Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
St. Patrick’s Day has to be one of my favorite days of the year. What a cool saint. And Irish Soda Bread, Corned Beef and Cabbage, and Guinness Floats–what could be tastier? The kiddos had mint chocolate chip ice cream and danced to Irish music. It was an all-around success.
Lucy and I also went to our first mommy-daughter movie date to see Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella. You can read my review (we loved it) and Fr. Barron loved it, too!
The Quotable Lucy:
Lucy (age 3): “This is Queen Gwen and I’m Princess Lucy. So, if you need to say anything to us, you can start with, ‘Your majesty.’”
Well, well, well. How condescending of you, Princess Lucy.
The Quotable Benjamin:
Lucy (3 years): “What’s Iron Man about?”
Benjamin (6 years): “It’s about a guy named Tony Stark who…”
Lucy: “…irons a lot?”
Benjamin: “No, Lucy, his bionic suit is MADE of iron.”
*hysterical laughter*
Lucy: “What did Satan WANT?”
Benjamin: “Well, he basically wanted to be his own god.”
Lucy: “Well it’s a good thing he’s NOT God.”
Benjamin: “Why?”
Lucy: “Cause he’d mess everything all up!”
The Quotable Gwen:
“I so excited bout NURSIES!!!“–she explained to our very awkward next door neighbor while he did yard work.
This little gal is just so fierce and tough. I can’t get enough of her.
Longest-haired, most accident prone of my three younguns.
The Podcast:
Christy and I gushed over two of our favorite novels in this week’s episode: Gilead by Marilynne Robinson and In This House of Brede by Rumer Godden. Are we the only ones who like the book swap episodes? I hope not, because being forced to read novels as “podcast research” is kinda my favorite thing.
St. Joseph and Overcoming the Fear of Fatherhood: Catholic Exchange
Thoughtful Ways to Help a New Mom: Verily
“Actually We’re Not”: Community and Freedom in Frozen: Daniel Bearman
How Modern Art Led Me to God: Jennifer Fulwiler for Strange Notions
And would someone please make it happen for me to just HAPPEN to be in Kendra’s neighborhood for her next hooley? Because good grief. It looks so fun.
She also has a great list of Irish-y movies to watch, so if you’re still feeling St. Patrick-sy, check it out.
And is the winner of the Toadily Handmade Beeswax Candle giveaway is Allie N.! Keep an eye out for an email from me, Allie. And there’s still plenty of time to order some gorgeous easter egg votives as basket fillers!
Sponsors and Friends:
Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsors! They keep the lights on around here.
Lots of love and happy Friday!
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I love the book Gilead! We read it for a book club I am in. Now I am really curious about In this House of Brede – I will go and request it from the library right now.
Also, in another note, I love that you are posting pictures of nursing Gwen – I have a sister who nurses her two year old, but feels awkward about it, and I’m going to send her this post so she can feel in community with others who nurse longer too
Brede is so good, Thora! I think you’ll really enjoy it.
And tell your sister to rock on. My guess is that Gwen will probably keep wanting to nurse until I’m pregnant again and my milk changes or I’m too sick to nurse due to the morning sickness/HG. So, I’m just going with it
I was nursed until I was 2 1/2, and I always intended to nurse one of my kids longer, but it seems like life (or another pregnancy) have always gotten in the way of that – the longest I have ever nursed is 17 months. Not that this is actually important – I know that my kids are getting plenty of nourishment from solids and cows milk by that age, but I liked that I was nursed longer, and there are studies that say it does help. I love seeing extended nursing in others, though
That first pic of Gwen and Lucy- they could be twins! Gwen had so much hair it makes her seem older!
The hair. That crazy hair. They are starting to look more alike for sure.
Still nursing my 18 month old and love the encouragement from seeing you still nursing baby Gwen:) Also, so funny about the neighbor. I was worried about that sort of thing when my daughter started talking, and it kinda worked itself out. Due to a bit of toddler misunderstanding, she calls it something totally unrelated, so when she asks in public no one knows what she’s talking about and it helps with awkwardness! (except when she’s grabbing at my shirt that is).
Oh that’s nice about having an unrelated name! Gwen used to say “uhnuh” but now it’s “nursies” which I much prefer to “boobies” so no complaints here
The book swap podcasts should definitely continue! I’m reading Gaudy Night (and loving it) and I can’t wait to read Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell next, plus the latest ones mentioned in the podcast!
Oh good! ‘Cause I don’t want to stop!
I just finished “In this House of Brede”. It was beautiful. But what should I read next?! I need some suggestions!
Here’s a post I wrote about some of my all-time favorites!: http://www.carrotsformichaelmas.com/2014/09/09/10-books-that-have-stuck-with-me/
But if you haven’t read Kristin Lavransdatter, definitely start there!
“Gilead” is one of my favorite books of all time. I grew up totally entrenched in Catholic culture and reading it opened my eyes to the awesomeness that exists in our separated brethern’s congregations. I loved reading about how the Spirit moves in the protestant faith. Tabor is not far from where I grew up. It is widely believed that she was given the prize for “Gilead” since “Housekeeping” was a masterpiece yet didn’t receive the recognition it deserved. This is the same kind of thing that happened to Hemingway with “Old Man and the Sea”. He nearly died in two successive plane crashes and was given the award not long after. He always suspected it wasn’t due to the writing of that book but more of a recognition of his writing in general and that book just happened to be the one published at the time closest to his near death.
Oh, that’s so interesting about Housekeeping. I need to add that one to my to-read list, too! Gilead, to me, is basically a perfect novel. Just perfect. Beauty, Truth, and Goodness.
Yes! We need to make that happen! Compared to this year, next year you’ll already be like halfway here. Right?
It’s a date!
I read GIlead in college and loved it. Home was also excellent. Now I’m reading her newest book–Lila–did you hear it recently came out?!
I heard, but haven’t read it yet!
Oh my goodness…. haven’t listened to this week’s podcast yet, and now I’m really excited!!! I just finished Brede…soooo good!! I love listening to you guys talk books!
I hope you enjoy it, Michele!
Love that nursing pic! And yes I love love love when y’all talk about books- I won’t insist that you swap them (although I love that, too!) as long as no matter what you keep talking about them. I need to write my review on iTunes to show my love and gratitude for your work. It’s been such a gift to me and def nudging towards reverting. AND I have my massive copy of Kristin Lavransdatter from the Library! Can’t make any promises as to when I will read this beast but I was inspired to request it by your shared love for it.
Thanks, Chelsea! And I’m so glad you like the book episodes. It’s hard for Christy and I to tell from the numbers whether people actually like those ones, so the feedback is good!
Whoop, I meant to write as long as you keep talking about literature!