Happy Springtime, y’all! The azalea’s are in bloom in N. Florida and so are the mosquitos. So feel free to be jealous of our balmy weather and the constant attack of giant insects.
To be fair, we have had three weeks of glory–eating outside for every meal and kicking the kids into the backyard to wear themselves out climbing trees and digging in the dirt. Now I just need to figure out the world’s best bug repellent. (Thanks for your recommendations on Facebook, by the way!)
Open the gates and seize the day, amirite?
The Quotable Gwen:
Gwen (22 months) to our kinda creepy punk rock next door neighbor: “Bye! I LOVE YOU!”
I don’t know why it’s so hilarious when toddlers lose their minds over kombucha, but it is:
“Where my ‘bucha go?! MY ‘BUCHA!!!! ‘Bucha where ARE YOU?! I can has more ‘a dat ‘bucha?!”
“I CAN KISS YOU, SKIRL!!!!!!!” (Squirrel-chaser extraordinaire Gwen over here. She hasn’t caught any….yet.)
My latest trick for surviving IN-BETWEEN HAIR. I think I need to buy stock in bobby pins. Ugh. Grow faster.
I was so intrigued by all the discussion generated by my post about the Annunciation. There were lots of amazing insights in the comments, so be sure to check back. Maybe I should do more posts about art. I learned a lot from y’all. And I think my post might have given the impression that I ONLY like super traditional portrayal of the Annunciation. But, actually, my very favorite one is super modern. I’ll link to it since the artist (Arcabas) is still living and I don’t have permission to post it.
Oh! And if you gave up FB for Lent, you might want to re “like” Carrots on FB because inactive accounts will no longer be seeing updates from pages. Since FB only shows a small percentage of Carrots followers my posts, be sure that you’re liking or commenting on Carrots updates–that’s the best way to get them to show up in your feed!
We talked Homeschooling, Wheelchairs, and Babies in the Backyard with Rebecca Frech, author of popular homeschooling book, Teaching in Your Tiara.
Links I Loved:
Challenges Men Face in Marriage and How to Overcome Them: Daniel Bearman for Verily Magazine
What the English of Shakespeare, Beowulf, and King Arthur Actually Sounded Like: The Week
What Would My Mom Do? (Drink Tab and Lock Us Outside): Jen Hatmaker
The King of the Birds and the Queen of the Universe: Through a Glass Brightly
Why Cornel West Loves Jane Austen: HuffPo
Fractured Femininity: Endometriosis Treatment and a Failure of Feminism: AltFem
Extra Hands: Surviving Our Blessings
My Catholic Table: The Catholic Table
Is it just me that is kind of fascinated by the grey hair dye trend? I kind of love it.
And do yourself a favor and check out Sufjan’s new album on First Listen.
The winner of the FaithBeads giveaway is KackyK!Β FaithBeads is also offering Carrots readers a special coupon code! UseΒ CARROTS10 for 10% off everything in the FaithBeads shopΒ (valid thruΒ April 30, 2015).
And a second winner for the Toadily Handmade Beeswax Candles giveaway has been chosen. Congrats, Shannon Evans! They’re offering Carrots readers aΒ 10% discount for the remainder of the month. Yay! The discount code is Easter10.
Sponsors and Friends:
Be sure to give some love to this monthβsΒ sponsors! They keep the lights on around here.
Lots of love and happy Friday! Are you ready for Holy Week? I don’t feel ready at all.
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Oh the flowers! π
I just always LOVE your Links I Love section!
Aw, thanks, Natalie! They take me forever to collect, so it’s good to hear that it’s worth it, haha π
You sure know how to make this Florida girl homesick! I miss my azaleas!
How did Gwen get old enough to be so quotable? Time flies where other people’s kids are concerned. π She’s cracking me up, that one.
Thanks for the link!
I adore that modern Annunciation. SO dramatic, but something about the face of Mary just HAS it. I loved the FoC episode with Audrey Eclectic about artists who understand Our Lady… and Arcabas seems to have it. Self-possessed, strong, but such gentle eyes and mouth.
Those rosaries are almost enough to convert this Protestant girl. THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. <3
Not sure what other mosquito tips you received, but I’ve heard oil of oregano is supposed to be very good (if you don’t mind smelling like pizza…). π
I love the flowers and greenery. March in MN is hit or miss, abd this year has been very nice- but everything is still dead and brown. Cannot wait to finally take the babies out for prolonged periods of time.
I also love your links section. The one from Jen Hatmaker is awesome. I had never read her before and have now spent so much time on her blog.
The grey hair thing.. I like it. It is interesting. But, I wouldn’t dye my hair grey. I may take a page from Kendra, though, anf let it g o grey. Hopefully that is still a few years out for this almost 27 year old, but you never know… π
I think that grey hair trend is awful, not because it looks bad, it’s gorgeous, but because now you can’t even go grey in peace without twenty year olds slathering sexy all over it, boo! What’s next, strategically placed sexy wrinkles? I wonder how many of those girls will have grey hair when it’s the actual color of their hair! Rant over π
I’m so glad you like Arcabas – he’s amazing! He decorated a whole church near where I used to live, in France – http://www.saint-hugues-arcabas.fr/indexPreHome.php – and there was a lot of his work in the churches round about. My absolute favourite is this one: http://www.jesuites.com/histoire/ganne/exposition4.htm (I first saw the original when I was helping run a weekend for teenagers in the retreat centre – it’s a pretty fantastic place!)
Thanks for the Sulfjan update, I wouldn’t have known!
And that picture of the Annunciation . . . not my usual taste, but something about the depiction of the angel is soooo accurate to me.
Thanks for the heads up on Holy Heroes…I have so many communions and baptisms coming up! And I can totally relate with the mosquito situation. Even paradise has its faults. (Though there are worse places for mosquitoes: Minnesota, for instance)