as being that magical time when the stars align and everything gets easy. Because I’m only 29–from our track record it doesn’t look like we’ll be out of “the baby stage” anytime soon. (And we are 100% OK with that, by the way.) But in order to make life for our family pleasant and survivable, I needed some help and I knew it.
The truth is that while my mother created a wonderful home life for us, I didn’t really pay attention to how she was doing it. So when it was my turn to be the grown up, I felt lost at sea.
I got married not knowing how to cook anything beyond French Toast and pasta (thank goodness, Daniel was a fantastic cook and could teach me). I didn’t know what cleaning products to use for what. I didn’t know how to grocery shop on a budget or how to meal plan. And I certainly didn’t know anything about babies and pregnancy when we stared like deer in the headlights at that first positive pregnancy test.
Sometimes we need a little help, some resources to help us on our way. Because guess what? We don’t just wake up one day experts on running our homes. It takes years of experience to really find your rhythm. But what DOES help is getting to harvest the knowledge of folks a little further down the path.
And that’s why my friends Erin and Stephanie created the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle…because as rewarding as it is, homemaking doesn’t always come easily.
What is the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle?
A couple of years ago I ordered the 2013 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle because a couple of my favorite bloggers’ ebooks were included and the cost of the whole bundle was cheaper than ordering their books separately. When I realized what a jackpot I had just discovered, I was blown away. When Erin contacted us about including OUR ebooks in a bundle last year my jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe our books would be on a virtual bookshelf with some of these amazing authors!
The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is a complete library of carefully selected eBooks, eCourses, audios, online conferences, and printable packs designed to help you turn your house into a home… without all the overwhelm.
What’s in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle?
Our newest ebook More Feasts: Celebrating Saints and Seasons with Simple Real Food Recipes is one of the resources you’ll find in this year’s bundle. It’s full of simple, healthy recipes for observing the Christian Year and the saints.
In her review of our cookbooks, Anamaría Scaperlanda Biddick writes, “Haley and Daniel Stewart suggest that celebrating the Liturgical calendar can begin with something you probably will be doing anyway – making dinner.” We want to do all the work for you so that you can joyfully bring your faith into the home and around your table.
And for the past couple of months, Daniel has been creating a special thank you for everyone who orders the bundle through our affiliate link. It’s a new ebook called Beyond the Cereal Box: Gluten-Free, Family-Friendly Recipes for Breakfast! And the kids and I have been very willing taste-testers!
The recipes are delicious and the result of the past few years of learning how to completely alter our breakfast menu for our kids with food allergies. Daniel covers a lot of basics about gluten-free breakfast staples that would have changed our lives if we’d known them when we first started out. Beyond the Cereal Box will be exclusively available to those who order through our affiliate link–we are not planning to release it outside of a bundle this year–so this is your chance! Just email me (haley.s.stewart@gmail.com) your receipt and at the end of the sale I will send it to you as a PDF attachment.
But there are plenty of other fantastic resources in this bundle including:
- Cleaning… create a healthy, toxin-free home
- DIY/Homemade… fun and frugal ways to express your personal style
- Devotionals and Faith… take a break from the daily grind to renew yourself
- Finances… build a budget that works
- Cooking & Meal Planning… serve easier, tastier meals in less time
- Holidays & Special Events… brighten up old family traditions and create new
- Homeschooling… homeschool with grace and ease
- Marriage… heat up your marriage
- Motherhood… find peace, balance & joy in mothering
- Organizing… conquer the clutter and simplify your life
- Pregnancy & Babies… enjoy a healthy pregnancy and prepare to nurture your baby
- Health & Wellness… soothe aches & pains with natural remedies
- Working from Home… hone your talents, live your passions and earn money to help your family
… a complete library of 99 eBooks and eCourses to help you nurture the beauty and productivity in your home and family relationships.
Is the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle worth it?
Y’all, with this many resources there is something for everyone. However, that doesn’t mean that every resource is for you. In the bundles I’ve purchased, I usually discover 10-15 resources that become essentials in our home. I skim through a few and never end up reading everything from cover to cover. Do NOT consider this a giant list of resources you HAVE to complete. For this price, picking and choosing a few favorites makes it absolutely worth it.
For example, from this bundle I have already read and loved several books by my favorite bloggers:
From the Cleaning section, I read (Shalom Mama) Nina Nelson’s Simply Clean Home. I loved it and I can’t wait to share more about what I’ve learned about keeping my house livable by decluttering all the junk.
From the Organizing section, I am going through (The Art of Simple) Tsh Oxenreider’s awesome One Bite at a Time: 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler.
From the Cookbooks section, I adore (Kitchen Stewardship) Katie Kimball’s The Healthy Breakfast.
Last year I bought (Modern Mrs. Darcy) Anne Bogel’s book on Work/Life balance and loved it. So excited it’s included here!
And I have been using my IRL friend Stephanie Cornais’ real food cookbooks for ages.
Just these books and More Feasts would cost $47.92 if bought separately. In the bundle you can get all of them and dozens more for under $30!
Erin and Stephanie dug through hundreds of websites and connected with dozens of authors and teachers. And then we all worked together to make these resources the most affordable possible.
For a short time, you can get this complete library including:
- 76 eBooks
- 6 eCourses
- 1 audio download
- 2 online conferences, and
- 14 printable packs
99 carefully selected resources designed to help you nurture the beauty and productivity in your home and family relationships for only $29.97. (A total value of $984.74.)
That breaks down to 30 cents per book.
Your 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If for any reason, you decide that the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is not for you, then please send an email to customerservice@Ultimate-Bundles.com and we will refund 100% of your investment. No questions asked.
Of course, no Ultimate Homemaking Bundle would be complete without the generous, inspiring gifts donated by companies that understand homemakers like you. Every gift is yours to keep and enjoy.
- Choose 1 FREE Online Class from Craftsy (Select from 24 of Their Most Popular Classes – Up to $60 Value)
- 1 FREE Kids Discovery Box from Green Kid Crafts ($19.95 Value)
- FREE $15 Credit to Hope Ink PLUS 2 FREE 8×10 Art Prints ($71 Value)
- FREE $80 Healthy Moving Class Credit ($80 Value)
- FREE 90-Day Pro Membership to ListPlanIt ($30 Value)
- FREE 65 Tyndale Rewards Points to Be Used for a FREE Book or Towards Any Book of Your Choice ($15 Value)
Now It’s Your Turn
Time is running out! The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle will only be available until 11:59 pm on November 3rd!
After that, it’s gone for good.
Click here for more info or to buy now.
Read the fine print about this bundle and read the answers to frequently asked questions about the bundle.
This post contains our affiliate links. If you order a bundle through our link, a portion of the sale will benefit our family. Daniel and I are DEEPLY grateful for your support and I love sharing opportunities like the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle that I genuinely believe will be a blessing to my readers. Without fail I receive very sad emails the day after the sale ends saying, “I missed the sale, can I please still get a bundle?!” Unfortunately, when it ends, it ends, so don’t forget!

Ah I think I need this. We also might be twins. I married the summer before my senior year, pregnant the year after graduating. Three babies in 5 years, working from home full time, homeschooling, and moved our family out to the country. We also have 8 chickens and two dogs. I’m happy to know someone else is in perma-survival mode!
Haha! I think we ARE twins. That is too funny. I just need some dogs! (And I totally want some. Working on it.)
We are newly married, open to life, but have no children. Do you think this bundle would be helpful to a wife and “potential mother someday maybe?” Thank you in advance!
Absolutely, Nicole! Only a few of the books are exclusively about parenthood/homeschooling, etc. Check out the full list of the books and courses included here: https://us154.isrefer.com/go/homebooks/a654/
To which email address shall I send the receipt for the gluten-free breakfast doc? My husband and I are newly gluten-free and LOVE IT! Our breakfasts consist of Udi’s white bread, butter and jam. While delicious, WE NEED NEW OPTIONS!
haha Thanks, Hayley!
Survival mode. I have been guilty for 4 years of thinking “when we get our feet under us, when this crazy season ends, etc etc”. I just decided last week that I’ve gotta get super disciplined and MAKE my life work or I’ll spend a decade of my life dog paddling to keep my head above water!
Same. I recently faced facts that I’ve just gotta get things livable now or never, haha. It will never be an easy season, I don’t think.
Hi Haley,
Very intrigued about the BIG NEWS! I’ll check back in tomorrow.
I’m curious about the faith content of the books. Are they primarily by Catholic authors, primarily protestant, or a mix?
Can’t wait to share the news, Ali! I haven’t previewed the faith section, yet, Ali, but in the past it’s been primarily Protestant authors. But one of the children’s faith books is co-authored by Catholic author, Kathy Helgemo (and I loved her recent book, Mothering from Scratch).
Thank you!
Loved the last bundle you guys did. Excited about your new GF breakfast book. Almost as excited about Tsh’s organization book! Those two alone are more than worth the $30. Pumped!!!
I LOVE Tsh’s book! I know you”ll love it, too.
Hi Haley! Just want to make sure that I just need to click through your link in this post to make sure you get credit for my purchase right? I’m really looking forward to the GF breakfast book, we are feeling so uninspired lately! Thanks!
Hi Stephanie! Yes, just click through any of the links on my site to the bundle (here’s one just to be handy!: https://us154.isrefer.com/go/homebundle/a654/ and I’ll be credited with the sale. Then email your receipt to haley.s.stewart@gmail.com and when the sale is over I’ll send your GF cookbook over! I would send it today, but it’s being formatted so that it’s pretty to look at
Thank you so much! <3