Last weekend we had our parish picnic. I LOVE Easter Egg hunts that happen DURING Eastertide. Hooray! Lucy spent most of the time finding eggs and putting them in babies’ baskets because she was worried the babies wouldn’t get enough.
The warrior princesses got their faces painted like fairies while Benjamin opted for “The Monster Mask.” Entire crew was devastated when bath time came and they realized their faces wouldn’t look like that forever.
The Quotable Lucy:
“I conquered my fear of going down the pole! I said, ‘Go away, fear! Get outta here!‘”
The Quotable Benjamin:
“I like to call Gwen my ‘lil Ninja’!”
He also thought that the Avett Brothers were the abbot brothers. “Their order let’s them tour?”
And when he saw the new books arrive and read Daniel’s bio: “‘….lives in the Deep South with his wife, Haley, and three children.’ I can’t believe it! I’M IN A BOOK!” It was such a Mike Wazowski moment.
The Quotable Gwen:
“I wike my French brave.”
Why We Love G.K. Chesterton with Michael Lichens
The dark side of India’s surrogacy: Daily Mail
Hunters, Gatherers, and Theologians: Endurance Running and Theology of the Body: Love Among the Ruins
Sex Education in Europe Tends to Urging More Births: The New York Times
What’s It Like to Live in a Family of 12?: NHMagazine
We had a promising showing this week for the house! Thank GOODNESS it was the one day I broke down and hired a mother’s helper since we only had about an hours notice and we needed every minute with TWO people cleaning. But I was glad that I had been following Erin and Kelly’s advice about having laundry and dishes under control because all we had to do was tidy, mop, and wipe the sticky handprints off the windows.
And we got everybody out of the house with just a few minutes to spare and over to my mom’s for naptime.
We did receive an offer, but we’ll be countering. To be honest I don’t think this is “it.” But it’s encouraging to get an offer at least!
OK, y’all. I have to tell you. Next week is a BIG WEEK. We’re going to spill all the details about our big move which makes me simultaneously thrilled and terrified and we have some other great stuff happening on the blog, too. So be sure to stop by!
On Tuesday night I’m throwing a Facebook party (I only do them a couple of times a year, so don’t miss it!) with the best giveaways yet to celebrate THE BIG WEEK and get to catch up and chat with y’all about the move, plans, dreams, and whatever strikes our fancy. All you have to do is show up on the Carrots FB page at 9:30 EST and join in!
If you’ve never been to a Facebook party, I have to tell you that they are FUN. I love doing them and I love getting to know my readers better. (And if that isn’t enough to inspire you to join us, I’m going to give away a Kindle!)
OK, Happy Friday, y’all!
Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsor! They keep the lights on around here.
Lots of love and happy weekend!
P.S. You can follow me…
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Our mom’s group put on the parish egg hunt on Divine Mercy Sunday! I was so nervous that it wouldn’t be well received, but we were excited to shake things up and have a teachable moment that Easter doesn’t end on Easter Sunday! Glad to hear other churches are doing the same!
That’s awesome! It’s tricky to remind children that Easter doesn’t end after Easter Sunday…..especially if you already did all the fun stuff during Lent! lol
I watched the Vice episode the Daily Mail article you linked referred to and was devastated. Thank you for sharing the article and I hope more people are made aware of the current situation.
Absolutely heartbreaking. Women exploited, babies treated like products to be bought and sold. Just awful.
I love your son’s attitude about his celebrity xD
He’s such a nut! 🙂
I love your kids and what they say! They are so darned cute! In fact, if I weren’t just a tad biased in favor of my grandchildren (see for examples), your kids might be my favorites. (Yes, I did just shill for my daughter’s blog. And I am not ashamed of myself. Well, maybe I am a little ashamed. But not much.)
Your grandkids are so great! I always love reading about John Paul because I think he and Benjamin are two little peas on a pod.
I am very intrigued by all these facebook parties I’ve been hearing about lately. I don’t have a facebook, but I’m tempted to hijack my husband’s just so I can join in and see what all the fun’s about. =)
Also, Lucy worrying that the babies wouldn’t get enough…stop it with that sweetness! Too much! I love it!
You should come! We have a blast 🙂
Benjamin’s little Mike Wazowski moment just killed me. Too cute! And when did your little ones get so BIG!? I can’t wait to hear about your move and all the exciting things happening for y’all!
I KNOW! They’re huge. I can’t take it.
1. This is hands-down the cutest kid quotation week.
2. Definitely looking forward to next week’s BIG post!
3. Facebook party!! If anyone reading this comment hasn’t attended a Carrots Facebook party, do it. They’re so fun and you make friends with other readers. Win win (potentially kindle win) situation.
Party party! <3
Haha! I loved “I’m in a BOOK!” Too funny, Benjamin.
I swear, all the bloggers are moving. Okay, maybe you and Cari.
(And maybe me.) Shhhhh
Very exciting!!
Sending prayers & asking for St. Joseph’s intercession as you navigate the experiences of having your home on the market!!