Before you hate me for these Spring-like photos, just remember: Florida has giant mosquitos for 8 months of the year. When you’re strolling in evening summery breezes, we will be hiding from bugs next to the air conditioning vent wishing we didn’t live in a swamp.
But in the meantime….we are living it up.
The Quotable Gwen:
“I havin’ beck-fuss! I havin’ beck-fuss ou’siiiiiide!”
We’ve been eating every meal outside on the back porch and lemme tell ya, my dining room floor is happy about it.
And I think being outside in the sunshine has made us generally less grumpy human beings.
I’m going to cut this pretty short because things are busy around here–our friends’ five kids are slumber partying it up for a few days at our house while their mom and dad are at the hospital to meet their twin baby brothers (eek!). Mom and dad are currently about 36 hours in to an induction (things are moving, but very slowly), so prayers that these little guys arrive soon, safe and sound. But I have to say–eight kids is pretty fun. They’re all entertaining each other. There are fewer tears from my crew because there is SO MUCH TO DO and the only tricky part is making enough food for everybody and having 10 people vs. 1 bathroom.
Luckily these kids love Star Wars as much as my kids do, so epic viewings galore. And, other moms of only little ones….I have discovered that big kids are AWESOME. They volunteer to do dishes! They sweep up messes! They play with the toddlers! It’s like I’m at a very, very noisy spa. I only had to reheat my first cup of coffee ONCE. I know. You’re speechless.
This week we talked to former Anglican seminarian, now Catholic convert and new dad Tyler Blanski about everything under the sun including his conversion, what really makes the Church “relevant,” the sanctifying nature of parenthood, and how mothers save the world—just to hit the high points. It was one of my favorite conversations so far. You might also want to check out his piece for Catholic Exchange about how Catholic Mom Blogs are awesome (I mean….I’m not gonna argue with that!) and his piece about how significant the teachings about the papacy are for anchoring the Church.
We loved talking to Heather Sleightholm of Audrey Eclectic on the podcast a couple of weeks back and her reflection on Our Lady and art was just lovely.
Irish Songs of Drinking and Rebellion for Kids: Catholic All Year (Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, y’all. I’m a big fan of Irish folk songs and some of our favorites are on Kendra’s playlist. Whiskey You’re the Devil is my #1 fave.)
You Can Have More Than 2 Kids, but Don’t Expect Applause: Mama Needs Coffee
Stephen Colbert Talks to Fr. James Martin About His Catholic Faith: uCatholic
And it’s quite a relief to me that kids shouldn’t get baths every night. Mine only get them…..OK, I’m not even going to tell you how rarely they get bathed.
And please pray or, if you can, give to this family who just lost their father, an Orthodox priest, in a tragic car accident.
And a reader has contacted me and asked for prayers for a difficult and painful medical situation that is stalled due to insurance difficulties. She’s in a lot of pain after a surgery for endometriosis and needs further medical procedures and care but has to wait until her health insurance is available again. Who’s a good saint to ask for intercession for this reader?
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Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsors! They keep the lights on around here.
Lots of love and happy Friday!
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Isn’t it crazy how more kids doesn’t always mean more work. I’m the oldest of 8 and I honestly think it was less work than having just my two young ones lol.
Prayers for the momma about to have twins – that’s so exciting! And prayers for your reader. We’ve had our share of frustrating insurance things with the new insurance changes.
It is so crazy! And when my “big kids” go to grandma’s house and it’s just Gwen over here, it’s suddenly the MOM SHOW–please entertain me, I’m bored, do all the things for me–time. Exhausting, haha. Thanks for the prayers!
What is your favorite fountains of carrots podcast so far? Also, congrats on having your blog post about grad school linked on AOS!
So hard to decide, Leslie! But Tyler’s and Leila Lawler’s are definitely frontrunners for me 🙂 Oh but just wait til Karen Edmisten’s next week! Ah! Can’t decide. 🙂
I totally thought of you when I came across Tyler’s article! I felt like it was written about you exactly, it was so on point. Now I see the link to your conversation and I am so glad he wrote such a fantastic piece. It was super awesome.
He is just so great!
Great pictures! 🙂
Perhaps your reader could pray for the intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus? I had surgery for endometriosis some years ago and had a difficult time in the post-surgery phase for awhile, but it did get better — I feel for her and certainly will offer my own prayers, too. One small piece of unsolicited advice: acupuncture helped!
I realized my bit of advice above sounds a tad flip. I hope it isn’t taken that way — I know first-hand the struggle with the medical expense/insurance side and will be praying for the reader on that front, too.
Great suggestion! And yes to the acupuncture. That’s a good idea for pain relief until she can get insurance again. After using it to induce labor on two occasions, I BELIEVE in acupuncture!
Ha, LOVE the disclaimer about your weather. I applaud you guys for living it up during Fl’s easy season, I’ve been there many times in the summer and NO. NO NO NO. So I’m curbing my jealousy with reminders of the 110% humidity index and the critters.
Baby Gwen looks so big!
Haha. It gets so bad, Jenny. I mean, I could totally handle the heat because that’s why sprinklers and pools exist but the BUGS. Seeing a mosquito on your baby’s face is just….ugh, the worst. She looks big because she IS HUGE. Well, actually she’s in like the 5th percentile or something but she’s not a baby anymore and I can’t handle it.
Thank you for the link to Tyler’s article. As a non-blogger Catholic mom of 4 boys, I am a voracious reader of Catholic Mom Blogs. I don’t comment or participate nearly as much as I should, but each of you, and your sharing of your daily lives reminds me that, as a Catholic, I am part of such a wonderful community of faith. And you each inspire me to put our family’s faith in practice at home in different ways. And Tyler’s words about motherhood were just what I needed to hear on another day trapped inside because of below freezing temperatures. I’m only a little jealous of your weather.
Keep up the great work!
Having Tyler on the podcast was like hearing from a Catholic motherhood cheerleader. It was so encouraging. Glad you enjoyed the post and thank you!
We will pray for your friend’s special intention. St. Gianna Beretta Molla would be a good intercessor!
Thank you!
Beautiful! Will pray for your friend. I second St. Gianna, but would add St. Luke, St. Cosmos and St. Damian–all medical doctors. And maybe St. Gerard–patron saint of pregnant mothers–since its fertility related. All you holy men and women, pray for us!
Thank you, Rebecca!
Pray to Blessed Zelie Martin! She had breast cancer…so I think of her with any womanly concerns. And she will be canonized in October!
Thanks, Haley. It was really fun to put together that playlist. And bathing every day? Nope. My kids bathe (maybe) weekly (maybe biweekly?) during most of the year and pretty much not at all during the summer because they’re swimming every day.
Yes! The typically get bathed when they visit grandma’s house so I figure…..toss ’em in the tub if they look really dirty?
My kids take a bath every night! (?!) It keeps them busy. Stephen usually reads and I clean up downstairs. I just have to say I love your podcast. I caught up on two last night – the last two- and they were so good. Way to go Tyler for standing up for the faith in such an eloquent, honest way! I hope it gets listened to.
And whoa, you’re moving! I am so curious!
So glad you’re enjoying the podcast!
Just wanted to stop in and say– that your kids are adorable 🙂
Thank you kindly 😉
Wow. 8 kids. 10 people. 1 bathroom. That warrants an award of some sort, don’t you think so? But yay for big kids who help! I say you borrow those kids back in the summer! 😉
It’s awfully quiet now that they went home this morning!
I feel like all ever do is comment to tell you how cute your kids are (VERY), and to bemoan Florida weather vs Minnesota weather.
We get humid summers full of mosquitos, too, but I am certain it doesn’t compare. And, for once I am so excited about our forecast: 50s and 60s! In March! If I had a porch we’d be eating outside at every meal, too. Can’t wait to get out in this, take the babies for a walk and shed the winter blues, too.
I feel totally ridiculous confessing this because I live in Florida, but I get winter blues, too. This past week has been awesome!
You are blessed! Thank you for sharing . Me and my daughters 8 yrs & 19 months love your blog and podcast! Can’t wait to be in your Sunshine state in 10 days (let the countdown begin) We’re heading to Jax to visit my mom and Destin for some beach time:) We’re from Jersey and had a very long and cold winter. God bless you and your beautiful family.
We’re praying for all the prayer requests above.